Chung 2016

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1 bs_bs_query
Q2 Article
2 bs_bs_query

3 bs_bs_query The changing pattern of uterine contractions before

4 bs_bs_query

5 bs_bs_query and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to

6 bs_bs_query

7 bs_bs_query clinical outcome

8 bs_bs_query

9 bs_bs_query
Q1 Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, Alice Wai Yee Wong, Carol Pui Shan Chan,
10 bs_bs_query Sotirios H Saravelos, Grace Wing Shan Kong, Lai Ping Cheung,
11 bs_bs_query
Q3 Jacqueline Pui Wah Chung, Tin Chiu Li *
12 bs_bs_query Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1E, Block EF, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
13 bs_bs_query

14 bs_bs_query

15 bs_bs_query Dr Chung is a Clinical Professional Consultant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese
16 bs_bs_query University of Hong Kong. She is further subspecializing in the field of reproductive medicine and is currently un-
17 bs_bs_query dergoing overseas training in the UK. Her research interests are assisted reproductive technology and implantation
18 bs_bs_query
Q4 failure.

19 bs_bs_query

20 bs_bs_query A B S T R A C T
21 bs_bs_query

22 bs_bs_query In this prospective cohort study of 286 women undergoing fresh embryo transfer after IVF, uterine contraction frequency and direction were measured
23 bs_bs_query before (–5 min), 5 min after (+5 min) and 60 min after (+60 min) embryo transfer. Mean ± SD uterine contraction frequency at −5 min was 1.8 ± 1.1 con-
24 bs_bs_query tractions per min, increasing significantly (P < 0.05) to 2.0 ± 1.1 at +5 min, and returning back to baseline 1.8 ± 1.1 at +60 min. At −5 min, the proportion
25 bs_bs_query of women the with retrograde, antegrade, indeterminate direction and absent contractions were 33%, 44%, 17% and 6%; at +5 min, 40%, 42%, 13%
26 bs_bs_query and 5%, and at +60 min, 42%, 38%, 14% and 6%. No significant change was observed in the proportion of direction at these three time points. Logistic
27 bs_bs_query regression analysis showed live birth rate was significantly reduced in older women (P = 0.035) and in those with higher uterine contraction frequency
28 bs_bs_query at +5 min (P = 0.006). Frequency of uterine contraction immediately after embryo transfer (+5 min) seemed to be a significant predictor of IVF outcome
29 bs_bs_query and may help to identify women who could benefit from the use of muscle relaxant therapy to improve outcome.
30 bs_bs_query © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.

31 bs_bs_query

32 bs_bs_query

33 bs_bs_query * Corresponding author.

34 bs_bs_query E-mail address: (TC Li).
35 bs_bs_query
36 bs_bs_query 1472-6483/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

37 bs_bs_query

ceding cycle. In the antagonist protocol, Cetrorelix (Cetrotide, Merck 96


38 bs_bs_query Introduction Serono, Germany) or Ganirelix (Orgalutran, MSD, Ireland) was started 97

39 bs_bs_query
once oestradiol was greater than 800 pmol/l or the leading follicle 98

40 bs_bs_query Several studies have suggested that excessive uterine contractions was greater than 14 mm. Ovarian stimulation was started using HMG 99

41 bs_bs_query at the time of embryo transfer are associated with a reduced chance (Pergonal, Serono, Aubonne/Switzerland) or recombinant FSH (Gonal- 100

42 bs_bs_query of successful implantation in natural (Ijland et al., 1997) and stimu- F, Serono, Aubonne/Switzerland; or Puregon, Organon, Holland) 101

43 bs_bs_query lated (Fanchin et al., 1998; Zhu et al., 2014a) cycles. In natural cycles, ranging from 150 to 450 IU/day according to patients’ age, ovarian 102

44 bs_bs_query Ijland et al. (1997) found that endometrial activity in conception cycles reserve test and ovarian response. Ovarian response was moni- 103

45 bs_bs_query was less than that of non-conception cycles. In stimulated cycles, tored by transvaginal ultrasonography and serum oestradiol 104

46 bs_bs_query Fanchin et al. (1998) observed that uterine contraction frequency im- measurements from stimulation day 6 onwards. An injection of 5000 IU 105

47 bs_bs_query mediately before embryo transfer was inversely related to implantation of HCG was given once three or more mature follicles were 18 mm 106

48 bs_bs_query rate and clinical pregnancy rate. The latter finding was confirmed by or wider in diameter and transvaginal oocyte retrieval was carried 107

49 bs_bs_query a subsequent study involving both fresh and frozen embryo cycles (Zhu out 36 h later. Embryo transfer was carried out 3 days after oocyte 108

50 bs_bs_query et al., 2014a), in which uterine contraction frequencies in women who retrieval and surplus embryos were cryopreserved. 109

51 bs_bs_query conceived were significantly lower than that of women who did not Serum LH and oestradiol were measured on the day of ovulation 110

52 bs_bs_query conceive. trigger whereas oestradiol and progesterone level were measured 111

53 bs_bs_query Little, however, is known about how uterine contraction fre- on the day of embryo transfer. Vaginal progesterone (Crinone gel 8% 112

54 bs_bs_query quency and direction change after embryo transfer and to what extent daily, Merck Serono, or Endometrin 100 mg BD, Ferring) was given 113

55 bs_bs_query these changes affect clinical outcome. In this prospective cohort study, as luteal phase support after the embryo transfer until the day of the 114

56 bs_bs_query the effect of an embryo transfer procedure on both the frequency and pregnancy test (16 days after oocyte retrieval). If the pregnancy test 115

57 bs_bs_query direction of uterine contractions was examined at 5 min and 60 min was positive, transvaginal ultrasonography was carried out 2 weeks 116

58 bs_bs_query after the procedure and to relate the results to live birth rate (LBR) later to determine the number of gestational sacs as well as fetal vi- 117

59 bs_bs_query in women undergoing fresh embryo transfer after IVF treatment. ability. Clinical pregnancy was defined as the presence of one or more 118

60 bs_bs_query
intrauterine gestational sacs 4 weeks after oocyte retrieval. Miscar- 119

riage was defined as a non-viable pregnancy after ultrasonographic 120


visualization of an intrauterine gestational sac before 24 weeks of ges- 121


62 bs_bs_query Materials and methods tation. Live birth was defined as a viable delivery at or after 24 weeks 122

63 bs_bs_query

of gestation. 123

64 bs_bs_query Patients 124


Embryo transfer 125


66 Women undergoing IVF between July 2011 and August 2013 in the


67 Assisted Reproductive unit of Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese Uni-

After the first 3-min transabdominal ultrasound scan to measure the 127


68 versity of Hong Kong, were invited to participate in this study. Women

frequency and direction of any uterine contractions, patients were 128


69 were recruited during their treatment cycle and the enrolment was
placed in a lithotomy position. A bivalve speculum was inserted into 129


70 confirmed on the day of embryo transfer. Exclusion criteria for re-

the vagina to expose the cervix, and the cervical mucus was cleared 130


71 cruitment included women aged 40 years or over; congenital uterine

using a moist cotton wool stick. One or two embryos were loaded into 131


72 anomaly or acquired uterine pathology such as myoma, adenomyo-

an atraumatic Cook Sydney embryo transfer catheter (Cook Medical, 132


73 sis or endometrial polyp; presence of a hydrosalpinx; and repeated

Indiana, USA) by the embryologist and then transferred transcervically 133


74 implantation failure (failed to conceive after three or more embryo

to the middle of the uterine cavity aiming for a distance of 15 mm from 134


75 transfer cycles with good-quality embryos). Congenital uterine anomaly

the fundus by one of the three experienced reproductive medicine 135


76 and acquired uterine pathology were excluded by two-dimensional

subspecialists under ultrasound guidance. The total duration of the 136


77 ultrasound scan in all cases, and one or more additional investiga-

inner and outer catheter insertion, along with the difficulty in trans- 137


78 tions, including hysterosalpingogram, three-dimensional ultrasound

fer and the subjective feeling about the urge of micturition (mild, 138


79 scan, two- and three-dimensional saline-infusion-sonography, hys-

moderate and severe) at the time of embryo transfer were recorded. 139


80 teroscopy and laparoscopy in selected cases. Women with a history



81 of mid-trimester loss or recurrent pregnancy loss were routinely

Uterine contraction measurement 141


82 offered three-dimensional saline-infusion-sonography. The study was



83 approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong – New Ter-

On the day of embryo transfer, all recruited women underwent trans- 143


84 ritories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee on 23 July

abdominal ultrasonography with the use of a General Electric Voluson 144


85 2011 (registration number CRE 2011.303) and all patients com-

730 Expert series ultrasound machine and a RAB4-8L, 4.0–8.0 MHz 145


86 pleted a written informed consent before enrolment. We previously

3D/4D probe (GE Medical Systems Kretztechnik GmbH & Co, Austria), 146


87 reported on the migration of the embryo flash (air bubble) after embryo
which was connected to a dedicated monitor and DVD player for re- 147


88 transfer in this cohort (Saravelos et al., 2016).

cording in live time. To reduce bias and variability, all examinations 148


89 bs_bs_query
were carried out using the same machine and by a single operator 149

90 bs_bs_query Ovarian stimulation cycle (CPSC). Uterine contraction measurements were assessed at three 150

91 bs_bs_query different time points: 5 min before (–5 min), 5 min after (+5 min), and 151

92 bs_bs_query Pituitary suppression was achieved either by long (luteal) GnRHa or 1 h after (+60 min) the embryo transfer procedure. A mid-sagittal plane 152

93 bs_bs_query antagonist protocol. For long down-regulation protocol, Buserelin nasal of uterine image was taken and a video of the live ultrasound image 153

94 bs_bs_query spray (Suprecur, Hoechst, Germany) 600 μg daily was administered was recorded for at least 3 min. This was then subsequently analysed 154

95 bs_bs_query for at least 14 days starting from the mid-luteal phase of the pre- for both uterine contraction frequency and uterine contraction di- 155

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

156 bs_bs_query rection. Patients had bed rest after embryo transfer until the last
Table 1 – Demographic characteristics of patients (n = 283). 215 bs_bs_query

157 bs_bs_query ultrasound assessment was completed.

158 bs_bs_query For contraction frequency (number of contractions per minute), Clinical pregnancy 216 bs_bs_query

159 bs_bs_query the recorded video was accelerated fourfold and the number of con- Yes (n = 119) No (n = 164) 217 bs_bs_query

160 bs_bs_query tractions was measured over 3 min by manual method (Nakai et al., Age (year)a,c 34.6 ± 3.0 35.1 ± 3.4 218 bs_bs_query

161 bs_bs_query 2004; Zhu et al., 2014a). All the measurements throughout the study Body mass indexa,c 21.5 ± 3.4 21.1 ± 2.7 219 bs_bs_query

162 bs_bs_query were made by a single experienced observer (CPSC). The intra- Smokerb,d 13 (10.9%) 12 (7.5%) 220 bs_bs_query

163 bs_bs_query observer variability was validated using Cohen kappa statistics based Type of infertilityb,d 221 bs_bs_query

164 bs_bs_query on repeated measurement of 30 video-recorded cases (kappa value Primary 68 (57.1%) 87 (53.0%) 222 bs_bs_query

Secondary 51 (42.9%) 77 (47.0%) 223

165 for uterine contraction frequency was 0.8 whereas, that for contrac-


Main cause of infertilityb,d 224 bs_bs_query

166 tion direction was 0.9).


Ovulatory problem 6 (5.0%) 7 (4.3%) bs_bs_query

167 bs_bs_query During the observation period, the contraction directions were de- Tubo-peritoneal 62 (52.1%) 81 (49.4%) 226 bs_bs_query

168 bs_bs_query scribed as follows: retrograde (from the cervix to the fundus); Male 35 (29.4%) 47 (28.7%) 227 bs_bs_query

169 bs_bs_query antegrade (from the fundus to the cervix); indeterminate; and nil/ Endometriosis 8 (6.7%) 12 (7.3%) 228 bs_bs_query

170 bs_bs_query absent (no contraction/direction). Unexplained 8 (6.7%) 17 (10.4%) 229 bs_bs_query

Baseline FSH (IU/L)a,c 7.1 ± 1.5 7.5 ± 2.4 230


2.5 ± 1.6 2.9 ± 1.8


Baseline LH (IU/L)a,c 231 bs_bs_query

172 bs_bs_query Power calculation Baseline E2 (pmol/L)a,c 82.0 ± 80.2 76.2 ± 45.9 232 bs_bs_query

173 bs_bs_query
Treatment protocolb,d 233 bs_bs_query

174 bs_bs_query Fanchin et al. (1998) reported that high versus low contraction fre- Long 98 (82.4%) 133 (81.1%) 234 bs_bs_query

175 bs_bs_query quencies resulted in a change in clinical pregnancy rate from 14% Antagonist 21 (17.6%) 31 (18.9%) 235 bs_bs_query

176 bs_bs_query to 53%. We have chosen a more conservative estimate of an in- Oestradiol on day of 11877.9 ± 6691.4 10639.2 ± 6304.5 236 bs_bs_query

HCG (pmol/L)a,c 237

177 bs_bs_query crease from 20% to 35%. Using the median contraction frequency to bs_bs_query

Number of mature 8.6 ± 3.2 8.1 ± 3.7 238 bs_bs_query

178 divide participants into two groups with high and low uterine con-
oocytesa,cretrieved per patienta,c 239


179 bs_bs_query traction frequencies, and accepting an alpha value of 0.05 and a power Number of embryos transferred 1.9 ± 0.3 1.8 ± 0.4 240 bs_bs_query

180 bs_bs_query of 80%, a sample size of 276 participants would be required. per patienta,c 241 bs_bs_query

181 bs_bs_query
Oestradiol on day of embryo 5928.8 ± 3030.8 5629.1 ± 3720.5 242 bs_bs_query

182 bs_bs_query Statistical analysis transfer (pmol/L)a,c 243 bs_bs_query

Progesterone on day of embryo 304.2 ± 140.3 261.2 ± 133.5 244



transfer (nmol/L)a,c,f 245 bs_bs_query

184 Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 for Windows
Endometrial thickness on day of 11 ± 0.2 11 ± 0.3 246


185 bs_bs_query (IBM Corp., USA) was used for data analysis. Normality testing was embryo transfer (mm)a,c 247 bs_bs_query

186 bs_bs_query conducted, and data distribution for uterine contraction frequency, Outer catheter insertion (s)a,c 154.8 ± 28.4 153.8 ± 32.2 248 bs_bs_query

187 bs_bs_query age and body mass index (BMI) were all confirmed to be close to Inner catheter insertion (s)a,c 51.7 ± 14.2 52.0 ± 17.6 249 bs_bs_query

188 bs_bs_query normal distribution, with skewness measurement of 0.16 for uterine Assessment of embryo transfer 250 bs_bs_query

189 bs_bs_query contraction frequency at −5 min, 0.16 for uterine contraction fre- procedureb,d 251 bs_bs_query

Easy 112 (94.1%) 157 (95.7%) 252 bs_bs_query

190 bs_bs_query quency at +5 min and 0.19 for uterine contraction frequency at +60 min;
Difficult 7 (5.9%) 7 (4.3%) 253 bs_bs_query

191 bs_bs_query −0.22 for age and −0.38 for BMI. Continuous data were expressed in Operatorb,e 254 bs_bs_query

192 bs_bs_query mean ± SD and were compared using Student’s t-test, analysis of vari- A (11 years’ experience in 10 (8.4%) 4 (2.4%) 255 bs_bs_query

193 bs_bs_query ance and Pearson’s correlation test. Categorical data were expressed embryo transfer) 256 bs_bs_query

194 bs_bs_query in number (%) and compared using chi-squared and Fisher’s exact B (3 years’ experience in 52 (43.7%) 79 (48.2%) 257 bs_bs_query

195 bs_bs_query test. Logistic regression analysis was used to ascertain which vari- embryo transfer) 258 bs_bs_query

196 bs_bs_query ables were predictive of uterine contraction frequency and live birth. C (2 years’ experience in 57 (47.9%) 81 (49.4%) 259 bs_bs_query

embryo transfer) 260

A two-sided value of P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

Urinary urgencyb,e 261


198 bs_bs_query
Mild 39 (32.8%) 39 (23.8%) 262 bs_bs_query

199 bs_bs_query
Moderate 29 (24.4%) 59 (36.0%) 263 bs_bs_query

Severe 51 (42.9%) 66 (40.2%) 264


200 bs_bs_query

Presented as mean ± SD. 265


Presented as number (percentage). 266 bs_bs_query

202 bs_bs_query Of a total of 311 eligible patients, 15 were subsequently excluded from c
Student’s t-test. 267 bs_bs_query

203 bs_bs_query the study owing to cancellation of embryo transfer (nine with all d
Chi-square test. 268 bs_bs_query

204 bs_bs_query embryos being cryopreserved owing to risk of ovarian hyperstimu- Chi-square test in a 2x3 contingency table. 269 bs_bs_query

205 bs_bs_query lation syndrome, three with no viable embryo, two with symptoms of The only variable with statistical significant difference (P = 0.009) between 270 bs_bs_query

206 genital tract infection and one patient withdrew from the study for the two groups; all other variables had a P-value > 0.05. 271 bs_bs_query


272 bs_bs_query

207 bs_bs_query personal reasons). As a result, 286 patients were enrolled in the study.
208 Among the 286 participants, 119 (42%) had a clinical pregnancy and


209 bs_bs_query three (1%) had ectopic pregnancy, which were analysed separately. The mean frequency of uterine contractions for all women at −5 min 274 bs_bs_query

210 bs_bs_query Overall, 93 women had live birth achieving a LBR of 32.5%. The de- (baseline) was 1.8 ± 1.1 contractions per min, which increased sig- 275 bs_bs_query

211 bs_bs_query mographic characteristics of women who did or did not have a clinical nificantly (P < 0.05) to 2.0 ± 1.1 at +5 min. The frequency decreased 276 bs_bs_query

212 bs_bs_query pregnancy are presented in Table 1. No significant differences were to 1.8 ± 1.1 at +60 min, which was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than 277 bs_bs_query

213 bs_bs_query found between the two groups except for the serum progesterone level that at +5 min but similar to that at −5 min. In terms of contraction 278 bs_bs_query

214 bs_bs_query on the day of embryo transfer (P = 0.009) (Table 1). direction, the proportion of women with retrograde, antegrade, 279 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

280 bs_bs_query Figure 1 – A comparison of uterine contraction frequency (number of uterine contractions per minute) in the pregnant and non-pregnant
281 bs_bs_query groups at 3 selected time points. Presented as mean ± SE. a, Significant difference (P < 0.05) to 5 min before embryo transfer (non-
282 bs_bs_query pregnant group); b, significant difference (P < 0.05) to 5 min after embryo transfer (pregnant group); *, significant difference between
283 bs_bs_query pregnant and non-pregnant groups (P < 0.05); **Significant difference between pregnant and non-pregnant groups (P < 0.01); no other
284 bs_bs_query significant differences within or between the groups were observed.
285 bs_bs_query

286 bs_bs_query indeterminate direction and absent contractions were 33%, 44%, 17% Clinical outcomes according to contraction frequency 320 bs_bs_query

287 bs_bs_query and 6%, respectively, at −5 min; 40%, 42%, 13% and 5%, respec- 321 bs_bs_query

288 bs_bs_query tively, at +5 min; and 42%, 38%, 14% and 6%, respectively, at +60 min. In our study, the median uterine contraction frequency after embryo 322 bs_bs_query

289 bs_bs_query No significant change in the proportion of the four different direc- transer was found to be 2.0; this value was selected as cut-off to divide 323 bs_bs_query

290 bs_bs_query tions was observed between −5 min and +5 min, between −5 min and women into two groups with high and low uterine frequency. The clini- 324 bs_bs_query

291 bs_bs_query +60 min and between +5 min and +60 min when all women were cal outcomes of women with high (two or more) and low (less than 325 bs_bs_query

292 bs_bs_query analysed together. two) contraction frequency at different time points are shown in 326 bs_bs_query

293 bs_bs_query
Table 2. The LBR was significantly higher in women with low uterine 327 bs_bs_query

294 bs_bs_query Uterine contractions in pregnant versus non-pregnant groups contraction frequency at all time points (P = 0.032 at −5 min, P = 0.003 328 bs_bs_query

295 bs_bs_query
at +5 min and P = 0.022 at +60 min). 329 bs_bs_query

296 bs_bs_query The contraction frequency at three time points for women in the preg- 330 bs_bs_query

297 bs_bs_query nant and non-pregnant groups are analysed in Figure 1. The mean Clinical outcomes according to contraction direction 331 bs_bs_query

298 bs_bs_query contraction frequency was consistently higher in the non-pregnant 332 bs_bs_query

299 bs_bs_query group than that in pregnant group at all time points (1.8 ± 1.1, 2.1 ± The clinical outcomes of women with different contraction direction 333 bs_bs_query

300 bs_bs_query 1.1, 2.0 ± 1.1 versus 1.6 ± 1.1, 1.8 ± 1.1, 1.6 ± 1.1, respectively) with at the three time points are shown in Table 3. The direction of uterine 334 bs_bs_query

301 bs_bs_query the differences being statistically significant at +5 min (P < 0.05) and contraction at +60 min, but not −5 min and +5 min, significantly af- 335 bs_bs_query

302 bs_bs_query at +60 min (P < 0.01). fected the clinical pregnancy rate (P = 0.002) and LBR (P = 0.004), with 336 bs_bs_query

303 bs_bs_query

304 bs_bs_query

305 bs_bs_query Table 2 – A comparison of the clinical outcomes, progesterone and oestradiol levels on the day of embryo transfer according to high
306 bs_bs_query (≥2/min) and low (<2/min) uterine contraction frequency at three different time points.
307 bs_bs_query Time from Uterine Clinical P- Live birth P- Miscarriage P- Progesterone P- Oestradiol P-
308 bs_bs_query embryo contraction pregnancy value rate, n (%) value rate value (nmol/L) value (pmol/L) value
309 bs_bs_query transfer frequency rate, n (%)
310 bs_bs_query −5 min Low 70/147 (47.6) NSa 57/147 (38.8) 0.032a 13/70 (18.6) NSa 291 ± 149 NSb 5876.1 ± 3770.5 NSb
311 bs_bs_query High 49/136 (36.0) 36/136 (26.5) 13/49 (26.5) 267.4 ± 125.1 5629.1 ± 3051
312 bs_bs_query +5 min Low 62/122 (50.8) 0.011a 52/122 (42.6) 0.003a 10/62 (16.1) NSa 295.4 ± 153.1 NSb 5936.4 ± 4054.5 NSb
313 bs_bs_query High 57/161 (35.4) 41/161 (25.5) 16/57 (28.1) 267.3 ± 124.5 5617.44 ± 2874.4
314 bs_bs_query +60 min Low 75/148 (50.7) 0.003a 58/148 (39.2) 0.022a 17/75 (22.7) NSa 289.4 ± 144.7 NSb 6050.9 ± 4151.5 NSb
315 bs_bs_query High 44/135 (32.6) 35/135 (25.9) 9/44 (20.5) 268.7 ± 130.5 5431.2 ± 2389.1
316 bs_bs_query
Fisher’s exact test.
317 bs_bs_query
Student’s t-test.
318 bs_bs_query NS, not statistically significant.
319 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

337 bs_bs_query Table 3 – A comparison of clinical outcomes, progesterone level and oestradiol level on the day of embryo transfer according to the
338 bs_bs_query direction of contraction at three different time points.
339 bs_bs_query Time from Contraction Clinical P- Live birth P- Miscarriage P- Progesterone P- Oestradiol P-
340 bs_bs_query embryo direction pregnancy value rate, n (%) value rate, n (%) value (nmol/L) value (pmol/L) value
341 bs_bs_query transfer rate, n (%)
342 bs_bs_query –5 min Retrograde 38/92 (41.3) NSa 33/92 (35.9) NSa 5/38 (13.2) NSa 279.2 ± 125.9 NSb 5960.7 ± 3588.4 NSb
343 bs_bs_query Antegrade 54/124 (43.5) 40/124 (32.3) 14/54 (25.9) 277.0 ± 130.1 5475.4 ± 2960.0
344 bs_bs_query Indeterminate 19/49 (38.8) 14/49 (28.6) 5/19 (26.3) 286.8 ± 169.5 5440.4 ± 3925.8
345 bs_bs_query Nil 8/18 (44.4) 6/18 (33.3) 2/8 (25.0) 312.3 ± 170.8 6439.1 ± 4204.6
346 bs_bs_query +5 min Retrograde 50/114 (43.9) NSa 37/114 (32.5) NSa 13/50 (26.0) NSa 281.7 ± 133.2 NSb 6178.7 ± 4262.2 NSb
347 bs_bs_query Antegrade 47/119 (39.5) 39/119 (32.8) 8/47 (17.0) 269.0 ± 122.1 5509.6 ± 2944.3
348 bs_bs_query Indeterminate 14/37 (37.8) 10/37 (27.0) 4/14 (28.6) 306.2 ± 195.6 5249.5 ± 2639.2
349 bs_bs_query Nil 8/13 (61.5) 7/13 (53.8) 1/8 (12.5) 286.5 ± 146.0 5312.7 ± 2556.6
350 bs_bs_query +60 min Retrograde 49/120 (40.8) .002a 36/120 (30.0) .004a 13/49 (26.5) NSa 296.1 ± 148.2 NSb 6336.7 ± 4432.3 NSb
351 bs_bs_query Antegrade 34/106 (32.1) 27/106 (25.5) 7/34 (20.6) 267.8 ± 123.4 5303.6 ± 2751.9
352 bs_bs_query Indeterminate 24/40 (60.0) 20/40 (50.0) 4/24 (16.7) 276.7 ± 157.7 5005.2 ± 2326.8
353 bs_bs_query Nil 12/17 (70.6) 10/17 (58.8) 2/12 (16.7) 244.2 ± 101.1 5780.4 ± 2178.5
354 bs_bs_query
Chi-square test in 4 × 2 contingency table.
355 bs_bs_query
Analysis of variance.
356 bs_bs_query NS, not statistically significant.
357 bs_bs_query

358 bs_bs_query

359 bs_bs_query the highest clinical pregnancy rate and LBR found in women with no +60 min (P < 0.001), suggesting that a particular type of contraction 396 bs_bs_query

360 bs_bs_query contractions, followed by indeterminate direction. direction before embryo transfer was likely to persist afterwards. 397 bs_bs_query

361 bs_bs_query 398 bs_bs_query

362 bs_bs_query Association between contraction frequency and direction Logistic regression analysis 399 bs_bs_query

363 bs_bs_query among different time points 400 bs_bs_query

364 bs_bs_query The various possible factors affecting uterine contraction frequency 401 bs_bs_query

365 bs_bs_query The association between contraction frequency and direction at dif- were examined by binary logistic regression analysis using the fol- 402 bs_bs_query

366 bs_bs_query ferent time points are shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. A lowing parameters as independent variables: duration of inner and 403 bs_bs_query

367 bs_bs_query significant association was found between the contraction fre- outer catheter insertion, difficulty in transfer, urge of micturition, op- 404 bs_bs_query

368 bs_bs_query quency at −5 min and +5 min (P < 0.001) and between −5 min and erators and serum progesterone level on day of embryo transfer. The 405 bs_bs_query

369 bs_bs_query +60 min (P < 0.001), suggesting that women who had higher contrac- only variable selected as having significant affect on uterine con- 406 bs_bs_query

370 bs_bs_query tion frequency before embryo transfer were more likely to have higher traction frequency for all three time points (P = 0.029 at −5 min, P = 407 bs_bs_query

371 bs_bs_query contraction frequency at +5 min and +60 min after embryo transfer. 0.004 at +5 min and P = 0.010 at +60 min) was the urge of micturition. 408 bs_bs_query

372 bs_bs_query A significant association was also found between the contraction di- In addition, the various possible factors affecting LBR was also 409 bs_bs_query

373 bs_bs_query rection at −5 min and +5 min (P < 0.001) and between −5 min and examined with the use of forward stepwise logistic regression 410 bs_bs_query

374 bs_bs_query

375 bs_bs_query

376 bs_bs_query Table 4 – The association between the frequency of contractions at −5 min before embryo transfer and the frequency at +5 min and
377 bs_bs_query +60 min after the transfer.
378 bs_bs_query +5 min P-value +60 min P-value
379 bs_bs_query Contraction frequency Contraction frequency
380 bs_bs_query <2/min ≥2/min <2/min ≥2/min
381 bs_bs_query –5 mins Contraction frequency <2/min 102 45 <.001 a
110 37 <.001a
382 bs_bs_query ≥2/min 20 116 38 98
383 bs_bs_query
Chi-squared test.
384 bs_bs_query

385 bs_bs_query

386 bs_bs_query Table 5 – The association between the direction of contractions at −5 min before embryo transfer and the direction at +5 min and
387 bs_bs_query +60 min after the transfer.
388 bs_bs_query +5 min P-value +60 min P-value
389 bs_bs_query Retrograde Antegrade Indeterminate Nil Retrograde Antegrade Indeterminate Nil
390 bs_bs_query –5 min Retrograde 48 32 8 4 <0.001a 55 23 11 3 <0.001a
391 bs_bs_query Antegrade 38 70 13 3 39 68 14 3
392 bs_bs_query Indeterminate 19 13 16 1 20 12 14 3
393 bs_bs_query Nil 9 4 0 5 6 3 1 8
394 bs_bs_query
Chi-squared test in a 4 × 4 contingency table.
395 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

411 bs_bs_query analysis using the following parameters as independent variables: age, implantation over the lower part of uterine cavity (Ijland et al., 1996; 470

412 bs_bs_query BMI, years of infertility, baseline FSH, serum level of oestradiol and Kunz et al., 2006). 471

413 bs_bs_query progesterone and also endometrial thickness on the day of embryo 472

414 bs_bs_query transfer, number of embryo being transfer, urge of micturition, total Factors affecting contractions 473

415 bs_bs_query duration of inner and outer catheter insertion, operators, whether 474

416 bs_bs_query embryo transfer was difficult, and the uterine contraction frequen- The characteristics (frequency and direction) of uterine contraction 475

417 bs_bs_query cies and directions at the three time points. The uterine contraction at the time of embryo transfer may be affected by a number of factors. 476

418 bs_bs_query at +5 min after embryo transfer was chosen in the first step (P = 0.006), 477

419 bs_bs_query and age was chosen at the second step (P = 0.035). Thereafter, no Uterine pathology 478

420 bs_bs_query other individual variable was selected which significantly improved Uterine contractions originate from the myometrium which in turn 479

421 bs_bs_query the prediction model. is influenced by any intrinsic uterine pathology such as fibroids (Yoshino 480

422 bs_bs_query
et al., 2010) or adenomyosis (Guo et al., 2013). In our study, however, 481

423 bs_bs_query Ectopic pregnancy we excluded women with known uterine pathology and therefore the 482

424 bs_bs_query
observations are based on a selected group of women with appar- 483

425 bs_bs_query Three women in our study had ectopic pregnancy and their mean ently normal uterus. 484

426 bs_bs_query uterine contraction frequencies before and after embryo transfer were 485

427 bs_bs_query not significantly different from those with intrauterine pregnancy (1.8 Embryo transfer procedure 486

428 bs_bs_query versus 1.6 at −5 min, 1.2 versus 1.8 at +5 min and 2.0 versus 1.6 at 487

429 bs_bs_query +60 min, respectively). For the direction of uterine contraction, one By assessing the frequency of contraction before and after embryo 488

430 bs_bs_query out of three (33%) ectopic pregnancies was associated with a per- transfer, we observed that the transfer procedure did cause an in- 489

431 bs_bs_query sistent retrograde uterine contraction at +5 and also +60 min, crease in frequency of uterine contractions from 1.8 per min at baseline 490

432 bs_bs_query compared with 27% in women with intrauterine pregnancy. The number to 2.0 per min at 5 min after the embryo transfer procedure, which 491

433 bs_bs_query of participants in the ectopic group was too small to permit proper represent an increase of 11%. The increment was not as high as 36% 492

434 bs_bs_query statistical analysis. as shown in another study during mock embryo transfer (Zhu et al., 493

2014b). Furthermore, we observed two important differences in the 494



response between the pregnant and non-pregnant groups (Figure 1). 495

436 bs_bs_query

First, the increment observed at 5 min after embryo transfer was sig- 496

437 bs_bs_query Discussion nificant only in the non-pregnant group (14.7%) but not in the pregnant 497

438 bs_bs_query
group (8.5%). Second, the increase in the uterine contraction fre- 498

439 bs_bs_query Our study seems to have confirmed the findings of two earlier studies, quency was transient in the pregnant group as it had returned to the 499

440 bs_bs_query which found an association between uterine contraction and clinical pre-transfer level at +60 min after the procedure. On the contrary, 500

441 bs_bs_query outcome (Fanchin et al., 1998; Zhu et al., 2014a). Several important in the non-pregnant group, in addition to the contraction frequency 501

442 bs_bs_query differences, however, have been found between the earlier studies being higher throughout the period of observation, the contraction fre- 502

443 bs_bs_query and the current one. First, both previous studies examined uterine quency at +60 min remained higher than the pre-transfer level. On 503

444 bs_bs_query contractions before embryo transfer, whereas our study examined the basis of these findings, we conclude that a transient increase in 504

445 bs_bs_query the contractions both before and after embryo transfer. Specifi- uterine contraction frequency is a common phenomenon in women 505

446 bs_bs_query cally, we measured uterine contraction at three time points around undergoing embryo transfer, but a persistently high contraction fre- 506

447 bs_bs_query the time of embryo transfer (–5 min, +5 min and +60 min). Second, quency long after the procedure is associated with a poorer outcome. 507

448 bs_bs_query both previous studies related their observations to pregnancy rate In addition, a difficult embryo transfer procedure has been re- 508

449 bs_bs_query whereas we related our observations to LBR, which we think repre- ported to be associated with a poorer outcome by causing excessive 509

450 bs_bs_query sents an improvement. We found that LBR was significantly affected or aberrant uterine contractions (Goudas et al., 1998; Spandorfer et al., 510

451 bs_bs_query by both the frequency and direction of uterine contraction after embryo 2003). In our study, we experienced difficulty in the embryo transfer 511

452 bs_bs_query transfer. Third, in contrast to earlier studies that used transvaginal procedure in 14 cases (4.9%). In all these difficult cases, we had to 512

453 bs_bs_query scan to measure uterine contraction and frequency, we used trans- use a pair of tenaculum to hold onto the cervix to enable the intro- 513

454 bs_bs_query abdominal scan to obtain the measurements, mainly because we duction of the embryo transfer catheter. The pregnancy rate in this 514

455 bs_bs_query wished to reduce any possible cervical stimulation to a minimum which group of women, however, did not seem to be significantly compro- 515

456 bs_bs_query could affect uterine contractions especially as multiple measure- mised. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis suggested that 516

457 bs_bs_query ments were made within an hour. We also considered that women contraction frequency was significantly affected only by the sensa- 517

458 bs_bs_query were less anxious about transabdominal scan and so were more likely tion of urge of micturition experienced by patients, but not whether 518

459 bs_bs_query to participate in the study when transabdominal scan was used. the embryo transfer procedure was easy or difficult or the experi- 519

460 bs_bs_query In natural cycles, the frequency and direction of uterine contrac- ence of operators carrying out the embryo transfer. It seems from 520

461 bs_bs_query tions vary depending on the stage of the cycle. The frequency reaches our study that an over-distended bladder is directly related to ex- 521

462 bs_bs_query a peak just before the time of ovulation (Ijland et al., 1996) with a pre- cessive uterine contraction during embryo transfer and should be 522

463 bs_bs_query dominantly cervicofundal wave form (Zhu et al., 2012). This is believed avoided. 523

464 bs_bs_query to facilitate an effective upward migration of sperm to fallopian tubes 524

465 bs_bs_query (Abramowicz and Archer, 1990; Kunz et al., 1996). Afterwards, the con- Progesterone 525

466 bs_bs_query tractile activity was shown to decrease, thereby providing an optimal Hormonal factors, especially progesterone, has been found to affect 526

467 bs_bs_query environment for implantation (Ijland et al., 1997). During the luteal uterine contractions (Fanchin et al., 1998). In our study, no signifi- 527

468 bs_bs_query phase, some cervicofundal waves were observed, and it has been pos- cant difference was found in serum progesterone level between the 528

469 bs_bs_query tulated that this might reduce the chance of improper embryo pregnant and non-pregnant groups but, in contrast to earlier studies, 529

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

530 bs_bs_query we were unable to confirm a significant association between pro- and after the transfer procedure (Table 4). It supports the notion that 590

531 bs_bs_query gesterone level on the day of embryo transfer and the frequency of high contractile activity seems to be intrinsic in a significant propor- 591

532 bs_bs_query uterine contractions. Reference to the results in Tables 1 and 2 sug- tion of participants rather than primarily due to the transfer procedure 592

533 bs_bs_query gested that the mean progesterone level on the day of embryo transfer itself. 593

534 bs_bs_query was in the supra-physiological range (304.2 nmol/L in pregnant group Among the three time points studied, uterine contraction fre- 594

535 bs_bs_query and 261.2 nmol/L in non-pregnant group) compared with natural quency at 5 min after embryo transfer seemed to be most predictive 595

536 bs_bs_query cycles; it is possible that at the supra-physiological range, the effect of outcome, although, as shown in Table 2, the measurements at all 596

537 bs_bs_query of a modest amount of change will not significantly affect the con- three time points were significantly different between those who did 597

538 bs_bs_query tractions. The arbitrary grouping of uterine contractions into high and or did not have a live birth. By contrast, the direction of uterine con- 598

539 bs_bs_query low categories may have also introduced a degree of bias. It is also traction (Table 3) before embryo transfer and at 5 min after embryo 599

540 bs_bs_query of interest that we did not observe a significant difference in proges- transfer did not significantly affect the LBR, although the direction 600

541 bs_bs_query terone level between those who did or did not have a live birth. Taken of uterine contraction at 60 min after embryo transfer did signifi- 601

542 bs_bs_query together, the findings suggested that the relationship between pro- cantly affect LBR, with those having no contraction and indeterminate 602

543 bs_bs_query gesterone level, uterine contraction, pregnancy rate and LBR is a rather direction achieving the highest LBR (59% and 50%, respectively) com- 603

544 bs_bs_query complex one, partly because uterine contraction frequency is only one pared with those having retrograde and antegrade direction (30% and 604

545 bs_bs_query of the many effects of progesterone which can influence the clinical 26%, respectively). On further analysis with the use of logistic re- 605

546 bs_bs_query outcome; for example, it is well recognised that progesterone affects gression analysis as mentioned above, we found that only uterine 606

547 bs_bs_query endometrial receptivity which may in turn affect pregnancy via a dif- contraction frequency at +5 min (and age) significantly affected LBR 607

548 bs_bs_query ferent mechanism. but not contraction direction. It suggests that contraction direction 608

549 bs_bs_query had a weaker predictive value than contraction frequency and it loses 609

550 bs_bs_query Timing of transfer its significance once the contraction frequency has been included in 610

551 bs_bs_query The mean ± SD uterine contraction frequency observed in our pa- the regression model. 611

552 bs_bs_query tients was 1.8 ± 1.1 per minute at −5 min before embryo transfer. One Wave direction was also observed at different time points in this 612

553 bs_bs_query earlier study reported on a higher mean value of 4.3 ± 0.1 (Fanchin study. In contrast to previous findings (Zhu et al., 2012) in which ret- 613

554 bs_bs_query et al., 1998); in that study, however, the contraction frequency was rograde (from the cervix to the fundus) waves were the dominant wave 614

555 bs_bs_query measured on day 2 after oocyte retrieval, whereas all the embryo direction (80%) before embryo transfer, such dominance was not ob- 615

556 bs_bs_query transfer procedures in our study were carried out on day 3 after oocyte served in our study. Instead, there was a roughly equal proportion 616

557 bs_bs_query retrieval. It is recognized that wave frequency reduces significantly (40%) of retrograde and antegrade direction observed before and after 617

558 bs_bs_query from the day of oocyte retrieval onwards (Ayoubi et al., 2003). the transfer procedure. No significant association was observed 618

559 bs_bs_query between wave direction at −5 min and +5 min and (a) pregnancy 619

560 bs_bs_query Factors affecting live birth rate outcome and (b) progesterone level. Significant differences were ob- 620

561 bs_bs_query served in LBR between various wave directions at +60 min after the 621

562 bs_bs_query In considering clinical outcome, the LBR was found to be signifi- transfer procedure (Table 3) with the highest rate among women with 622

563 bs_bs_query cantly affected by two independent variables: age of the woman and no contractions/direction followed by those with indeterminate di- 623

564 bs_bs_query uterine contraction frequency at 5 min after the embryo transfer pro- rection. From these findings, it seems that a quiescent uterus or one 624

565 bs_bs_query cedure. Although women aged 40 years or over were excluded from with contractions of no definite direction seems to provide a more 625

566 bs_bs_query our study, younger women in our study population had a higher LBR, stable environment for embryo implantation. 626

567 bs_bs_query which is consistent with earlier reports that age is an important vari- We realized that this study, which involved serial ultrasound mea- 627

568 bs_bs_query able affecting LBR. On the other hand, the ability of uterine contraction surements over 60 min, required a high degree of commitment and 628

569 bs_bs_query to predict LBR has not been previously reported, despite a number compliance from our patients. In routine clinical practice, espe- 629

570 bs_bs_query of earlier studies suggesting a possible link between pregnancy rate cially in a busy IVF clinic, it may not be feasible to keep patients in 630

571 bs_bs_query and uterine contractions (Fanchin et al., 1998 and Zhu et al., 2014a). bed for an hour after the embryo transfer procedure. Nevertheless, 631

572 bs_bs_query Furthermore, the result of logistic regression analysis in our study we considered it important to make original observations on how 632

573 bs_bs_query suggested that uterine contraction at 5 min after embryo transfer was uterine contraction frequency and direction changes after embryo 633

574 bs_bs_query more predictive of LBR than contraction frequency immediately before transfer and their relationship to clinical outcome, which enabled us 634

575 bs_bs_query embryo transfer and other parameters often considered to affect clini- to discover that the most informative measurement was the one at 635

576 bs_bs_query cal outcome, such as the duration of infertility, basal FSH level and 5 min after the embryo transfer procedure, which was the only one 636

577 bs_bs_query BMI. One possible explanation for why the contraction frequency at significantly correlated to live birth. 637

578 bs_bs_query 5 min after embryo transfer was more predictive of outcome than the 638

579 bs_bs_query contraction frequency immediately before embryo transfer is that the Clinical implication 639

580 bs_bs_query measurement at +5 min represents the baseline myometrial activ- 640

581 bs_bs_query ity immediately before transfer and also the response of the uterus Recently, interest in targeting the adverse effect of excessive uterine 641

582 bs_bs_query to the embryo transfer procedure. contractions on pregnancy outcome by the use of a uterine muscle 642

583 bs_bs_query relaxant around the time of embryo transfer has increased (Chou 643

584 bs_bs_query Comparison of results among the three time points et al., 2011; Moraloglu et al., 2010; Ng et al., 2014). Although a 644

585 bs_bs_query recent double-blinded randomized controlled trial conducted in an 645


586 bs_bs_query A particular strength of our study is that we made serial measure- unselected group of infertility patients (Ng et al., 2014) showed that 646

587 bs_bs_query ments of uterine contraction, at three different time points. Our atosiban treatment did not improve treatment outcomes, it remains 647

588 bs_bs_query observation showed that most women seem to have either consis- plausible that only women with high uterine contraction frequency 648

589 bs_bs_query tently high or consistently low uterine contraction frequencies before immediately after embryo transfer would benefit from Atosiban 649

Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

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Please cite this article in press as: Cathy Hoi Sze Chung, et al., The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical
outcome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.12.011

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