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Saturday 31st August 2019

The Senior Inspector

Juhu Police Station
Mumbai 400 049
Subject: Request to register an FIR for attempt to MURDER me and the inhabitants of
my house and destroy my building by making a short circuit.
Dear Sir:

With reference to the above I am filing a criminal complaint for serious and grievous
harm committed against me, my family and my property.

I am a 87 year old living on the first floor of the building known as Bindiya located at
Gandhi Gram Road, Juhu, Mumbai 400 049. My son Bharat Malkani lives on the
second floor of this building along with his wife Jyoti and his daughters.

The ground floor is occupied by my daughter in law Babita Malkani.

I am a heart patient and also suffer from high blood pressure. Due to this I am on life
saving critical medication that I need to take every day all day and night. Due to my
advanced age and health condition, I am required to go to the toilet many times in
the night and take emergency medication as needed. 
At about 5:55 am this morning the electrical power of my house got shut down. This
was switched off by my daughter in law in an attempt to cause me serious bodily
harm. It was very dark and I could not see anything inside my room. Due to my
advanced age and health condition it is known to my family that I am required to go
for urination very frequently every half hour. With the entire building plunged in
complete darkness I could not go to the toilet in the fear of falling in the dark. I could
not find my medication or my blood pressure machine. In my heightened state of
tension and panic I reached out to my son Bharat to help me and see what has
happened.  At about 6:30 am Bharat went to check the electrical meter room. When
he went there, he realized that all the switches (circuit breakers) of our main
electrical board that houses the meters provided by Adani Electric company has
been shut down.

Upon investigation with the night watchman on duty informed him that Ms. Babita
Malkani personally opened the electric meter room shutter and closed the power
supply to the entire building. This was done with a clear intent to harm me given my
delicate health condition. This was nothing less than an attempt to murder me in
cold blood.
The moment Bharat came down from the second floor to check on the main
electricity switchboard located on the outer side of our building, Ms. Babita came
out to observe what was happening, when she saw Bharat there she ran back into
her house. My son Bharat, then switched on the power supply and restored
electrical energy in the entire building.
I then called 100 and the radio police van came to the house. Since I was extremely
stressed with this attempt on my life I told my son Bharat to speak to the Police.

Bharat proceeded to Juhu Police station and filed a formal complaint with the Officer
on Duty Mr Jadav. In the Police station in the presence of SI Jadav, Ms. Babita
admitted that she had turned off the electricity of the entire building, trying to
explain falsely that she was trying to restore electricity in the ground floor where she
resides. She also made a false allegation that ‘we’ had turned the electricity of her
house off, which my son Bharat denied, because the fact is that the switchboard for
the ground floor where she resides is inside her house and accessible only to her.

Ms. Babita kept insisting in Juhu Police Station that only her electricity was off while I
had restored the electricity for the rest of the building. By then my younger son
Pravin had also come to Juhu Police station. Ms. Babita claimed to Inspector Jadav
that she had called the officers of Adani Power from 3am onwards but they refused
to respond to her call. Pravin confirmed that Adani Power had called him at about
6:30 am in the morning to enquire if he had electricity in the house, to which he
responded in the negative since he lives in Vile Parle (East) and had no clue as to
what was happening in the house where his mother lives in Juhu. He then proceeded
to provide evidence of the call made by Adani Power to him and the recorded
conversation with the time of the same from him mobile phone.

It is imperative to note that Ms. Babita has called Adani Power about 6:30 am AFTER
Bharat had switched on the electricity in the house. If as per her claims she had no
electricity since 3am why did she not call Adani Power at 3am?
Finally, Inspector Jadav along with another colleague came to investigate the
situation in the building. He was joined by Senior Inspector Bharat Salgar and other
members of the Police. Upon reaching the building they first investigated the Electric
Meter Board, where the persons from Adani were present and who confirmed that
there was no issue with their meter and that there was a internal problem with the
wiring on the ground floor that is causing a short circuit. The Police also noted and
found that the distribution of electricity for each of the floors is clearly labelled, as
ground floor, first floor, second floor etc. and that Ms. Babita was lying when she
claimed that she was trying to restore the electricity on the ground floor by
switching any and every switch (circuit breaker) on and off. Infact at about 5:55 am
when she shut down the electricity supply to the entire building it was still dark
outside. It’s clearly seen that once she had switched off the lights of the entire
building, even the compound wall lights went off (as captured on the CCTV footage).
This was NOT RESTORED by her. This was a planned criminal act.
In front of Senior Inspector Bharat Salgar, Ms. Babita kept insisting that I had put her
electricity off. At this point of time my son Pravin who is the Architect of the house
offered to go into the house with Inspector Bharat Salgar and prove to him that Ms.
Babita had herself switched off the electricity in her own house from the
switchboard which is inside her house and accessible exclusively to her . Senior
Police Inspector Bharat Salgar along with Pravin entered the ground floor and Pravin
showed the Inspector that all the switches (circuit breakers) had been switched off!
Upon further investigation it was revealed that Ms. Babita has made an illegal,
unauthorized and dangerous electrical connection in the switchboard, which when
put on immediately triggers a short circuit. This wiring has been done by her with the
intention to cause fire by short circuit. This points to the fact that she has attempted
to murder me and the inhabitants of my house in the wee hours of this morning by
committing wilful sabotage. Ms. Babita was fully aware that at this time everyone in
the house was is in deep sleep and any short circuit leading to fire would trap me
and my family in the house with disastrous circumstances.
This action of hers was expertly pre planned because when the Police came to the
house she claimed that there was no electricity in her house. Clearly her plan was
twofold. First put the power off in the building  and put me under stress in complete
darkness. Then once the power was restored to cause a short circuit in the house
and burn it with me and my family in inside. However, she did not anticipate me
calling the Police; which is why she hurriedly shut down the switch board inside her
house (not visible from outside her house) and claimed that there was no electricity
in her house when in the rest of the building electricity was restored. Senior
Inspector Bharat Salgar personally witnessed restoration of the power in her house
by merely switching on of the switches by Pravin. He also noticed the wire in the
house that was exposed and had bypassed the safety circuit breakers, which is illegal
and highly dangerous.
The Senior Inspector then requested my son Mr. Pravin Malkani to take immediate
corrective action against this dangerous electrical wire that was illegally installed by
her by calling a licensed electrician before he left. Pravin arranged for such a
technician to address the situation and the electrician came at about 10:30 am to
work on the switchboard on the ground floor where Babita lives. When the
Electrician tried to remove the illegal wire connected which will cause fire; Ms.
Babita stopped him from doing his work and threw him out of the house so he could
not disconnect the same. This latest act of hers has also been communicated to
Inspector Jadav in Juhu Police Station by Pravin. However, it’s clear that Ms. Babita is
refusing to remove the dangerous wire as she intends to use this to burn down the
house and murder me and the inhabitants of my building.
This building is now under severe threat of serious fire due to the sabotage being
committed by Ms. Babita Malkani and despite the instructions given to her by Senior
Inspector Bharat Salgar of Juhu Police Station. Thanks to the timely intervention of
the officers of Juhu Police station has disaster was averted which would have been a
huge tragedy for me and all members of this household. However, as mentioned
above this threat persists even now as I am writing this letter to you.
I have proof of her coming to the main meter room and shutting down the electricity
of the entire building as recorded on the CCTV cameras that I have installed in my
property. The Police have themselves seen the dangling wire that can cause a short
circuit leading to a blazing fire, which she is refusing to remove. She has herself
admitted to Inspector Jadav that she had wilfully shut down the electric supply of the
building and when the Inspector Jadav offered to call Adani Power she admitted in
the Juhu Police Station in the presence of other Policemen on duty that the problem
lay inside her house and not outside with the main circuit board. She knew exactly
what she was doing. The facts are incontrovertible. There is complete evidence of all
her such actions.
This kind of criminal behaviour by Ms. Babita Malkani is too stressful for a woman of
87 years to handle. When my son and daughter in law are out of the house working I
fear that Ms. Babita will make another attempt to murder me.
I request the Police to arrest Ms. Babita Malkani immediately under the appropriate
IPC provisions
I have several previous complaints against Babita registered with your Police station
of similar actions by Babita, and therefore I urge you to take strict action in this
Failure of your department to arrest this dangerous criminal living here this will
continue to endanger my life and that of my family and my property.

Thanking you
Yours truly,

Mrs. Bindiya Malkani.

Commissioner of Police
Additional Commissioner Law and Order
DCP Bandra
ACP Santacruz

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