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+ 44580101 © Tn 2 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL ™ Cambridge Checkpoint Cambridge eeeaatn’ CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE CANDIDATE == NUMBER NUMBER MATHEMATICS 1112/01 Paper 1 April 2012 60 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Geometrical instruments Tracing paper READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST For Examiner's Use ‘Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand 4 in, White in dark blue or black pen. 3 ‘You may use a sofi pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working, 4 Do not use siaples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. 8 6 DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. 7 Answer all questions t—3— NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED. 2. ©) You should show all your working in the booklet. at ‘The number of marks is given in brackets { ] at the end of each question or part 12 question. 8 The total number of marks for this paper is 0. 14 15 16 17 18__| 19 20 2 Total This document consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages. UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE re1z05,1172, 008? ouceS 2012 International Examinations [Turn over Ee =] + saassa0t02 * MVC : 1 This graph shows the number of packets of crisps that were sold in one week. 96 |§- 14 L ciec : Clee a CIEC 2 : L CleC ee CleC . Cle 10 L ClEC e ae ClEC CIEC ClEC Clec : ee CIEC 6H b CIEC x CIES = ( ClES 4 Lee ee I L cle : s clec 3 : = CIEC 2H : b ClEC CIES ClEC 0 ClEC Tomato Cheese Salted Paprika Chicken CIEC CIEC ClEC CIEC. CIEG) ClEC! clEc! CIEGI ClECI tu CECI CIECI ClECI Clect f CiecI (b) Which flavour was twice as popular as Salted? CIECI CIECI ica} cle! ClECI ClECI cleCI Clecl CIECI CIECI ClECI ClECI ClEC! cIce! CECI ClECI CIEG! CIE! CIECI ClECI CIECI @UCLES 2012 sera0 NM ciec! CIEGi 1E) REE Number of packets (a) How many more packets of Cheese were sold than packets of Paprika crisps? *4aeaniea a MCT AA (a) At 10pm the temperature is 2°C. At midnight the temperature has fallen by 3°C. oe What is the temperature at midnight? uy (b) The temperature in a freezer is—15°C. The temperature in the freezer increases by 3°C. Work out the temperature in the freezer now. Oo] 3 Arecipe lists the ingredients needed to make 24 cakes. 100g Flour 50g Margarine 50g Sugar 1 Egg (a) Joanna makes 48 cakes. Work out how much flour she needs. 0) Q (b) Luca has 7 eggs and plenty of the other ingredients. ‘Work out the maximum number of cakes he can make. cakes [1] | © UCLES 2012 g vita uana2 {Turn over | + 14asa63104" RK : 4 Choose one of these words to complete each sentence. Certain Likely Unlikely Impossible Itis that the day after Wednesday is Sunday. My teacher chooses a number between one and one hundred. Itis that I will guess the number correctly. 5 A package is delivered 3 hours 25 minutes after it is collected. It is collected at 1539. At what time is the package delivered? 6 Here isa formula. a=2b-e Find the value of a when (a) b=I11and c=3 (b) b= 12and c=~4 l @UCLES 2012 sanrarorvanaria 1448 MA ‘ 7 Tido is shopping at a furniture store (a) He has $360 to spend. He buys a table for $204.99 Work out how much money he has left after buying the table. (1) (b) Work out the cost of 4 mirrors at $35.99 each. 1] IE (©) Abed costs $560. IE The price is reduced by 25% in a sale. 1E Work out the sale price of the bed. ie (2] IE l @ucles 2012 iE a nAMn [Tum over | + 1448960108 * IHU : (a) Complete this table of values for the graph y=—4x~2 I -i1 0 1 2 y | 6 | 2 -6 m ) CIESI O) CIEG Clee | @ucLES 2012 si1aouanwte | ClEC GIEC 0107 + s4ass001 HMA i 7 Complete the following statements. (a) 0.75m = 0) (bo) 1.357kg = (1) (© 4000kg = | _ tonnes [1] (@) 25m’ = a Complete this table of equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. The first row is done for you. Fraction Decimal Percentage : 0.375 37.5% 43% 0.09 [2] IE OO 1E 11 Work out IE IE (@) 2.59 x 0.4 IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE () 444412 iE IE IE 1E 1E IE IE staovann2 [Turn over | IE le I @UCLES 2012 le = 1448300198 * INO A : 12 The sketch shows a triangle ABC. A c B AB = Tom, CB= 10cm and angle ABC = 32°. Draw triangle ABC accurately. The line CB has been drawn accurately for you. I @UucLeS 2012 sri uA? 380109 * TA a 13. Chaz draws a line CD. D(,5) c6.2) Point C has the co-ordinates (5 , 2). Point D has the co-ordinates (9 , 5). Point M is the midpoint of the line CD. Work out the co-ordinates of the point M. .) 2] iE 14 (a) Write down all the factors of 18 a] le (b) Write 54 as a product of its prime factors. IE q p] le l @UCLES 2012 & anAMN2 {Turn over | 145980110 IM - 15 Use the information that 22.1 x 32.5 = 718.25 to write down the answers to the following questions. (a) 22.1 x 325= ) 718.25 + 22. (©) 2.21%3.25= (d) 718.25 + 3.25= (e) 2210 x 325= Il @uctes 2012 seramuNMn2

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