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Current State of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Long before the stretch of the foreign colonizers, Philippines had always had a preconceived notion
of concerted human effort to understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and how
the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding. They have
procured these mastery and proficiency through reconnaissance of natural phenomena, and/or through
experimentation that tries to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions. These are dissembled
with the unprecedented stratagems and daily practices that our indigenous progenitors have employed.
There have been admissible historical accounts during the olden days that accede and recognize the
Filipino’s attached importance to education. One can facilely glean the manifestations of the subsistence
of a systematized early race just by contemplating the daily occurrences in the long-established tribes.
Their process skills were driven and governed by the communities’ virtues, belief and culture. These are
then proven to be beneficial and functional and are being upheld in the means of herbal medicine, fishing,
agriculture and a whole lot more facets in their daily lives. I can only confide into a palpable gospel that
every people adheres to, and that is Science had made the life of every individual preferable and
convenient. In modern times, Science is denoted as the body of knowledge comprising of measurable or
verifiable facts acquired through application of the scientific method, and generalized into scientific laws
or principles. While all sciences are founded on valid reasoning and conform to the principles of logic,
they are not concerned with the definitiveness of their assertions or findings. Meanwhile, Technology is
the purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and services,
and in the organization of human activities. It is also a further embodiment of the system by which a
society provides its members with those things needed or desired. It includes the tools and machines that
people use to convert natural resources into items they need. Moreover, it encompasses the methods to
which they would utilize this tools pursuant to their aim to construct its function. It is a far-reaching term
that may include simple tools, such as a crowbar or wooden spoon, or more complex machine. To
associate it with how it had become apparent into our country, and prior to the era we’re conferring about,
our ancestors had learned to slash and hewn different weapons such as club, spear, arrow, etc. with the
view of hunting down wild creatures and beasts either for protection or for sustenance. Technology,
therefore is both product and process. Technology is one of the most powerful agents of change in our
society. New inventions bring new ways of doing things. Change comes with technology and it is now
moving at a faster pace than ever. Science and Technology conjointly preserves their reciprocal relations.
One cannot stand alone without the presence of the other. In a roundabout way, science and technology
deeply permeate all areas of society, it is impossible to engage in economic, social, and communal
activity that is not somehow related to Science and Technology. And as social problems such as energy
and environmental issues become increasingly conspicuous, each and every citizen must come to see
society’s problems as his or her own problems and consider and execute appropriate responses to them.
Current State of Science and Technology in the Philippines

To be quite frank the only governing body in the field of Science and Technology that I’ve known so
far was the Department of Science and Technology or more commonly known as DOST. Around the time
that I have construed this article, I have discovered unheard-of Institutes and Agencies which were an
affinity of promotion bodies of Science and Technology alongside the DOST towards advocating and
nurturing the onset of Science and Technology in the Philippines. Not also known to me were the several
institutions that were under the supervision of DOST. All of which have revealed some remarkable
characteristics of note-worthy researches. Before anything else, it should be noted that the strongest
points of our Research and Development were in the areas of Agriculture and Medicine bearing in mind
that, our country is composite of rural majorities, a rich and vast soil that are yet to be industrialized, and
a great deal of unexplored flora species. Which is an appropriate conduct, because we can sail through a
quest within our reach. But the authorities have urged the R&D in the Philippines to veer the focal point
in addressing social issues such as reduction of poverty and responses to natural disasters, such as
typhoons, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. To make this into reality, the Philippines established long-
term plants to warrant the next 20 years, which had begun in the 2002 to 2020. There have been certain
periods of what sort to have been a description of such strategic areas. In 2004, the S&T had significantly
contributed enhancement to the national productivity and competitiveness and giving resolve to urgent
issues. At 2010, the Philippines had opened a window of opportunity in the form of a market. Within this
year, they had also provided and utilized world-class knowledge and expertise in the chosen fields. It had
surely cultivated radiant society of professionals. In the projected year of 2020, the Philippines are
endeavoring out for a globally competitive products and services based on the uttermost competencies our
technology could cater. As the plan is growing nigh, for we are on the year of 2019, before we could in
effect avail the benefits, the changes should be visible since it has been 17 years since the plan was
established. It is written in the article that in terms of our country’s outputs in research papers, we are
ranked lower than of Singapore (by quality of works), Indonesia and Vietnam (by quantity of works) in
the ASEAN countries. There are also rankings of universities in terms of quality of science education and
University of the Philippines ranked 367th and the Ateneo de Manila University ranked around 461-470.
So far there has been signing of Science and Technology agreements for the progression of the country
through research with a wide range of partners such as the US, Japan, Italy, Thailand, South Korea and
China. As far as I am concerned, it is good that the education focuses on breeding potential scientists for
the conception of competitive local products that can contribute to our country’s economic standing but
we should also give importance to the social sciences since there are also potential markets and more job
opportunities in this field. It just needs the proper appreciation and support to these so we can all help the
economy of the Philippines. Another significant matter that is usually overlooked in our state is the Patent
Law of the Philippines. The integration of one legal system to protect the intellectual property of our
fellow prodigies, from my perspective is an advantage for our collective image, if ever an excellent and
Current State of Science and Technology in the Philippines

substantial projects were created under the name of a Filipino. We can entice other countries to merge
with our own for, probable concepts to be funded and eventually flourish. It is our pride to have someone
of our own race invented something that the whole wide world could benefit from. It should also be of
foremost interest the circulation of topics to be discussed on S&T. The Philippines had already drafted
topics which are appropriate and serviceable to the needs of our fellow citizens. First on the list is the
Necessity to Meet Local Needs. As a Filipino, we should be cognizant of the fact that our country’s
geographical setting generally deduces to a decentralized nature of a country. In a nutshell, we have to
submit to the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central
location or authority. With the intention to promote local industry and reduce poverty, we have to
introduce, plan, support, evaluate and denominate the goals to creditable authorities to distribute the
necessity of the locals, but on a nationwide scale in conjunction of the aspiration to strengthen the
industrial competitiveness.. It encompasses the need for job creation, development of small-to-medium
companies, enhancement of added value, and improvement of business environment. This topic is
followed by the Importance of Utilization of Information Computer Technology or the ICT. There has
been an aberration as regards to the practice of ICT in Education and other Services. So, the demand for a
more reliable, and an excellent quality for developing a network interface is indeed strong. Meanwhile,
the rampant corruption in the government is stronger. One focal point of employing ICT in our country is
to eradicate any traces of fraudulent activities by relying on electronic processes. On grounds that humans
are susceptible to bribing and with the utilization of ICT, the human intervention is reduced to a
minimum, depraves the normal and credible processes of a system. The last topic to be discussed in line
up for the topic, is the Importance of Research of Dealing with Natural Disaster. This topic revolves
around the awareness that the government should be able to impart to the locals in order that the
casualties and fatalities from natural calamities may be minimized to a cursory level. Together with the
primary aim for the researches to be developed/improved in the Philippines like the importance of
research in dealing with natural disasters specially that the Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of
Fire with plenty of active volcanoes.

To sum up the main points, I must come in admission that the provisions they set forth for the future
of S&T in the Philippines could really make an impressive inkling for someone who doesn’t really know
the inner workings of these governing pillars. Conversely enough, the goals and objectives from these
different institute hasn’t taken hold for a common individual, when it should have been felt, for the least
part, by a community. Take for instance the NST Plan 2000-2020, it’s on its latest stages, but a tinge of a
world-class competency cannot be felt, for a fact that we were past behind our neighboring ASEAN
countries. But not to tie this with an adverse undertone, the perseverance of the Philippines to struggle
from the beneath is unparalleled, notwithstanding that our Researches with respect to the Agriculture and
Current State of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Medicine. I still believe that we can achieve all these goals with the right amount of support and
appreciation from the local community. Furthermore, the authorities who currently runs the
administrative process of R&D must come with integrity, credibility and a hope that someday anywhere
near in the future, we’ll be closer to the efficient and the best life we could have ever lived.

Paulo, Jescy Frances D.

Current State of Science and Technology in the Philippines

BSA 1-3

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