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Diajukan sebagai persyaratan dalam menyelesaikan tugas mata kuliah Perpindahan Panas 2
Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik
Universitas singaperbangsa

Dosen pengampu:
Ing. Reza Setiawan, MT.

Disusun oleh:
Febriyanto 1710631150081


Step 1: Pre-Analysis & Start-Up

Start > All Programs > ANSYS 19.0 > Workbench

Figure 1.1: the workbench window.

Step 2: Geometry
Left click (and hold) on Fluid Flow (FLUENT), and drag the icon to the empty space in the Project

Figure 2.1: The Fluid Flow (Fluent)

In the Project Schematic of Workbench window, right click on Geometry and select Properties. Under
Advance Geometry Options, change the Analysis Type to 2D.
Figure 2.2: the Properties of Schematic.

In the Project Schematic, double left click on Geometry to start preparing the geometry. At this point, a
new window, ANSYS Design Modeler will be opened.

Figure 2.3: the Design Modeler Window.

Creating a Sketch
Start by creating a sketch on the XYPlane. Under Tree Outline, select XYPlane, then click on Sketching
right before Details View. This will bring up the Sketching Toolboxes. Click on the +Z axis on the bottom
right corner of the Graphics window to have a normal look of the XY Plane.

Figure 2.4: the XY Plane.

In the Sketching toolboxes, select Rectangle. In the Graphics window, create a rough Rectangle from
starting from the origin in the positive XY direction

Figure 2.5: the Rectangle.

Modify the Sketch

Since we have a heated section in the middle of the pipe, we need to split the geometry appropriately.
Click Modify tab and select Split. Select two points at the top of the rectangle, where there will be a
heated section. Then select two points at the bottom of the rectangle.

Now we can constraint the lower rectangle with the top of the rectangle. Click Constraints tab, select
Equal Length. Click the appropriate top and bottom edge and set them to be of equal length.

Figure 2.6: the Split.

Under Sketching Toolboxes, select Dimensions tab, use the default dimensioning tools. Then click on the
lines and drag upwards or sideways as the case may be to place the dimensions

Figure 2.7: the Dimensions.

Under Details View on the lower left corner, input the value for dimension appropriately. Then hit enter
each time each dimension is entered.

V1: 0.0294 m

H2: 1.83 m

L4: 4.27 m

L5: 6.045 m

Then click on Concept tab in the Design modeler window, then click on Surface from sketches.

This will create a new surface SurfaceSK1. Under the Tree Outline, click on the X-Y Plane and select
Sketch1 as Base Objects and under Details View, click Apply. Finally click Generate to generate the

Figure 2.8: the SurfaceSK1.

You can close the Design Modeler and go back to Workbench

Step 3: Mesh
Save your work in Workbench window. In the Workbench window, right click on Mesh, and click Edit. A
new ANSYS Mesher window will open.

Figure 3.1: the Meshing Window.

In ANSYS Mesher, make sure that the unit we are working on is meter Metric unit. On the top menu,
click on Units and make sure that Metric (m, kg, N, s, V, A) is selected.

Figure 3.2: the Metric Unit.

Meshing Method
We would also like to create a structured mesh where the opposite edges correspond with each other.
Let's insert a Mapped Face mesh. Under Outline, right click on Mesh, move cursor to Insert, and select
Mapped Face Meshing. Alternatively, you can click on Mesh Control on the third menu and select
Mapped Face Meshing.

Figure 3.3: the Face Meshing.

Finally select the pipe surface body in the Graphics window and click Aplly next to Geometry

Edge Sizing
Outline > Mesh > Insert > Sizing

In the Graphics window, select both the left and right edge of the geometry (click on the Edge tab on the
Fluid flow Fluent - Mesh window and then press Ctrl + mouse click to multiple select). Under Details of
"Edge Sizing", click Apply next to Geometry. Change the edge sizing definition Type to Number of
Divisions. Enter 30 for Number of Divisions.

Figure 3.4: the Edge Sizing.

Outline > Mesh > Insert > Sizing

In the Graphics window, select all the top and bottom edge of the geometry (press Ctrl + mouse click to
multiple select). Under Details of "Edge Sizing", click Apply next to Geometry. Enter 0.03 for Element
Size (this will give us roughly 200 divisions). Next to Behaviour, change Soft to Hard

Figure 3.5: the Edge Sizing 2.

We have specified all the meshing conditions. Click Update on the third menu to see the mesh.

Figure 3.6: the Meshing Conditions.

Create Named Selection
Select the left edge and right click and select Create Named Selection. Enter Inlet and click OK. Under
Outline, you will see the name Inlet under Named Selections.

Figure 3.6: the Named Selection.

Finish naming rest of the edges. Finally, click Update

Step 4: Setup (Physics)

Double click on Setup which will bring up the FLUENT Launcher. Click OK to select the default options in
the FLUENT Launcher.

Display Mesh

Problem Setup > General > Mesh > Display...

Figure 4.1: the Mesh Display.

Specify Governing Equations

General > Solver > 2D Space > Axisymmetric
Figure 4.2: the Axisymmetric.

Models > Viscous - Laminar > Edit...

Under Model, select k-epsilon (2 eqn). Since we'll use the default settings for the k-epsilon turbulence
model, click OK.

Figure 4.3: the Viscous Model.

Materials > Fluid air > Create/Edit...

Change the Density (kg/m3) from constant to incompressible-ideal-gas. The constant absolute pressure
to be used in the ideal gas equation is specified later as Operating Pressure.

The other properties are also functions of temperature. However, we'll use constant values equal to the
average values over temperature range obtained in the experiment. Enter the following constant values:
Cp (Specific Heat) (j/kg-k): 1005
Thermal Conductivity (w/m-k): 0.0266

Viscosity (kg/m-s): 1.787e-5

Molecular Weight (kg/kgmol): 28.97

Figure 4.4: the Create/Edit Materials.

Click Change/Create and Close the Create/Edit Materials window.

Specify Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions > Operating Conditions...

Enter 98338.2 under Operating Pressure and click OK.

Figure 4.5: the Operating Conditions.

Boundary Conditions > centerline

Change the Type to axis and click OK.

Figure 4.6: the Boundary Conditions.

Boundary Conditions > heated_section > Edit...

A new Wall window will open. Click on Thermal tab and enter 3473.9 next to Heat Flux (w/m2) and click

Figure 4.7: the Heated Section.

Boundary Conditions > inlet

Note that the boundary Type is automatically set to velocity-inlet. Click Edit... to set up the correct inlet
parameters. Enter 25.05 next to Velocity Magnitude (m/s). For Turbulent Kinetic Energy (m2/s2), enter
value 0.09. For Turbulent Dissipation Rate (m2/s3), enter value 16.

Figure 4.8: the Velocity Inlet.

Now click on Thermal tab and enter 298.15K for Temperature. Click OK to close the window.

Figure 4.9: the Temperature.

Boundary Conditions > Outlet

Click Edit... to specify the gauge pressure at the outlet. Enter -1112.3 for Gauge Pressure and click Ok.

Figure 4.10: the Pressure Outlet.

Step 5: Solution
Solution > Solution Methods
Figure 5.1: the Solution Methods.

Solution > Monitors > Residuals - Print, Plot > Edit...

Figure 5.2: the Residual Monitors.

Solution > Solution Initialization

Under Compute from, select Inlet and click Initialize.

Figure 5.3: the Solution Initialization.

Solution > Run Calculation

Enter 500 for Number of Iterations and click Calculate. You will see a window message saying Calculating
the solution...

Figure 5.4: the Scaled Residuals.

Step 6: Results
Double click on Results in the Project Schematic window. This will open CFD-Post

Temperature Contour

On the top menu, click on contour . We will be calling this contour "Temperature Contour", OK when
done. On the left hand side, Details of Temperature Contour will allow you to select parameters relevant
to the results we're looking for. In this example, the Locations is periodic 1, the Variable is Temperature.
The number of contours is a personal preference, in this example, we have selected 100. This step tells
CFD-Post we are looking to plot contours of temperature.

Figure 6.1: Details of Temperature Contour.

Finally, we stretch the pipe in the radial direction. Select Apply Scale.

After you click Apply, you will see that under Outline > User Locations and Plots, Temperature Contour is
created. You will also see that the Temperature Contour is plotted in the Graphics window on the right.
Under Outline > User Locations and Plots, uncheck Wireframe to see just the Temperature Contour in
the Graphics window.
Figure 6.2: the Temperature Contour.

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