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Permalink Reply by Remy Djed on December 13, 2011 at 10:49am

Thank You Very much Sevan, I cant wait to try these with the vocal mantras I've been praticing


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Permalink Reply by Darren on December 13, 2011 at 1:54pm

Thanks Sevan!

My Incan friend immediately sent me this reply to this info:

Sevan's messages are amazing and make me work. The one you just sent about the mudras is great. In Peru, with the shaman was teaching us the
one of the crown chakra, and here you are now telling me about it. He asked us to do it above the head, continue with the 3rd eye, keep down to
the throat and heart. At the solar plexis to turn it upside down and continue to the base one. All this in front of the Sun, as a salute.

He also showed us to use the chakana, the hole to put it over the third eye to connect with the Sun and the Sun behind the Sun (central Sun galactic

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