Ambisyon Natin 2040 NEDA

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The Long-Term Vision

Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century

• Asia will nearly double its share of

global GDP to over 50%.
• Asia’s per capita income will rise
six-fold from 2010 to 2050 and will
exceed the global average

• 7 economies will lead Asia’s march 41,700
to prosperity (South Korea, Japan, 33,800
China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia 22,700
and Thailand)

• The Philippines will be overtaken by

India and Viet Nam; will be in the
company of Mongolia and Figure 3: Projections of Per Capita GDP (constant 2010 PPP) of Selected Asian Economies in 2050
Source of basic data: ADB Publication – Asia 2050

• A long-term (25 years) vision of Filipinos.
• It is a vision, NOT a plan.
• An anchor for development planning across
administrations (Executive Order No. 5)
• A guide for engaging with international development

The Long-term Vision (LTV)
1. Advisory Committee
• composed of representatives from the government,
private sector, the academe, and civil society guided
the overall implementation of the visioning exercise
2. Public consultations
• 42 FGDs with marginalized groups (C. David)
• National Survey 15-50 years old (n=10,000; PSRC)
2. Technical studies
• Thematic study team organized (led by Dr. R.
3. Communication & advocacy
• Online social media engagement
• Public forums

The Life We Want
Maginhawa Panatag
• Freedom from hunger • Security of place
• Living together with family
and poverty • Resources adequate for day-
• Time with family and friends
• Guaranteed mobility to-day needs and unexpected
(work/life balance)
• Secure home ownership expenses
• Travel and vacation • Passive income during
opportunities retirement

An overwhelming majority of
Filipinos aspire for a simple and 3.9 %
Life of the Rich
comfortable life…
16.9 %
Prosperous or Affluent Life

79.2 %
Simple and Comfortable Life

What is a “simple and comfortable” life ?

Own at least Decent work Relax with

one car family and

All children are

Have enough college-educated Business
money for day- owner
to-day needs

Able to take
Own a occasional trips
medium-sized around the country

What is a “simple and comfortable” life ?

P 120,000
Gross Monthly Family Income

5,000 25,000
Own one car Income Tax
All children are

40,000 4,000
Relax with family
Have enough money
and friends
for day-to-day needs

30,000 6,000
Own a medium-sized Able to take occasional
home trips around the country
Vision for the Country:
Hunger, local employment and poverty are the main
socioeconomic issues that should be addressed
No one is hungry 64
All Filipinos have a chance for adequate jobs.... 51
No one is poor 50
Everyone can get treatment when sick 50
All Filipino families have their own house 36
Everyone has modern lifestyle 17
The country is a world leader in science 10

Base: Total Interviews unwtd/wtd (10000/10000)

Eradication of corruption is the most important aspect of
governance that should be addressed

Eradication of Corruption 82 16 11 98 2 96
Fair enforcement of the law 76 22 2 98 2 96

Fast and easy processes 74 24 2 98 2 96

Order and Safety in the... 72 26 21 97 3 94
Fast response towards... 72 25 21 97 3 94
Enough avenues to be able... 69 28 21 97 3 94

Slightly important Slightly not important Definitely not important

Base: Total Interviews unwtd/wtd (10000/10000)

Vision for Country
“By 2040, the Philippines shall be a prosperous,
predominantly middle-class society where no one is poor.
Our peoples will enjoy long and healthy lives, are smart
and innovative, and will live in a high-trust society”
From vision to action

2029- 2040
2023- 2034
• Requires strong ownership and buy-in by stakeholders and
2028 the country’s leaders over the next 25 years
2017- • Each plan must build on previous plan, not change it
2022 unnecessarily
• Needs and preferences may change over time
• Unexpected developments may arise (e.g. climate, science
& technology)

Asia 2050: We can change the future!

The Philippines can join Asia’s march to prosperity!

Rationale and Legal Basis
Executive Order No. 5 (s. 2016): “Approving and Adopting the 25-Year Long-
Term Vision Entitled Ambisyon Natin 2040 as a Guide For Development Planning”

Section 2. Overall Long-term Goals

The Philippine Government hereby aims to triple per capita incomes and
eradicate hunger and poverty by 2040, if not sooner. An appropriate set of
milestones shall be identified to guide the successive medium-term
development plans.
Section 3. Medium-Term Philippine Development Plans
The four (4) medium-term Philippine Development Plans, hereafter to be
referred to as Philippine Development Plans (PDPs), to be crafted and
implemented until 2040 shall be anchored on the Ambisyon Natin 2040 and
overall goals. The PDPs shall ensure sustainability and consistency of strategies,
policies, programs and projects across political administrations.
Section 4. Consistent Government Plans
All Plans of government departments, offices and instrumentalities, including
government-owned or controlled corporations and local government units, shall
be consistent with Ambisyon Natin 2040.
Rationale and Legal Basis
Memorandum Circular No. 12, s. 2016:
“Directing the Formulation of the Philippine Development Plan
and the Public Investment Program for the Period 2017-2022”

To formally commence the formulation of the PDP, the President

issued Memorandum Circular No. 12 on 24 October 2016
directing the NEDA Secretariat to coordinate the formulation of
the country’s national and regional development plans and the
accompanying investment programs, and monitor their
The Long-Term Vision

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