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Any solid material in the material flow pattern that is rejected by

the society is called Solid Waste. The SWM problem is severe in urban areas
because people from rural area are migrating at an alarming rate for want of
employment and better quality of life. The management of commingled huge
amount of solid waste becomes the hectic problem, which the municipality is
facing. It involves the management of the activities associated with
generation, storage, collection, transfer, transport, processing and disposal of
solid waste that will be environmentally compatible by adopting principles of
economy, aesthetics, energy and conservation. It encompasses planning,
organization, administration, financial, legal and engineering aspects
involving interdisciplinary relationships.

In the present study, MSWM for MC was chosen as a case study

for efficient management of MSW. Madurai is the second largest city in
Tamilnadu and also considered as the cultural capital of Tamilnadu. The city
is a lotus shaped city with the world famous Sri Meenakshi Amman Temple
as epicenter. Now after India’s independence, Madurai is one of the major
districts of Tamilnadu state. Later on Madurai District was bifurcated into
three districts namely Madurai, Dindigul and Theni Districts. Madurai city is
identified as the potential hub for setting up of IT Park. The MC area is
divided into 4 zones, which in turn is divided into 72 wards for functional

convenience by MC. MC is disposing the MSW of 450t daily in the dump

yard at Avaniyapuram, 10 km away from the center of the city.


The city is located at 9.58º N latitude and 78.1º E longitudes. The

city extends to an area of 51.96 sq. kms and as per the 2001 census the
population is 10.6lakhs. The river Vaigai flows across the city from North
West to South East. The topography of land is gently sloping from North
West to South East on either banks of river Vaigai. This city finds its place in
the national tourist map as a temple city having no major industries within
corporation boundary as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Location of Madurai City


The MC map with corporation boundary and ward demarcation is shown in

Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Madurai Corporation with ward demarcation


Madurai airport is located at Avaniyapuram near the dumpsite.

MC wastewater and sewage farm is also located at Avaniyapuram. For micro
level analysis of macro routing, 3 wards were selected on the basis of
population density, quality of waste, location from the disposal site and also
the type of the building. Table 3.1 shows the categorization of wards which
are having similar characteristics. 1 ward from each category is selected for
the case study. The river Vaigai divides the city into northern upside (1/3rd of
MC) and southern downside (2/3rd of MC) as shown in Figure 3.2. Ward 13
lies on the northern upside and wards 27 and 47 lies on the southern
respectively western and eastern downside of the river Vaigai (Figure 3.2).

Table 3.1 Categorization of MC Wards

Sl.No Details Wards Remarks

Thickly populated residential area, Ward 47 is

market area and located on the 31,32,3 selected as
1 31
south east downside of river 7 - 65 sample study
Vaigai. area.

Ward 27 is
Residential area, slum area, nearer 22– 30,
selected as
2 to bus stand and located south west 33– 36, 20
sample study
downside of river Vaigai. 66 - 72

Mixed type of buildings – Ward 13 is

residential, educational, public selected as
3 1 - 21 21
buildings and located on the sample study
northern upside of river Vaigai. area.

3.2.1 Roads in Madurai City

The total length of roads in Madurai city is 536 kms.

The different types of roads existing in the corporation area are as

detailed in Table 3.2.

Length of the road maintained by State Highways : 23.61 km

Length of the road maintained by National Highways : 14.60 km

Table 3.2 Types of roads

Sl.No. Type of Road Length in Km.

1. Cement Road 25.15
2. Bitumen Road 386.36
3. Water Bound Macadam 40.93
4. Cut stone slab Road 17.25
5. Earthen Road 5.75
Source: MC

3.2.2 Weather Conditions

The temperature during summer is 31.7˚C maximum and 25˚C

minimum, and during winter is 29˚C maximum and 20˚C minimum and the
average rainfall is 8.5 cms.


The day–to–day management of solid wastes is a complex and

expensive activity. Disposal functions have to be sought for the future, the
overall objective being to minimize the adverse environmental effects caused
by the indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes. This is of paramount

importance to health, environmental protection, natural resources

management and sustainable development. Developed countries have adopted
sophisticated management practices. Importing the same in low – income
countries is not economically, and technically viable and socially acceptable.
However, the management strategies that are to be adopted for low – income
countries should ensure maximum safety to the environment.

The management strategies should be in such a way as to perform

the following functions:

 Protection of environment and public health

 Promotion of the quality of environment

 Supporting the efficiency and productivity of the economy

 Generation of employment and income

Potential hazards of solid wastes are numerous to the living

community when it is improperly managed. Solid wastes have potential to
pollute all the vital components of living environment (i.e., air, land and
water). Some of the hazards caused by solid wastes are listed below:

 Environmental pollution from waste leachates and gas

evolving from dumped solid waste.

 Since the Madurai airport is located near the dumpsite, the

smoke and also the birds causes hindrance for flight landing.

 Air pollution from smoke by burning of waste and health

hazards to the people through inhalation of dust and smoke.

 Health hazards to waste workers and rag pickers through

direct contact with waste.

 Chance of spreading of communicable diseases.

 Unaesthetic appearance.

 The quality of surface water and the ground water in the

dumping area is degrading day by day.

 Poor living environment.

3.3.1 Functional Elements of MSWM

For efficient implementation of MSWM the following functional

elements needs to be given primary importance:

 Source reduction
 Onsite storage
 Collection, Transfer and Transport
 Processing techniques and
 Disposal

The above functional elements are represented in a flow diagram as

shown in Figure 3.3.






Figure 3.3 Components of municipal solid waste management


3.3.2 Storage

Storage of waste before final disposal is done at three levels:

 Storage at source

 Storage at community level

 Storage at transfer station

Storage at source

Solid waste is often stored at the source until they are picked up by
waste collectors or to be thrown into an open space or community bin.

Storage at community level

Community bins are used in crowd and narrow market areas, which
is a common feature of most developing countries. Because of the high cost of
door-to-door collection many waste management authorities have introduced
community bins.

Storage at transfer station

Transfer stations are established for economic reasons in cities,

which have long haulage distance to final disposal sites. Smaller collection
vehicles bring in the wastes collected at their source of generation or from the
community bins and larger vehicle transport them away to final disposal
points. Transfer stations are also used as collection, segregation and storing
points for recycling materials.

3.3.3 Collection Methods

Most of the collection systems followed in India is listed below:

 Door-to-door Collection

 Curbside Collection

 Block Collection

 Community Bins

Door-to-door collection

This system is used in narrow streets where the collection truck

cannot reach individual houses. The house owners place the filled containers
outside their doors when the waste collectors arrive. This door-to-door
collection system of MSW is called primary collection.

Curbside collection

This method is used in wider streets where the collection trucks can
pass through conveniently. The house owners leave the waste container at the
edge of the pavement. The waste collector collects the waste from the
curbside or empties the container into the vehicle as passes through the street
at set time in a day (Time Window).

Block collection

The collection vehicle arrives at a particular place on a set day and

time to collect the waste from the households. Household bring their waste
containers and empty directly into the vehicle.

Community bins

Community storage bins are placed at convenient location, where

the community member carry their waste and throw it.

The curbside collection/ block collection/ community bin collection

of MSW is termed as secondary collection.

3.3.4 Collection Routes

Collection routes must be laid out based on the equipment and labor
requirements so that both the collectors and equipment are used effectively. In
general, the layout of collection routes involves a series of trials. There is no
universal set of rules that can be applied to all situations. Thus, collection
vehicle routing remains today a heuristics process.

Some heuristics guidelines that should be taken into consideration

when laying out routes are as follows:

 Existing policies and regulations related to such items as the

point of collection and frequency of collection must be

 Existing system characteristics such as crew size and vehicle

types must be coordinated.

 Wherever possible, routes are laid out so that they begin and
end near arterial streets, using topographical and physical
barriers as route boundaries.

 In hilly area, routes should start at the top of the grade and
proceed downhill as the vehicle becomes loaded.

 Routes should be laid out so that the last container to be

collected on the route is located nearest to the disposal site.

 Waste generated at traffic-congested locations should be

collected as early in the day as possible.

 Sources at which extremely large quantities of wastes are

generated should be collected / serviced during the first part of
the day.

 Scattered pickup points (where small quantities of solid waste

are generated) that receive the same collection frequency
should, if possible, be serviced during one trip or on the same

3.3.5 Disposal and Disposal Options

Final destination of solid waste in India is disposal. Most urban

solid waste in Indian cities and towns are land filled and dumped. A wide
range of disposal option in many developing countries is available and some
of them are listed below:

 Non engineered disposal

 Sanitary land-filling

 Composting

 Incineration

 Pelletization

Non engineered disposal

This is the most common method of disposal in low income

countries, which have no control or with only slight or moderate control. They

tend to remain for longer time and environmental degradation could be high,
include mosquito, rodent and fly breeding, air and water pollution, degrading
of the land.

Sanitary land-filling

Sanitary landfill is a fully engineered disposal option, which avoids

harmful effects of uncontrolled dumping by spreading, compacting and
covering the wasteland that has been carefully engineered before use.
Through proper site selection, preparation, management and operation can
minimize the effects of leachats and gas production both in the present and
future. This option is suitable when the land is available at an affordable
price. Human and technical resources available are to operate and manage the


Composting is a biological process of decomposition carried out

under controlled conditions of ventilation, temperature, moisture, and
organisms in the waste themselves that convert them into humus-like material
by acting on the organic portion of solid waste. If carried out effectively, the
final is stable, odor-free, does not attract flies and is a good soil conditioner.
Composting is considered when bio-degradable is available in considerable
fraction in the waste stream and there is use or market for compost.
Centralized composting plant for sector may only be undertaken if adequate
skilled manpower and equipment are available, hence at household level and
small level composting practice should be effective which needs the people’s


Incineration is the controlled burning of waste in a purpose build

facility. The process sterilizes and stabilizes the waste. For most waste, it will
reduce its volume less than a quarter of the original. Most of the combustible
material is converted into carbon-di-oxide and ash. An extensive sample
program conducted in India reveals that most of the waste had a calorific
value of just 3350joule/g compared with 9200 joules/g in high-income
countries. Incineration may be used as a disposal option, only when land
filling is not possible and the waste composition is of high combustible paper.
It requires an appropriate technology, infrastructure and skilled manpower to
operate and maintain the plant.


Pelletization is one method of densifying the MSW. The densified

refuse derived fuel for combustion in incineration, gasification, or pyrolysis
called pellets can be derived from MSW, which is not practiced in MC. The
MSW can be pelletized into dog-food-sized pellets using a pelletizer. The
densified refuse derived fuel pellets made from sugar cane bagasse are being
used in Hawaii to fuel a cogeneration plant at a sugar mill.

3.3.6 Public Education

Motivating the public to support the solid waste management

program includes diverse culture, range of human mentalities and thoughts,
requires interpersonal approach. Public education programs aid in

 Explaining the necessity of public participation

 Raising awareness about waste management needs and


 Advocating adoption of the desired waste management


 Policy interventions are possible through active public


 Public education and incentives would help in this regard.


MC consists of 4 zones which comprises totally 72 wards. The

organization has many departments including health section which has major
task of city health program and other central sponsored programs in addition
to garbage collection and disposal. The department headed by city health
officer, and the assistant health officer, circle sanitary officer and sanitary
inspector are responsible for solid waste management and the hierarchy is
shown in Figure 3.4. Government has sanctioned 72 conservancy inspectors
exclusively for garbage management. Since conservancy inspectors have not
been posted in 72 wards, the works are being managed with 39 sanitary
inspectors. Each sanitary inspector (SI) has been given 2-3 wards according to
the ward nature. At Zonal level, the circle sanitary officer (CSO) supervising
the conservancy activities. The assistant health officer has overall supervision
of the conservancy work of 4 zones. The city health officer monitors the
conservancy work in addition to other city health programs. The assistant
executive engineer – SWM coordinate with the conservancy work in
maintenance and deployment of vehicle used for conservancy and other health





Figure 3.4 Organization chart of MC

CHO - Chief Health Officer AHO - Assistant Health Officer

CSO - Chief Sanitary Officer SI - Sanitary Inspector


The per capita contribution of solid waste has been arrived from the
total quantity collected with respect to population. The manual on solid waste
management, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organization (CPHEEO) specifies that the average contribution of solid waste
per capita per day can be computed in different ways. The first one is based
on the Gross National Product (GNP) rating and the other one is based on the
observed data.

The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute

(NEERI) has made a comprehensive study of the solid waste management in
different cities in India during 1978 to 1992. According to this study the
quantity of waste generated in India ranges between 0.2 – 0.6 kg/capita/day.
The break up of this waste from different sources is given below.

Residential refuse : 0.3 to 0.6 kg/capita/day

Commercial refuse : 0.1 to 0.2 kg/capita/day

Street sweepings : 0.05 to 0.2 kg/capita/day

Institutional refuse : 0.05 to 0.2 kg/capita/day

As per the manual on SWM the per capita waste generation for
cities having population between 1 and 2 million is 0.27 kg/capita/day.

3.5.1 Methods Used to Estimate Waste Quantities

Waste quantities are usually estimated on the basis of data gathered

by conducting a waste characterization study, using previous waste generation
data, or some combination of two approaches. Methods commonly used to
assess solid waste quantities are load-count analysis, weight-volume analysis,
and materials mass balance analysis. In this discussion, it will be helpful to
remember that most measurements of waste quantities do not accurately
represent what they are reported or assumed to represent. For example, in
predicting residential waste generation rates, the measured rate seldom
reflects the true rate because there are confounding factors (e.g., onsite
storage and the use of alternative disposal locations) that make the true rate
difficult to assess.

Load-count analysis

In this method, the number of individual’s load and the

corresponding waste characteristics (types of waste, estimated volume) are
noted over a specific time period. If scales are available, weight data are also
recorded. Unit generation rates are determined by using the field data and,
where necessary, published data.

Weight-volume analysis

Although the use of detailed weight-volume data obtained by

weighing and measuring each load will certainly provide better information
on the specific weight of the various forms of solid wastes at a given location.

Materials mass balance analysis

The only way to determine the generation and movement of solid

wastes with any degree of reliability is to perform a detailed materials mass
balance analysis for each generation source, such as individual home or a
commercial or industrial activity. In some cases, the materials mass balance
method of analysis will be required to obtain the data needed to verify
compliances with state-mandated recycling programs.

Among the above methods, the weight-volume analysis is used for

quantifying the MSW of MC. In the study area of MC, in order to arrive the
quantity of garbage collected, a detailed survey was carried out for a period of
6 months. The quantification of the garbage is based on direct weighing of the
collected garbage using a load dial of 100kg capacity for weighing the bucket
containers and for the collection vehicle Weigh Bridge is used. The actual
quantity of garbage weighted is shown in Table A1.1 in Appendix 1 the
quantification of MSW in MC is shown in Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.5 Weighing of MSW at weigh bridge


Figure 3.6 Weighing of MSW using load dial

3.5.2 Statistical Analysis of Measured Waste Quantities

In developing SWM systems, it is often necessary to determine the

statistical characteristics of the observed solid waste generation rates. For
example, for many large industrial activities it would be impractical to
provide container capacity to handle the largest conceivable quantity of solid
wastes to be generated in a given day. The container capacity to be provided
must be based on a statistical analysis of the generation rates and the
characteristics of the collection system.

The first step in assessing the statistical characteristics of a series of

observations is to determine whether the observations are distributed normally
or are skewed (log normal). The nature of the distribution can be determined
most readily by plotting the data on arithmetic and logarithmic probability
graph paper. Once the nature of the distribution is known, statistical measures
that are used to describe the distribution include: the mean, median, mode,

and standard deviation, coefficient of variations, coefficient of skewness, and

coefficient of kurtosis.

The multiplication factor for finding the theoretical quantity is

arrived by dividing the total quantity of garbage by the population.

Percapita waste generation per day = Total Garbage / Population

As per the field study the total resident population is arrived as

648434. With this 20% for floating population need to be added to get the
total population.

Total Population = Resident population + Floating population

= 648434 + 129687 = 778121
Total garbage = 262960kg.

Percapita waste generation per day = 262960 / 778121

= 0.34kg/capita/day.

Correlation analysis between the actual garbage generated and the

population was carried out which is giving the Pearson’s correlation
coefficient as 0.89. That means there is a correlation exists between the actual
garbage generated and population.

With these information and based on the results of random

sampling and the data provided by MC the waste generation rate for MC is
arrived as 0.35 kg/capita/day.

The salient details of the existing SW quantification as per the data

collected from MC and from the present study are as detailed in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Salient details of SW

S.No. Description Details

1 Per capita waste generated (kg/day) 0.35
2 Waste Generated per day (MT) 450
3 Waste collected per day (MT) 375
4 Bio degradable waste (% of total weight) 70%
5 Non – Bio degradable waste(% of total weight) 30%
Source: MC

The effective solid waste management system should comply with

the following directions.

 It should be in compliance with the Municipal Solid Waste

(Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.

 It should follow cradle to grave to ghost approach. Here ghost

approach means post closure plans of sanitary landfill.

 An effective solid waste management system should aim at

minimizing manual handling and 100% collection and
transportation of solid wastes.

 It should encourage segregation of waste

 Recyclable wastes should be put to effective use

 It should aim at minimizing and ultimately eliminating

adverse environmental and health inputs.

 It should encourage public private partnership for economic


 It should make the city clean, green and environmental


 It should aim at zero Garbage cities.


The qualities of garbage include the physical and chemical

properties of the MSW and are discussed as below.

3.6.1 Physical Properties

It is mandatory to study about the physical qualities of MSW for

any management system to be proposed. It includes density, moisture content
and composition.


Knowledge of density of the waste i.e. the mass per unit volume
(kg/m ) is essential for the design of all elements of the SWM. The density of
MSW in different cities of India is reported to vary over a range of
350-550 kg/m3 (Manual on SWM). High-density wastes reflect a high
proportion of biodegradable organic matter and moisture. Low-density
wastes, on the other hand, indicate a high proportion of paper, plastic and
other combustibles.

Significant changes in density occur as the waste moves from

source to disposal due to scavenging, handling, wetting and drying by the
weather and compaction in collection vehicle. The average density of MSW
for cities like Madurai is around 500 kg/m3 and the average density of inert
materials when it goes to landfill site is around 850 kg/m 3. These values were
arrived in conclusion to the present study and from the manual on SWM.

Moisture content

Moisture content is a critical factor in waste treatment and

processing methods. High moisture content causes biodegradable waste
fractions to decompose more rapidly than in dry conditions. It also makes the
waste unsuitable for thermal treatment for energy recovery, as heat must first
be supplied to remove moisture. Range of moisture content in Madurai MSW
based on the present study is 45% to 50%.


The composition of MSW generated is found using the sampling

technique. The number of samples selected is 4, one in each zone and the
sampling techniques are discussed in detail as below.

Measuring composition by manual sampling

The sampling plan drives the waste composition study. Even if the
sampling procedure is performed adequately, it means nothing unless the plan
can produce valid results. First, the waste has to be accurately represented
through proper load selection so as not to bias the final analysis. The
truckload to be analyzed has to represent as closely as possible the average
production of refuse in the community.

Once the load has been selected, a methodology for producing a

sample small enough to be analyzed but big enough to be statistically
representative of the MSW must be established. The most frequently used
methodology for determining the number of samples required in order to
achieve statistical validity is the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), standard test for determination of the composition of unprocessed
MSW(ASTM designation D 5231 – 92). This method provides a script to

follow when conducting a waste composition study, including a statistically

based method for determining the number of samples desired to characterize
the waste. The number of samples required to achieve the desired level of
measurement precision is a function of the component(s) under consideration
and the desired confidence level. The calculations are an interactive process,
beginning with a suggested sample mean and standard deviation for waste
components. Typically, a 90% confidence level is adequate for most studies.
As a crude first estimate, sorting and analyzing more than 200 lb (90 kg) in
each sample would have little statistical advantage. The question is how many
of the 200-lb samples are necessary for the testers to feel statistically
confident in the results.

To obtain representative 200-lb (90 kg) samples, ASTM

recommends quartering and coning. Quartering is the separation of a
truckload of waste into successive quarters, after thoroughly mixing the
contents with a front – end loader. The samples are then coned again and
quartered again until they are about 200 lb (90 kg). The greater the desired
precision, the greater will be the number of 200-lb samples analyzed. For
example if 50 samples of 200 lb each are processed, then the expected
precision for the organic fraction would be about ± 15% the precision for
newsprint, aluminum, and ferrous would be about ±15%, and the precision for
corrugated cardboard would be only about ±25%. As would be expected, the
larger the articles, the more is required to achieve acceptable precision.

It is important to decide early in the sampling program what is to be

measured, that is, how many categories of waste are to be used. This decision,
of course, depends on what the data are to be used for. In one study that was
conducted to estimate the possibility of diverting waste from the landfill
through prevention and recycling.

Number of samples to be collected

Solid waste is very heterogeneous in nature and its composition

varies with place and time. Samples obtained from the same place (sampling
point) during a 24hour day, but at different times may show totally different
characteristics. Hence, the method by which the sample is collected and the
number of samples collected is critical.

In the planning of sample survey, a stage is always reached at

which some decision must be made about the size of the sample. This
decision is extremely important as unduly large number of sample result in
waste of resources while a small number of samples diminish the accuracy
and utility of the results.

A method of determining the number of samples by statistical

technique has been described below:

The data on physical analysis of solid waste is presented in

percentage. Since the percentage of one constituent differs greatly from the
other, the data follows a multinomial distribution. So the data is subjected to a
normalizing by using arcsin function.

Y = 2 arcsin X (3.1)

where, X’s the original percentage value of a component expressed as a

decimal. Y is the transformed value of X.

To determine the number of samples required for composition

analysis the following formula is used.

NS = (ZS/δ) 2 (3.2)

where NS = number of samples

Z = the standard normal deviation for confidence level desired

(normally 95%)

S = estimated standard deviation (transformed basis)

δ = sensitivity (transformed basis)

= [2 arcsin √X - 2arcsin √X ±Δ]

The value for Δ is set according to the desired level of precision.

The choice of sign for X ± Δ is positive if X is < 0.5. For any waste
constituent, corresponding to the upper and lower values of the expected
range, the values of δlower and δupper are calculated by using the above
equation. Subsequently, the corresponding sample sizes NSlower and NSupper
are determined. The number of samples required to be collected for various
constituents are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Number of samples to be selected for MSW analysis

Expected NS (Sample
Delta δ
Constituent Range SD Size)
(%) δlower δupper NSlower NSupper
Paper 3-6 0.0742 0.01 0.0545 0.0405 7 13
Rubber 0.3-0.8 0.0298 0.001 0.017 0.0109 12 29
Glass 0.3-0.9 0.0285 0.001 0.017 0.01 11 31
Metals 0.3-0.8 0.0277 0.001 0.017 0.0109 10 25
30-60 0.1766 0.1 0.199 0.166 3 4
Inert 46-60 0.0731 0.1 0.184 0.166 1 2

The number of samples can also be determined for any chemical

parameter by using this method.

It is evident from the Table 3.4 that the number of samples to be

taken does not exceed thirty five in any case. Although a large number of
samples will increase precision, the required number of samples for increased
precision increase at a very large disproportionate rate making the analysis
not only a hard task but also uneconomical. The basic aim should be to obtain
a sample size which is a compromise between economy and precision.

Collection of samples of solid waste

Sites for collecting samples of MSW are so chosen as to cover a

large population size. Based on the type of area such as residential,
commercial, and industrial, market, slum etc., sampling points are distributed
uniformly all over the study area. The sampling points are further classified
based on economic status of the population such as high, middle and low
income group.

Approximately 10 kg of MSW is collected from each of ten points

from outside and inside of the solid waste heap. The total quantity of waste so
collected (100 kg) is thoroughly mixed and subsequently reduced by the
method of quartering till samples of such size are obtained that can be
handled in the laboratory. The sample so obtained is subjected to physical
analysis, determination of moisture and thereafter the sample is processed for
further chemical analysis. Samples collected for physical and chemical
analysis (10 - 12 kg) are packed in plastic bags. Each plastic bag is repacked
in another plastic bag to ensure safe carting, sealed and sent to the laboratory
for analysis.

The sampling of MSW of MC is shown in Figure 3.7. The

composition of MSW of MC arrived from the present study is as detailed in
Table 3.5 and also the same is depicted with a pie chart as shown in
Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.7 Sampling of MSW

Table 3.5 Composition of MSW of MC

Sl.No. Description of the component % Composition

1. Vegetable and Fruit Waste 29.4
2. Food Waste 24.3
3. Plastic 1.0
4. Leaves Waste 8.1
5. Silt 30.4
6. Paddy Straw 1.5
7. Cow Dung 0.9
8. Fish Waste 1.3
9. Others 3.1

Composition of MSW 3%
Vegetable & Fruit Waste 2%
Food Waste
Leaves Waste 31%
Paddy Straw
Cow Dung
Fish Waste
Others 24%

Figure 3.8 Composition of MSW

3.6.2 Chemical Properties

Knowledge of chemical characteristics is essential in selecting and

designing the waste processing and disposal facilities. The chemical
composition of MSW generated from MC is given in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6 Average chemical characteristics of MSW

Sl.No Characteristics Unit Average Values

1 Moisture % by weight 50.7
2. Net V.S % by weight 17.3
3. Ash % by weight 30.7
4. Coal % by weight 1.3
5. Sulphate mg/kg 3000
6. Phosphate mg/kg 1457
7. Chloride mg/kg 1499
8. T.K.N mg/kg 1105
9. Sodium mg/kg 1302
10. Potassium mg/kg 3315
11. Calcium mg/kg 5600
Source: IES Study, MC, 2004


In each ward dust bins (steel bin, dumper bin, concrete bin, and
masonry bin) have been provided in selected location of MC area. The
conservancy workers sweep the streets and collect the garbage in heaps and
dump it into the bins. There are collection points where the garbage being
stored temporarily. The collected garbage is then transported to the nearest
sub-centre (Transfer Station). The tractor or dumper placer vehicles are used
to convey the garbage from the collection points (either TTS or dumper bins).
The garbage collected in sub-centre are then loaded into tipper lorry by JCB
and conveyed to the final dumping yard (Avaniapuram).

At present in 72 wards, the total sanitary workers engaged in

conservancy and other sanitation work is 2604. There are 114 trolleys,
98 push carts, 153 wheeled waste basket, 64 dumper bins, 58 steel bins,
184 concrete bins and 92 masonry bins are in use to store the garbage after

The MC generates solid waste at an average of 450 MT every day.

This garbage is collected from about 478 km of roads, streets and by-lanes.
The Table 3.7 shows the total manpower engaged in conservancy and other
sanitation work. Dustbins have been provided in selected locations of each
ward. The sanitary workers sweep the streets and collect the garbage in heaps
and dump it into the bins, which are the collection points where the garbage is
stored temporarily as shown in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10. The collected
garbage is then transported to the nearest sub-center or dump-yard. The
dumper placer is used to convey the garbage from the collection point. The
garbage collected in sub-center is then loaded into tipper lorry by JCB and
conveyed to the final dumping yard at Avaniapuram.

Figure 3.9 Dumper bin

Figure 3.10 Open ground used as temporary transfer station


Table 3.7 Present status of manpower for collection of solid waste

Sanctioned Present
Sl.No. Designation Vacancy
Strength strength
1. Sanitary worker 2700 2516 184*
2. Circle Sanitary Officer - 4 -
3. Sanitary Inspector 84 39 45
4. Conservancy Inspector 72 - 72
5. Driver 91 65 26
6. Sanitary Supervisor 110 63 47
Total 3057 2687 374
*Vacancy being managed by outsourcing
Source: MC, 2004

In MC vehicles are deployed according to the ward requirement. In

the arterial area fast moving vehicles like tipper lorries and dumper placers
are used. Agro tractor, corporation tractor or ordinary lorries cover the
extension area. Table 3.8 gives the details of existing fleet strength of SWM
system and their usage.

Table 3.8 Types of vehicle used

Corporation Contract
Sl.No. Type of Vehicle Total
Vehicle Vehicle
1. Tipper Lorry 8 13 21
2. Non Tipping Lorry 5 - 5
3. Tipper Tractor - 35 35
4. Dumper Placers 6 - 6
5. Auto Rickshaw - 50 50
6. Bullock cart - 52 52
Source: MC, 2004

Present SWM system of MC consists of three components -

collection, transportation and disposal. Different sources of SW in Madurai
and their respective quantities are given in Table 3.9. Details of SW
generation zone-wise and details of MSWM in MC are given in Table 3.10.

Table 3.9 Different sources of SW generation in MC

Sl.No. Source Generation Garbage (MT)

1. Residential 288
2. Street Sweeping 36
3. Commercial and Market 72
4. Institutional 36
5. Hospital and Nursing Homes 18
Total 450
Source: MC, 2004

Table 3.10 MSW generation zone-wise and details of MSWM in MC

Sl. North East South West

Particulars Total
No. Zone Zone Zone Zone
1. No. of Wards 21 16 19 16 72
31-43, 22-30,
2. Comprising ward 1-21 44-59 1-72
60-65 66-72
3. Population (lakhs) 2.85 2.30 2.70 2.60 10.45
4. Area (sq.kms) 19.50 6.12 7.45 18.78 51.85
5. No. of Streets 762 408 458 467 2095
No. of sanitary
6. 745 574 706 515 2540
Total waste
7. 91 76 121 60 348
generation (t/day)
8. Per Capita (gm/day) 320 303 448 231 326

The distribution of streets ward-wise, actual quantity of garbage

generated, distribution of income group ward-wise and distribution of wards
zone-wise are shown in Figures 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 and 3.14 respectively for
MC from collected and field study data.

Distribution of Streets

Number of streets





1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70

No. of Streets

Figure 3.11 Distribution of streets ward-wise

Quantity of garbage generated

Quantity of garbage (kg)






1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70

Quantity of garbage (kg)

Figure 3.12 Actual quantity of garbage generated


Income Group
Low - 10 : Medium - 20 : High - 30

Income Group

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70

Income Group

Figure 3.13 Distribution of income group ward-wise

Distribution of wards in zones


Figure 3.14 Distribution of wards in zones

A field study was done to assess the efficiency of the present solid
waste management system in the MC. This study was done based on income
level in all the 4 zones. The findings were evaluated and the results varied by
± 10%, which falls under statistically acceptable criteria. Consumption, linked
to per capita income, has a strong relationship with waste generation. As per

capita income rises, more savings are spent on goods and services, especially
when the transition is from a low-income to a middle-income level.

Some of the salient features observed during the field study of

MSW in MC are as listed below:

 Source segregation and door-to-door collection is practiced

only in 20% of area. Figures 3.15 and 3.16 shows the practice
being followed in Anna Nagar in the North zone. In all other
places the process of segregation and storage of waste at
source is generally absent. This has resulted in a disorganized
and ad hoc primary collection system. Even reusable materials
get soiled and their quality gets deteriorated.

Figure 3.15 Source segregation at Anna Nagar area of MC


Figure 3.16 Segregated wastes in the collection containers

 The vehicles used for primary collection in MC are presented

in Table 3.11.

Table 3.11 Existing vehicles for primary collection in MC

Sl.No. Type Existing

1. Push cart with Buckets 10
2. Tricycle with Buckets 75
3. Stainless Steel dumper bins 50

 There are no specific rules regarding placement of the

dustbins. Heaps of waste is left as such to spread and litter
along roadsides and open space as shown in Figure 3.17. This
produces strong offensive odor and unaesthetic condition.

Figure 3.17 Open dust bin

 Since wastes are strewn around the streets, sweeping operation

becomes an additional burden on local bodies. The existing
sweeper/population ratio is 1:500 in the city. The
sweeper/road-length ratio varies between 1500 and
3000 meters per sweeper. The norms as per Supreme Court
Committee (SCC) for sweeper /population are 1:500.

 Multiple handling of waste at different stages and irregular

street sweeping have resulted in inefficient waste transfer and

 The drawings of each and every major and minor street of all
the wards of MC were prepared. Figure 3.18 shows the ward
no 13 with bin location and street name and also shows the
direction of primary collection.

N Ward No. 13

Ula Road

Vallabhai Road

Figure 3.18 Ward 13 showing bin location and primary collection route

 Several streets and by-lanes are not swept regularly. Further

there is hardly any co-ordination between sweepers and
collection vehicles. Sweepers are not provided with modern
tools and scant attention is paid to health and safety aspects of

 Several open grounds are used as secondary collection points

(Figure 3.10). Presently the wastes are collected from different
wards and accumulated in open spaces in a temporary transfer
station (sub-centre).

 Previously in MC area there are 4 sub-center, 1 for each zone

namely at Narimedu, Sammattipuram, Mattuthavani and
Thannappamudali street. Now, they were closed and currently
the MC is collecting all the MSW and transporting it to the
dump-yard at Vellakkal.

 Uncovered transportation of waste during primary and

secondary collection has resulted in littering en route the
disposal site. Further it adds to visual intrusion due to wind
blown plastic and lighter debris.

 For disposal of wastes open dumping is followed by MC. In

this process the sanitary aspects are seldom looked into. Air
born litters, dust and foul smell, excessive flies, rodent and
stray dog menace are all regular features of the present landfill

 In the disposal site as no cut off drainage system is provided

contaminated storm water flows down during rain causing
ground water pollution.

 In the dumping yard at Vellakal often wastes are being burnt

leads to severe air and dust pollution in the vicinity.

 Due to the non-engineered dump-yard at Avaniyapuram, the

Madurai Airport was not able to be expanded as International
airport in the past. (Now under JNNURM program the dump-

yard is converted into sanitary landfill, the Madurai Airport

got approval from the Civil Aviation department to upgrade as
international airport).

To improve the existing solid waste management system initially

autos were introduced in west zone experimentally replacing all bullock carts
in west, the garbage removal efficiency is increased. Now MC has introduced
one auto per ward in all zone (except south zone) to remove garbage from
narrow streets. There are about 74 dumper bins of 1.5 tones capacity
introduced in important places and everyday about 45-50 numbers of garbage
filled bins are being conveyed and unloaded at final dumping yard. In market
places 3 tones capacity bins are introduced. There are 10 such bins introduced
in 10 markets.

For collecting garbage from the streets, residential, commercial

areas and other market places, trolley with buckets, plastic pushcart, plastic
wheel bins are introduced. The street garbage is being swept and in certain
area house collection are also made through these portable conveyance system
and stored at collection points. With this infrastructure facility, MC is
removing 300 – 350t of garbage every day.

3.7.1 Waste Handling System as per MSW (M&H) Rule, 2000

To implement MSW (M&H) Rule, 2000, in each zone 25% of the

area have been selected in the first phase and 15% of the area door-to-door
collection have been achieved, the garbage have been segregated at the source
itself. In this selected area public meeting are being conducted to explain the
MSW (H&M) Rule, 2000. In the selected areas the following new approaches
in solid waste management are introduced.

a. Door-to-door collection.

b. Fixed time collection (Collection of garbage specified time)

c. Source segregation (Degradable and non degradable)

Micro level planning has been done in north zone to implement

MSW (H&M) Rule, 2000 to cover the entire North Zone Area.

Garbage collection system

Different methods of garbage collection system are introduced

based on the nature of area.

a. Residential Area

Thickly populated Through portable hand carts like

area trolley, push carts and tricycles
Low population area Tricycle

b. Non Residential Area

Commercial Area Tricycle and Auto

Market Area Push cart
Temple Area Portable hand carts
Arterial road and Bus route Auto

c. Slum Area - Portable hand carts and tricycle

d. Hospital Area Hazardous waste responsibility

fixed on the private hospital owners.


Collection point – Dumper bin

There are well defined collection points in 72 wards. The garbage is

being dumped at these collection points. It is also planned to introduce non
corrosive collection bins. These bins shall be of two types.

a. Stationary bins
b. Bins to be lifted by dumper placer

Temporary transfer station

The garbage collected through autos, tricycles, pushcarts are being

dumped at TTS for segregation (Since segregation of garbage has been given
as condition to give preliminary approval to install bio-manure processing
factory by Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board). Segregations are being done
through NGO’s at each TTS/sub-centre with free of cost for labor. The
segregated non bio-degradable waste is being given to the NGO’s.

Dumping yard

MC is dumping all the collected MSW at Vellakkal near

Avaniyapuram which is having a total area of 385 acres. Vellakkal is
identified as dumpsite by MC since 1925. Out of the 385 acres only 110 acres
of land is utilized for dumping the MSW and in 185 acres grass is cultivated
and the rest 29 acres is used for growing the surface crops for vegetables.
There are nearly 400 coconut trees with the flora of Alovera, Cactus and
Thorns. Mangoose, Cranes, Rat and Frog are the fauna available at the
dumpsite. The type of soil available at the site is red soil with two surface
ponds available on either side of the dumping site. More than 2500 families
depend on the rag picking work and the current population in the site is
380 families.

It is planned to segregate the MSW into biologically degradable

and biologically non-degradable waste. The biologically degradable waste is
proposed to send for composting and the biologically non degradable waste
again will be segregated as reuse, recycle and inert. The recyclable and
reusable will be sending for reprocessing and the inert material will be
dumped at the dump yard.

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