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Matthew Golusin Ethics Belief Statement Oakland University


 Integrity
o Integrity is defined as “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness”. A true leader is guided by
their morals and values. I promise to engage all stakeholders in the conversations about how we display this intangible. Integrity is the
moral fabric, which unites us as a community of learners and educators. My goal will be to foster a culture dedicated to holding
ourselves accountable for the level of effort we give for our students, and each other, every single day.
 Family
o Each family is unique. Ours is no different. I promise to respect and appreciate our collective differences and honor our past
experiences in an effort to create the best atmosphere for our staff and students to learn and grow. My goal is to create a culture built
upon the common belief that we are all necessary for the success of our students. This begins with the belief and commitment from
every stakeholder to our school mission, vision, values, and goals.
 Passion
o Too often, outsiders have little empathy for the time and effort our teachers give for our students outside on their classroom hours. I
promise to recognize my colleagues for their undocumented examples of how they prepare for their student’s arrival every day. My
goal is to ensure I lead by example, and embody this spirit. As Jim Harbaugh says, “attack each day with enthusiasm unknown to

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