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Organisation : Kingfisher Airline
Job Description- Pilot
Job Description:
 Pilots are responsible for safely conducting their planes, passengers and cargo from
one destination to another.
 Work Environment: Though the travel is a major benefit of the job, it also means a
lot of time spent away from home since many flights have overnight layovers.

 Pilot Job Requirements: Licensure. "To qualify for FAA licensure, applicants must
be at least 18 years old and have at least 250 hours of flight experience...Applicants
also must pass a strict physical examination to make sure that they are in good
health and have 20/20 vision with or without glasses, good hearing, and no physical
handicaps that could impair their performance. They must pass a written test that
includes questions on the principles of safe flight, navigation techniques, and FAA
regulations, and must demonstrate their flying ability to FAA or designated
examiners." Source: BLS.Airline Pilot Duties.
Job Description:
 Pilots are responsible for the operation of the aircraft, the safety of the passengers
and crew members, and all flight decisions once in the air. They must maintain a
highly professional image in both conduct and personal appearance, and
communicate with the passengers and crew during flights.
 Pilots typically report to work an hour before departure in order to meet with flight
crew and review weather and airport conditions. The captain then goes through a
series of safety checklists with the first officer. Every instrument is checked and
double-checked. In addition, the captain communicates with the air traffic controller
and the ground crew in preparation for takeoff. During takeoff, landing, and during
the flight, the pilots continue to communicate with one another as well as with the
air traffic controllers.
 pilots must have a high degree of knowledge when it comes to weather patterns,
navigation, and the operation of the many instruments in any aircraft's cockpit.
 In the event of an emergency, it is the pilot's job to land the plane safely. Weather
can change and equipment can malfunction, but it is the ultimate responsibility of
the pilot to ensure a safe flight, so he or she must be prepared to handle rapidly
changing situations.
 Another challenging aspect of working as a pilot is the schedule. Like flight
attendants, pilots must spend extended periods away from home. They also work
long shifts while on duty.

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