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TEFS Trader Platform

User Guide
February 2018

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Table of Contents
What is the Trading Platform? ...................................................................................................................... 4
Why our Trading Platform?........................................................................................................................... 4
Installation of the Trading Platform – System Requirements: ..................................................................... 4
Software Download: ................................................................................................................................. 6
Software Installation: ................................................................................................................................ 7
Platform Log-In: ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Trading Platform – Main Screen: ............................................................................................................ 11
Trading Window and Chart synchronization .......................................................................................... 12
Information Regarding Software Windows: ............................................................................................... 14
The Trading Window: .............................................................................................................................. 15
Hot-Keys: ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Charts: ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Display Of Different Time Periods On The Chart: ............................................................................... 27
Drawing Support and Resistance Lines: .............................................................................................. 27
Charts – Zoom In and Out: .................................................................................................................. 28
Magnifying Glass: ................................................................................................................................ 28
Fibonacci: ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Left Click: ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Right Click: ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Study Line : .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Rect: .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Account Manager:................................................................................................................................... 32
The Positions Tab: ............................................................................................................................... 32
The Account Tab: ................................................................................................................................ 34
Trade Manager Window: ........................................................................................................................ 35
The Order Tab: .................................................................................................................................... 35
Tickets Tab: ......................................................................................................................................... 37
The Trades Tab: ................................................................................................................................... 38
The Log Tab: ........................................................................................................................................ 38
The Symbol Tab: .................................................................................................................................. 38
Market Watch Window:.......................................................................................................................... 39
Time & Sale Window: .............................................................................................................................. 41

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Top 20 Window: .................................................................................................................................. 42
Quote Info Window: ............................................................................................................................... 43
Alert & Trigger Window: ..................................................................................................................... 44
Market Clock Window:........................................................................................................................ 47
Type of Orders ............................................................................................................................................ 47
Buying a Long Position at Market Price: ................................................................................................. 47
Selling a Short Position at Market Price:................................................................................................. 47
Selling a Long Position At Market Price: ................................................................................................. 48
Covering a Short Position At Market Price ............................................................................................. 48
Entering a Long Position Using A Limit Order: ........................................................................................ 49
Entering a Short Position Using a Limit Order: ....................................................................................... 49
Selling a Long Position Using A Limit Order: ........................................................................................... 50
Covering a Short Position Using A Limit Order: ...................................................................................... 51
Stop Market Order: ................................................................................................................................. 52
Range Market Order: .............................................................................................................................. 53
Stop Limit Order: ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Implement Range Order: ........................................................................................................................ 54

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What is a CFD Trading Platform?

A CFD trading platform is a computer software program that can be used to place purchase or
sale orders of financial products over the internet with a financial intermediary.

Why Our CFD Trading Platform?

Our system has many advantages:

(+) Reliability based on advanced technologies.
(+) Direct access trading platform.
(+) Realtime charts.
(+) Live Level II Data.
(+) Future exit orders entry.

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Installing our CFD trading platform – System Requirements:
Minimum System Requirements:

• Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or 7 Operating System

• Pentium 4 Processor
• 1 GB RAM
• Broadband internet connection
• 50 MB of available hard disk space
Recommended System Requirements:

• Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or 7 Operating System

• Pentium 4 Processor (Dual Core)
• 2 GB RAM
• Broadband internet connection
• 50 MB of available hard disk space

Information Security – Data Regarding Firewall Settings

The trading platform is receiving/sending quotes and data from the broker’s servers which is
located in the United States of America.
For information security purposes, in most operating systems like Windows XP and 7 there is a
firewall installed by default. The firewall prevents malicious software from entering the
In order for the trading platform to integrate properly with the broker’s servers the firewall
settings have to be adjusted in such a manner as to overlook the actions of the trading
platform. If you are having difficulties with this please contact our support hotline or a certified
computer specialist.
The required ports for the smooth-running of the trading platform are:
For Live Accounts: 4000, 3920
For Demo Accounts: 3000, 3920

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Software Download:
Traders can download the platform by clicking on a link provided alongside this manual over
email. If the link is missing please contact your Account Manager to receive the link.

When clicking on the link the following window will appear:

Choose "Run" in order to install the platform on your PC.

On completion of the installation process the following window will appear:

To Install the platform click on "Run".

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Software Installation:
If you are using a Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system you might see an additional
window for authorization. Click on "Allow" and follow the instructions below:
Choose “Next”:

Make sure the tick boxes are selected then click "Next":

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Click on “Install” to finalize the installation procedure:

Installation in progress:

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Select the platform’s language and click “OK” to finish the installation.

On completion of the installation process a new icon should have appeared on your desktop
(main screen).
Double click on the newly added icon on your desktop to begin the Platform log in process.

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Platform Log In:
Double-clicking the icon will pop up the Login window:

- "Trader ID/Password" – The account number and password you have been given by
your account manager or trading company.

- “Server” – Choose the appropriate server for your account (CFD, Server 2, CFD3, DEMO).

- “Remember User/Password” – Will instruct the platform to remember the trader’s


- “Open Default Screen” - Will open all the default windows at first log in.

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Trading Platform – Main Screen:

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Setting Up Windows - General Comments:

(-) Right-clicking on every platform window will open the window setup.
(-) The user can customize the font and colors in every window.

Trading Window and Charts synchronization

The platform allows the user to synchronize the trading window and the charts by matching
colors which are located in the upper right-hand side of the windows.

It is possible to change the colors by clicking on the color icon.

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When the color of the trading window differs from the color of the chart window the stock will
NOT load on the chart window.

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Information Regarding Software Windows:

Sorting the Various Windows in the Platform:

The user will be able to sort all windows according to his/her needs.
All platform windows are available at the trade tab on the platform’s menu.
The most commonly used windows are: “Trading”, “Account Manager”, and “Trade Manager”.

Open Screen:
After installing the platform and logging in, the platform’s windows will be sorted into a default
configuration. If no windows open at first log in, follow the directions below:
(-) Menu -> File
(-) In the drop-down menu choose open screen.
(-) Open the “Default.cst” file.
(-) For other window configuration choose a different file.

Save Screen:
After the windows are sorted according to your preference, perform the following steps to save
the configuration:
(-) Menu -> File
(-) Save Screen
(-) If the current window arrangement is to your liking, you can save it as your new default file.

Clear Screen:
If you would like to close all open windows go to File -> Clear Screen.

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The Trading Window:
This is the trading window which contains the level II data. Its icon is
In order to open it from the main menu click on “Trade” and choose “Trading”:

Type in the symbol in the field at the upper left corner of the window and press “Enter”. The
symbol’s data will appear instantly.
A Symbol’s details will display in the window’s title:
(-) “PCL” - The closing price of the share in the previous trade.
(-) “High/Low” - The highest and lowest price of the share during today’s trading day.
(-) “Last” - The price of the last transaction.
(-) “Volume” - The number of shares that changed hands during today’s trading day.
(-) - The change in the price of the share and the percentage of change in the
price of the share during today’s trading day.
(-) The user can open up to 5 trading windows simultaneously.

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(-) The grey line beneath the symbol field will hold feedback for the trader when an order is
going to be submitted, executed, cancelled or rejected.
Note: Some orders result in more than one system feedback. Only the last feedback will appear
in the grey line. All other feedback is saved in the log window that can be accessed by clicking
the grey line.

Trading Window – Upper Section:

Quantity Setting:
The quantity of shares field is displayed next to the sell short button. The default number of
shares is 100.
The user may change the quantity of shares in one of the following ways:
(-) Use the arrows at the right-hand side of the quantity field to change the amount of shares.
(-) Type in the requested number of shares directly into the field.
(-) Left-click on the number of shares from the level II window.

The Share’s Market: At the upper right-hand side of the trading window a letter which
represents the share’s market will be displayed:
NASDAQ (Small Caps) – S
OTC – V, U

“Time In Force” (TIF):

In this field the trader can set the validity of his order.
The platform’s TIF default is the "Day" order, which will be canceled at the end of the trading
day (16:00 NYC Time).
GTC (Good ‘Til Cancel): This order will be valid for up to 60 days (if not executed or cancelled
prior to that).

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The Buy Button:
Click on this button in order to enter into a long position or cover a short position.

The Sell Button:

Click on this button in order to sell an open long position.

The Short Button:

Click on this button in order to enter into a short position. Please pay attention to the short
positions directory. An order which will not be entered correctly will not be accepted.

Sell Short Directory:

The system will automatically check whether the symbol is shortable. If not the system’s
feedback will be: "Send Rej Shrt – Security isn't shortable"
Traders can check whether the symbol is shortable or not by clicking on the symbol tab in the
trade manager window.

The P Button: Left-clicking on the P button will automatically load the number of shares that
the trader holds.

The D Button: Left-clicking on the D button will automatically load the default settings.

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Order Cancellation:
Every order that hasn’t been executed yet can be canceled. Notice that Market orders are
executed instantly and as such, can’t be canceled.
The user can cancel an order in one of the following ways:
(-) Left-click on the cancel button in the upper section of the trading window (this action will
cancel the last submitted order).

(-) In the Trade Manager window (under the orders tab), click on the "X" symbol that
corresponds with the order you would like to cancel.

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The Hidden Section of the Trading Window:
In order to unveil the hidden section of the window drag the separating line between the level
II section and the order buttons sections downwards:

“LockAcc” Tick Box:

If the user does not use more than one trading account, clicking on the tick box will lock the
current account. Every order performed in the platform henceforth will be associated with the
current account.

Confirm Sending: Checking this box will pop up a confirmation window before execution of
every order. This window is rather important because it helps prevent human error.

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Hot Keys:

The trading platform provides the possibility to make order placement faster by using hot keys,
which are keyboard/buttons shortcuts.

The Hot Keys configuration window

To access the hot keys, click “Config” on the upper left side and choose “Hot Keys” from the
drop-down menu.

The Hot Keys window has 4 columns:

- “No” – Number for each hot key.

- “DESCRIPTION” – A short description of the action the hot key is designed to perform.
- “HOT KEY” – The keyboard shortcut.
- “COMMANDS”– The syntax of the hot key configuration.

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As seen below, the window contains a list of built-in hot keys.
Let’s take the first hot key to demonstrate how it works.

The first hot key is the “Default button”. It allows you to switch the trading window from its
current state to its default state by pressing the keyboard “Home” key.
Current state:

After pressing “Home” key:


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The trade window changed to its default definitions.

In the following section we introduce the main hot keys, how to set a keyboard shortcut or a
button to use them and how to change the syntax.

Hot key configuration

In order to configure a hot key, select on the relevant field in the HOT KEY column (next to the hot key
DESCRIPTION column) and enter the key or combination of keys you wish to use.

In the above example the key for “Default Button” was changed from “Home” to “Insert”.

In order to change/modify the Description or the Command double-click on the field and make
the change.

Make sure the “Enable Hot Key” option is marked.

Click on Save Keys.

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In order to erase a hot key select the field in the HOT KEY column next to the hot key description and
click “Delete a key”.

Basic examples of hot keys configurations

Loading a stop limit order

There is a built-in hot key to load a stop limit order into the trading window.

As seen, the trigger and limit price are set to be the Bid price minus 1 dollar.
You can double-click on the command field and change the prices.
For example: 50 instead of Bid-1, Bid-5 instead of Bid-1.
In default settings, in order to load a specific amount of shares a combination of 2 hot keys is
For example:

Instead of using them separately you can combine them into a single hot key.
Double-click on the 3000 Shares command field and copy the command.
Double-click on the Stop Limit Order command and paste what you’ve copied.
Make sure it is separated by a semi-colon.

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The final result would look like this:

The quantity of 3000 shares was copied to the end of the command syntax.
We chose the Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcut to commit the hot key by firstly, selecting the relevant
field in the HOT KEY column, followed by selecting and holding the Ctrl button and pressing Y.

You can change the number of shares to the number you prefer.
It is also possible to use another built-in hot key in order to load your position number of
shares or part of it and modify the fraction of the amount as long as the format maintains the
form x/y.

After pressing Ctrl+Y the trading window shows the order:

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Placing a stop limit order
In order to actually place the order, a combination of 2 hot keys is required.
Let us take the previous example and add the action of shorting the share using the stop limit

Instead of using them separately you can combine them into one hot key, in the same manner
explained previously.
The final result:

Assuming the order is valid, pressing Ctrl+Y will place an order and you will be able to observe it
in the “Trade Manager” window.
*All orders except from the “Implement Range“ type can be places using hot keys.
Cancel the last placed order

Cancel all orders

Exit all positions at market price

In order to close a position you first have to cancel any open orders on that specific stock.
Therefore, in case you want to close all the positions it is best to combine the two hot keys into

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Exit all positions at market price after cancelling all orders

Using hot keys with the trading window hot buttons

By dragging the line separating the order section from the level 2 section down, you can
uncover the trading window buttons.

By right-clicking on a button you enter its configuration. There, you can assign a hot key to the
As an example, modify the “1000” button to be a stop limit order button.
Firstly, we enter the Hot Button Configuration by right-clicking the “1000” button.

Click on the “Use Hot Key” option below and choose the hot key.

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The name can be changed in the “Button Name” field.
Make sure the “Enable Button” option on the upper right-hand side is marked.
Click OK.

Clicking on the “stop limit” button will activate the hot key.

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The chart window displays the price of the share axis against the time axis:

Display of Different Time Periods on the Chart:

At the top of the chart window we will find the chart’s upper toolbar:

And the chart’s lower toolbar:

The numbers in the upper toolbar represent the different time periods that can be displayed on
the chart (the time periods correspond with user’s selection in the lower toolbar).

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Magnifying glass:

Use the magnifying glass in order to enlarge a specific region of the chart. Click on the icon once
(the marker will change to a magnifying glass). Click on one region of the chart and that region
will enlarge.
Charts – Zoom In and Out:

The zoom in/out buttons allow the trader to view data in a more accurate manner. Also, use
the arrows on the left-hand side of the toolbar to view different time periods.

Drawing support and resistance lines:

The three icons below allow the user to draw support and resistance lines on the chart:

In order to draw the lines drag the mouse across the chart after clicking on the icons.

Use these icons in order to draw the Fibonacci lines on the chart. For more details please
contact your Account Manager.

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Left-Click a Chart:
Left-clicking on any region of the chart will display the symbol’s data at the specific time period.
Right-Click a Chart:
Right-clicking on any region of the chart will pop up the following drop-down menu:

Data :

In this window the user can enter the requested time periods for the data on the share and
choose whether or not to display pre- and post-market data.

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Study Line :

In order to open the study line option click the icon on the chart toolbar.

This option allows the trader to place technical indicators on the chart:

The left column contains the available indicators and the right contains the selected ones.
In between both lists there are two arrows that are used to add/remove indicators from one list
to the other.
Up/Down – Using those buttons the user can determine the order of display.
Config – Indicator settings.
Apply – Confirm the placement of new settings and indicators on the chart.
Note: The price has to be the highest indicator in the list in order for the price in the chart to be
displayed correctly.

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The button allows the user to add/remove rectangles on the chart which will then be used to
map the indicators.
Adding Rectangles:
In order to add a rectangle click on RECT->Add.
In the new rectangle arrows and zoom in/out buttons will appear. Use the arrows to shift the
arrangement of the rectangle. Press on "X" in order to remove the rectangle.
Note: These actions can be performed from the RECT menu as well.
In order to change the settings of the current rectangle press RECT -> Config.

(-) Save settings – Allows the trader to save the changes performed. If you save the settings
under the Default.cst file, all new charts will open in the same fashion.
(-) Load settings – Loading the chart’s settings. In order to display a new chart with the modified
settings, choose this option in the drop-down menu in the chart itself.
If you changed the color of the chart’s background to black, holes might formulate which will
prevent the chart from displaying accurate information. In order to solve this problem you
(-) Go to the study line window.

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(-) Choose the price (candle+) option and then press config. The Price Chart Configure window
will open.
(-) In the lower part of the window change the bar to candle.
(-) Change the background color to white and press OK.
(-) In the previous window press apply.
(-) Save the chart’s settings in the chart’s drop-down menu.

Chart Settings:
Allows the trader to change the chart’s settings, save and load them.
(-) Colors – The chart’s color settings.

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Account Manager:

The Positions Tab:

This tab contains all the open positions. Right-clicking on the symbol will load the symbol in the
trading window.
- “Account” – Account number
- “Shares” – Quantity of shares
- “Avgcost” – The average buy/sell price of every share.
- “Total P/L” - The total profit or lost on certain position.
- “Realized” – The realized profit/loss on this position in the current trading day.
- “Unrealized” – The unrealized profit/loss on this position in the current trading day.
- “Bid and Ask” – The prices at which the buyers and sellers are willing to trade currently.
- “Type” – The nature of the account (Short, Cash, Margin).
- “Position Value” - Total value of the position.

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The Account Tab:

This tab contains information about the user’s account:

- “Account” – The account number
- “Type” – The nature of the account (1 for cash, 2 for margin)
- “Total P/L”- Total profit or lost on certain position.
- “Unrealized” – The total unrealized profit/loss in the current trading day.
- “Open BP” - The buying power in the account at the start of the trading day.
- “Current BP” – The current buying power in the account.
- “Tickets” – The number of transactions performed in the account during today’s trade.
- “Shares” – The quantity of shares traded since the start of trade today.
- “Status” – Closed/Open
- “Open Equity” -The equity at the beginning of the day.
- “Live equity” - live equity of the account.
- “Live Leverage” - the current leverage that the account uses for trading.

Trade Manager Window:

In order to open the Trade Manager window press the icon: , or go to the
platform’s menu and choose Trade->Trade Manager.

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The Order Tab:

This tab contains all open orders.

In order to change or cancel an open order, right-click on one of the open orders.
- “X” – Left-clicking on the X will cancel the open order.
- “Status”- The status of a certain order: Accepted, executed, canceled, rejected, and
- “B/S”– B-Buy, S-Sell, SS-Sell Short.
- “Symb”: Symbol
- “Qty” – Quantity of shares in the future order.
- “Open” – The number of shares open in the position.
- “Price” – The limit price submitted
- “Route” – The route chosen to submit the order.
- “Type” – The nature of the order: SM-Stop Market, SL – Stop Limit, RM – Range, Limit.
- “Time” – The time at which this order was submitted (NYC Time).
- “TIF” - The validity of the submitted order: Day, GTC.
- “Account” – The account from which this order has been sent.
- “Token” – The order confirmation number which is given by the broker.
- “Create Time” - Time on which the order was set.
- “Range Order”: Shows if implement range order was set, in case the order was set the
column will show Range Order.
“Range Status”: The status of the range orders:
1) NoneCover means the order is waiting.
2) Covered means that the order was executed.
3) Canceled means that the order was canceled.
- “Hiprice”: High price of the range order.
- “Lowprice”: Low price of the range order.

Tickets Tab:

Time: the time at which the trade was completed.

- “Symb” - Symbol.
- “B/S” - B-Buy S-Sell SS-Sell Short.
- “Price” - The price of execution.

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- “Route” – The route chosen to submit the order.
- “Type” -Margin or Cash.
- “Orderqty”: Number of shares.
- “Order ID”: Number of the order.

The Trades tab:

Time: the time at which the trade was completed.

- “Symb” - Symbol.
- “B/S” - B-Buy S-Sell SS-Sell Short.
- “Price” - The price of execution.
- “Route” - The route chosen to submit the order.
- “Account” - Account number.
- “Type” - Margin or Cash.
- “Token” - The order confirmation number which is given by the broker.

The Log Tab:

This tab contains all the feedback given by the system in the trading window.
Note: this record is available only to the trader at his working station during the current trading
Important Notice: All records of the user’s activity in the account can be found at our MTS
website the link to which along with the account number and password, were sent to you via

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The Symbol Tab:

This tab has a number of functions:

(-) Type in the symbol under the symbol column and press Enter.
(-) If the symbol is shortable, the number of shares you may sell short will display.
“Symb” -Symbol.
“Market” - The market in which a specific symbol is tradeable:
NASDAQ – Q NASDAQ (Small Caps) – S NYSE – N
Short Size – The number of shares that can be sold short (Mostly 0 for none, or 1000000 for
unlimited amount).

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Market Watch Window:

To open the market watch window you can go to Trade->Market Watch or to click on this icon

on the toolbar.

This window allows the user to monitor a group of shares of the user’s choosing
The market indices are shown with a $ sign as a default (SPY$)
Right-clicking on the yellow field will allow the trader to type in the requested symbol. Right-
clicking on the symbol will pop the symbol up into the trading window.
The user can open up to 5 market watch windows at the same time. Every window holds up to
Sym – Symbol
Change – The change in the share’s price since the share’s closing price from the last trading
%Change% - The change percentage in the share’s price since the closing price of the last
trading day.
Last – The price of the last transaction.
Bid/Ask – The current price at which buyers and sellers are prepared to trade.

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High/Low – The highest and lowest price of the share during today’s trading day.
Open – The open price of the share
Close – The closing price of the share from yesterday’s trade.
Volume – The amount of shares that changed hands during today’s trading day.

Sorting Symbols in the Window by Alphabetical Order:

Select the symbols which you would like to sort by alphabetical order. Right-click the symbol
column will open a drop-down menu.
Sort Asc – Sort in ascending order.
Sort Dec – Sort in descending order.

You can also sort by Change and %Change%.

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Time & Sale Window:
To open the time & sale window you can go to Trade->Time/Sale or to click on this icon on
the toolbar.

This window contains all the transactions made at the moment of execution. The first column
displays the price of transaction. The second column displays the quantity of shares that
changed hands in the transaction. This figure needs to be multiplied by 100 in order to get the
real figure.
In order to see the real amount of shares, right-click on the window -> config window.
In the config window you need to cancel the Share/100 option. The third column displays the
time of execution.
(-) Note: The window does not include all transactions made in the market.

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Time & Sale Colors Configuration:
Transactions which are marked blue were triggered by an ask price, transactions which are
marked yellow were triggered by a bid price and transactions which are marked white were
triggered by a price which was between the bid and ask prices.
Top 20 Window:

To open the top 20 window you can go to Trade->Top 20 or to click on the icon on the

This window displays real-time market (NASDAQ and NYSE) statistics. The shares are sorted by
volume and percentage of change (from top to bottom). Right-clicking on the symbol will load it
in the trading window.

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Right-clicking on the grey field in the upper left-hand side of the top 20 window will open a
window which allows the user to customize the top 20 window:

By using the Level option a user can sort the shares by 1$ -10$ shares or others.

Quote Info Window:

To open the quote info window you can go to Trade->Quote Info:

This window displays market data on the relevant chosen symbol.
Among the data displayed is the: Last price, closing price (“PCL”), Change, 52 week high (52w
High) and market value of the company (“MarketCap”).

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Alert & Trigger Window:

The platform allows the user to set an alert or a trigger when specific conditions are met. For example,
by default an alarm would sound at the opening and closing of the market.

In order to set a trigger or an alert click on the “Trade” tab located in the upper right side of the
platform and select “Alert & Trigger”.

The “Alert Config” window will appear with a list of current alerts. The user can Add a new alert, Edit an
existing one, Delete one from the list, or Turn Off Sound.

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Clicking on the “Add” button will open the “Alert Item Edit” window.

In order to create an alert the user should first choose a name for the alert and type the chosen name
into the “Name” field. After typing the name the user can make an alert to a specific stock by typing the
stock symbol into the “Symbol” field.

By clicking on the “Add” button the user can choose an occurrence which will trigger an alert.

In the example above an alert will be triggered if the last sale price of a chosen stock will be below 100$.
After clicking on the “OK” button the user can choose a specific sound or a beep by selecting the desired

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In the lower left side of the “Alert Item Edit” window there are four options.

Enable – makes the desired alert enabled and armed.

Triggered – will make the alert to be triggered by desired occurrence occur.

Auto Delete – will delete the alert after one trigger.

Repeat – will make the alert repeat itself if it is triggered more than one time.

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Type of Orders
Buying a Long Position at Market Price:
In order to enter into a long position at the current market price, please follow the procedure
1. Type in the share’s symbol and press Enter.
2. Choose the quantity of shares.
3. Choose the “MARKET” order in the “Type” field.
4. Press the buy button.
5. Confirm the transaction.
6. Execution will be instant.

Selling a Short Position at Market Price:

In order to enter into a short position at the current market price, please follow the procedure
1. Repeat actions 1-3
4. Press the short button
5. Confirm the transaction.
6. Execution will be instant.

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Selling a Long Position at Market Price:
In order to sell a long position at the current market price, please follow the procedure below:
1. Type in the share’s symbol and press Enter.
2. Choose the number of shares.
3. Choose the “MARKET” in the “Type” field.
4. Press the sell button.
5. Confirm the transaction.
6. Execution will be instant.

Covering a short Position at Market Price: In order to cover a short position at the
current market price, please follow the procedure below:
1. Repeat actions 1-3
2. Press the buy button
3. Confirm the transaction.
4. Execution will be instant.

All rights reserved ©2017

Entering a Long Position Using a Limit Order:
In order to enter a long position at a Limit price, please follow the procedure below:
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the number of shares you would like to purchase.
3. In the type field choose the Limit order.
4. Type in the Limit Price window the highest price you would be prepared to pay for each
5. Press the Buy button to complete the purchase.
6. The purchase will only be completed if the market price of the share reaches the limit
price you entered or lower.

Entering a Short Position Using a Limit Order:

In order to enter a short position at a Limit price, please follow the procedure below:
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the number of shares you would like to sell short.
3. In the type field choose the Limit order.
4. Type in the Limit Price window the lowest price at which you’ll still agree to sell each
5. Press the short button to complete the transaction.
6. The purchase will only be completed if the market price of the share reaches the limit
price you entered or lower.

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Selling a Long Position Using a Limit Order:
In order to sell a long position at a Limit price, please follow the directory below:
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the number of shares you would like to sell.
3. In the type field choose the Limit order.
4. Type in the Limit Price window the lowest price at which you will agree to sell each
5. Press the Sell button to complete the transaction.
6. The transaction will only be completed if the market price of the share reaches the limit
price you entered or higher.
* Please bear in mind that a position can only be sold if a long position is held.

Covering a Short Position Using a Limit Order: In order to cover a short position at a
Limit price, please follow the procedure below:
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the number of shares you would like to cover.
3. In the type field choose the Limit order.
4. Type in the highest price at which you will agree to cover each share.
5. Press the cover button to complete the transaction.
6. The transaction will only be completed if the bid price reaches the limit price you
entered or lower.

All rights reserved ©2017

Stop Market Order:
A stop market order is submitted when buying or selling a position when the market price
reaches or passes the stop price. This order is usually used by traders that already hold
positions (Long or Short) and are interested in closing it if the market price moves against them.
The stop market sell order price must be below the first bid price. A stop market buy order
price must be above the first ask price. The stop market order does not guarantee an execution
at the requested price, because the second part of the order is a market execution. When the
price at the market reaches the submitted stop price, a market order will be sent to the market
that will search the first bid ask price available.
In order to protect a held position, a stop market order can be submitted as instructed below:
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the Quantity of shares you would like to Buy/Sell.
3. In the type field, choose the “STOP” order.
4. Type in the stop price window the price at which you would like the marker order to be
5. Press the Buy/Sell/Short button to complete the transaction.

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Range Market Order:
The common use of this order is when the trader holds a long or short position and wishes to
input 2 prices (one lower than the market price and one higher) at which a market order will be
sent to buy or sell. Execution at one end will cancel the order on the other end.

Stop Limit Order:

This order is similar to the stop market order with one very important exception: when the
market price reaches the submitted stop price, a limit order is sent to the maket. The limit
order is waiting for the maket to reach the submitted limit price. The advantage of this order is
that it creates a price capsule in which every price can be accepted as the execution price but
not higher or lower then that. The downside is that if the market price will jump over the stop
price, the limit order will not get sent to the market and there will be no execution.
In order to enter a position using a stop limit order please follow the directions below:
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the Quantity of shares you would like to Buy/Sell
3. In the type field choose the Stop Limit order.
4. Type in the stop price at which you would like the limit order to be triggered and the
limit price at which you would like to get execution.
5. Press the Buy/Sell/Short button to complete the transaction.

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Implement range order:
This is a complex order that allows the trader to enter a future order for entry in a
long/short position along with a combined buy/sell/cover order when the market reaches
the requested Range price (Take Profit or Stop Loss):
1. Fill in the symbol in the symbol field and press Enter.
2. Choose the Quantity of shares you would like to Buy/Sell
3. In the type field choose the order that you want.
4. In case the order isn’t market fill the prices according to the order.
5. Click on Implement Range.
6. Fill the prices in the High range Low range.
7. Press the Buy/Short button to complete the transaction.

All rights reserved ©2017

Frequent Errors and Solutions:
Error Message: “Range is wrong”
Explanation: Chances are you are trying to send a non-range order while having the “Implement
Range” box checked.
Solution: Uncheck the box and send the order.

Error Message: “No Equity or Leverage”

Explanation: You are unable to trade at this time. This can be caused by a multitude of reasons.
Solution: Contact the Support Team of your platform immediately. If you do not have their
contact information, contact your Account Manager.

Error Message: “Sec Isn’t Tradeable”

Explanation: This happens due to low stock price, low trading volume, or both. This makes the
stock highly volatile. The error is a sign that the broker’s department of risk
management has deemed the particular stock too volatile for trade.
Solution: Please contact your Account Manager for more details on risk management.

Error Message: “Too Close to Price”

Explanation: The type of order you are trying to place has to have an order price that is at least a
couple of cents further from the current price. Occasionally, stocks that move
around quickly would require a larger difference between the order price and
current price.
Solution: Change the order price.

Error Message: “No Position to Cover”

Explanation: You are trying to close a position at market price but you have a pending order
concerning this position.
Solution: Cancel the pending order and close the position at market price.

All rights reserved ©2017

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