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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14


Vijay Namdev Khose
Research Scholar, Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee

Q – Analyse and design four storied building as shown in Fig.1 & 2 using SAP2000 v14

3 Nos @ 5m C/C




X1 X2 X3 X4
Fig.1 Plan of the building








Fig. 2 Elevation of building

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Building details are as follows

1. Grade of concrete used is M 20 and grade of steel used is Fe 415.

2. Floor to floor height is 3.1 m
3. Plinth height above GL is 0.55 m.
4. Depth of Foundation is 0.65 m below GL
5. Parapet height is 1.5 m.
6. Slab Thickness is 150 mm.
7. External wall thickness is 230 mm and internal wall thickness is 150 mm.
8. Size of columns is 300mm X 450 mm and size of beams 300mm X 450 mm.
9. Live load on floor is 3kN/m2 and Live load on roof is 1.5kN/m2.
10. Floor finishes is 1 kN/m2 and roof treatment is 1.5 kN/m2
11. Site located in Seismic Zone IV.
12. Building is resting on medium soil.
13. Take Importance Factor as 1.
14. Building frame type is Special Moment Resting Frame (SMRF).
15. Density of concrete is 25 kN/m3and Density of masonry wall is 20 kN/m3

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Step 1 Begin a New Model

In this Step, the basic grid that will serve as a template for developing the model will be

A. Click the File menu > New Model command or the New Model button . The
form shown in Fig. 3 will display. Verify that the default units are set to KN, m, C.
B. The New Model form
allows for the quick
generation of numerous
model types using
parametric generation
techniques. However, in
this tutorial the model will
be started using only the
grid generation. When
laying out the grid, it is
important that the geometry
defined accurately represents Fig.3 New Model form

the major geometrical aspects of the model, so it is advisable to spend time

carefully planning the number and spacing of the grid lines. Select the Grid Only
button, and the form shown in Fig. 4 will display.
C. The Quick Grid Lines form (Fig. 4) is used to specify the grids and spacing in the
X, Y and Z directions. Set the number of grid lines to 4 in the X and Y direction,
and to 6 in the Z directions. Type 5, 3, 3.1 into X, Y, Z directions spacing edit
boxes respectively. The values specified in the First Grid Line Location area
locate the origin of the grid lines; make sure that these values are all set to zero
for this tutorial. Click the OK button to continue.
1. Click the Define menu > Coordinate Systems/Grids command. The
Coordinate/Grid Systems form will display. Make sure that the Systems
item on the Coordinate/Grid Systems form has Global highlighted and

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Fig. 4 Quick Grid lines form Fig. 5 Define Grid Data form

Fig. 6 SAP 2000 Windows

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

click the Modify/Show System button. The Define Grid Data form (Fig.
5) will display.
2. The Define grid data form is used to specify the irregular spacing in the X,
Y and Z directions. Set the Display Grid as to spacing.
3. In Y Grid Data set spacing as 2 for Grid ID 2 and in Z Grid Data set it to
1.2 for z1 Grid ID.
4. Click the OK button to close the Define Grid Data form.

D. Click the OK button to close the Coordinate/Grid Systems form, and Fig. 6 will
appear. The grids appear in two view windows tiled vertically, an X-Y “Plan”
View on the left and a 3-D View on the right, as shown in Fig. 6. The number of
view windows may be changed by selecting the Options menu > Windows

Notice that the “Plan” view is active in Fig 6. When the window is active, the
display title bar is highlighted. Set a view active by clicking anywhere in the view

Note that the Global Axes are displayed as well, and that Z positive is in the “up”
direction. When SAP2000 refers to the direction of gravity, this is in the negative
Z direction, or “down”.

Step 2 Define Material

Use the Define menu > Materials command
to add, modify, or delete a material property
definition. The material property definitions
are then used in defining the structural objects
(frame sections, cable sections, tendon
sections, area sections, solid properties).
A. Click the Define menu > Materials
command, the Define Material form (Fig.
Fig. 7 Define Materials form
7) will display.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Fig. 8 Material Property Data form -Concrete Fig. 9 Material Property Data form -Rebar

Highlight a 4000Psi in the Materials display list. Then Click the Modify/Show
Material button, the form shown in Fig. 8 will display.
B. In Material Name and display color edit box, type M20 and in Material Type select
concrete from drop down list.
C. Set Weight per unit Volume as 25. Set Modulus of Elasticity to 22360679.774
( 5000 f ck as per IS 456). Set Poisson’s Ratio to 0.15. Set Specified Concrete

Compressive Strength to 20000 and then click OK button.

D. Highlight a A992fy50 in the Materials display list. Then Click on Modify/Show
Material button, the form shown in Fig. 9 will display.
E. In Material Name and display color edit box, type Fe415 and in Material Type select
Rebar from drop down list.
F. Set Minimum yield stress, fy, Minimum tensile stress, fu , Expected yield stress, fye and
Expected tensile stress, fue to 415000, 498000, 518750 and 622500. Click OK
buttons on Material Property Data form and Add materials form to exit all forms.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Step 3 Define Frame Section

Defining a frame section makes the
section available for assignment to
selected frame objects. The Define menu
> Frame Sections command can be used
to (a) import sections from predefined
databases, (b) define frame section
properties on the basis of their
dimensions, (c) review and modify
Fig. 10 Frame Properties form
section properties, and (d) delete section properties.
A. Click the Define menu > Section Properties > Frame Sections command, which
will display the Frame Properties form (Fig. 10).
B. Click the Add New Property button, which will display form shown in Fig. 11
C. In Frame Section Property Type select Concrete from drop down list and click the
Rectangular button, which will display from shown in Fig. 12.
1. In Section Name Area, Type C-300X450.
2. In Depth and Width edit box, Type 0.45 and 0.3 respectively.
D. Click the Concrete Reinforcement button, Reinforcement data form (Fig. 13)
will appear.
1. In Rebar Material Area, Select Fe415 from list as a Rebar Material of

Fig. 11 Add Frame Section Property form Fig. 12 Rectangular Section form

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Longitudinal Bars and Confinement Bars (Ties).

2. In Design Type Area, Select Column (P-M2-M3Design) option.
3. In Configuration of reinforcement area, select Rectangular.
4. In Longitudinal Bars - Rectangular Configuration area, Type 0.05 in
Cover to for confinement bars edit box.
5. In Confinement Bars Area, Select 8d from drop down list as Confinement
Bar Size; Type 0.2 in Longitudinal Spacing of Confinement Bars edit box
and Type 2 in Number of Confinement Bars in 3-dir and 2-dir.
6. In Set Check/ Design Area, select Reinforcement to be Designed.
7. Click OK buttons on Reinforcement Data form and Rectangular section form.
E. Click the Add New Property button, which will display form shown in Fig. 11.
F. Make sure that in Frame Section Property Type, Concrete is selected and click the
Rectangular button, which will display from shown in Fig. 12.
1. In Section Name Area, Type B-300X450.
2. In Depth and Width edit box,
Type 0.45 and 0.3 respectively.

Fig. 13Reinforcement Data form for Column Fig. 14Reinforcement Data form for Beam

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

G. Click the Concrete Reinforcement button, Reinforcement data form (Fig. 13)
will appear.
1. In Rebar Material Area, Select Fe415 from list as a rebar material of
Longitudinal Bars and Confinement Bars (Ties).
2. In Design Type Area, Select Beam (M3Design only) option, which will
display reinforcement data form (Fig.14) for beam.
3. In Concrete Cover to Rebar Center Area, Type 0.03 Top and Bottom edit box.
4. Click the OK buttons on Reinforcement Data form, Rectangular section form
and frame properties form.

Step 4 Add Frame Objects

In this Step, Frame objects with the associated column and beam sections list are drawn
using the grids and snap-to options, and generated using Edit menu commands.
Draw Frame Objects (XZ Plane)
Make sure that the X-Z Plane @ Y= 0 views is active (see Step1-D for directions on how
to make a view active). This view should be in the left window. Also check that the Snap
to Points and Grid Intersections command is active. This will assist in accurately
positioning the frame objects. This command is active when its associated button is
depressed. Alternatively, use the Draw menu > Snap to > Points and Grid
Intersections command. By default, this command is active.
A. Click the View menu > Set 2D View command.
B. In the Set 2D View form click on the X-Z plane option. Type 0 into the Y = edit
box to display the Side view at Y = 0, and click OK.
C. Click the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon button or use the Draw menu > Draw
Frame/Cable/Tendon command. If you accessed the Draw
Frame/Cable/Tendon command via the Draw menu, the Draw
Frame/Cable/Tendon button will depress verifying your command selection.
The Properties of Object pop-up form for frames will appear as shown in Fig.15.

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If the Properties of Object form is

covering any part of the model in
either view, click on the title bar
and drag it out of the way.
D. Click in the Section drop-down
list on the Properties of Object
form and scroll down to C- Fig. 15 Properties of Objects
300X450. Single click on it to assign the auto select list C-300X450 to the
members you will draw.
E. To draw the columns, left click once in the X-Z Plane view at the X-Z origin, and
then go on clicking at the nodes (X=0, Z=1.2), (X=0, Z=4.3), (X=0, Z=7.4), (X=0,
Z=10.5) and (X=0, Z=13.6) i.e. nodes along the vertical grid line X =0. The
cursor location is indicated in the lower right-hand corner of the interface. A
frame lines should appear in both views (Side and 3D). After clicking to define
the end point of the column, a right click will “lift the pen” so you will no longer
be actively drawing, but will leave the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon command
active so that you may add additional objects. If you have made a mistake while

drawing this object, click the Select Object button, to leave the Draw mode
and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo Frame Add
command, and repeat Items C-D.
F. Repeat Item E to draw additional columns along the Grid line X=5, X=10 and
X=15. These members form the columns of XZ frame at Y = 0. Right click to
stop drawing.
G. Click in the Section drop-down list on the Properties of Object form (Fig. 15) and
scroll down to B-300X450. Single click on it to assign the auto select list B-
300X450 to the members you will draw.
H. Repeat Item E to draw beams along grid line Z=1.2, Z=4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5 and
Z= 13.6. These members form the complete XZ frame at Y = 0.

I. Click the Select Object button, or Press the Esc key on the key-board to exit
the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon command.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Add Restraints
In this step, supports for the frame are defined. Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=0
view is active, and that the program is in the Select mode.
A. Select the support nodes i.e. nodes at Z=0.
B. Click the Assign menu > Joint > Restraints
command to bring up the Joint Restraints
form (Fig. 16).

C. Click the Fixed support button to

assign restraints in the Translation and
Rotation in 1, 2 and 3 directions. Click OK
to accept the changes.
Fig. 16 Joint restraints form
Modify Column Orientation
To better view the column orientation, click the Set Display Options button. When
the form (Fig. 18) appears, check the Fill Objects and
Extrude view check box and the Apply to All Window
check box, as shown in Fig.18.
A. Select all the columns along the grid line X=0 and
X =15.
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame > Local Axes
command to access the Frame Local Axis form Fig. 17 Frame Local Axis Form
(Fig. 17).

Fig. 18 Display Options for Active Window

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C. Type 90 in Angle in degrees edit box. Click OK to accept changes.

Replicate Objects
Make sure that the program is in the Select mode.
A. Select the complete XZ plane frame at Y=0 by left clicking directly on the
members, or left clicking to the right of the object, holding the left mouse button
down, and dragging the mouse across the member. See Fig. 19 for selection

Fig. 19 Graphical selection options

B. Click the Edit menu > Replicate command to bring up the form shown in Fig.
C. On the Linear tab, type 3 into the dy edit box. Type 1 in the Number edit box.
Click the OK button.
D. Repeat Item A-B.

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E. On the Linear tab, type 5 into the dy edit

box. Type 1 in the Number edit box.
Click the OK button.
F. Again repeat Item A-B
G. On the Linear tab, type 8 into the dy edit
box. Type 1 in the Number edit box.
Click the OK button.

Fig. 20 Replicate form

Draw Frame Objects (YZ Plane)
Make sure that the Y-Z Plane @ X= 0 view is active Or Click the View menu > Set 2D
View command. In the Set 2D View form click on the Y-Z plane option. Type 0 into the
X = edit box to display the Side view at X = 0, and click OK.
A. Click the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon button or use the Draw menu > Draw
Frame/Cable/Tendon command. The Properties of Object pop-up form for
frames will appear as shown in Fig.15.
B. Click in the Section drop-down list on the Properties of Object form (Fig. 15) and
scroll down to B-300X450. Single click on it to assign the auto select list B-
300X450 to the members you will draw.
C. Draw beams along Grid line Z=1.2, Z=4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5 and Z=13.6. These
members form the complete YZ frame at X = 0. Right click to stop drawing.

D. Click the Select Object button, or Press the Esc key on the key-board to exit
the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon command.

Replicate Objects
Make sure that the program is in the Select mode and Y-Z Plane @ X= 0 views is active.
A. Select all the beams in YZ plane frame at X=0.
B. Click the Edit menu > Replicate command to bring up the form shown in Fig.
C. On the Linear tab, type 5 into the dx edit box. Type 3 in the Number edit box.
D. Click the OK button.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Step 5 Define Load Patterns

The loads used in this problem consist of Dead, Dead Wall, Dead Slab, Dead FF (Floor
finish), Dead RT (Roof treatment), Live and Live Roof loads acting in the gravity
A. Click the Define menu > Load Patterns command to bring up the Define Load
Patterns form (Fig. 21). Note there is a single default load case defined, which is a
Dead Load case with self-weight (DEAD).
Note that the self-weight multiplier is set to 1 for the default case. This indicates that
this load pattern will automatically include 1.0 times the self-weight of all members.
In SAP2000, both Load Patterns and Load Cases exist, and they may be different.
However, the program automatically creates a corresponding Load case when a load
pattern is defined, and the load cases are available for review at the time the analysis
is run.

B. Click in the edit

box for the
Load Pattern
Name column.
Type the name
of the new load Fig. 21 Define load Patterns form
pattern, DEAD Wall. Select a Type of load from the drop-down list; in this case,
select SUPER DEAD. Make sure that the Self Weight multiplier is set to zero. Click
the Add New Load Pattern button to add the Dead Wall load to the load list.
C. Repeat item B, to add Dead Slab, Dead FF, Dead RT load cases.
D. Type the name of the new load pattern, LIVE. Select LIVE, a Type of load from the
drop-down list. Make sure that the Self Weight Multiplier is set to zero. Click the
Add New Load Pattern button to add the Live load to the load list.
E. Type the name of the new load pattern, LIVE ROOF. Select ROOF LIVE, a Type
of load from the drop-down list. Make sure that the Self Weight Multiplier is set to
zero. Click the Add New Load Pattern button to add the Live load to the load list.

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F. The Define Loads form should now appear as shown in Fig. 22. Click the OK button
in that form to
accept the
newly defined
static load

Fig. 22 Define load Patterns form

Step 6 Assign Gravity Loads

In this Step, the Dead and Live loads will be applied to the model.
Assign DEAD WALL load
Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=1.2 view is active, and that the program is in the
select mode.
A. Select the all external walls in X-Y Plane at level Z=1.2, Z= 4.3, Z=7.4 & Z=10.5.

If you make a mistake in selecting, press the Clear Selection button, and try

again. Use the Move Up in list and Move Down in List buttons to
change floor level.
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command. This brings up
the Frame Distributed Loads form (Fig. 23).
1. Select DEAD WALL from the Load Case Name drop-down list. New Load

Pattern can be added by clicking New Load Pattern button, if required.

2. In Units, Verify that the KN, m, C option is selected.
3. In the Load Type and Direction area, verify that the Forces option is selected
and that the Gravity direction is selected.
4. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.

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5. Type 12.19 (value of

external wall load
intensity) in the Uniform
Load edit box. Remember
that the Gravity Direction
is in the negative Global Z
6. In the Trapezoidal loads
area, verify that in all Load
edit boxes values are zero.
7. Click the OK button to Fig. 23 Frame Distributed Loads form

accept the DEAD WALL load.

C. Select all internal walls in X-Y Plane at level Z=1.2, Z= 4.3, Z=7.4 & Z=10.5.
D. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. In Load Case Name, Verify that Dead Wall is selected.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. Type 7.95 (value of internal wall load intensity) in the Uniform Load edit
4. In the Trapezoidal loads area, verify that in all Load edit boxes values are
5. Click the OK button to accept the Dead Wall load.
E. Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=13.6 views is active, and that the program is in
the Select mode. Select all external walls.
F. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. In Load Case Name, Verify that DEAD WALL is selected.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. Type 6.90 (value of parapet wall load intensity) in the Uniform Load edit
4. In the Trapezoidal loads area, verify that in all Load edit boxes values are
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD WALL load.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Assign DEAD SLAB load

In this tutorial Slab load is transferred to adjacent beams and Rigid Diaphragm is
assigned to simulate the in-plane slab rigidity. Yield line pattern for slab load is shown in




X1 X2 X3 X4
Fig. 24 Yield line pattern for slab load

Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=4.3 view is active, and that the program is in the
select mode.
A. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=0, Y=3, Y=5 and Y=8 (i.e. beams
along Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5 & Z=13.6). Use

the Move Up in list and Move Down in List buttons to change floor
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD SLAB from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 5.625 in second
Load edit box.

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c. Type 3.5 in third Distance edit box and type 5.625 in third Load
edit box.
d. Type 5 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD SLAB load.
C. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=3 and Y=5 (i.e. beams alongY2 & Y3
in Fig. 22) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5 & Z=13.6).
D. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. In Load Case Name, Verify that DEAD SLAB is selected.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, Type 0 in all Load edit boxes.
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 3.75 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD SLAB load.
E. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=0, X=5, X=10 and
X=15(i.e. beams along X1, X2, X3 and X4 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5
& Z=13.6).
F. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD SLAB from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 5.625 in second
Load edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 5.625 in third Load
edit box.
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.

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5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD SLAB load.

G. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=5 & X=10 (i.e. beams
along X2 and X3 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5 & Z=13.6).
H. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD SLAB from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 5.625 in second
Load edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 5.625 in third Load
edit box.
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the Dead Slab load.

Assign DEAD FF (Floor Finish) load

Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=4.3 view is active, and that the program is in the
select mode.
A. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=0, Y=3, Y=5 and Y=8 (i.e. beams
along Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4and Z=10.5).
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD FF from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In Units, Verify that the KN, m, C option is selected.
3. In the Load Type and Direction area, verify that the Forces option is selected
and that the Gravity direction is selected.
4. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.

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5. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type1.5 in second Load edit
c. Type 3.5 in third Distance edit box and type1.5 in third Load edit
d. Type 5 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit box
6. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
7. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD FF load.
C. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=3 and Y=5 (i.e. beams along Y2 and
Y3 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4and Z=10.5).
D. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. In Load Case Name, Verify that DEAD FF is selected.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, Type 0 in all Load edit boxes.
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 1 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD FF load.
E. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=0, X=5, X=10 and
X=15 (i.e. beams along X1, X2, X3 and X4 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4and
F. Click the Assign menu > Frame Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD FF from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 1.5 in second Load
edit box.

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c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 1.5 in third Load edit
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit box.
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD FF load.
G. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=5 & X=10 (i.e. beams
along X2 and X3 in Fig. 24) at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4and Z=10.5).
H. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD FF from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 1.5 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 1.5 in third Load edit
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit box.
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD FF load.

Assign DEAD RT (Roof Treatment) load

Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=13.6 views is active, and that the program is in the
select mode.
A. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=0, Y=3, Y=5 and Y=8(i.e. beams
along Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 in Fig. 24).
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD RT from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In Units, Verify that the KN, m, C option is selected.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

3. In the Load Type and Direction area, verify that the Forces option is
selected and that the Gravity direction is selected.
4. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
5. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type2.25 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 3.5 in third Distance edit box and type2.25 in third Load edit
d. Type 5 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
6. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
7. Click the OK button to accept the Dead RT load.
C. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=3 and Y=5 (i.e. beams along Y2,
and Y3 in Fig. 24).
D. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. In Load Case Name, Verify that DEAD RT is selected.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, Type 0 in all Load edit boxes.
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 1.5 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD RT load.
E. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=0, X=5, X=10 and
X=15 (i.e. beams along X1, X2, X3 and X4 in Fig. 24).
F. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD RT from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit

b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 2.25 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 2.25 in third Load edit
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the DEAD RT load.
G. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=5 & X=10 (i.e.
beams along X2 and X3 in Fig. 24).
H. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select DEAD RT from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 2.25 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 2.25 in third Load edit
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the Dead RT load.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Assign LIVE Load

A. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=0, Y=3, Y=5 and Y=8 at level Z= 4.3,
Z=7.4 & Z=10.5 (i.e. beams along Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 in Fig. 24).
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select LIVE from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In Units, Verify that the KN, m, C option is selected.
3. In the Load Type and Direction area, verify that the Forces option is selected
and that the Gravity direction is selected.
4. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
5. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 4.5 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 3.5 in third Distance edit box and type 4.5 in third Load edit
d. Type 5 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
6. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
7. Click the OK button to accept the LIVE load.
I. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=3 and Y=5 at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4 &
Z=10.5 (i.e. beams along Y2 and Y3 in Fig. 24).
J. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. In Load Case Name, Verify that LIVE is selected.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, Type 0 in all Load edit boxes.
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 3 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the LIVE load.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

K. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=0, X=5, X=10 and
X=15 at level Z= 4.3, Z=7.4 & Z=10.5 (i.e. beams along X1, X2, X3 and X4 in Fig.
L. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select Live from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 4.5 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 4.5 in third Load edit
d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the LIVE load.
M. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=5 & X=10 at level Z=
4.3, Z=7.4 & Z=10.5 (i.e. beams along X2 and X3 in Fig. 24).
N. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
1. Select Live from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
2. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
3. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
a. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
b. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 4.5 in second Load
edit box.
c. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 4.5 in third Load edit

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d. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
4. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
5. Click the OK button to accept the LIVE load.

Assign LIVE ROOF load

Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=13.6 views is active, and that the program is in the
select mode.
A. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=0, Y=3, Y=5 and Y=8.
B. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
a. Select LIVE ROOF from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
b. In Units, Verify that the KN, m, C option is selected.
c. In the Load Type and Direction area, verify that the Forces option is
selected and that the Gravity direction is selected.
d. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
e. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
1. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
2. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 2.25 in second Load
edit box.
3. Type 3.5 in third Distance edit box and type 2.25 in third Load edit
4. Type 5 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
f. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
g. Click the OK button to accept the Live Roof load.
C. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line Y=3 and Y=5
D. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
a. In Load Case Name, Verify that Live Roof is selected.
b. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.

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c. In the Trapezoidal loads area, Type 0 in all Load edit boxes.

d. In the Uniform load area, Type 1.5 in Load edit box.
e. Click the OK button to accept the Live Roof load.
E. Select the beams having 3m length in X-Y Plane along line X=0, X=5, X=10 and
F. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
a. Select LIVE ROOF from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
b. In the Options, select the Replace Existing Loads Option.
c. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
1. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
2. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 2.25 in second Load
edit box.
3. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 2.25 in third Load edit
4. Type 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
d. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
e. Click the OK button to accept the LIVE ROOF load.
G. Select the all beams in X-Y Plane along line X=5 & X=10
H. Click the Assign menu > Frame Loads > Distributed command.
a. Select LIVE ROOF from the Load Case Name drop-down list.
b. In the Options, select the Add to Existing Loads Option.
c. In the Trapezoidal loads area, select the Absolute Distance From End I
1. In Trapezoidal loads area, type 0 in first Distance and Load edit
2. Type 1.5 in second Distance edit box and type 2.25 in second Load
edit box.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

3. Type 1.5 in third Distance edit box and type 2.25 in third Load edit
4. Types 3 in fourth Distance edit box and type 0 in fourth Load edit
d. In the Uniform load area, Type 0 in Load edit box.
e. Click the OK button to accept the LIVE ROOF load.

Step 7 Assign Rigid Diaphragm

Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=4.3 view is active, and that the program is in the
select mode.
A. Select all the nodes at Z= 4.3, Z=7.4, Z=10.5 & Z=13.6 level.
B. Click the Assign menu > Joint >Constraints command. This brings up the
Assign/Define Constraint form (Fig. 25).
C. In the Choose Constraint Type to Add area, click the drop-down list and select
D. Click the Add New Constraint button, which will display Diaphragm Constraint
form (Fig. 26).
E. Type Floor Diaphragm in the Constraint
Name edit box.
F. Verify that the Z Axis option is selected in

Fig. 25 Assign /Define Constraints form Fig. 26 Assign/Define Constraints form

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

the Constraint Axis area.

G. Check Assign a different diaphragm constraint to each different selected Z level
H. Click the OK buttons on the Diaphragm Constraint and the Assign/Define
constraints forms to exit all forms.

Step 8 Define Response Spectrum Function.

A response-spectrum function is simply a list of period versus spectral-acceleration
values. In SAP2000, the acceleration values in the function are assumed to be
normalized; that is, the functions themselves are not assumed to have units. Instead, the
units are associated with a scale factor that multiplies the function and that is specified
when the response-spectrum analysis case is defined.
A. Click the Define menu > Functions > Response Spectrum Functions command,
which will display Define Response Spectrum Function form (Fig.27).
B. In the Choose the Function Type to Add area, Select Spectrum from File from
drop-down list.
C. Click the Add New Function button, which will display Response Spectrum
function Definition
form (Fig. 28).
1. In Function Name
edit box, type RES
IS 1893 II.
2. In Function

Fig. 27 Define Response Fig. 28 Response Spectrum Function Definition form

Spectrum Functions

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Damping Ratio area, type 0.05.

3. In Function File area, click the Browse
button in this area and pick the text file
that includes the response spectrum
data (Refer Appendix). The path of the
selected file will display in the File
Name display box. Click the View File
button to display the selected file in
4. In Header lines to skip area, Type 5
5. In the Values are: area, select the
Period vs Values option.
6. Click the Display graph button, which
will display Response spectrum as Fig. 29 Response Spectrum Function
Definition form
shown in Fig. 28.
7. Click the Convert to User Defined button, which will display Response
Spectrum Definition form (Fig. 29).
8. Click the OK buttons on the Response Spectrum Function Definitions and the
Define Response spectrum functions forms to exit all forms.

Step 9 Define Response Spectrum Load case

A. Click the Define menu > Load Cases command, which will display the Define
Load Cases form.
B. Click the Add New Load Case button, which will display Define Load case data
form (Fig. 30).
C. In Load Case Name Area, Type EQ – X.
D. In Load Case Type Area, select Response Spectrum from drop-down list.
E. In Modal Combination Area, Select CQC option.
F. In Load applied area
1. In Load Type area, select Accel from drop down list.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

2. In Load Name area, select U1 from drop down list.

3. In Function
area, select RS
IS 1893 II
defined in step
7) from drop
down list.
4. In Scale factor
edit box, Type
0.2354, i.e.
Z I 
 g.
2 R  Fig. 30 Load Cases Data – Response Spectrum form
5. Click the Add button
G. Click OK button on the Load Case Data – Response Spectrum form to accept the
EQ- X analysis case.
H. Click the Add New Load Case Button on the Define Load Cases form.
I. In Load Case Name Area, Type EQ – Y.
J. Repeat Item D-E
K. In Load applied area
1. In Load Type area, select Accel from drop down list.
2. In Load Name area, select U2 from drop down list.
3. In Function area, select RS IS 1893 II (Function defined in step 7) from
drop down list.
Z I 
4. In Scale factor edit box, Type 0.2354 i.e.  g.
2 R 
5. Click the Add button.
L. Click OK buttons on the Analysis Case Data– Response Spectrum form and
Define Load Cases form.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Step 10 Define Mass sources.

A. Click the Define menu > Mass Source
command, which will display the Define
mass source form (Fig. 31).
B. In Mass Definition area, select From loads
C. In Define Mass Multiplier for loads area
1. In Load area, Select DEAD from
drop down list.
2. Type 1 in Multiplier edit box.
3. Click the Add button to add mass
4. Repeat Item 1-3 for DEAD Slab, Fig. 31 Define Mass Source
DEAD Wall, Dead FF and DEAD RT load.
5. In Load area, Select LIVE from drop down list.
6. Type 0.25 (as live load ≤ 3 kN/m2) in Multiplier edit box.
D. Click OK button on the Define Mass Source form to accept mass sources.
E. Click the File menu > Save command, or the Save button, to save your

Step 11 Run the Analysis

In this Step, the analysis will be run.
A. Click the Analyze menu > Run Analysis command or the Run Analysis

button, to bring up the Set Load Cases to Run form (Fig. 31).
B. Click the Run Now button on the set load cases to run form, which will display
SAP Analysis Monitor (Fig. 32). The program will create the analysis model from
your object-based SAP2000 model. Data will scroll in this window as the
program runs the analysis. This information may be accessed at a later time by
going to the File menu > Show Input/Output Text Files command and selecting
the file with the .LOG extension.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Fig. 32 Set Analysis Cases to Run form

C. When the analysis is finished, the message “ANALYSIS COMPLETE” will

display. Close the analysis window. The program automatically displays a
deformed shape view of the model, and the model is locked. The model is locked
when the Lock/Unlock Model button appears depressed. Locking the model
prevents any changes to the model that would invalidate the analysis results.

Fig. 33 SAP Analysis Monitor

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

 VB 
Step 12 Apply   Correction
 VB 
 

A. Click the Display Menu > Show Tables command, which will display Choose
tables for Display Window (Fig. 34).
B. Check the Structural Output Option.
C. Click OK button on the Choose Tables for Display, which will display tables
Base Reactions and Modal Information.
D. Note Base reactions for DEAD, DEAD SLAB, DEAD WALL, DEAD FF and
DEAD RT, LIVE and LIVE ROOF and compare it with manual load calculations.
E. Also note the Base Shear ( VB X ) in X Direction (Global FX force for EQ – X Load
Case) and Base Shear ( VBY ) in Y Direction (Global FY force for EQ – Y Load
F. Calculate Base shear in X direction ( VB X ) and Base shear in Y direction ( VB Y )
 VB X   VB 
as per IS 1893: 2002 provisions, and calculate   and  Y 
  VB 
 VB X   Y 
G. Click the Define menu > Load Cases command, which will display the Analysis

Fig. 34 Choose Tables for Display- Window

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Cases form.
H. In Cases area, click the EQ – X Case Name and click Modify/Show Case button,
which will display Analysis Case Data- Response Spectrum form.

 Z I   VB X 
I. In the load applied area, type the value of  g X  in scale factor edit
 2 R   VB X 

box and Click OK button on the Analysis Case Data – Response Spectrum form.
J. Click the EQ – Y Case Name on the Analysis Case Form.
K. Click Modify/Show Case button, which will display Analysis Case Data-
Response Spectrum form.

 Z I   VB Y 
L. In the load applied area, type the value of  g X in scale factor edit
 2 R   VBY 
box and Click OK button on the Analysis Case Data – Response Spectrum form.
M. Repeat the step 11 and 12A-12C and Check the base shear in X & Y direction.
Now base shear in X & Y direction should match with base shear in X & Y
direction as per IS 1893:2002 provisions.

Step 13 Define Load Combinations

A. Click the Define menu > Combinations command, which will display the Define
Response Combinations form.
B. Click the Add New Combo
button, which will display the
Response Combination Data form
1. Type 1.5(DL+LL) in the
Response Combination
Name edit box.
2. Select Linear Add from the
Combination Type drop-
down list if it is not already
selected. Fig. 35 Response Combination Data form

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3. Select DEAD in the Case Name from drop-down list (if it is not already
selected) and type 1.5 in the Scale Factor edit box (if it is not already
there) and click the Add button.
4. Select DEAD Slab in the Case Name from drop-down list and click the
Add button.
5. Select DEAD Wall in the Case Name from drop-down list and click the
Add button.
6. Select DEAD FF in the Case Name from drop-down list and click the Add
7. Select DEAD RT in the Case Name from drop-down list and click the Add
8. Select Live in the Case Name from drop-down list and click the Add
9. Select Live Roof in the Case Name from drop-down list and click the Add
10. Click OK button on Response Combination Data form to accept
C. Again Click the Add New Combo button to add another load combination, which
will display the Response Combination Data form (Fig.35).
11. Type 1.2(DL+LL+EQX) in the Response Combination Name edit box.
12. Select Linear Add from the Combination Type drop-down list if it is not
already selected.
13. Select DEAD in the Case Name drop-down list and type 1.2 in the Scale
Factor edit box and click the Modify button.
14. Select DEAD Slab in the Case Name drop-down list and type 1.2 in the
Scale Factor edit box and click the Modify button.
15. Select DEAD Wall in the Case Name drop-down list and type 1.2 in the
Scale Factor edit box and click the Modify button.
16. Select DEAD FF in the Case Name drop-down list and type 1.2 in the
Scale Factor edit box and click the Modify button.

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17. Select DEAD RT in the Case Name drop-down list and type 1.2 in the
Scale Factor edit box and click the Modify button.
18. Select Live in the Case Name drop-down list and type 0.3 in the Scale
Factor edit box and click the Modify button.
19. Select Live Roof in the Case Name drop-down list and click the Delete
20. Select EQ-X in the Case Name drop-down list and type 1.2 in the Scale
Factor edit box and click the Add button.
21. Click OK button on Response Combination Data form to accept
D. Similarly define following combinations
1. 1.2(DL + LL - EQX)
2. 1.2(DL + LL ± EQY)
3. 1.5(DL ± EQX)
4. 1.5(DL ± EQY)
5. 0.9DL ± 1.5 EQX
6. 0.9DL ± 1.5 EQY

Step 14 Graphically Review the Analysis Results.

In this Step, the analysis results will be reviewed using graphical representation of the results.
A. Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=0 view is active.

Then click on the XZ View button to reset the

view to an elevation.
B. Click the Show Forces/Stresses > Frames/Cables

button or the Display menu > Show

Forces/Stresses > Frames/Cables command to bring
up the Member Force Diagram for Frames (Fig. 35).
1. Select DEAD from the Case / Combo Name
drop-down list.
2. Select the Shear 2-2 option.
3. Check the Fill Diagram check box. Fig. 36 Member Force Diagram
for Frames form

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Fig.37 Shear Force 2-2 Diagram (DEAD) in an elevation view

4. Click the OK
button to generate
the Shear force
diagram shown in
Fig 37.
C. Right click on the any
column in the X-Z
view to bring up the
Diagram for Frame
Object window (Fig.
38). Note that the
program displays the
force diagrams for the
entire column.
1. Select DEAD in
Fig. 38 Diagram for Frame Object

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the Case drop-down list.

2. Select Major (V2 and M3) in the Item drop-down list.
3. Click the Scroll for Values option and you may obtain the values at any location by
moving the mouse over the diagrams with the left button held down.
4. Click the Done button to close the form.
D. Make sure that the X-Z View is active and
then click the Display menu > Show
Deformed Shape command or the Show

Deformed Shape button, to bring up the

Deformed Shape form (Fig. 39).
1. Select MODAL from the Case/Combo
Name drop-down box.
2. Check the Cubic Curve check box.
3. Click the OK button to display first Mode
shape shown in (Fig.40)
Fig. 39 Deformed Shape form

Fig.40 Mode Shape in an elevation and 3D views

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Click the Start Animation button on the status bar at the

bottom of the screen to animate the first mode shape.
4. Click the Right Arrow button on the status bar at the bottom of the
screen to view the next mode shape.
5. Continue clicking the Right Arrow button to step through all of the mode
6. Click the Left Arrow button on the status bar at the bottom of the screen
to view the previous mode shape.
7. Click the Options menu > Sound command to turn the sound associated with
the animation off or on.
E. Right click on any joint to display the
Joint Displacements results form (Fig.41)

F. Click the Show Undeformed Shape Fig. 41 Joint Displacements obtained

button to remove the displayed mode shape. by right clicking at node

Step 15 Concrete Frame Design

In this Step, the concrete frame members will be designed. Note that the analysis should
be run before completing the following Action Items.
A. Click the Design menu >Concrete Frame Design > View/Review Preferences
command. The Concrete Frame Design Preferences form shown in Fig. 42
a. Click in the Design Code Values drop-down list to see the available design
codes. Select the Indian IS 456-2000 code.
b. Review the information contained in the other items and then click OK to
accept the selections.
B. Click the Design menu > Concrete Frame Design > Select Design
Combinations button, which will show Design Load Combination Selection form
(Fig. 36).
In List of Combination Area, Select all the load combinations defined in Step 13
and click Add.

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Fig. 41 Concrete frame design preferences form

C. Click the Design menu > Concrete Frame Design > Start De-sign/Check of

Structure command or the Start Concrete Design/Check of Structure

button, to start the concrete frame design process.
When the design is finished, the area of longitudinal bar required is displayed on
the screen. Note that the current units are KN and m.
D. Click the drop-down list in the status bar to change the units to . The
values for the area of longitudinal reinforcing steel are now in units of mm2.
E. Click the Design menu > Concrete Frame Design > Display Design Info
command to access the Display Concrete Design Results form.
1. Verify that the Design Output option is selected.
2. Select Rebar Percentage from the Design Output drop-down list.

For any suggestions and queries please write to Mr. VIJAY N. KHOSE,
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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

3. Click the OK button. The required longitudinal reinforcing percentage is

displayed on the screen.

F. Right click on any beam/column to access the Concrete Beam /Column Design
Information form.

1. Note that the required top and bottom longitudinal steel and the required
shear steel is reported for each design load combination at each output
segment along the beam.
2. Click the Flex. Details button to display flexural design details for the
highlighted design load combination and output station location. The
Concrete Design Information {Code} form is displayed.

3. When finished viewing the detailed information, click the Close

button in the upper right-hand corner of the Concrete Design Information
{Code} form to close it.
4. Click the OK button to close the Concrete Beam Design Information

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

A. Load calculations
A.1. Wall load
External wall load intensity
= 0.23 X 1 X (3.1-0.45) X 20
= 12.19kN/m.
Internal wall load intensity
= 0.15 X 1 X (3.1-0.45) X 20
= 7.95kN/m.
Parapet wall load intensity
= 0.23 X 1 X 1.5 X 20
= 6.9kN/m.
A.2. Slab (Self weight) load (Dead Slab)
Intensity of slab load
= 0.15 X 1 X 1 X 25
= 3.75kN/m.
A.3. Floor finish load (Dead FF)
Intensity of floor finish load
= 1kN/m.
A.4 Roof treatment load (Dead RT)
Intensity of roof treatment load
= 1.5 X 1
= 1.5kN/m.
A.5. Live load
Intensity of live load
= 3kN/m.
A.6. Live roof load
Intensity of live roof load
= 1.5 X 1
= 1.5kN/m.

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Analysis And Design Of Four Storied RC Building Using SAP2000 v14

Table A.1 Load calculations

Load Case

Trapezoidal loading Triangular loading

Dead Slab a = 3.75 X 1.5 = 5.625
Dead FF a = 1.00 X 1.5 = 1.500
Dead RT a = 1.50 X 1.5 = 2.250
Live a = 3.00 X 1.5 = 4.500
Live Roof a = 1.50 X 1.5 = 2.250

B. Response Spectrum text file.

Fig. B.1. Response Spectrum text file.

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