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Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247

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Correlating surface growth of nanoporous gold with electrodeposition

parameters to optimize amperometric sensing of nitrite
Abhishek Kumar ∗ , Josué M. Gonçalves, Anandhakumar Sukeri, Koiti Araki,
Mauro Bertotti ∗
Department of Fundamental Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748, 05508-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nanoporous gold (NPG) films were electrodeposited on a gold substrate and the generated platform was
Received 13 November 2017 used for amperometric determination of nitrite. The electrochemical characterization of different NPG
Received in revised form 14 February 2018 surfaces showed that the electrocatalytic activity concerning the nitrite anodic oxidation is strongly mod-
Accepted 16 February 2018
ulated by changes in the electrodeposition parameters. Microstructural analysis using scanning electron
Available online 20 February 2018
microscopy, profilometry and X-ray diffraction revealed changes in the deposited layers, following a
unique growth mechanism strongly dependent on applied potential and electrodeposition time. Accord-
ingly, more negative potentials resulted in changes in morphology from highly branched standing flakes
Nanoporous gold
Amperometric sensors
to flat dense surfaces, whereas higher electrodeposition times led to the evolution of nanodendrites. NPG
Electrodeposition electrodes prepared by electrodeposition at −4 V for 100 s were selected as the best platform for nitrite
Food quality-control determinations at 0.77 V. Evaluation of sensing characteristics demonstrated the sensor exhibits a very
Thin films fast response time (<4 s), a detection limit of 10 nM and two linear ranges (1–110 ␮M and 110–2000 ␮M)
Electrochemistry with sensitivity values found to be 0.02 ␮A ␮M−1 cm−2 and 0.012 ␮A ␮M−1 cm−2 , respectively. Other ana-
lytical properties such as reproducibility, selectivity and long term stability were also investigated and
the results showed the fabricated sensor has favorable features for detection of nitrite in real samples, as
demonstrated in experiments involving successful nitrite determinations in meat and lake water samples.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ing these guidelines into account, methods for sensitive detection
and quantification of nitrite become an imperative task. Normative
Nitrite is a ubiquitous pollutant in modern society as it has methods for nitrite determination are mainly based on spectropho-
adverse implications on human health and surrounding environ- tometry [6,7], chemiluminescence [8], chromatography [9,10] and
ment. In particular, because of the excessive use as preservative electrophoresis [11]. Although these methods are highly sensitive
in meat, processed foods and beverages, nitrite can pose a seri- and selective, there are limitations intrinsic to the measurement
ous health risk [1]. Excess nitrite in our body can interact with techniques, restricting their wide scale and real-time applications.
hemoglobin forming methaemoglobin by oxidizing ferrous iron Different exploratory approaches have been continuously pro-
(Fe2+ ) into ferric state (Fe3+ ), which inhibits the ability of blood posed to overcome the challenges of conventional methods. Among
to transport oxygen, a condition described as methaemoglobi- them, electrochemical methods are a logical choice because of the
naemia [2]. Besides, nitrite can combine with amines and form electroactive nature of nitrite. Moreover, cost-effectiveness, ease
N-nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic compounds as mentioned of operation, large linear range and competitive detection perfor-
by the International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC) [3]. mance in comparison to normative modes [12] make them more
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the permitted attractive.
level of nitrite in drinking water should not exceed 0.9 ppm [4]. The The electrochemical detection of nitrite can be achieved by oxi-
United State Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) standard for dation as well as by reduction, but the later remains a less preferred
the allowed limit of nitrite in processed meat is 200 ppm [5]. Tak- choice because of interference from dissolved oxygen and nitrate.
In researches reported so far, different types of electrodes have
been used, but the sensitivity towards nitrite is marred by high
∗ Corresponding author. overpotential and low current on bare electrode surfaces. Such
E-mail addresses: (A. Kumar), problems can be alleviated by modifying the working electrode
(M. Bertotti).
0925-4005/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
238 A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247

surface with a suitable electrocatalyst. A wide range of materi- 2.2. Electrochemical setup
als have been investigated as electrode modifiers to facilitate the
electron transfer process involving nitrite, including N-4 macrocy- All electrochemical experiments were performed in a PGSTAT-
cles like metalloporphyrins and metallophthalocyanines [13,14], 128N Autolab Metrohm equipment interfaced with Nova 11.1
organic polymers[15], metals and their oxides [16,17]. Nanomate- software. A conventional three-electrode cell was constructed
rials have also been used for the fabrication of attractive platforms including gold, Ag/AgCl (sat. KCl) and platinum as working, refer-
for nitrite sensing, including metal nanoparticles [18,19], carbon ence and counter electrodes, respectively. The working electrode
nanomaterials [20] and hybrid nanocomposites [21]. These mod- used was a commercial gold disk electrode purchased from
ified electrodes have shown high sensitivity (detection limit in Metrohm Autolab. The geometric area of the working electrode was
the ␮M range), large linear range and good selectivity for nitrite 0.070 cm2 . After each experiment, the gold electrode was cleaned
determination. In the same direction, our endeavor is to improve by polishing with alumina slurry (0.05 ␮m) and sonication for
further different sensing characteristics by using nanoporous gold 10 min. All electrochemical experiments were carried out at room
as a novel platform. temperature.
The electrochemical deposition of nanoporous gold on a solid
substrate has been an intensive area of research in recent years. 2.3. Preparation of nanoporous gold
Such facile technique offers a fine control over the growth and
nucleation mechanism, which determines the grain size and the Nanoporous gold was electrodeposited at a fixed applied
morphology of the deposited NPG, which in turn strongly influ- potential in a three-electrode cell using a strongly stirred 5 mM
ences its electrochemical activity. Among the methods investigated AuCl4 − solution in 0.5 M H2 SO4 . Evolution of current during each
so far to synthesize NPG, dealloying [22,23] and Dynamic Hydro- electrodeposition was continuously monitored, which remained
gen Bubble Template (DHBT) [24,25] approaches have drawn a lot approximately constant at a given applied potential. All electrode-
of attention. DHBT assisted growth implies synchronous evolution positions were performed at open atmosphere in the absence of
of hydrogen and reduction/deposition of metal ions in solution on external gas bubbling and at room temperature. Two sets of exper-
the working electrode surface. The size and the rate of evolution of iments were carried out: a) NPGs were electrodeposited at applied
hydrogen bubbles can provide a dynamic template for depositing potentials of −1 V, −2 V, −3 V and −4 V at a fixed time of 100 s; and
metal atoms thus generating porous materials with 3-D nanoar- b) at constant applied potential of −4 V varying the deposition time
chitectures. In particular, parameters such as deposition potential (100 s, 200 s, 400 s and 600 s). Afterwards, the fabricated NPG mod-
and time strongly influence porosity, grain size and density of the ified gold electrodes were washed with water and dried at room
films [26], consequently altering the electrochemical interaction temperature open to air. In all the electrodepositions, utmost care
with targeted analytes. In fact, better suited platforms for sensor was taken to keep the working electrode at exactly the same posi-
applications can be generated by optimizing the electrodeposition tion relative to the rotating magnetic bead. The reference electrode
parameters. was positioned close to the working electrode in the electrochem-
Accordingly, a systematic study was performed in the present ical cell and far from the counter electrode (where gas generation
work to fabricate NPG modified gold electrodes using the DHBT is expected to occur).
method, which were subsequently tested for the electrooxidation
of nitrite. The NPG sensor giving optimum performance was identi- 2.4. Structural and optical characterizations
fied by intercomparison of the electrocatalytic role. Microstructural
and surface characterizations of different NPG surfaces were carried The surface morphology of the NPGs electrodeposited in differ-
out to understand the evolution of nanostructures on chang- ent conditions was investigated using a JEOL JSM-FEG 7401F SEM
ing electrodeposition parameters and their implication on nitrite equipment. Images were recorded at accelerating voltage of 2 kV
oxidation. The modified electrode exhibiting optimized electro- using different magnifications while maintaining a horizontal scan
catalytic activity was employed as a sensor for the amperometric of the surface. ImageJ software was used to estimate the distribu-
determination of nitrite. Different quantitative sensing character- tion of pore sizes, grain boundaries and scaling of the images.
istics as well as analytical properties were thoroughly analyzed and The roughness of NPG samples deposited on gold substrate was
compared with those of previously reported electrochemical sen- examined by using a Dektak Stylus profilometer on a 2 mm scan
sors. Finally, the proposed sensor was applied to determine nitrite window.
in real samples. The novelty of this work comes at first with the Crystallographic orientation of the deposited layers was
selection of DHBT assisted growth of NPG for generation of a new assessed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) performed in a table top Bruker
platform for nitrite analysis, with substantial improvement in ana- D2 Phaser X-ray diffractometer equipped with a Cu K␣ source
lytical performance. Secondly, efforts have been made to interlink (␭ = 1.5418 Å), in the 2␪ 30–90◦ window, using a scan step of 0.05◦ .
electrodeposition parameters, growth mechanism and electrocat- Purity of the electrodeposited NPG films was ascertained by
alytic activity. performing elemental analysis using Energy Dispersive X-ray Flu-
orescence (EDXRF) spectroscopy with an EDX720 instrument from
Shimadzu, equipped with a X-ray tube with Rh target and a Si(Li)
2. Experimental section detector. The instrument was operated at a voltage of 50 kV in a
current range 117–378 ␮A with X-ray collimated with 1 mm colli-
2.1. Materials mator and maintained in atmospheric air environment.
UV–vis measurements were carried out using a Hewlett Packard
All the chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade and 8453A diode-array spectrophotometer with a 1 nm slit width
used without any further purification. Solutions used throughout and 0.1 nm accuracy. Spectra were recorded in the range of
the work were prepared with Milli-Q ultrapure water (resistiv- 190–1100 nm using 10 mm quartz cuvette.
ity ∼ 18 M cm). NaNO2 , Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) tablets,
HAuCl4 . 3H2 O and H2 SO4 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, ACS 2.5. Determination of nitrite
reagent. PBS solutions at pH ∼ 7.4 were prepared by dissolving one
tablet into 200 mL water. 0.1 M NaNO2 stock solution was prepared Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was used for the characterization of the
in PBS solution. electrochemical behavior of the different NPG electrodes prepared
A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247 239

in this work. CVs were recorded in 0.5 M H2 SO4 solution, in a poten- a 100 mV shift in overpotential as compared to the bare gold elec-
tial range from 0.2 to 1.6 V, at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 . Studies on the trode. Moreover, the oxidation wave is sharper and more intense,
electrooxidation of nitrite were conducted in a 0.1 M PBS solution indicating faster electron transfer processes as expected for mod-
in a potential range from 0 to 0.9 V, at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 . ified electrodes with a significant electrocatalytic activity. These
Amperometric measurements were carried out to get the cali- observations clearly indicate that NPG modified electrodes possess
bration curve of the nitrite sensor in the 1 ␮M to 2 mM range, in energetically favorable active sites, whose number is dependent
continuously stirred solutions. Aliquots of a standardized nitrite on the deposition parameters (Ed and td ). The small cathodic peak
solution were successively added to the electrochemical cell con- noticed in Fig. 1d results from the reduction of the gold oxide layer
taining PBS after a flat baseline current was reached. The nitrite formed during the oxidation scan, as confirmed by the presence of
content in real samples such as processed meat (purchased from a a similar peak in the CV recorded in the absence of nitrite, as shown
local supermarket), lake water (collected from the Ibirapuera Park, in the inset of Fig. 1d.
São Paulo city) and tap water was determined by amperometry The correlation between changes in peak potential (Ep ) and peak
using the standard addition method, and the results were validated current (ip ) for different NPG modified electrodes was investigated
by spectrophotometric measurements based on the Griess method in depth by analyzing data from Fig. 1. Accordingly, values for such
[27]. Briefly, 10 g of meat sample (hot dog and pork sausage) were parameters were plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of Ed and td . It can
crushed and homogenized followed by addition of 12.5 g of satu- be noticed that peak potential is almost unaffected by varying Ed
rated borax solution [28]. Then, 300 mL of hot water was added and td , except for the longer td (600 s), where Ep was shifted to
and the mixture heated in a water bath maintained at 70 ◦ C for more positive potential values. On the other hand, peak currents
20 min. After cooling, 2.5 mL of a 30% ZnSO4 solution was added were strongly modulated by the electrodeposition parameters. For
dropwise to precipitate proteins, the upper fattiness removed and instance, an initial decrease and then a linear increase in peak cur-
the remaining solution filtered. 100 mL of the filtrate was con- rent values were observed upon an increase in Ed towards more
centrated to 10 mL, transferred to a syringe and passed through a negative values. A similar situation was observed for electrodepo-
Glass Fiber/PolyEthylene Terephthalate (GF/PET) 45/25 filter before sition time, i.e., a monotonic exponential increase in peak current
carrying out the amperometric and colorimetric analysis. The selec- as a function of td . A comprehensive structural and morphological
tivity of the sensor was further assessed by adding some selected characterization of fabricated NPG films is presented in the next
compounds to the measurement cell at a concentration 50 times section to understand the changes in electrocatalytic properties
higher than the one of the target analyte. with electrodeposition parameters.
A shift in overpotential towards 0 V to get more selectivity and
an enhancement in peak current in order to increase the sensitivity
3. Results and discussion
are among the most desired characteristics of an electrocatalyst.
However, additional features including low capacitive currents are
3.1. Optimization of electrodeposition parameters
highly important to ensure low detection limit values, as well as
fast response time and wider range of linear operation. Taking the
3.1.1. Electrochemical characterization of NPG films
limit of detection parameter into account, in spite of exhibiting a 7-
The NPG films generated by deposition at −1, −2, −3 and −4 V
fold enhancement in peak current for nitrite oxidation as compared
for 100 s, and at −4 V for 100, 200, 400 and 600 s on gold elec-
to bare gold electrode, the NPG electrode prepared with td = 600 s
trode surfaces were characterized by cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M
is not a suitable choice as supposed at first glance because of the
H2 SO4 solution, in the 0.2–1.6 V range, and scan rate of 50 mV s−1 , as
very high capacitive current associated with its large surface area
shown respectively in Fig. 1a and c. Anodic waves characteristic of
[32] (see Fig. 1d). Hence, the NPG fabricated at −4 V for 100 s was
the formation of gold oxide were observed in all voltammograms
selected as the best platform based on the shift in peak potential,
during the forward scan, whereas metallic gold was regenerated
peak current and relatively low capacitance. Moreover, electrode-
in the reverse potential scan. The presence of two anodic peaks
position with lower periods of time consumes less gold from the
for the NPG modified electrode at 1.19 and 1.40 V, respectively,
precursor solution, which gains significance considering the high
was attributed to oxidation on gold (110) and (111) surfaces [29],
cost of gold.
whereas the additional peak at 1.28 V may suggest the emergence of
a new crystalline plane in electrodes prepared using longer depo-
3.2. Structural characterization of NPG layers
sitions times, even though polycrystalline gold exhibits only one
peak in the positive potential scan [30,31]. In fact, the nanoporous
3.2.1. Surface morphology
structure seems to be strongly dependent on deposition potential
Changes in morphology of as-deposited NPG on a gold sub-
(Ed ) and depositions times (td ), resulting in enhanced peak currents
strate were investigated by SEM. Fig. 3 shows SEM micrographs
as the td increases and the Ed becomes more negative. This can be
of an uncoated gold substrate and different NPG electrode sur-
attributed to the increasing surface area as the nanoporous struc-
faces recorded in a wide range of magnifications. Clear differences
tures build-up, but other factors such as the exposed crystalline
in micrometric as well as nanometric structures can be observed
phase also seems to influence significantly the sensitivity towards
as the Ed becomes more negative, and longer td are employed.
nitrite oxidation.
Changes in NPG surface features can even be noticed in less mag-
nified images on a few ␮m scale, as shown in Fig. S1, such as in
3.1.2. Nitrite sensitivity with changing deposition parameters surface roughness and porosity. The emergence of a honeycomb
The electrochemical activity of different sets of NPG modified shape, which is a typical feature of films prepared by DHBT elec-
electrodes towards the oxidation of nitrite was investigated by trodeposition method [33,34], can be observed in Fig. S2 for less
cyclic voltammetry in a potential range from 0 to 0.9 V in 0.1 M magnified SEM images and longer td . The lateral structure of the
PBS solution (pH ∼ 7.4). Fig. 1b and d show the CVs recorded with deposits was imaged by cross-sectional SEM, as shown in Fig. 4a,
bare and NPG modified gold electrodes, prepared with increasing and one can confirm that highly porous microcrystallites with a
Ed and td , in a 2 mM nitrite solution. The inset of Fig. 1d depicts range of pore sizes constitute the NPG inner structure.
the CV of the modified electrode in the absence of nitrite. All mod- At low Ed of −1 V, elongated shrub structures popularly known
ified electrodes presented an anodic peak close to 0.77 V (except as Dense Branch Morphology (DBM) [35], characterized by dense
for td = 600 s), assigned to the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, with arrays of branches of gold flakes forming a flat circular front grow-
240 A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247

Fig. 1. CVs of NPG modified electrodes prepared at different Ed and a fixed td (100 s) (a), at fixed Ed (−4 V) and different td (c), and uncoated gold electrode (inset of c) recorded
in a 0.5 M H2 SO4 solution. CVs recorded with the same NPG modified electrodes in a 2 mM nitrite + 0.1 M PBS solution at different Ed and a fixed td (100 s)(b) and at fixed Ed
(−4 V) and different td (d). CV of NPG modified electrode (−4 V for 100 s) in 0.1 M PBS (inset of d). Scan rate = 50 mV s−1 .

Fig. 2. Changes in peak current and peak potential values extracted from CVs recorded with NPG modified electrodes prepared at different Ed (td = 100 s) (a) and td (Ed = −4 V)(b)
in a 2 mM nitrite + 0.1 M PBS solution. Scan rate = 50 mV s−1 .

ing in the axial direction, can be seen. This arrangement makes can be noticed at the grain boundaries. The evolution of hierarchic
the surface highly porous with a wide distribution of micropores micrometric and nanometric structures in NPG with increasing td
of different sizes. Because of the axial growth of branches, the time at a constant Ed is obvious when Fig. 3a, d and e are com-
surface appears to be very rough with deep surface-height steps. pared. A clear transition in morphology was observed when the
By increasing the applied potential to more negative values, the td was increased to 200 s, as the entire surface was covered with
standing branches collapsed and a dense biphasic surface emerged. highly porous islands in which the density and sizes of the pores,
A similar transformation in the morphology of gold nanoplates as well as their heterogeneity, are much higher in comparison to
was previously reported [36]. The predominant phase represents the NPG obtained at a lower td (100 s). Further increase in td to
a highly condensed surface plane over which porous islands were 600 s generated new layers over a fully porous film underneath,
developed. The black patches on the surface represent dense aggre- with the formation of three-dimensional dendrites on the top sur-
gates of gold, as seen in a magnified image (Fig. S1f). The overall face. These dendrites were well dispersed and presented secondary
surface is more compact and less porous, as compared to the one and tertiary branching, as shown in Fig. 3g.
obtained at −1 V. Further enhancement in the negative Ed to −4 V
led to increase in the number of porous islands on a denser under-
3.2.2. Roughness, purity and microstructure of the NPG surfaces
neath layer. Moreover, the porosity of islands and their height tend
Changes in the surface of NPG electrodes prepared by varying
to increase as compared to the surface obtained at −2 V. Fig. 3h
Ed and td were further examined by surface profilometry measure-
and f reveal the reduction in the nanometric grain size and change
ments, as shown in Fig. 5a and b. It can be noticed that the variation
in their shape from aggregated square flakes to cauliflowers-like
in surface step heights is much more influenced by td than by Ed .
structures for more negative Ed . Pore sizes of a few nanometers
As indicated in Fig. 5b, the NPG prepared with td = 600 s presents
A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247 241

Fig. 3. SEM images of as-prepared NPG surfaces prepared on gold substrates at applied potentials of −4 V for 100 s (a), −2 V for 100 s (b), −1 V for 100 s (c), −4 V for 200 s (d)
and −4 V for 600 s (e). High magnification images are shown for NPG surfaces prepared at applied potential of −4 V for 100 s (f), −4 V for 600 s (g), −1 V for 100 s (h) and an
uncoated gold substrate (i).

Fig. 4. Cross-sectional SEM image (a) and EDXRF spectrum (b) of as-prepared NPG surfaces prepared on gold substrates at an applied potential of −4 V for 100 s.

very high surface steps with wide gaps, which is a typical feature mation of a denser film. The non-homogeneous roughness pattern
of honeycomb-like structures, as observed in SEM images (Fig. S1e of the NPG surface developed at −4 V is a result of the growing of
and S2a). The height of the steps can be a good estimate to assess the porous islands on a smooth layer, as seen in SEM Image 3a. Hence,
depth of the surface pores, which become both bigger and deeper surface topography measurements support the prediction given by
with increasing td , a characteristic of DHBT deposition. The rough- the SEM images. The thickness of the NPG films was estimated by
ness pattern of surfaces prepared at −1 V shown in Fig. 5a reveals subtracting average values of surface step heights of bare substrate
homogeneous distribution of high and widely separated surface and the NPG film, as highlighted in the profilometry pattern shown
steps, which is also in agreement with the SEM image (Fig. 3c). The in Fig. S3. Resulting values for different NPGs are given in Table 1.
reduction in surface steps heights at −2 V clearly suggest the for- As expected, thicker films were obtained by increasing td . In con-
242 A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247

Fig. 5. Surface profile recorded for NPG surfaces with change in Ed at constant td (100 s) (a) and at constant Ed (−4 V) for different td (b). XRD pattern of as-deposited NPG
(Ed = −4 V and td = 600 s) on a gold substrate and the uncoated gold substrate in the range of 10–90◦ using Cu K-␣ X-ray (1.54 A◦ ) (c).

Table 1 Information on the microstructures and crystallographic orien-

Thickness of different NPG films deposited on a gold substrate determined by pro-
tation of the crystallites forming the NPG layers was assessed by
filometry measurements.
XRD studies. Fig. 5c depicts the background corrected XRD pat-
Electrodeposition Electrodeposition Thickness (␮m) tern of as-deposited NPG on a gold substrate compared with XRD
potential (Ed ) Time (td )
of uncoated gold substrate. The sharp diffraction peaks at 38.35◦ ,
−1V 100s 3.27 44.5◦ , 64.5◦ and 77.6◦ correspond to the (111), (200), (220) and
−2 V 100s 1.76 (311) crystallographic planes of a fcc lattice of gold [JCPDS 04-0784]
−4 V 100s 1.51
[38,39], whereas the emergence of the (200), (220) and (311) planes
−4 V 200s 3.94
−4 V 600s 6.44 in NPG is a clear evidence of the formation of gold nanostructures.
Hence, the appearance of additional peaks in CVs recorded with
the NPG modified electrode in H2 SO4 solution (Fig. 1a and c) can be
explained by the presence of gold crystallites exposing new facets
trast, a reverse trend was observed with increasing applied negative to the solution.
potential because of the decrease in grain size [37]. However, the
film obtained at very high potential (−4 V) has non homogeneous 3.2.3. Growth mechanism and implication on nitrite oxidation
topography as a consequence of the increased nucleation rate and Although a detailed assessment of NPG film growth mecha-
more vigorous hydrogen evolution, which can induce higher uncer- nism is beyond the scope of this work, a concise discussion and
tainty in the calculated thickness value. its impact on the electrocatalytic oxidation of nitrite is presented.
EDXRF elemental analysis was conducted as shown in Fig. 4b to The proposed mechanism is based on the already reported the-
determine the purity of as-deposited NPG films. All peaks observed ory of nucleation and growth. At a relatively low Ed of −1 V, the
in the spectrum correspond to the energies of characteristics X- flux of incoming gold ions towards the substrate surface is not so
rays originating from different atomic shells (L and M) of gold. pronounced, as well as the number of active nucleation sites. At
The results of this experiment also confirm the effectiveness of such experimental conditions, nucleation is predominantly instan-
the selected experimental approach towards the development of taneous, i.e., nucleation sites rapidly attain a value that is constant
highly pure NPG films. in time [40,41]. These conditions favor a ballistic growth [42],
A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247 243

Fig. 6. CVs recorded with an NPG modified electrode (green) and a bare gold electrode (black) in 0.1 M PBS solution containing 0.2 mM nitrite at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 . The
dotted black curve corresponds to the CV recorded with a bare gold electrode in the absence of nitrite (a). CVs recorded with the NPG modified gold electrode at different
scan rates (5–200 mV s−1 ) (b) and a plot of the influence of scan rate on peak current (c). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

leading to a surface having densely branched morphology [43]. because of enhanced mass transport. These changes in turn increase
At more negative Ed values, the rate of electron-transfer increases the number of electrocatalytic sites, explaining the increased sen-
and the low energy nucleation sites, which were dormant at less sitivity for longer td . As a matter of fact, the exponential increase in
negative potentials, become active. The nucleation process is thus peak current for td = 600 s is attributed to the formation of three-
predominantly progressive, i.e., new nucleation sites are formed dimensional dendritic structures. Multiple branching as well as
continuously in time. These conditions favor a diffusion limited nanopores present within each branch provide a lot of new surface,
aggregation (DLA) growth [44], from which a dense surface is edges, kinks and other forms of dislocations, thus exposing more
developed. The coexistence of porous islands on the dense sur- electrocatalytic sites for the electron-transfer reaction. It should be
face is a consequence of hydrogen bubbles evolution, a process that pointed out, however, that thicker films retard the electron transfer
becomes more vigorous at more negative Ed values. process and induce a huge capacitive current.
Changes in the surface with increasing td at a fixed Ed can be bet- Based on these considerations, the NPG platform designed by
ter correlated with the change in diffusion layer pattern around the applying −4 V for 100 s was found to be the ideal one for sensor
substrate surface. In the beginning of the electrodeposition process, applications, since it has an optimum ratio of porous phase and
the substrate surface remains flat and the transport of gold ions dense phase. If the porous phase provides electrocatalytic sites for
takes place through a planar diffusion layer. With increasing time, nitrite oxidation, the thin dense phase ensures low capacitance,
gold atoms are deposited on the surface making it rougher with which is an important requirement to achieve higher sensitivity.
many protrusions that will develop localized spherical diffusion
layers. As a consequence, subsequent transport of gold ions from 3.3. Electrochemical determination of nitrite
bulk solution will take place through a matrix of three-dimensional
spherical diffusion layers [45]. Enhanced rates of mass transport 3.3.1. General electrochemical characterization
are observed for such nonplanar diffusion to the growing protru- A comparison of the electrochemical oxidation of nitrite at the
sions and, if spherical diffusive transport continues for longer times, optimized NPG modified electrode and a bare gold electrode is
dendrites are finally developed. shown in Fig. 6a. The two-fold peak current enhancement and
The growth mechanism has profound effects on the electrocat- the 100 mV shift towards less positive potentials demonstrate
alytic properties of a NPG film towards nitrite oxidation. The initial the advantages of the proposed platform for nitrite sensing. The
peak current decrease by changing Ed from −1 V to −2 V, as shown absence of a reduction peak in the reverse scan confirms the oxida-
in Figs. 1b and 2a, can thus be justified by a decrease in porosity tion of nitrite is an irreversible process [46,47] that leads to nitrate
and surface area because of the collapse of the standing branches through a 2-electron transfer process.
and formation of dense layers. Such decrease in surface area and The influence of scan rate on nitrite CVs was examined in the
porosity is however compensated by the development of porous range from 5 to 200 mV s−1 in 0.1 M PBS and the results are pre-
islands, whose amount and height increase with more negative Ed sented in Fig. 6b. The linear increase in peak current (ip ) with the
values, leading to an increase in peak current from −2 V to −4 V. square root of scan rate, as shown in Fig. 6c, is an evidence that
The increase in td leads to the development of more porous surfaces the electrochemical process is mass-transport controlled. To fur-
above a dense layer, and defects continue to grow on the surface ther assess the presence of any adsorption process, log (ip ) was
244 A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247

Fig. 7. Amperometric responses corresponding to consecutive additions of standard solutions of nitrite to a stirred 0.1 M PBS solution using the NPG modified electrode
biased at 0.77 V (a). Calibration plot in the range 1 ␮M to 110 ␮M nitrite (b). Expanded amperometric plot from Fig. a in the range 1 ␮M to 10 ␮M nitrite (c).

plotted as a function of log (scan rate), as shown in Fig. S4. In princi- sitivity of 0.012 ␮A ␮M−1 cm−2 ). The loss of sensitivity at higher
ple, slope values of 0.5 or 1 indicate the process to be pure diffusion nitrite concentrations can be rationalized as follows: At low analyte
or pure adsorption controlled, respectively [48,49]. In our case, the concentrations, a relatively high number of surface active electro-
slope of the linear regression in Fig. S4 was found to be 0.497, con- chemical sites per analyte is available. On the other hand, at very
firming a purely diffusion controlled process. A slow and gradual high analyte concentration, surface sites get saturated and there is
shift of the peak potential can be also noted with increasing scan a competition among analyte molecules to occupy favorable active
rate, and this also corroborates the electrooxidation process to be sites. Hence, sensitivity is higher at low concentrations as compared
chemically irreversible [50]. to very high concentrations.
Experiments on the study of the influence of pH on the Fig. 7c clearly demonstrates the fabricated sensor is highly sen-
voltammetric behavior of nitrite at the modified electrode were sitive to low concentrations of the analyte, as significant current
also performed (Fig. S6). The optimum sensor performance was changes were noticed upon addition of nitrite to give concentra-
observed at pH values close to 7, hence further experiments were tions in the range of 1 ␮M. Such high sensitivity associated with
carried out in PBS solutions (pH 7.4) taking into account the pH of a very low background signal are responsible for the significantly
real samples, especially in biological systems. low limit of detection (LOD), which was estimated as 10 nM taking
into account a signal to noise ratio of 3. This LOD value is much
3.3.2. Amperometric detection lower than the permitted levels of nitrite defined by different envi-
A typical amperometric plot of consecutive additions of nitrite ronmental protection agencies (WHO and USFDA, as explained in
to a strongly stirred 0.1 M PBS solution at 0.77 V is shown in Fig. 7. the introduction section).
The experiment was designed in such a way that the nitrite concen-
tration in the electrochemical cell changed from 1 ␮M to 1000 ␮M 3.3.3. Selectivity, reproducibility and stability
by adding standardized nitrite solutions of different concentra- The selectivity of the NPG modified electrode towards the
tions. After each nitrite addition, a steep increase in anodic current amperometric detection of nitrite was investigated for compounds
and a fast attainment of a steady state condition were observed. that usually coexist with nitrite in samples where its detection
Response time, which is defined in the present case as the time is recommended. Hence, PO4 3− , CO3 2− , NO3 − , Cl− , SO4 2− , ClO4 − ,
after which current reached 90% of its final steady-state value SO3 2− , ascorbic acid, glucose, ethanol, K+ , Na+ and Ca2+ were added
after addition of nitrite, was determined to be less than 4 s. The to a supporting electrolyte solution containing 0.1 mM nitrite. In
change in current with each addition was plotted against the con- this study, the concentration of such possible interfering species
centration of added nitrite in the 1–110 ␮M range, and a linear was 50-fold higher than that of nitrite. Fig. 8a depicts current mon-
relationship between current and nitrite concentration was found itoring at 0.77 V during addition of nitrite and the investigated
(I(␮A) = 0.243 +0.2 Cnitrite (␮M), correlation coefficient = 0.9997), as compounds to a stirred 0.1 M PBS solution and from the results
shown in Fig. 7b. The slope of this linear calibration plot relates one can conclude the influence of PO4 3− , CO3 2− , NO3 − , Cl− , SO4 2− ,
to the sensitivity of the sensor, which was found to be 0.02 ␮A ClO4 − , glucose, ethanol, K+ , Na+ and Ca2+ on the sensor response is
␮M−1 cm−2 taking into account the effective surface area of NPG negligible. Nevertheless, ascorbic acid (AA) and sulfite are clearly
electrode ∼10 cm2 . The linearity in sensor response was further oxidized at the selected working potential and their exclusion from
examined in a wide concentration range, from 110 to 2000 ␮M, and examined samples will be a necessary requirement for a precise
a linear correlation was again achieved, as shown in Fig. S5 (sen- amperometric quantification of nitrite. To overcome the sulfite and
A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247 245

Fig. 8. Amperometric measurements performed with the NPG modified electrode biased at 0.77 V during sequential addition of different compounds tested as interferants
(final concentration = 5 mM) and nitrite (final concentration = 0.1 mM) to a stirred 0.1 M PBS solution (a). Amperometric responses for 0.1 mM nitrite recorded with 5 different
NPG modified electrodes prepared by using the same electrodeposition protocol (b). Shelf-life investigation of the NPG modified electrode response as a function of the
storage time (c).*MSG: Monosodium glutamate.

ascorbic acid interference in nitrite determinations, Linear Sweep Table 2

Determination of nitrite in real samples by the proposed amperometric methods
Voltammetry (LSV) can be used as such compounds are oxidized
and by spectrophotometry: (n = 3).
at different potentials compared to nitrite. This can be confirmed
by looking at voltammograms recorded with the NPG electrode in Sample Quantity of NO2 − (ppm)
a 0.1 M PBS solution containing nitrite, AA and sulfite at the same Electrochemical method Spectrophotometric method
concentration (0.4 mM). Fig. S7 shows well discriminated current
Sausage 29.0 ± 0.6 30.6 ± 0.4
peaks corresponding to the oxidation of AA, sulfite and nitrite at Hot dog 12.8 ± 0.4 14.1 ± 0.3
0.10 V, 0.33 V and 0.78 V, respectively. The separation between each Lake water 0.69 ± 0.02 NA
peak is sufficient to assess simultaneous analytical determination Tap water 0.41 ± 0.01 NA
of these three compounds.
The reproducibility of the sensor response was assessed by
calculating the relative standard deviations (RSD) of nitrite mea- samples containing unknown concentrations of nitrite. Accord-
surements performed with 5 different NPG modified electrodes ingly, nitrite determinations were performed in sausage, hot dog,
fabricated using the same electrodeposition parameters. Fig. 8b lake water and tap water by using the standard addition method
shows a bar plot of amperometric responses towards 0.1 mM nitrite and the results are given in Table 2. To estimate the accuracy of our
measured for each NPG modified electrode in 0.1 M PBS and the proposed method, the quantification of nitrite was also performed
RSD was found to be <4%, confirming that very reproducible plat- by the Griess assay, details of which are shown in Fig. S8. A close
forms can be fabricated by careful control of the electrodeposition agreement in measured values of nitrite in meat samples can be
process. noticed at a 95% confidence level, reinforcing the reliability of our
The storage stability of the proposed sensor was investigated proposed method.
by recording the response towards 0.1 mM nitrite after one week The sensing characteristics of the fabricated sensor were com-
intervals of a total period of two months. Between measurements, pared with those of other reported electrochemical nitrite sensors.
the sensor was stored in atmospheric air environment. Fig. 8c The values are better, or at least comparable, in terms of dynamic
shows the storage time effect on the sensor response where a concentration range, working potential and limit of detection, as
decrease of about 30% was noticed after 4 weeks, followed by a shown in Table S1.
slower decline in the next 4 weeks. The decrease in sensor response
over time can be explained by the slow oxidation of NPG surfaces,
4. Conclusions
hence the resulting gold oxide layer may inhibit the electron trans-
fer at the electrode interface [51].
The porous gold nanostructures electrodeposited on a solid gold
substrate are strongly dependent on electrodeposition parameters,
3.3.4. Real sample analysis especially the applied potential and time of deposition, influenc-
To explore the usefulness of the NPG modified electrode in prac- ing the electrocatalytic activity towards nitrite oxidation. Based
tical applications, its sensing performance was validated with real on results of surface characterization experiments, it was estab-
246 A. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 263 (2018) 237–247

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Mauro Bertotti received a B.Sc. from the Institute of
Chemistry of the University of São Paulo in 1983 and
Biographies became a postgraduate student at the same institution,
where he received his M.Sc. (1986) and Ph.D. (1991)
under the supervision of Dr. Roberto Tokoro. For a year
(1995/96), he was a postdoctoral fellow in the group of
Abhishek Kumar is currently working as a postdoctoral Professor Derek Pletcher at the University of Southamp-
researcher at São Paulo University, Brazil in Electro- ton, UK. At the University of São Paulo he has remained
chemical sensors research group headed by Prof. Mauro throughout his career, where he was appointed Full Pro-
Bertotti. He received his PhD in 2016 at Blaise Pas- fessor in 2008. Since March 2014 he has been the Head of
cal University (Clermont-Ferrand, France) under the the Department of Chemistry. His research interests are
supervision of Dr. Christelle Varenne and Dr. Jerome Electrochemical Sensors, Microelectrodes and Scanning
Brunet. His PhD research was focused on understanding Electrochemical Microscopy.
structure-properties correlation in organic macromolec-
ular materials and their applications in gas sensors
development. He obtained his Master in Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology from the Université Joseph Fourier
(Grenoble, France) and undergraduate bachelor in chem-
istry at Delhi University. His current research interest
encompasses electrocatalytic nanomaterials development intended for sensing and
catalysis application.

Josué Martins Gonçalves is a PhD candidate in chemistry

at the University of São Paulo (USP) at Brazil studying
under Prof. Koiti Araki supervision. He received his BS
in chemistry from the University Vale do Acaraú (UVA)
in 2014 where he conducted research in electroanalyt-
ical chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Murilo S.
S. Julião. His current research interests include applica-
tions of nanomaterials based on metal nanoparticles and
graphene for use in sensor, electroctalysis and energy stor-
age devices.

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