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Shokhrukh Abdulloev

English 2150 – JMWG


Professor Nadim Essey

Response: Vonnegut

Here is a Lesson in Creative Writing

I think what separates humans from robots is our creativity and emotions. Being creative is a

huge part of who we are. Although not everyone shares the same hobbies and pastimes, we all

have something creative we enjoy. To some, it may be listening to music. For others, it may be

drawing art or making sculptures. In order to not be a robot, I think being creative is essential.

Similarly, Vonnegut states that arts are a way of making life more bearable.

Although it has become a pretty common stereotype that being an art major doesn’t pay well,

I disagree. I feel that in a world of computer scientists and engineers, the creative aspect will be

important. Arts provide the creative people who typically think outside the box and provide more

expression in what they do. I like than Vonnegut also sees arts as important and meaningful.

Creating anything, even if it’s something as small as a birthday card will give a person a sense of

accomplishment and joy.

Throughout most of high school, I would tease and bother my art friends. It was partly

because I could barely make stick figure drawings, so I was jealous of their talents. It was also

because I didn’t understand the power of art. I was first fascinated by art when I saw an art

presentation from sand on a tv show. A lady depicted a tragic story using sand and it was just so

amazing. I had never thought something like this would make me emotional. Her creativity
inspired me to change my view on art and appreciate the creative people. It is always the creative

people who stand out, and I wish I become as creative someday.

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