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Shokhrukh Abdulloev

English 2150 – JMWG


Professor Nadim Essey

Response: White

Once More to The Lake

“As he buckled the swollen belt suddenly my groin felt the chill of death.” That is the

moment when the main character realized that his life is passing by and his death is coming

closer. This realization probably happens to a lot of people because although every person knows

that death is inevitable, they tend to forget about it. Therefore, some actions and memories can

trigger the sudden realization that death is inevitable.

Although it doesn’t happen to me often, I sometimes remember that my parents are aging and

becoming old. This makes me miserable and sometimes depressed. I hate thinking about that,

and I don’t know what I will do when that day comes. I’m not even 20 years old yet so I don’t

think about my death but knowing that my family and relatives are getting old is definitely


I don’t know if I should be happy that I’m becoming older and an adult. I can now drive and

go out without a curfew and do whatever I want, but I can’t be a little kid ever again. I will miss

the summer days spent playing tag outside and running to the ice cream truck for a slushy. The

best yet worst thing is that time never stops. The bad times eventually go by, but the good times

also go by. Therefore, I think the most important thing is to live in the moment and make as

many memories as possible.

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