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保育活化 Conserved and revitalised by 教育合作伙伴 Education Partner



第 一 章 CHAPTER 1

大 館— 中 區 警 署 建 築 群 活 化 計 劃 9
本手冊旨在讓小學及中學教師了解大館 This handbook is designed to acquaint
之歷史、它與香港發展的關係,以及大 primary and secondary school teachers
館活化項目如何作為香港文物保育和管 with the history of Tai Kwun, its relationship 第三章 CHAPTER 3
理的成功例子。本手冊亦提供額外的教 with the development of Hong Kong, 大館的歷史與香港發展 HISTORY OF TAI KWUN AND HONG KONG DEVELOPMENT 17
學活動建議,加強學生對香港保育政策 and how the revitalisation of Tai Kwun
的認識,並了解平衡保育與城市可持續 demonstrates best practice for Hong Kong’s 第四章 CHAPTER 4
發展的重要。 heritage conservation and management. 大 館— 保 育 TAI KWUN - CONSERVATION 29
This handbook also suggests extended 課 堂 活 動 CLASS ACTIVITY 35
learning activities to deepen students’
如欲索取更多資訊,請與大館― 香港 understanding of Hong Kong’s conservation
古蹟及藝術館文物事務部教育團隊聯絡。 policies, as well as the importance of a
大 館— 活 化 再 用 TAI KWUN - ADAPTIVE REUSE 39 balance between heritage conservation and

sustainable urban development.

If you need more information, please contact

the Education Team, Heritage Department, 課 堂 活 動 CLASS ACTIVITY 50
Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage & Arts. 主要參考資料 REFERENCE 53

筆記 NOTES 55

1 2
大館—教育空間 TAI KWUN AS
EDUCATIONAL 適 用 於 中學 生 For secondary school students
• 掌握城市發展、活化再用和古蹟活 ·· Grasp key concepts of urban
SPACE 化的關鍵概念。 development, adaptive reuse and built
• 以大館為例,認識活化再用在香 heritage revitalisation.
港城市可持續發展下的角色及功 ·· Understand the role of adaptive reuse
預 計 學 習成果 EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES 用 。 in sustainable urban development
大館是欣賞藝術和消閒的理想場所, Tai Kwun is an ideal venue for art in Hong Kong, with Tai Kwun as an
同時也是培養學生全人發展的教育空 appreciation and leisure. It is also an example.
間。教師可安排學生參觀大館及進行 educational space to foster students’
相 關 的 教育活動。 whole-person development. Teachers are 大 館 與 其他 學 習 經 歷 TAI KWUN FOR OTHER LEARNING
strongly encouraged to organise visits to 其他學習經歷是新高中課程的重要部 EXPERIENCES
學 生 在 大館完成教育活動後,能夠: Tai Kwun and other related educational 分,有助學生達至全人發展。它建基 Other learning experiences (OLE) is an
activities. 於基礎教育(小一至中三)的基本學 essential component in the New Senior
適 用 於 中、小學生 習經歷,包括德育及公民教育、社會 Secondary Curriculum for students’
• 認識香港的法律、司法及刑罰制度 Upon completion of the activities at Tai 服務、與工作有關的經驗、藝術發展 whole-person development. Building on
的 發展 。 Kwun, students will be able to: 等範疇。 the foundation of the Essential Learning
• 認 識香 港的重要歷史發展。 Experiences in the Basic Education
• 反思保育對香港城市發展的重要 For primary and secondary school students 為了達成其他學習經歷的學習目標, (Primary 1 - Secondary 3), areas of
性。 ·· Understand the development of legal, 教育局建議學校舉辦相關的活動,而 OLE include Moral and Civic Education,
judicial and penal systems in Hong 這些活動約佔總上課時數10-15%,或 Community Service, Career-related
Kong. 相 當 於 2 70 -4 50 小 時 。 Experiences and Aesthetic Development.
·· Develop an understanding of the
major historical development of Hong In order to achieve the learning objectives
Kong. of OLE, the Education Bureau suggests
·· Reflect on the importance of schools to organise activities which
conservation to urban development in account for 10-15% of the total lesson
Hong Kong. time, or equivalent to 270-450 hours.

3 4
透過參觀大館或參與相關學習活動, Students can fulfill the following OLE
學生能完成下列的其他學習經歷要 requirements by visiting Tai Kwun or
求: participating in other related learning


德育及公民教育 社會服務 與工作有關的經驗 藝術發展


• 香港早期法律、司法 和 刑 罰 制 度 的 • 讓學生成為大館導賞員,獲得義務 • 了 解 執法人員如警察及懲教人員的 • 大館建築群的特色建築元素。

資料。 工作經驗。 職責。 • 國際知名當代藝術展覽。
• 推廣正面公民態度, 引 導 學 生 成 為 • 了 解 藝術專業人士如藝術家及策展 • 多元化的表演藝術節目。
守法公民。 • Vol u nte e r o p p o r t u n i t i e s a s Ta i 人 的 職責。 • 藝術教育資源。
Kw u n’s s t u d e nt d o c e nt s .
· Information on the legal, judicial and ·· Understanding of the job duties of law ·· Distinctive architectural elements of
penal systems in early Hong Kong. enforcement professionals, e.g. police the heritage site and buildings.
· Promotion of positive civic attitudes officer, correctional officer.
·· Internationally acclaimed
which help students to become law ·· Understanding of the job duties of arts contemporary art exhibitions.
abiding citizens. professionals, e.g. artist, curator.
·· Diverse range of performing arts
·· Arts education resources.

5 6


探 討範 圍 活動建議 頁數
• 了解大館的歷史和不同建築物的 ·· Understand the history of Tai Kwun
用途。 and different uses of the buildings.
• 了解大館對香港法律、司法和刑 ·· Understand the importance of Tai
保育 展和保育的矛盾
罰制度的重要性。 Kwun to the legal, judicial and penal CONSERVATION Role play and debate on the struggle between
development and conservation
• 了解活化大館的理念及過程。 systems in Hong Kong.
• 以大館為例,認識古蹟保育、活 ·· Understand the rationale for
化再用,以及城市可持續發展的 revitalisation of Tai Kwun and its
概念。 processes. 課堂討論保育和活化再用如何推動城市
• 了解公眾對城市發展與保育的討 ·· Understand the concepts of 可持續發展 50
Class discussion on how conservation
論。 conservation, adaptive reuse of built and adaptive reuse of Tai Kwun fosters
sustainable urban development
• 透過參觀和/或角色扮演,了解 heritage as well as sustainable urban
警察/懲教人員/司法人員的工 development, with Tai Kwun as an
作及生活。 example.
• 透過參觀和/或角色扮演,了解 ·· Understand the public debate on
當代藝術家/策展人的工作及生 urban development and conservation.
活。 ·· Understand life as a police officer/
correctional officer/ judicial officer
through visits and/ or role play.
·· Understand life as a contemporary
artist/ curator through visits and/ or
role play.

7 8
2011 年 的 中 區 警 署 建 築 群 鳥 瞰 圖 。
大館— TAI KWUN : The aerial view of the Central Police Station
compound in 2011. (photo/ Purcell Architects)
中區警署建築群活化 THE CENTRAL
REVITALISATION The CPS compound ceased operation
in 2006. In April 2007, the Hong Kong
PROJECT Jockey Club (HKJC) submitted a
conceptual proposal of revitalising the
中區警署建築群於2006年正式結 compound to the HKSAR Government. It
中區警署建築群(建築群)由前中區 The Central Police Station (CPS) 役。2007年4月,香港賽馬會(馬 proposed a donation through the HKJC’s
警署、中央裁判司署及域多利監獄這 compound comprises three groups of 會)向香港特別行政區政府呈交活化 Charities Trust to bear the capital cost
三組建築物所組成。建築群早在十九 buildings, namely the former Central 建築群的建議書,提出由香港賽馬會 for renovation and development of the
世紀開始落成,於1995年根據《古物 Police Station, the Central Magistracy and 慈善信託基金(基金)承擔復修與建 compound, as well as the recurrent
及古蹟條例》(香港法例第53章)被 the Victoria Prison. Built from the 19th 設建築群所需的成本開支,以及初期 deficit for the initial years of operation.
列 為 法定古蹟。 Century onwards, they were declared as 營 運 的 經 常 性 虧 損 。 2 0 0 7-2 0 0 8 年 度 The Government’s acceptance in
monuments under the Antiquities and 的《施政報告》公布政府原則上接納 principle of the proposal was announced
2003年,時任香港特別行政區行政 Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) in 1995. 馬會的建議書,馬會隨即展開為期六 in the 2007-2008 Policy Address, and
長官董建華在《施政報告》中,首次 個月的公眾諮詢。2008年7月,政府 HKJC launched a six-month public
提出保育中區警署建築群的可行性, The discussion on conservation of the 與馬會訂立夥伴合作關係,一同開展 consultation subsequently. In July 2008,
包括遷移建築群內辦公的政府部門, CPS compound first began in 2003, 建築群的活化計劃。 the Government formed a partnership
及將建築群活化再用,由私營機構營 when the former Chief Executive Tung with the HKJC to kick off the revitalisation
運 , 以作 零售、飲食及文娛用途。 Chee-hwa mentioned in the Policy project.
Address about the possible relocation of
government departments which occupied
the compound, and the adaptive reuse
of the site to a retail, dining, cultural and 關鍵詞 KEYWORD
entertainment complex operated by the
大 館 Tai Kwun
private sector.
「 大 館 」 是 昔 日 警 務 人 員 和 公 眾 對 前 警 察 總 部 大 樓 以 至 整 個 中 區 警署 建 築 群
的 簡 稱。
The name “Tai Kwun” (大館) in Chinese means “big station”, the colloquial name used
by police officers and the public alike to refer to the former Police Headquarters Block
and the CPS compound.

9 10
which 37% is designated for heritage
and contemporary art, 36% for public
circulation and buildings facilities and
當代藝術推廣,36%為公眾通道及屋 27% for commercial use such as retail
中區警署建築群活化項目,涵蓋建築 The CPS Revitalisation Project includes 宇裝備,其餘約27%則用作零售及餐 and food and beverage facilities. The
群內16座歷史建築物及數個戶外開放 the conservation and adaptive reuse 飲設施等商業用途。復修後的監獄操 restored Prison Yard and Parade Ground
空間的保育及活化工程,涉及面積共 of 16 historic buildings and several 場和檢閱廣場,以及其他新增設的空 as well as other additional open spaces on
1 3 ,6 0 0 平 方 米 。 兩 座 由 瑞 士 赫 佐 格 和 open spaces on the site measuring 間,提供額外3,700平方米的開放空 the site also provide another 3,700 square
德默隆建築師事務所設計的新建築物 approximately 13,600 square metres. Two 間,讓所有使用者能在四通八達的中 metres of accessible tranquil space in the
「賽馬會藝方」和「賽馬會立方」, new buildings namely “JC Contemporary” 環心臟地帶休憩享受。 heart of Central for all to enjoy.
分別提供了國際級的美術展覽空間, and “JC Cube”, designed by Herzog & de
以及設有200個座位、供教育與其他 Meuron from Switzerland, have been 香港賽馬會轄下慈善信託基金成立 The Jockey Club CPS Limited (JCCPS),
活動使用的場館。這些新增建設為香 added to the site to house a world- 非牟利的「賽馬會文物保育有限公 a not-for-profit company, is set up by
港提供具國際標準的場地,促進本地 class art gallery space and a 200-seat 司」,負責營運中區警署建築群 HKJC’s Charities Trust to undertake
的 藝 術及 文娛發展。 auditorium for educational activities (「大館」)的活化項目,包括維修 the operation of the revitalised CPS
and other events. These new additions 和管理「大館」、提供文物探知活 compound, namely Tai Kwun. It is
此 項 活 化 計 劃 的 總 建 築 面 積 達 2 7, 9 0 0 offer international standard venues to 動,以及協調本地與海外的項目持份 responsible for the management and
平方米,其中約37%用作文物欣賞及 foster the city’s art, leisure and cultural 者,包括服務營運者、藝術團體及其 maintenance of Tai Kwun, provision of
development. 他合作伙伴。 heritage interpretation programmes
across the site, and also the
This revitalisation project comprises collaborations with local and overseas
an approximate total construction stakeholders including all site occupants,
floor area of 27,900 square metres, in art communities and other project


場 及辦公大樓被拆卸 , 並 分 別 改 建 為 機 房 、 賽 馬 會 立 方 及 賽 馬 會 藝 方 。 中區警署建築群修復後的構想鳥瞰圖。
Under the revitalisation plan, the Garage, the Laundry Yard and the General Office, An imaginary aerial view of the Central Police
which were built in the 20th Century and had lower heritage value, were demolished. Station compound after restoration.
The floor space was freed up for the construction of plant room, JC Cube and JC (photo/ Herzog & de Meuron)
Contemporary respectively.

11 12
1841 1858–1862 1893 1919 1937–1939 1946
威廉.堅偉上尉被委任為首 香港人口急劇增加令治安變 1893年,港督威廉.羅便臣 座落營房大樓北面的警署總部 1937年,隨著囚犯被遷 中區警署、中央裁判司署
席裁判司,負責建立及維護 差,監獄爆滿,囚室需求上 爵士批准擴建監獄,拆除域 大樓落成,面向荷李活道的大 至新落成的赤柱監獄, 和域多利監獄於戰後修葺
香港法治,並監督香港首座 升。政府遂決定於域多利監 多利監獄部分「放射型」監 樓正面屬新古典復古設計。 域多利監獄短暫關閉, 及重建後,重新運作。
裁判司署和監獄的興建。 獄範圍興建「放射型」監 倉,只留下「T字型」建築, 後於1939年重開,監獄
A new Central Police The Central Police Station,
倉,增加監獄容量。 同時興建新建築物。 部分位置被改成「域多
Captain William Caine was Headquarters Block was built at the Central Magistracy
appointed Chief Magistrate to Prison overcrowding due to In 1893, Governor Sir William the north of the Barrack Block. and the Victoria Prison
establish law and order and an increase in population and Robinson approved a further The façade facing Hollywood Victoria Prison was briefly reopened after the
oversee the construction of the crime led to the redevelopment prison extension. New buildings Road was built in Colonial, closed in 1937 after the post-war repairs and
first magistracy and prison in of Victoria Prison based on a were added and part of Neoclassical Revival design. prisoners were transferred reconstructions.
Hong Kong. radial plan. the radial-plan prison was to the newly-built Stanley
demolished leaving a T-shaped Prison. It reopened in 1939
prison building. and part of the Victoria
Prison was turned into the
Victoria Remand Prison.

起始期 發展期 考驗期


1844–1845 1862–1864 1915 1931–1933 1941–1945

殖民地警隊正式成立,查理 殖 民 地 警 隊 規 模 擴 大 。 1864 中央裁判司署於1912年至 越南革命分子暨後來的領袖 1941年12月,中區警署建築
士.梅理成為警察司,並建 年,營房大樓正式落成。中 1914年間改建。新建築設有 胡志明被逮捕,並囚禁於域 群被日軍炸彈破壞,後更被
議改建監獄及裁判司署。 區警署建築群開始同時發揮 兩個法庭,並於1915年4月 多利監獄。 日軍佔用至第二次世界大戰
警署、裁判司署及監獄的功 展開首個審訊。 結束。
The Colonial Police Force was Ho Chi-minh, the Vietnamese
officially established. Charles The Central Magistracy was revolutionary, and later leader The compound suffered severe
May was appointed Captain Colonial Police Force expanded. reconstructed between of Vietman, was arrested by the bomb damage in December
Superintendent of Police and By 1864, the construction of 1912 and 1914 to house two British police in Hong Kong and 1941 and was subsequently
suggested the reconstruction of Barrack Block was completed. courtrooms. The new building was held in Victoria Prison. used by the Japanese military
prisons and a new magistracy. The site began to serve the opened for its first judicial until the end of WWII.
functions of police station, session in April 1915.
magistracy and prison,
forming a close-knitted law
enforcement system.

13 14
1956–1967 1980 1982–1984 2004–2006

1956年,F倉被用作監獄系統的接收中心,新羈押 由於非法偷渡來港的內地人數量 監獄署正式易名為懲教署,反映本 前中區警署和域多利監獄分別

的囚犯會在該處登記、辦理入獄程序及分派到其他 大增,港府宣佈於10月23日起取 港懲教理念的發展。於十九世紀曾 於 2 004 年和 2 006 年結役。
合適的監獄。「域多利收押所」一名沿用多年, 消「抵壘政策」,之後偷渡抵港 用作守衛塔的紫荊樓在1984年命
The former Central Police Station
至1967年才被易名為「域多利羈留中心」。十年 的內地人不會被批予香港居民的身 名,並改作中途宿舍,供獲釋而須
was decommissioned in 2004,
後,荔枝角收押所開始運作,域多利羈留中心被重 份。10月27日,入境事務處域多利 受監管的女性所員入住。
followed by that of the Victoria
新命名為「域多利監獄」。 中心正式啟用,作為處理非法入境 Prison in 2006.
Prisons Department was renamed as
In 1956, F Hall was re-adapted into a reception office Correctional Services Department.
for the prison system, where newly admitted prisoners Due to the influx of illegal immigrants Rehabilitation has since become
were registered, processed and assigned to other from mainland China, the government one of the main foci of correctional
appropriate institutions. Victoria Remand Prison still put an end to the “Touch-base services. Bauhinia House, which was
kept its name until it was officially renamed as Victoria Policy” on 23 October, meaning a guard tower in the 19th century and
Reception Centre in 1967. A decade later, it returned to illegal immigrants could no longer named in 1984, was converted into a
its original function and was renamed as Victoria Prison be given Hong Kong identity. Victoria half-way house for women inmates
after the opening of Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre. Immigration Centre was set up on under supervision.
27 October to process immigration

考驗期 轉型期 活化期


1967 1979–1984 1995 2008-NOW

1967年香港多處發生暴動,警隊於中區 中央裁判司署於1979年正式結役 根據《古物及古蹟條例》,前中區警 2008年,香港特別行政區政府與香港賽

警署設立指揮室,負責安排防暴隊伍的 後,建築物在1980年被最高法院暫 署、中央裁判司署及域多利監獄,被 馬會公佈非牟利的中區警署建築群活化
日常需要。不少與暴動相關的案件都在 時使用。1984年,原中央裁判司署 列為法定古蹟。 計劃。
中央裁判司署審訊,而域多利收押所則 建築結束其作為法院的功能,被警隊
The former Central Police Station, the In 2008, The Hong Kong SAR Government
負責收押因上述案件被扣留的人。 及入境處用作辦公室。
Central Magistracy, and the Victoria and The Hong Kong Jockey Club announced
During the 1967 Riots, a control room was The Central Magistracy was Prison were declared as monuments a not-for-profit plan to fund the revitalisation
set up at the Central Police Station to make decommissioned in 1979. The building under the Antiquities and Monuments of the Central Police Station compound.
arrangement for daily necessities. Many was converted into Supreme Court Ordinance.
riot-related cases were tried at the Central Annex in 1980. In 1984, the Central
Magistracy and the Victoria Remand Prison Magistracy building ended its judiciary
acted as a place of detention. function. Later, the building was used
by both the Police and the Immigration

15 16
HONG KONG 1843年,《南京條約》生效,香港正
crime rate that followed. Victoria Gaol was
hence erected in August 1841. Not only was
DEVELOPMENT 任香港總督,並兼任警察總長及總巡理 it the first prison in Hong Kong, but also the
府。一年後,最高法院落成,曉吾成為 city’s earliest western building constructed
法治是香港賴以成功的基石,而大館 Rule of law is Hong Kong’s cornerstone 首任首席按察司,這標示著香港的行政 of granite and bricks.
在過去逾一世紀,在香港維持法治與 of success, and Tai Kwun has played an 和 司 法 權 力正式獨立分家。
In 1843, Hong Kong officially became a
社 會 秩 序一環扮演重要的角色。 important role in maintaining the city’s
1844年,香港頒佈《警察條例》, British Crown Colony under the Treaty of
law and order for over a century.
確立警察編制。梅理被任命為警察 Nanjing. Sir Henry Pottinger became the
司,1845年到港履新。一支共有171 first Governor of Hong Kong, the Chief
人,包括歐洲人、印度人和華人的警隊 Superintendent and the Chief Magistrate.
正式成立。最早的警署座落在華人的聚 A year later, the Supreme Court was
十九世紀 居 地 太 平 山 街。 established, John Walter Hulme was
19TH CENTURY appointed as the first Chief Justice. This
symbolised the separation of executive and
judicial powers in Hong Kong.

1841年1月26日,英國人登陸香港 On 26 January 1841, British forces took

Also in 1844, the Police Ordinance was
島 。 當 時 小 島 的 本 地 人 口 僅 得 7, 5 0 0 possession of Hong Kong Island. With the
enacted, which marked the establishment
人,但盜竊、販毒、走私和海盜罪行 local population of merely 7,500, theft and
of the Colonial Police Force. Charles May
猖厥。 burglary, drug trafficking, smuggling and
arrived in 1845 and took command as
piracy were frequent.
Captain Superintendent. A team of 171
1841年4月,英國駐華商務總監義律 police officers, comprising European, Indian
任命威廉・堅偉為香港首任裁判官。 Charles Elliott, Chief Superintendent of
and Chinese officers, was formed. The
為彰顯大英帝國在香港行使權力及維 the Trade of British Subjects in China,
earliest police station was located in the
持治安,他在本址築起一所草蘆作為 appointed William Caine as Chief Magistrate
Chinese settlement at Tai Ping Shan Street.
裁判法院,審理並監禁罪犯。不過隨 in April 1841. In order to proclaim Britain’s
著人口增加和罪案率上升,小房舍不 power and maintain law and order, Caine
敷應用。1841年8月,域多利監獄建 built the Chief Magistrates’ Court with
成,它不但是香港首座監獄,更是最 matshed at this site to convict and imprison
早 以 磚石建成的西式建築。 criminals. However, this humble place was 在十九世紀中繪製的地圖,顯示裁判司署和監獄的位置。
soon unable to meet the increasing needs This 19th century map shows the location of the former Central Magistracy and the Gaol.
amid soaring population and the rising (photo/ The National Archives)

17 18
The expanded gaol was soon full and the
government was desperate to find a new
As the capacity of the old Victoria Gaol prison location. Sir Hercules Robinson, the
and Magistracy had been stretched to their fifth Governor of Hong Kong, recommended
limits owing to rapid population increase, the construction of a new prison on
Charles May suggested the conversion of Stonecutters Island and relocation of all the
the Magistrate’s house into a prison in 1845. 不久,新建成的監倉亦告爆滿,政府 inmates in the Victoria Gaol. The expanding
眼見舊域多利監獄及法院隨著人口增 Half of the building served as a Debtor’s 急於覓地建監房。香港第五任港督羅 Colonial Police Force hence moved the
長而超出負荷,梅理在1845年建議將 Prison and the remaining as Gaoler’s 便臣爵士建議在昂船洲興建新監獄, Central Police Station (“Tai Kwun” as called
裁判官邸改建成監獄,半座建築物用 residence. More prison cells were built, 並移送所有域多利監獄的囚犯。這 by the locals) to the vacant prison site. By
作關押錢債犯人,另一半則繼續為監 where two blocks were for the containment 時,正擴張的殖民地警隊,將中區警 1864, the construction of a three storey
獄長官邸。當局亦擴建監房,並預留 of Chinese prisoners, and another with 署(俗稱「大館」)遷到閒置的監獄 Barrack Block and married inspectors’
其中兩座關押華人囚犯,另一座有更 bigger cells was for the Europeans. Also, a 原址。1864年,三層高的營房大樓及 quarters were completed. The site began
大 囚 室 的,則囚禁歐洲籍犯人。 1 8 4 0 new Magistracy was built in the mid 1840s 已婚督察宿舍落成。這一小片土地開 to serve the functions of police station,
年中葉,一座能處理更多審訊的新裁 which could accommodate more trial 始同時發揮警署、裁判司署及監獄的 magistracy and prison, forming a close-
判 司 署 落成。 proceedings. 功能,成為本港執法核心。 knitted law enforcement system.

1850年代,大量中國人因太平天國 In the 1850s, an influx of Chinese refugees 後來政府發現昂船洲並不是理想的監 However, Stonecutters Island was soon
逃難到香港。為減輕域多利監獄的負 fled the Taiping Rebellion. In order to ease 獄選址。不少囚犯被船送到該處服刑 proven to be a poor location for a prison.
擔,政府在1858年開始興建一座新 the overcrowding of the old Victoria Gaol, 時遇上沉船而溺斃,部分亦輕易逃離 Inmates died after a capsize when they
監獄。不過因為缺乏資金,原本放射 the construction works of a new prison 依岸而建的監獄。1866年,昂船洲監 were transported to the island. Some
狀的監獄建築,最後只能建成南面半 complex commenced in 1858. However, 獄停用,囚犯被送回域多利監獄。營 inmates escaped easily from the prison just
幢。 only the southern half of the radial prison 房大樓成為了隔開南面監獄與北面中 off the coast. The prison was abandoned
design was built because of a lack of 區警署的建築物。 in 1866 and the inmates were sent back
funding. to Victoria Gaol. The Barrack Block hence
became the physical separation between
the Gaol in the south and the Central Police
Station in the north.

古舊的建築物之一 。
這張平面圖顯示監獄原本呈放射式設計。 Constructed between 1862 and 1864, the Barrack
This floor plan shows the original radial plan of Block is one of the oldest buildings on the site. (photo/
the Gaol. (photo/ The National Archives) Purcell Architects)

19 20
From 1879, the Police Force was
Meanwhile, there were other new
permanently separated from the Gaol
construction works on the site. The new
1879年,警隊脫離監獄系統,監獄 system; the Gaol was under the control of
Central Magistracy was built on the
由專責委員會管理,並直接向港督匯 the Gaol Committee which directly reported
同時,其他新建築亦陸續落成。1912 same location of the old one, which was
報。 to the Governor.
年,舊中央裁判司署大樓拆卸,新大 demolished in 1912. Adjoining the Central
樓在原址興建。這座四層高的大樓毗 Police Station and the Gaol, this four storey
1893年,港督羅便臣爵士批准擴建監 In 1893, Governor Sir William Robinson
鄰中區警署及域多利監獄,設有法 building was equipped with courts, offices,
獄。至1895年底,兩座新監獄大樓落 approved a further prison extension in order
庭、辦公室、犯人等候室、羈押室、 prisoners’ waiting rooms, cells, strong rooms,
成,部分舊建築則被拆卸。在1850年 to increase gaol capacity. In late 1895, two
保險庫,以及法院人員和警察宿舍 as well as accommodation for magistrates
代中建成的D倉,部分空間用作女子 prison buildings were added and part of the
等。大樓在1915年4日26日展開首次 and police officers. It was opened for its first
監獄,監獄操場上亦建起女獄長的住 old buildings was demolished. A part of D
審訊。 judicial sessions on 26 April 1915.
所。往後數年,為擴建操場及更多囚 Hall, which was built in the mid 1850s, was
室,放射型監獄的部分建築亦被逐步 converted into a Female Prison. A house
早在1913年,港督已經決定擴建中區 Plans to build a major extension to the
拆卸。 was also built for the Matron in the Prison
警 署 。 1 9 14 年 , 政 府 收 回 荷 里 活 道 和 Central Police Station were prompted by the
Yard. The radial layout of the prison was
中區警署北面邊界之間的土地,兩年 Governor in 1913. In order to give room for the
further eradicated in the following years due
後拆卸部分座落在警署範圍內的舊建 construction works, a plot of land occupied
to the expansion of yard space and prison
築,以騰出土地興建大樓。1919年, the area between Hollywood Road and the
警察總部大樓落成。 northern boundary wall of the police station
was resumed by the Government in 1914,
二十世紀初 and some old buildings occupying the site
EARLY 20TH CENTURY were demolished two years later. In 1919, the
Police Headquarters Block was completed.

儘管監獄經歷多次擴建及改建,隨著 Despite continued extension of the Gaol

域多利監獄 E 倉的外觀與內部。
人口及罪案增加,以及條例訂明等待 site, overcrowding was an ongoing problem
The exterior and interior of the E Hall of Victoria Prison.
審訊者需要還押,都令監獄繼續不敷 as population and crime rate rose as well
應 用 。 一 封 在 1 9 14 年 上 呈 港 督 的 信 件 as the change in Banishment Ordinance,
更顯示,因為牢房不足,部分被判短 meaning that people pending enquiries into
暫刑期的犯人獲提早假釋。擴建監獄 their cases were detained. In a letter to the
再次成為當務之急。1915年,新監倉 Governor dated 1914, it was reported that
( E 倉)的興建工程正式展開。 a number of prisoners undergoing short
sentences were released because of severe
overcrowding in the Gaol. Expansion of prison
became an urgent matter again. In 1915, the
construction of a new prison building (E
(photo/ Purcell Architects) (photo/ Antiquities and Monuments Office)
Hall) commenced.

21 22
罰則的轉變 CHANGE IN PUNISHMENT In the 1930s, Hong Kong became the hiding
place for many fleeing revolutionists. Ho
Chi-minh, the national father of Vietnam,
都出現不少轉變。當時罪犯除了被判監禁和罰款 was sentenced to death in 1929 from the
外,還需接受笞刑、枷號示眾、放逐、烙印、剪 Vinh Court in Indochina for his involvement
辮等刑罰,有囚犯更因抵受不住酷刑而死在獄 in the revolutionary work. Fleeing to Hong
中。 Kong, his hideout was detected by the
1930年代,香港成為不少革命分子 French authority, and the information was
1877 年,港督軒尼詩爵士建議停止公開笞刑及減少
鞭打犯人次數,若執行笞刑,也不要鞭打犯人背部 這照片記錄域多利監獄 F 倉及監 的藏身之地,越南國父胡志明是其中 passed to the Hong Kong authority. In 1931,
獄操場的舊貌。 之一。他在1929年被印度支那法庭以 he was arrested by the Hong Kong Police.
This photo records the old image
臣卡納芬伯爵擔心這未能阻嚇犯罪分子來港,未有 參與革命工作被判死刑,之後逃到香 He refused to admit his true identity and
of the F Hall of Victoria Prison
積極支持建議。 1 8 8 0 年 代 , 寶 雲 爵 士 就 任 港 督 期 港,但法國政府得悉其藏身地點,將 insisted on claiming himself to be Sung
and the Prison Yard.
間,取消烙印和放逐囚犯等不人道的刑罰,笞刑和 (photo/ Antiquities and 資料交予香港政府。1931年,胡志明 Man-cho, a Chinese national. As there were
枷號示眾則在 1903 年和 1909 年相繼廢除。 Monuments Office)
被警方逮捕。他拒絕承認自己的真實 insufficient grounds for his extradition
繯首死刑則用以懲罰重犯,首宗有記錄的問吊在1844年11月4日進行,犯人是 身分,堅稱是中國人宋文初。法庭沒 to Indochina, he was jailed in Victoria
一名謀殺歐籍警官的華人。最初執行絞刑的地方在仍屬郊區的堅尼地城, 1856 有足夠證據遞解他回印度支那,就在 Gaol from June 1931, and later the prison
年轉到裁判司署的廣場上或監獄操場公開行刑。由於社會上有反對之聲,最後 1931年6月將他囚禁在域多利監獄, hospital. After repeated court proceedings
一次公開處決在 1894 年 4 月 5 日執行,之後改由在獄警和記者監察下行刑。 其後轉送監獄醫院服刑。經過多次的 and diplomatic struggles, he was released
審訊和外交角力,胡志明在1932年底 secretly in late 1932 and he fled Hong Kong
Not only had the Gaol undergone changes, the punishment in the Gaol had also
被 秘 密 釋 放 , 1 9 33 年 初 離 開 香 港 。 in early 1933.
changed over decades in the 19th Century. Besides imprisonment and monetary fines,
criminals were punished by caning, public display in shackles, exiling, branding, and
the cutting of the braid. Some criminals died in prison, unable to withstand the severe 同時,監獄的管理變得更制度化。 Meanwhile, management of prisons became
punishment. 1920年,獨立於警務處的監獄署成 more systematic. In 1920, the Prisons
立。署方亦在其他地區興建新監獄, Department, a unit independent from
In 1877, Governor Sir John Pope Hennessy proposed to abandon caning and the 舒緩域多利監獄的壓力。收容女囚犯 the Police, was established. More prisons
reduction of the number of strokes inflicted; that the area of caning be restricted to
的荔枝角監獄在1932年啟用;赤柱 were built in other districts so as to ease
the bottom rather than to the back, and that the “cat o’ nine tails” be replaced by rattan
監獄則在1937年建成。當囚犯都被 the pressure of Victoria Gaol. Lai Chi Kok
canes. These suggestions did not gain the favour of then Colonial Secretary Earl of
Carnarvon, who feared that criminals might not be deterred by lighter punishment. 送到新監獄復刑後,域多利監獄宣告 Prison for female inmates was in use in
In the 1880s during the tenancy of the Governor Sir George Bowen, inhumane 結役。不過,赤柱監獄囚位很快爆 1932, and Stanley Prison was built in 1937.
punishments such as branding and exiling were abolished; caning and public display in 滿,1939年,域多利監獄重開接收還 All prisoners at Victoria Gaol were thus
shackles were abolished in 1903 and 1909 respectively.  押 犯 , 並改 稱 域 多 利 收 押 所 。 transferred to the new prisons, and the Gaol
was closed. Owing to the rapid overcrowding
Death penalty was used to punish felons. The first recorded hanging was carried out
in Stanley Prison, however, Victoria Gaol
on 4 November 1844, with the criminal being a Chinese who murdered a European Police
was re-opened in 1939 for holding remand
Officer. In the beginning, hanging was carried out in the suburb of Kennedy Town. From
1856, executions took place publicly at the open space of the Central Magistracy or in prisoners, and the prison was renamed as
the Prison Yard. Responding to voices of opposition in society, the last public execution Victoria Remand Prison.
was held on 5 April 1894, and subsequent death penalties were carried out in the
witness of jailers and journalists.

23 24
1946年,中區警署和域多利收押所經 In 1946, the Central Police Station
復修後重開,警察總部遷址至軍器廠 and Victoria Remand Prison reopened
街。 upon repairs and constructions. The
headquarters of Hong Kong Police Force
was moved to Arsenal Road.

Built between 1912 and 1914, the Central
Magistracy symbolised the judicial power
of Hong Kong. (photo/ Antiquities and
Monuments Office)

Some striations of the Police Headquarters
Block were destroyed by airstrikes during WWII.
(photo/ Purcell Architects)

Late 20th Century
1941年12月8日,日軍開始侵佔香 On 8 December 1941, Japan began
港,檢閱廣場、警察總部大樓地下及 its invasion of Hong Kong. The Parade
地底被空襲炸毀。日佔時期,建築群 Ground, ground floor and basement 戰後香港的執法機關出現不少轉變。警 The post war period marked many changes
為日軍佔用。時任警務處長俞允時下 of the Headquarters Block suffered 隊開始使用無線電執勤,首名女性亦在 in Hong Kong’s law enforcement system.
達指令,勸喻在職警員即使在日本人 severe damage during the airstrikes. The 1949年加入警隊。1967年香港暴動期 Radio was used by the Police Force, and
的 統 治下 ,仍得繼續維持治安。 compound was used by the Japanese army 間,包括中區警署在內的不少警署,均 the first female police officer joined the
during Japanese military occupation in 被左派暴徒襲擊。當時中區警署被用作 Force in 1949. During the 1967 Riots, leftist
Hong Kong. John Pennefather-Evans, then 港 島 區 的指揮中心。 protestors attacked many police stations
Commissioner of Police, ordered the police including the Central Police Station. The
officers to continue to maintain order even CPS was used as the Force’s Hong Kong
under Japanese rule. Island district centre during the riots.

25 26
香港的懲教制度亦隨著時代變遷而轉 The penal system in Hong Kong had 中 區 警 署 建 築 群 於 2006年 正 式 結 The CPS compound ceased operation in
變。1966年,香港暫停執行死刑。 undergone changes over the years. In 1966, 役 。 2008 年,政府接納由香港賽馬會 2006. In 2008, the Government accepted
1982 年,監獄署易名為懲教署,反映 capital punishment was suspended. In 1982, (馬會)提出的活化建築群建議,經 the revitalisation proposal submitted by
其 懲 罰和更生並重的目標。 the Prisons Department was renamed as 過數年的專業修繕和興建工程,大館 the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC). In mid
the Correctional Services Department to ― 香 港 古 蹟 及 藝 術 館 於 2018年 正 式 2008, the revitalisation works began . After
域多利監獄亦適時應對社會的各種轉 emphasise the rehabilitation of prisons. 向公眾開放。 years of restoration and construction, Tai
變。1975年,香港成為越南船民的 Kwun is opened to the public in 2018 as
第一收容港,監獄部分空間被入境處 Victoria Prison had also adapted to all the Hong Kong’s Centre for Heritage and Arts.
徵用,尤其在1989年政府宣布強制 changes in society. In 1975, Hong Kong
遣返後,被捕的越南船民都會被囚禁 became the port of first asylum for Vietnam
該處。此外,自1977年起,部分空間 refugees. Part of the prison area was
再次用作中度設防的監獄。1984年, converted for Immigration Department’s
紫荊樓變成本港首間女囚犯的中途宿 use, especially following the 1989 decision
舍。 for the mandatory repatriation. Meanwhile
since 1977, part of the area had been used
1995 年 ,古物古蹟辦事處宣布將前中 again as a medium-security prison. In 1984,
區警署、中央裁判司署及域多利監獄 Bauhinia House was converted into a half-
1 949 年,馬來西亞華僑許錦濤獲委任為香港首位女
列為法定古蹟。2003年,政府建議 way house for female inmates.
副 督 察 。由於她的英文名字「 K im my Ko h 」與廣
調遷建築群內的政府部門,並改作零 東話「高健美」發音相近,所以這個中文名字亦伴
售、餐飲、文化及藝術用途,交由私 In 1995, the Antiquities and Monuments 隨 她 直至 1 9 6 1 年退休,到八十年代才被「正名」。
營 機 構 營運。 Office declared the former Central Police
Station, the Central Magistracy and the 警隊於1951年聘用九位女警,負責偵緝關於婦孺棄
Victoria Prison as monuments. In 2003, the 嬰、失蹤少女的案件,並負責搜身工作。1972年警 許錦濤(前排中)
隊增設女總督察職位,可見女性的工作表現獲得肯 Kimmy Koh (middle, front
Government recommended the possible
定。 row) (photo/ Hong Kong
relocation of governmental departments Police Museum)
which occupied the compound, and the
Malaysian Chinese Kimmy Koh was recruited as the first
adaptive reuse of the site to a retail, dining, woman Sub-Inspector in 1949. As the pronunciation of
cultural and entertainment space operated her English name was similar to “Ko Kin Mei” (高健美) in
by the private sector. Cantonese, this name was with her until her retirement
in 1961, and was eventually corrected in the 1980s.

In 1951, the Police Force recruited nine female

constables who were responsible for inspecting cases
of women and children, abandoned babies, missing 警隊在報章刊登女警招聘
原本用作守衛塔的「紫荊樓」,是香港首間 告示
females, as well as conducting searches. The rank of
女囚犯的中途宿舍。 The Police Force posted
Woman Chief Inspector was first created in 1972, which
Originally used as a guard house, the Bauhinia a recruitment notice for
showed recognition of policewomen’s performance. policewomen on newspapers.
House became the first half-way house for the
rehabilitation of women offenders. (photo/ The Kung Sheung
Evening News)
(photo/ Purcell Architects)

27 28
大館—保育 TAI KWUN -

保育泛指為保存某處的文化價值所採 Conservation is defined as the process 保存文物的價值 CONSERVE HERITAGE VALUE

取 的 保 護措施。 of looking after a place so as to retain its 重置損壞、倒塌或錯配的部分, Restore any deformed, collapsed,
cultural significance. 並去除無文物價值的新增構築 or misplaced components;
物。 later additions considered of no
significance or intrusive should be
保存真實性及完整性 removed.
文 物 保 育 層面
Respect the original character or
保存 復修 減 少 干預 architectural style of the building
PRESERVATION RESTORATION 減少對建築物原有特色的干預, fabric and retain its traditional
在必須進行干預時,尊重其文物 building materials or construction
根據其文化價值而保存它 的 現 狀 。 透 過 去 除 添 加物 , 或 只 拼 合 原 有 的 元 素
價值。 system as much as possible.
Maintain a place in its existing fabric or its 而 不 新 增 物 料, 以 恢 復 其 原 貌 。
condition. Return a place to a known earlier state by
removing accretions or by reassembling 修 補 而非 取 代 MINIMISE INTERVENTION
existing elements without the introduction
修葺而非取代具有文化特徵的建 Keep any treatment or intervention
of new materials.
築 元 素。 to building fabric to a minimum and
respect the heritage value when
重建 活化再用
undertaking an intervention.


利用新增物料,恢復其原 貌 。 盡 量 減 少 對 某處 的 文 化 價 值 的 影 響 , 而
Return a place to a known earlier state; 改 變 它 的 原 有用 途 。 The character-defining elements
distinguished from restoration by the Change a place to suit the existing use or a should be repaired rather than
introduction of new material. proposed use with minimal impact on the
cultural significance of the place.

29 30
The red brick wall on the Police Headquarters
可逆轉性 REVERSIBILITY Block is restored with the same materials
manufactured by the original supplier, which
所有對於建築的干預和活化都可 Any intervention or adaptation to the
perfectly conserves the building’s classical British
還原,一旦這些工程將來被拆 building fabric should be reversible, architectural style. (photo/ M&C)
除,都不會破壞文物的原有結 without causing any damage to
構。 the existing structure when such
intervention is to be removed in the
新舊結合 future. 保育大館 CONSERVATION OF TAI KWUN
如要在文物上新增構築物,無論 大館的保育工作參照《威尼斯憲章》 The conservation of Tai Kwun respects
其比例、形式、設計和物料,都 INTEGRATING OLD AND NEW (國際古蹟保護與修復憲章)、《布 the international principles in
要與原建築呼應。新構築物的結 When adding new construction to 拉憲章》(澳洲國際古蹟遺址理事會 conservation such as Venice Charter
構和外形均要與文物兼容,但須 heritage buildings, the proposed 保存重大文化意義地方憲章)和《中 (International Charter for Conservation
有其獨特性,不能刻意與文物混 new works should be sympathetic 國文物古蹟保護準則》等國際保育標 and Restoration of Monuments and Sites),
淆。 to the heritage place in terms of 準,同時遵照古物古蹟辦事處(古蹟 Burra Charter (The Australia ICOMOS
its compatible proportion, form, 辦)的規定,讓整個建築群的歷史特 Charter for the Conservation of Places
design and materials. They should be 色和完整性得以保留。 of Cultural Significance) and Principle
physically and visually compatible for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in
with and distinguishable from the 部分歷史價值較高的建築物,例如警 China. Conservation works of Tai Kwun
original fabric of the historic place. 察總部大樓、營房大樓和中央裁判司 also follow the preservation requirements
署,其內外結構都被保存。 set by the Antiquities and Monuments
Office (AMO) in order to preserve the
historic character and integrity of the
original layout of the compound.

小資料 QUICK FACT Some buildings and structures in

the compound with greater historical
非 法 定古蹟的保育 Conservation of Non-declared Monuments
significance, such as the Police
蹟的建築物,會受法例保護。不少文物評級較低的公共和私人建築物,仍然 Headquarters Block, the Barrack Block
可 以被拆卸或重新發展 。 and the Central Magistracy, are conserved
Tai Kwun is a successful case of conservation and revitalisation of publicly owned
externally and internally.
built heritage. However, only declared monuments like Tai Kwun are under the
protection of statutory regulations. The publicly owned historic buildings with lower
grades or privately owned historic buildings can still be demolished or redeveloped.

31 32
An original plaque with the engraving of Prisons
For other buildings in the compound, Ordinance is conserved on the site. (photo/ M&C)
certain flexibility in reuse and internal
建築群內的其他建築物,容許被活化 alteration is allowed. However, the
Most of the buildings and structures in Tai
再利用及更改內部結構。不過一些具 historic architectural features such as
Kwun were built a long time ago. In order
歷史價值而被古蹟辦確認的建築特 timber doors and windows, staircases
to comply with the current building safety
色,例如木門及窗戶、樓梯和欄杆、 and balustrades, roofs and façade, which
and health requirements, structural
簷 篷 和 外牆等,則需要好好保留。 are identified by AMO, are well conserved.
大館內的建築物都有多年歷史。為符 assessments have been carried out
合現有的建築物安全及衞生要求,所 in all buildings in the compound, and
大館保存了原有的建築元素,連活化 Not only are the original architectural
有建築物都經過結構評估,亦按現今 building services have been installed in
所需要的部分物料,例如紅磚和屋簷 elements kept in the compound, some
的 標 準 加設 屋 宇 裝 備 。 accordance with the modern standard.
瓦頂,都是由百多年前向中區警署提 building materials, such as clay bricks
供物料的廠商生產。此外,建築物亦 and roof tiles used for the restoration
重新被塗上與以往一樣的顏色,好讓 works, have been made by the same 關鍵詞 KEYWORD
其 韻 味 得以原汁原味地保留。 factories which provided construction
materials for the original CPS compound 《 威 尼 斯 憲 章 》 和 《 布 拉 憲 章 》 Venice Charter and Burra Charter
為保存建築群內的綠化環境,部分樹 over 100 years ago. The buildings are 1964 年 通 過 的 《 威 尼 斯 憲 章 》 ( 國 際 古 蹟 保 護 與 修 復 憲 章 ) 是 國 際 上 最 具 影
木 亦 被 保留。 also painted the same colour as they 明保育和復修古蹟,不單旨在保護其藝術價值,亦保護其歷史價值。此外,
were originally so as to bring out their rich 保 護 古蹟的真實和完整性,亦是保育工作的核心原則。
Some trees in the site are also conserved 義由歷史遺產,推展至具文化價值的場所。它亦訂定文化價值評估、政策制
in order to retain the greenery of the 訂 及 推行等實務指引,讓從事保育者易於遵行。

The Venice Charter (International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration
of Monuments and Sites), adopted in 1964, is the most influential set of heritage
大 館 外 牆 上 的 路 牌 , 見 證了中區警署建築群的歷史。
conservation principles internationally. It codifies professional standards of
Road signs on the wall of Tai Kwun are witnesses to the history of the site.
conservation and restoration of historic buildings and sites. The intention in
(photo/ M&C)
conserving and restoring monuments, as it states, is to safeguard them no less as
works of art than as historical evidence. Authenticity and integrity are foremost
principles when conservation works are carried out.

The Burra Charter (The Australia ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of
Cultural Significance), first adopted in 1979, accepts the philosophy and concepts of
the Venice Charter, but further elaborates the notion of heritage places from historic
monuments to places with cultural significance. It also sets forth practical guidelines
including assessment of cultural significance, policy development and implementation
of conservation policy for practitioners to follow.

33 34
每 組 被 分 派 一 個 大 館 持 份 者 的 角 色 , 可 包 括 ( 1) 政 府 官
學 生扮演成大館的不同持份者,辯論發展和 保 育 的 矛 盾
員 、 ( 2) 古 蹟 保 育 專 家 、 ( 3) 建 築 師 、 ( 4) 城 市 規 劃
師 、 ( 5) 大 館 附 近 的 商 戶 、 ( 6) 大 館 附 近 的 居 民 及 ( 7)
一節課( 1-1.5 小 時 ) 1 lesson (1-1.5 hour)
STAKEHOLDERS, which may include (1) Government officials;
初中及高中學 生 (2) Heritage conservation specialists; (3) Architects; (4) Urban
Junior to senior secondary school students planners; (5) Retailers near Tai Kwun; (6) Residents near Tai Kwun;
(7) General public.
讓學生代入不 同 持 份 者 的 想 法 , 了 解 保 育 和 活化 面 對 的 問 題 和 挑 戰
Students can put themselves in different stakeholders’ shoes and learn about the 學生須代入被委派的角色去思考,並就以下題目作出討論:
problems and challenges of conservation and revitalisation. 1. 你們會否支持活化再用大館?為甚麼?
30 分 鐘
2. 你們認為活化工程之中,要考慮甚麼因素?
30 Minutes
3. 你 們 認 為 活 化 大 館 對 區 內 的 環 境 和 社 會 發 展 構 成 甚 麼 影
5 分鐘 教師簡介活動 4. 你們認為活化的方案如何能平衡保育和發展的需要?
5 Minutes Teacher gives brief instructions to students.
Students are expected to address the following questions
5 分鐘 Students are divided into groups of 5 to 6 people. 1. Do you support revitalising Tai Kwun? Why?
5 Minutes 2. What factors do you consider during the revitalisation process?
3. How do you think revitalisation would affect the environment of
Every group is given stationery and drawing paper.
the district and development of society?
4. How do you think revitalisation balances the needs of
conservation and development?
Students should draw a MIND MAP as a record of their discussions.
30 分 鐘
Teacher may invite every group to PRESENT THEIR IDEAS.
30 Minutes
Presentations can be conducted on another day if time is limited.

5 分鐘 教師總結活動
5 Minutes Teacher concludes the activity.

35 36

責任去保護。 中區警署建築群能為中環這擠迫的社區,帶來休憩空
The Central Police Station compound has a high historical 城市規劃師
value and it was declared as monuments under the URBAN PLANNERS The Central Police Station compound provides a new leisure
Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance. The government and arts venue to the densely populated community in
should shoulder the responsibility to protect the CPS Central.
The Project can attract more people to the area and benefit to
的歸屬感。 the retailers located nearby.
大 館附近的商戶
Heritage conservation helps preserve the collective memory THE RETAILERS 保育工程期間可能帶來噪音、空氣污染和大量大型車
of the public, and hence reinforces citizens’ sense of
政府 belonging to Hong Kong.
GOVERNMENT The construction may bring noise and air pollution; and many
活化再利用古蹟有助發展文化旅遊,帶動香港經濟 large vehicles passing by also causes inconvenience.
Adaptive reuse of historical buildings helps develop cultural 保育項目保存了老街坊的集體回憶。
tourism, which can drive Hong Kong’s economy. The project preserves the collective memory of the residents,
讓下一代認識香港歷史,尤其是刑法制度史方面。 notably that of the older generation.

Let the new generations better understand the history of Hong 社區將多一個公共空間及文化藝術欣賞地方,可提升
大 館附近的居民 居民的文化生活素質。
Kong, especially its history in the legal and penal systems.
如政府不保育中區警署建築群,將會面對很多反對 The public can enjoy a new communal space and a cultural
NEAR TAI KWUN and arts venue, and people’s living quality can be improved.
The government has to face various objections if it rejects to 保育工程可能產生噪音及空氣污染。
conserve the CPS compound. The conservation project may cause noise and air pollution.

文物保育 專 家 獄,是法定古蹟,極具歷史價值。 保育項目保存了香港市民的集體回憶。
HERITAGE CONSERVATION The Central Police Station compound, which includes the first The project can preserve the collective memory of Hong Kong
SPECIALISTS police headquarters, court and prison in Hong Kong, has a people.
high historical value. 社區將多一個公共空間及文化藝術欣賞地方。
The public can enjoy a new communal space and a cultural
and arts venue.
The Central Police Station compound deserves to be 公眾人士
conserved because of its distinctive architectural features The project can foster cultural tourism and stimulate the
建築師 and historical value. economy of Hong Kong.
ARCHITECTS 在保育古建築時會遇上較多的困難,在決定拆卸或是 擔心活化後的建築群組太側重商業(例如:高檔次餐
繼續保留時,更應考慮建築物所帶來的安全問題。 廳、商店)而欠缺文化保育成分。
There may be difficulties in conserving older heritage The general public may worry that the project may over-
buildings. Should we demolish them or continue to preserve emphasise the commercial aspects (e.g. having expensive
them if there is potential danger? Would they cause safety restaurants and shops as tenants) but lack cultural
issues if kept? conservation elements.

37 38
大館—活化再用 TAI KWUN -

保育具文化價值的歷史建築,除了保 To conserve historic buildings and retain both integrity and authenticity of
存、復修和重建外,亦可藉著活化再 their cultural significance, more can be the heritage and not to attempt to
用 , 賦予 建築物新生命。 done beyond preservation, restoration falsify history (i.e., the new should be
and reconstruction. Heritage buildings distinguishable from but also compatible
近年政府積極推廣將歷史建築活化再 can also be given a second life through with the old, and the new should not be
用,這不但可以令保育和發展並存, adaptive reuse. made to look like the old).
值。再者,它亦將建築與社區甚至整 In recent years, the Government 大館是活化再用的範例。建築群的獨 Tai Kwun demonstrates best practice
個 社 會重 新聯繫起來。 has been promoting revitalisation of 有特徵不但被保留,重新利用舊建 in adaptive reuse. Not only are the
historic buildings with the approach of 築,亦能反映它們的歷史和美學價 character-defining architectural
一般來說,活化再用遵從幾個原則, adaptive reuse. This approach not only 值。新增建築對古蹟的干預極少,卻 elements preserved, the new uses of the
包括減少干預古蹟的獨有特徵、所有 achieves the objective of co-existence 可以更妥善地利用建築群的原址。 old buildings also reflect their historic and
改建和加建工程需可回復、工程需要 of conservation and development, but aesthetic values, and minimal additions
尊重古蹟的真實和完整性,不能篡改 also rejuvenates the heritage buildings works have been carefully carried out to
歷史— 新建築既要與舊建築融合, in terms of both physical and economic maximise the use of the heritage site.
同 時 不能 仿舊,令人混淆。 values. It also reconnects the buildings
and districts with the community and
In general, adaptive reuse of the heritage
buildings follows several principles. It
should pose minimal intervention to 警察總部大樓變成一座多用途建築,並設有
the character-defining elements of the 警察服務中心,大館原有的用途得以延續。

heritage. Alteration and additions works The Police Headquarters Block is transformed
into a multifunction building with a police service
should be carried out in a reversible centre, which the building was meant to be.
manner. The works should also uphold (photo/ Antiquities and Monuments Office)

39 40
作為當代藝術的中心,大館的部分建 As Tai Kwun is a centre for contemporary
築物被活化成藝術教育、推廣及發展 arts, several buildings are reused for arts
例 子 EXAM PLES 的場所。 education, promotion and development.

中央裁判司署由司法場所變成教育場所― 審
為了向參觀者提供最佳的體驗,大館 In order to offer the best visitor
場地,參觀人士可藉著角色扮演及辯論,了解 亦利用歷史建築物的空間,提供餐飲 experience, Tai Kwun also makes use of
香港的司法制度。 及零售設施。檢閱廣場和監獄操場這 several historic buildings to provide food
The Central Magistracy has been transformed
兩個戶外空間,亦活化成公共節目及 and beverage as well as retail facilities.
from a judicial venue into an educational venue
– a courtroom and basement cells have been 娛 樂 的 場所 。 The two major open spaces on the site,
conserved and reused for the venue of moot Parade Ground and Prison Yard, are
court. Visitors can learn more about Hong Kong’s
also reused for public programmes and
judicial system via role play and debate.
(photo/ Purcell Architects) entertainment purposes.


The B Hall is used for interpretation space, and
the prison cells have been retained (below)
in order to provide impression of the prison 監獄D和E倉(上)連接賽馬會立方,設有後
conditions. (photo/ Purcell Architects) 勤設施;F倉(下)則成為賽馬會藝方的延伸
D and E Halls (top) are connected to the JC Cube
for back-of-house facilities; and F Hall (bottom) is
the extension of JC Contemporary.
(photo/ Purcell Architects)

41 42
賽馬會藝方的概念圖。 JC Contemporary provides 1,500 square
Artist’s impression of the JC Contemporary. metres of exhibition space for hosting
(photo/ Herzog & de Meuron)
contemporary art exhibitions. The gallery
賽馬會藝方提供1,500平方米的展覽 spaces, lighting and climate control
空間,用作舉辦當代藝術展覽。它的 system are designed in accordance
展廊、照明及氣候調節控制系統均符 with international museum standards,
合國際博物館標準,為藝術品提供最 which can provide the most suitable
適合的存放環境。 environment for artworks.

賽馬會立方則提供約200個座位,以 Accommodating an audience of 200, JC

賽馬會立方及賽馬會藝方是新建築, JC Cube and JC Contemporary are newly 作舉辦藝術家講座、電影放映會、會 Cube is the venue for various activities
亦 是 活 化再用的示範之作。 built and demonstrate the concept of 議、研討會及教育活動等。在賽馬會 such as artists talks, film screenings,
adaptive reuse. 立方下,以紀念洗衣坊所在地而命名 conferences, seminars and educational
兩座建築的外牆,均由廢棄輪胎合金 的「洗衣房石階」,提供了一個可容 activities. Named after the former
鋼圈循環再造而成。鋁金屬具有可 The walls of the two new buildings are 納200人作表演、活動或電影放映等 Laundry and Workshop building, the
塑、輕盈及可循環再用的特質,溶化 made of alloy wheels from old vehicles. 的 非 正 式的 半 開 放 式 空 間 。 “Laundry Steps” beneath the JC Cube
後注入特製的鑄製模具,製成四種 Aluminum is malleable, lightweight offers an informal, semi-open space for
不同形狀的鋁磚,以配合新建築不 and recyclable. It is melted and poured performances, events or film screenings,
同部分的需要。兩座新建築共用了由 into specialised moulds to become four accommodating about 200 people.
58,170個合金鋼圈製成的8,310件鋁 different types of aluminum blocks,
磚砌成。這些鋁磚的尺寸與大館四處 which can be used in different parts of
可見的花崗石磚比例相稱,令兩座新 the buildings. In total 8,310 aluminum
建 築 物 與相鄰舊建築互相呼應。 blocks made with 58,170 alloy wheels
were used in the construction of the two
new buildings. Also, the dimensions of the
aluminium blocks reflect the proportions
of the granite blocks seen all around Tai 賽馬會立方的 概 念 圖 。
Artist’s impression of the JC Cube.
Kwun, making the new buildings resonate (photo/ Herzog & de Meuron)
with the heritage buildings nearby.

43 44
大館的活化工程,正正展示了古蹟保 The revitalisation of Tai Kwun
育和活化再用實現了城市可持續發 demonstrates how heritage conservation
展 , 以 及為 社 群 帶 來 不 同 效 益 。 and adaptive reuse can achieve

sustainable urban development and
Sustainable development, defined by
community benefits.
the United Nations’ World Commission
的需要,而同時又不損及後代滿足其 on Environment and Development, is
本 身 需 要的發展模式」。 “development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the
為了實踐可持續發展,政府為香港城 ability of future generations to meet their
市居住空間的可持續發展訂定策略性 own needs”.
方向。古蹟保育― 尤其是活化再用
― 扮演重要的角色,並對當今及後 In order to pursue sustainable
世 帶 來社會、經濟和環境效益。 development, the Government has set
out a strategic direction for Hong Kong’s
sustainable development in urban living
space. Heritage conservation, especially 關鍵詞 KEYWORD
with the approach of adaptive reuse,
可 持 續發展評估 Sustainability Assessment
plays a vital role, and it brings social,
自 2001 年 起 , 政 府 實 行 一 套 可 持 續 發 展 評 估 制 度 , 規 定 各 決 策 局 和 部 門 , 均
economic and environmental benefits to 須就可能對香港經濟、環境及社會帶來明顯或持久影響的新策略性措施或重
the present and future generations. 大 計 劃 , 進 行 可 持 續 發 展 評 估 。 另 外 , 自 2002年 4月 起 , 所 有 提 交 予 行 政 會 議
和 / 或政務司司長政策委員會的文件,須闡述可持續發展評估的結果。
Since 2001, the Government implemented a sustainability assessment (SA) system
that required all Bureaux and Departments to carry out SA of new strategic initiatives
or major programmes that have significant economic, environmental and social
impact. Since April 2002, all proposal submissions to the Executive Council and/or the
Chief Secretary’s Policy Committee are required to include SA findings or results.

45 46
社會效益 經濟效益 環境效益 社會效益 經濟效益 環境效益

歷史建築既展示我們的文化及身分, Historical places and buildings are 古蹟活化再用能為業主、鄰里以至整 Adaptive reuse of built heritage can bring
也訴說我城的歷史故事,不能以其他 important expressions of our culture 個社會帶來經濟回報。它可以提升建 economic returns not only to the owners
沒有類似內涵的建築物取代或複製。 and identity, and tell stories of our city’s 築物的利用價值、創造就業機會、促 but also the neighbourhood or even the
因此,它們的社會及文化價值,就是 history. This cannot be substituted or 進 古 蹟 旅遊 , 並 吸 引 當 區 的 投 資 。 community at large. It can stimulate
不可再生的社會資源。古蹟的保育 replicated by a building that has no higher use values of the buildings, create
和活化再用不但幫助我們保留文化根 similar content. Therefore, their social 大館為參觀者提供餐飲及零售設施, job opportunities, promote heritage
源,也有助社區的宜居性和可持續發 and cultural values are non-renewable 這不單能創造就業機會,也能吸引更 tourism, and attract investments in the
展。 resources to our society. Not only do 多參觀者到訪。這些業務的收入,也 district.
conservation and adaptive reuse of 有助大館在財政上自給自足。而鄰近
作為香港殖民地時代的刑事及司法系 heritage buildings help keep our roots, 的餐館和商店,亦可受惠於由大館帶 Tai Kwun offers food, beverage and
統樞紐,大館見證著這個城市的其中 they also contribute to the livability and 動的遊客增長。此外,大館作為當代 retail facilities to visitors, which can
一個最重要理念— 法律與秩序— sustainability of communities. 藝術的中心,可吸引藝術家、策展人 create interesting career opportunities
的發展。透過參觀大館,公眾可更深 和買家到訪,從而促進香港藝術產業 and attract more visitors. The revenue
入了解作為香港成功支柱的司法制 As the hub of colonial Hong Kong’s 的發展。 generated can also help Tai Kwun to
度,當中包括公平、透明及尋求司法 criminal justice system, Tai Kwun has be financially self sustainable. The
公 正 這三 大特點。 witnessed the development of one of neighbouring restaurants and shops can
the defining ideologies of this city – law also benefit from the growth of visitors
and order. Through the visit to Tai Kwun, and gallery goers. Moreover, as a hub
visitors can learn more about the legal of contemporary art, it attracts artists,
system, which embraces fairness, curators and buyers to the district, which
transparency and access to justice, as a can also foster the growth of art business
pillar of Hong Kong’s success. in Hong Kong.

47 48
社會效益 經濟效益 環境效益
建築過程涉及大量能源消耗。重用歷 The construction of a building involves
史建築則可以保留其「內含能源」, vast energy consumption. Reusing historic 課堂 討 論 保 育 和 活 化 再 用 如 何 推 動 城 市 可 持 續 發 展
從而達致環境可持續性。此外,這亦 buildings can retain their “embodied
可減少及避免拆卸和重建所造成的浪 energy”, so as to achieve environmental
一 節課(1-1.5 小時)1 lesson (1-1.5 hour)
費。 sustainability. Furthermore, it prevents 高 中學生
and minimises the wasteful process of   Senior secondary school students.
大 館 活 化 工 程 保 育 了 16幢 歷 史 建 築 demolition and reconstruction. 讓 學生認識活化再用對城市可持續發展的重要性
物,它們並均按照現今的需要被賦予 Students can learn the importance of adaptive reuse in sustainable urban
新用途。活化工程對建築物的干預減 Revitalisation of Tai Kwun involves
至最少,因此,工程既能為它們注入 conservation of 16 historic buildings and 時間 TIME 流 程 PROCEDURE
新生命,亦減少能源和材料的投放。 adaptive reuse to fit the current needs. 教師簡介活動及重溫活化再用及可持續發展的概念
5 分鐘
另外,建築群內只有兩幢新建築物, The buildings have undergone minimal Teacher introduces the activity and revisits the concepts of
5 M i n ute s
adaptive reuse and sustainable urban development.
它們均由回收材料建造,這有助保 intervention, and so little input in terms of
協助學生分組,5 至 6 人一組
護環境,及實現城市可持續發展的目 energy and material is needed for bringing
5 分鐘 Students are divided into groups of 5 to 6 people.
標。 them new lives. In addition, the two 5 M i n ute s 派發所需文具及畫紙予各組
newly constructed buildings are built with Every group is given stationery and drawing paper.
recycled materials. This also helps protect 學生須就以下題目分組作出討論:
the environment and achieve sustainable · 從社會、經濟及環境方面,討論保育及活化再用如何推動
urban development. 城市可持續發展。須引用大館或其他活化項目作討論例
Students are expected to address the following question in the
group discussion:
30 分 鐘
30 M i nu te s · How can conservation and adaptive reuse foster sustainable
urban development in terms of SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND
ENVIRONMENTAL aspects? The case of Tai Kwun or other
財政可持續性 Financial Sustainability
revitalisation projects should be used as examples.
善信託基金捐出款項,用作大館翻新工程及發展的費用,以及開幕初年的營 學生須用概念圖在畫紙上記錄討論內容
運虧損。長遠而言,從零售及餐飲設施的租務收入,能幫助大館在財政上自 Students should draw a MIND MAP as a record of their discussions.
30 分 鐘 教師可邀請各組作匯報分享。
The adaptive reuse of Tai Kwun considered the balance between social benefits and
30 M i nu te s Teacher may invite every group to PRESENT THEIR IDEAS.
economic returns. The donation from HKJC’s Charities Trust will cover the renovation
and development cost and the operating costs in the initial years. In the long run, 5 分鐘 教師總結活動
income sources such as the rents from retail and food and beverage facilities will help 5 Minutes Teacher concludes the activity.
Tai Kwun to be financially self-sustained.

49 50


Preserve the collective memory of the community.

Citizens can achieve a better understanding of society and Hong Kong history, hence
strengthening community cohesion/sense of belonging.

Tai Kwun’s heritage and arts education can enhance quality of life from cultural aspect.

Increase public awareness of conservation.

經 濟 E CON OM Y

Accelerate the development of cultural tourism (heritage and arts tourism).

Stimulate the economic development in the district (e.g. small businesses, restaurants).

環 境 E N V I R ON M E N T

Provide more leisure spaces.

Alleviate the urban crowdedness.

Beautify the city/ community.

51 52
按 筆劃及字母排序

書目 國際古蹟遺址理事會(Australia ICOMOS):《文化紀念物與歷史場所維護與修復憲章》
何家騏、陳效能:《香港女警六十年》,香港:商務印書館,2015年。 (Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites), 1964年 。 擷取自
網頁 :。
文章 asp?symbol=A/RES/66/288&referer=/english/&Lang=C。
香港警務署:〈第一代女督察 笑看風雲 細說往事〉,收於《警聲》699期,2001
年。擷取自網頁:。 賽馬會文物保育有限公司:中區警署保育及活化計劃-考古調查報告,2011年9月。

香 港 警 務 署 : 〈 昔 日 警 隊 小 典 故 〉 , 收 於 《 警 聲 》 1 0 2 2 期 , 2 0 14 年 。 擷 取 自 網 Purcell Miller Tritton LLP. (2008, June). The Old Central Police Station and Victoria Prison Hong Kong:
頁:。 Conservation Management Plan.

文件、新聞公報 網頁
立法會民政事務委員會文物保護小組委員會:活化再利用中區警署建築群-香港賽馬會 大館-古蹟及藝術館
pdf。 發展局工務科:香港歷史文物 - 保育.活化
html。 香港懲教署:懲教署發展及香港刑法年誌
澳洲國際古蹟遺址理事會(Australia ICOMOS):《布拉憲章》(Burra Charter),1979
年,1999年及2013年修訂。擷取自網頁: 康樂及文化事務署,古物古蹟辦事處

53 54

55 56
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59 60

本手冊只供參考及只用作提供一般資 This handbook is for reference and for the

料。 purpose of providing general information only.

本手冊不會構成與手冊內所指項目相關 This handbook does not constitute any

之任何要約、邀請或尋找任何要約。本 offer or invitation or solicitation of any offer
手冊或任何相關的活動均不會以任何方 in connection with the Project described
式對大館、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金、 herein. Neither this handbook nor any
香港賽馬會或其任何附屬或相聯組織構 activities in connection therewith shall
成任何法律上的義務或責任。本手冊或 create any legal obligations or liabilities in
其內任何內容均不會構成任何合約或承 any way on the part of Tai Kwun, The Hong
諾的基礎。 Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Hong
Kong Jockey Club or any of its affiliated
本手冊內載列或預定的任何計劃或建議 or associated organisations. Neither this
製作團隊 CREDITS 未 必 進 行 , 對此亦無任何保證或許諾。 handbook nor anything contained herein
shall form the basis of any contract or
對於本手冊內表示或載列的任何內容或 commitment whatsoever.
「大館」為賽馬會文物保育有限公司的營 “Tai Kwun” is the trading name of The
運名稱,是香港賽馬會轄下慈善信託基金 Jockey Club CPS Limited, the not-for-profit
證或陳述,而所有內容或資料均更新至 Plans and proposals contained or
成立的非牟利公司,旨在將中區警署建築 operator set up by The Hong Kong Jockey
發出日為止,並可隨時更改而不事先通 contemplated in this handbook may not
群活化再用為古蹟及藝術 館 。 Club’s Charities Trust to operate the centre
知。 proceed and no warranty or undertaking is
for heritage and art at the revitalised Central
given thereof.
Police Station compound.
內容及/或資料,必須取得大館及/或 No warranty or representation is given
本 手 冊 之 資 料 由 大 館 —— 香 港 古 蹟 及 藝 術 Information of this handbook is provided by
第 三 方 的 同 意和批准。 on any of the contents and information
館文物事務部教育團隊提 供 the Education Team, Heritage Department, Tai
expressed or contained herein or their
Kwun - Centre for Heritage & Arts.
accuracy or completeness. All contents
and information contained in this handbook
本手冊由 Roundtable Enterprise 製 作 、 設 計 This handbook is produced, designed and
are given as of this date and are subject to
及出版 published by Roundtable Enterprise Limited.
change without prior notice.

2018年5月初版 First edition: May 2018

Consents and approvals from Tai Kwun
香港印刷 Printed in Hong Kong
and/or third parties are required for use or
distribution or exploitation of the contents
© 版 權所有 不得翻印 © All rights reserved
and/or information herein.
The Jockey Club CPS Limited
Tai Kwun is the trading name ofthe Jockey Club CPS Limited

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