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Langley 1

Connor Langley

Ms. Gavin

English II Honors

14 February 2020

Cultural Manifesto

Culture is defined as a way of life of a particular group of people and their behaviors,

beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept. Culture defines who people are, and it plays a

major role throughout all of society. All of the personal cultures that make up each and every

person help to create unique identities for each individual. I believe that culture is a group of

people who share unique experiences and perspectives on similarities they have. I would

associate myself with the cultures of golfers, ultimate frisbee players, and oldest siblings.

The first culture which I belong to is the culture of golfers. This culture consists of people

who love the game of golf and believe that no matter how frustrating it can be sometimes, golf is

still one of the best sports to play. Golfers share behaviors of going to the driving range and

putting greens to practice and getting out to swing whenever possible. Golfers meet to go play at

different courses whenever the weather is good and occasionally gather together to go watch a

PGA event. For myself, I go to golf practice every day after school in the spring because I am on

the Apex High School golf team. Golfers communicate using golf-related terms, such as birdie,

eagle, bogey, chip, putt, drive, and many others. I value the culture of golfers because I think it is

a great sport that can teach you many things about life, such as learning to have self control after

you hit a bad shot. I also like this culture because even when I have a bad day playing golf and

say, “I’m never playing golf again,” somehow the sport just draws me back, and I want to play

the very next day. The only thing I dislike about this culture is that playing golf is very
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expensive, and you can sometimes find courses that are not in the best condition. With all of the

time and effort that I put into becoming the best golfer possible, I believe that I am a part of the

culture of golfers.

A second culture that I am a part of is the culture of ultimate frisbee players. This culture

consists of a lot of running and people who like to dive or layout for a disc. People who play

ultimate frisbee share behaviors such as going crazy when their team scores at a tournament and

always being ready to make a great catch. The culture of this sport is very different from most

others because it is self regulated; this means that the players call fouls and make the decision if

someone is out of bounds or a disc was dropped. Players come together anytime, no matter the

weather, at tournaments, season games, and practices. Players communicate with each other

using terms like backhand, flick, layout, mark, hammer, stall count, and several more. I value

this culture because players at tournaments are welcoming and friendly with players on other

teams. This bond over the great sport of ultimate frisbee makes the players part of a community

unlike any other sport. The one part of ultimate frisbee I dislike is that players sometimes make

bad calls about fouls or whether or not someone is out of bounds. Due to ultimate frisbee’s

unique community and that I play every week, I think of myself as part of the culture of ultimate

frisbee players.

Another culture that I would associate myself with is the culture of being the oldest

sibling in the family. This culture consists of being a good role model for your younger siblings

and always being there to help them. I have a younger sister named Megan, who is 11 years old

and in 5th grade. Being her older brother I must teach her what is right and wrong and to always

be there for her through the good times and the bad. People who are a part of this culture do not

necessarily meet together, but they play an important part in their family structure. Older siblings
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say things to their younger siblings that make them laugh and sometimes have to tell them to

stop. I like this culture because being a big brother is a part of my everyday life that I am very

grateful to have. Even though people who are older siblings do not meet together and may not

know each other, they share qualities that play a major role in their families and individual lives.

There is not a single thing I dislike about this culture because through the thick and thin, I love

being an older brother. I believe that I am a part of the culture of oldest siblings because I am

very blessed to be a big brother and role model to my little sister, Megan.

The culture of golfers, ultimate frisbee players, and oldest siblings are very important

cultures in my life. Each culture that I am a part of makes up who I am as an individual. All of

the cultures I am part of represent my love for sports, the outdoors, and the importance of my

family. Experiences I have in playing sports and being a big brother can help me build

characteristics that can help me overcome any obstacles I have in the other cultures. Being a part

of different cultures allows me to experience connections with other people.

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