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Towards a Framework That Promotes Integration

Between the UX Design and SCRUM, Aligned to

Angela Lima Peres, Silvio Lemos Meira
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
Recife, Pernambuco

Abstract — This paper proposes a framework to integrate user SCRUM practices, principles, techniques and artefacts could
experience design into the software development cycle. The be suggested to favor this evolutionary adoption? How are
proposal defines practices, principles, techniques and artifacts of these practices associated with the dimensions proposed in the
user experience in organizations that use agile methodologies maturity model recommended by the Human Factors Institute?
(SCRUM) in association with CMMI process areas and the
dimensions prescribed in the maturity model for user experience There are no existing studies that have addressed these
design recommended by the Human Factors Institute. The thematic issues and as such, the present paper could be useful
evolutionary path is supported by SCRUM practices. The to organizations that wish to adopt this software in order to
preliminary framework is based on systematic reviews of the reduce costs and improve their processes.
integration of design and experience, agile methodologies,
SCRUM and CMMI. The framework, as well as future studies, This article proposes a framework to integrate SCRUM
will be validated and refined by panels of experts and case and practices related to user experience design into the
studies. software development cycle, in association with CMMI
practices and the dimensions proposed in the maturity model
Keywords - Maturity models; CMMI; user experience; agile for user experience design recommended by the Human
methodologies; SCRUM Factors Institute.
This article is structured as follows: section ii details the
methods used in the research; section iii discusses the
I. INTRODUCTION theoretical background and other relevant studies; section iv
Maturity models and software improvement processes play presents the proposed solution; section v presents the expected
an important role in software engineering companies that wish contributions and section vi discusses the progress already
to optimize their development processes [1,2]. These tools achieved and the next steps.
provide an evolutionary path which continuously defines,
maintains and optimizes software development processes, with II. METHODS
the best practices adopted and validated by the market and the The research methods involved the following: (a) a
academy [1,2,3,4]. systematic literature review for the integration of agile
methodologies and maturity models; (b) studying the
The Capability Maturity Model® of Integration for
systematic literature reviews for the integration of agile
Development” (CMMI-DEV) is a worldwide reference and
methodologies and user experience design; (c) a literature
has been adopted as a quality certifier in many software
review for this integration in industrial situations; (d) a
acquisition processes [1].
literature review for maturity models of interaction design; (e)
Maturity models have also been proposed for user the development of the proposed framework of interaction
experience design [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. One global design practices, aligned to maturity models; (f) an assessment
example was created by the organization known as the Human of the preliminary framework by panels of experts, followed
Factors Institute [13,14,15]. by refinement of the framework after inviting researchers from
ACM-SIGCHI [19], UXPA [20] and other research groups
In recent times, agile methodologies have been adopted by who deal with agile methodologies; (g) validation using case
organizations in an attempt to respond more quickly to the studies in organizations that have adopted user experience
demands of the market, by using lighter processes in projects design and SCRUM.
that involve volatile requirements, as well as the pressures of
costs and short-term deadlines [16] [17]. III. BACKGROUND AND RELEVANT STUDIES
Thus, the following questions have become relevant: is it Concern about the quality of software development
possible to integrate, in an evolutionary manner, user processes, which must satisfy the demands of an increasingly
experience design into the software development cycle of avid market by promoting agility and reducing costs, has led
companies that adopt agile methodologies and CMMI? What
to an increase in the use of agile methodologies in the last following: efficiency; effectiveness; facility of learning;
decade [18]. exploration; comfort while using; accessibility; satisfaction;
ethical aspects and emotional aspects [31]. Several disciplines
The agile manifesto was published in 2001 and lists four are currently researching this theme and the following
values that are fundamental to the development of agile methods of designing interaction have been proposed:
software: individuals and interactions should take precedence usability; human-computer interaction; design of the
over processes and tools; software should be able to handle interaction; design centered on the user and design centered on
comprehensive documentation; clients should collaborate in the users experience [31,32,33].
contract negotiations; software should respond to changes
rather than simply follow a plan [16]. In the present study, Brown´s definition was adopted, in
Guiding principles have been used to create several which the term user experience design is used for processes
methodologies, complementing the above mentioned and practices that seek a design that truly attends to the real
recommendations and citing the following: a greater needs of the user, with a special focus on interactions and the
involvement of clients in the elicitation, prioritization and use of the product [34].
validation of products; a reduction in delivery cycles; a focus
With regards to integration with software engineering,
on communication, integration and empowering the
Blomkvist assessed how user experience design practices can
development team [17].
be integrated in the cycle of development in order to promote
Dyba & Dingsøyr published an extensive literature review success and reduce the amount of risk in the software
on agile methodologies. Among the strong reasons given for engineering process [35].
adopting these methodologies, the authors highlighted the
Maturity models for user experience design have been
greater adaptation and the incentive for frequent modifications
proposed in recent decades and have evolved in terms of the
to technical and functional requirements [21].
detail of the dimensions and the practices that should be
SCRUM has been indicated as one of the most popular managed [13,14].
methods in Brazil and worldwide. Its main advantage is
The literature contains several proposals of processes,
associated with the planning and management of projects in
frameworks and recommendations for the interaction of user
situations involving partially-known requirements and scope.
experience design practices and the software development
The process and development products are iterative and
cycle, in association with agile methodologies [32,
incremental. The team organizes itself and produces the
35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44]. Thiago Silva conducted a
software in sprints (short periods of time). The requirements
literature review that included the suggestion of principles,
of the system are recorded in a backlog. The product owner
techniques and artefacts in the use of agile methodologies with
decides which items in the backlog should be developed in
experience design [39].
each sprint. Each sprint should generate one product to be
assessed and executed [22]. Pino presented an improvement model known as
PfemCOMPETISOFT, which was based on SCRUM. The
Maturity models were developed and adopted by the
roles of the team responsible for the improvement of processes
industry and academy to improve the organizational process of
are adapted based on SCRUM, thereby enabling a greater
software development. One of the most significant models on
understanding and management of the process. The
a worldwide scale is CMMI for Software, which defines a path
improvement process can be completed in one or more sprints.
of continuous improvement in terms of five levels of
Each iteration consists of five activities: planning; design;
organizational maturity. Improving software development
execution; presentation of the improved process and
processes using the CMMI model has brought excellent results
presentation of the next iteration [45].
in terms of cost reduction, the length of programs, greater
productivity, more attractive rates of return on investment Salah and Paige proposed a framework to integrate design
(ROI), greater client satisfaction and a higher quality of centered on the user and agile methodologies, based on
product [1]. maturity models for user experience design [43].
Due to the increasing adoption of agile practices around As yet, no studies have set out to address these thematic
the world, recent studies have proposed solutions for the issues and as such, the present paper could be useful to
integration of agile practices into maturity models organizations that wish to adopt this software (SCRUM and
[23,24,25,26,27,28,29, 30]. CMMI) in order to reduce costs and improve their software
However, a significant question has arisen about the
evolution of technology, domains and interfaces among IV. SOLUTION PROPOSED
computer devices, leading to a greater number of users, with a
diverse range of profiles in terms of the following factors: This article presents a summary of a proposed framework
socio-economic status; culture; age; special needs and that is being developed to integrate SCRUM and user
experience with technology [31]. experience design practices in the software development
cycle, aligned to CMMI practices and the dimensions
A series of complementary disciplines has evolved to fulfil proposed by the maturity model for user experience design
the challenge of designing products that provide a better recommended by the Human Factors Institute [14]. These
quality for the user. This quality is measured based on the dimensions include: the formalization of the development
process with the integration of user experience design integration of agile methodologies and user experience design
practices in the development cycle; the training of the [38]. These reviews are being updated to include recent
professionals involved; the establishment of patterns of studies.
corporate design; the establishment, collection and monitoring
of metrics to assess the usability of the software; the creation (c) Studies that were previously published in the literature
of a database of successful cases for training purposes, thereby are currently being conducted to assess this integration in
showing the value of user experience design in the industrial scenarios.
organization; effective joint actions at the highest decision- (d) A literature review was conducted for the theme
making levels in order to obtain resources dedicated to the maturity models for interaction design [41].
practices of user experience [14].
(e) The proposed framework, with interaction design
Each of these dimensions involves practices, principles, practices aligned to preliminary maturity models, was
suggested techniques and artefacts that aim to improve the developed and presented in a conference on agile
processes of an organization. These practices, principles, methodologies [40].
techniques and artefacts are based on a literature review for
the integration of agile methodologies, UX and maturity (f) The assessment and refinement of the framework will
models [36,37,38,39,40,41,42]. be conducted at a later stage by specialists, based on case
studies, as suggested by other authors who have proposed
The evolution of the process and of the integration of these maturity models [28,30,46,47,48].
practices should be conducted in interactive cycles, based on
SCRUM and the Pino model [45], as follows: REFERENCES
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