Rockport Walk Test Fitness Analysis

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Rockport Walk Test Fitness Analysis

Purpose: To monitor the development of one’s VO2 Max, or aerobic capacity. The VO2 Max is the
maximum capacity of a person’s body to move and use oxygen during exercise. The higher the number,
the more aerobically fit you are and the more efficient your body is at taking in and utilizing oxygen
while completing a workout.
To find your VO2 Max, follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Enter in your information from when we did the Rockport Walk Test (gender, age, weight, heart
rate, time to walk the 4 laps)
3. Record your information below.
Record results:
VO2 Max: _________
Population Average: ___________
Rating: __________
Reflect on results:
1. Summarize your results. Are you surprised to see the fitness category you fall under? Why or
why not?

2. Do you think these results are an accurate reflection of your fitness level? Why or why not?

Goal setting:
1. Create a SMART goal towards improving your Rockport walk test score, and two action steps
you’ll take to hold yourself accountable.






2. Action Steps: (examples: jog 10 minutes every day, complete an ab routine 3x a week before
going to bed, walk a mile at a 15 minute mile pace—the suggested time frame for completion!—
5x a week, etc.)

3. How are you going to remind yourself of your action plan? (examples: sticky note on the mirror,
set a phone reminder, ask a friend/parent to walk with you to hold you accountable, etc.)

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