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National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal
Even Sem, Jan 2020 - May 2020
MSc (Ist Year)PH 753 : Statistical and Thermal Physics, Assignment-5

Date: 18-03-2020 Due on 31.03.2020

1. A system has three energy levels of energy 0, 100kB , and 200kB , with degeneracies 1, 3,
and 5 respectively. Calculate the partition function, the relative population in each level,
and the avaerage energy at a temperature of 100K.

2. The partition function of a system is given by the equation Z = exp (αT 3 V ), where α is
a constant. Calculate the pressure, the entropy, and the internal energy of the system.
3. The partition function of interacting gas is given by Z = (V −N
(1/Λ3N 2
thermal ) exp (aβN /V ),
where Λthermal is thermal deBroglie wavelength, a is some constant, and β = (kB T )−1 .
Show that pressure has the same form as that of the Vander Waals gas. Calculate the
internal energy.

4. A gas of molecules, each of mass m, is in thermal equilibrium at the absolute temperature

T . Denote the velocity of a molecule by v, its three cartesian components by vx , vy , and
vz and its speed by v. What are the following mean values:

(a) vx
(b) vx2
(c) v 2 vx
(d) vx3 vy
(e) (vx + bvy )2
(f) vx2 vy2
(g) 1/v; compare this with 1/v̄
(h) Find the mean number of molecules per unit volume whose energy lies between 
and  + d.
(i) What is the most probable kinetic energy of the molecules ? Is it equal to mṽ 2 /2
where ṽ is the most probable speed of the molecules ?

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