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They were afraid, yelling at me in their language, like animals.

I figured they saw me as a

thread but I couldn’t just leave, this woman was bleeding to dead. I put her down and
knelt down with my arms up. It was pointless to speak to them; I didn’t understand them
and neither did them. The one that seem their leader slowly approached, grabbed her and
carried her to one of that weird looking houses. I remained silent and still. They
surrounded me and began to whisper among themselves. I was scared; What if they
decide to kill me? I came here to a new beginning, with my wife and children, I can’t
abandon them. But I didn’t have a choice, I didn’t have enough bullets to kill them all and
there were women and children, I wasn’t an animal after all. I looked closely, some of
them seemed more scared than I was, I wondered why. After a few seconds, one of them
offered me his hand, I got up and they all scattered away. It seemed that they had decided
to ignored and leave me by myself but I didn’t want to leave. I decided to stay with them
until the woman got better. For a
few weeks, I studied them in silent, they had some kind of hierarchy and custom. They
were fierce but kind, offered me food and a place to sleep. I realized that they were very
much like us, only with different language and habits. The children gained confidence and
started to play with me even if I could see the suspicious and worried looks of their
parents. One day, I discovered why there were afraid. I was bathing in the river and when I
came back some houses were on fire, animals like horses and buffalos were slaughtered
on the floor. The natives were screaming, a woman crying over the dead body of his son
and in the distance, I saw the men who had come with me to this land, riding away on
their horses. They didn’t blame for what happened, they trusted me but a feeling of fury
grew in me. I wanted to find those men and make them regret what they had done. The
natives live in harmony with their land and they disturbed that peace.
I was exhausted after helping them reconstructing and cleaning the mess those savages
had done and I sneezed, I was getting a flu. Days later, everyone was sick. I tried to take
care of them but every day they died more and more. Was it my fault? I keep wondering. I
was powerless in this situation. I was desperate but my efforts were in vain, I watched the
last of them take their last breath. The only want left was the woman that I had saved, she
woke up after everyone was gone. She looked at me and I could see the horror in her
gaze. All of his people, everything she knew was gone. Was I the monster? I didn’t want to
hurt them, but my very presence had killed them all. The woman stood up and walked
past me with a lost look. I never saw her again. I looked at the village, all the time I shared
with them, everything I learned… It was all for nothing. I decided to leave this land, some
things are made not to be discovered.

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