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A History of the Virus The first person died on May 27th 2020
and by Christmas there were less than
300 million people scattered across the
Society fell apart so quickly that globe. That number has been dwindling
survivors found themselves wondering ever since.
how things had lasted so long in the
first place. That was almost two years ago and
everyone who is left has had to do bad,
Dubbed the "Dog Flu" by the media due bad shit since then to survive.
to it being possible to contract the
virus from man's best friend, H724 was There are no governments left, no
a pathogen like nothing the world had military, no rules and no borders. There
ever seen before. are just survivors and the dead.
Initially it was just like the flu, then it There are some pockets of survivors
became more dangerous. By the time have chosen to band together, usually
half of the planet was gone, the World for the security numbers bring in a
Health Organization had classified five dangerous world. They can be often be
mutations, each having such different found trying to rebuild whatever they
properties as to make the search for a can from the world before
cure as futile as it was desperate.
There are other survivors who roam the
A little over five months after the first land, unwilling to stop moving for fear
deaths were reported, H724 had wiped that the disease - or worse - might
out 96% of human life. No one was sure catch up to them.
where it originated, let alone determine
a patient Zero, but in the end it didn't Some have banded together like packs
matter. Three to five days after a of jackals to take whatever they want
patient exhibited symptoms of the virus by force and who only care about
and they were dead. making it from day to day.
At least, to start with. By the time the Others have just gone plain crazy and
sixth mutation (H724-f) was identified, will do anything to survive.
humanity had no chance. People got
sick but instead of simply dying like
they had before, seemingly moribund Then there are the carriers, bringing
victims would rise from their beds and the sickness with them wherever they
attack anything and everything around go, continuing to infect what’s left of
them. society.

The slightest scratch, an imperceptible Threats are everywhere. No where is

drop of bodily fluids, even just safe anymore.
breathing the same air brought
infection and the virus spread What are you prepared to do to
exponentially. survive?



What is After? Rules Clarifications:
After is a game where the players take on Occasionally there will be rules that
deserve or require working examples,
the roles of survivors in the aftermath of a which you will find in boxes like this.
virus that has decimated humanity and
where every day in this new world brings
risks and threats.

This booklet is designed to get players

Background, Color or Flavor
and Narrators into the game as quickly as When you see boxes like this, you
possible by providing an introductory should read, paraphrase or describe
encounter by which the players become the contents to your players to give
familiarized with the basic rules. them a sense of what’s happening in
the world around them.
The prologue - Empty - is a single-scene
encounter designed to allow you, as the To get started, find some scrap paper, a
Narrator, to learn how the game is played few pencils and at least two 6-sided dice.
while guiding the players through life in Have the players pick a character from the
the world of After. list of pre-generated characters at the end
of the booklet and read their bio aloud to
Empty leads directly into a larger the rest of the player group. Don’t have
adventure, Delaware to Denver, which them worry too much about anything else
provides the narrator and players a back- on the character sheet at this stage.
drop against which they can learn more
complex and advanced rules, and which Read or explain the following to the group.
also sets up a larger, ongoing campaign.
Where are you?
At the back of this booklet are some pre-
generated characters that the players can It’s a cold morning and you find yourself
use for the first few games until they with a few of your fellow survivors
become more familiar with the rules. lying in the grass outside a gas station,
trying to work up the courage to head
Also included at the back of the book is
the complete RAPID Ruleset, tailored to None of you have ever been here
the world of After, as well as notes on how before and normally going into this
to build out what’s left of the world within kind of a building to look for useful
the context of a campaign setting. supplies wouldn’t be this big of a deal,
but there is a car outside that looks
like it’s been recently used and the
Empty: A Prologue once-automatic doors are slightly ajar
but not broken.
To help introduce new rules to the
Narrator and provide other hint and helpful This might all might mean nothing but
clarifications, you will occasionally see a it might mean someone is inside.
few different sidebars.
It looks quiet now but that doesn’t tell

you anything about the situation 2D6 + SMod + AMod + CMod
except that it’s quiet.
For example, someone with an Acumen
“Are we going in?” Score of 4 gets a +1 Ability Modifier, or
AMod to any Acumen roll.
You hear someone say. Maybe it was
you. You clear your throat. The player rolls 2D6 and gets a 3 and
a1, for a total of 4. Adding the +1
“Yup,” you say, this time sure it’s your Modifier only brings the score to 5,
voice. “We’re going in.” which is a Fail.

Tell the players that the gas station is The next player rolls at a 7 and as they
literally the only thing for miles in either also have an Acumen of 4 and there
direction on a country back road. They ran get a +1 AMod for a final score of 8 - a
across it by accident and if they are lucky,
there may be some canned food or maybe All players should roll 2D6 and compare
some other useful supplies inside. Food is their total with the Table 1: Outcomes.
in such short supply that they can’t pass
this chance up to restock. They have to go
Table 1: Outcomes
1 Catastrophic Fail
Have each of the players check their
character sheets and find their Acumen 2-7 Fail
attribute. They should note any Modifier 8-11 Success
they get from it and share that number
with the group. 13-14 Wild Success
15+ Unqualified Success

Did they get above or below 8?

Have them check their character sheet

and tell the rest of the group their Acumen
Tell the players that they are about to score and associated Modifier.
make their first check to see if anything
looks out of place and have each of them Table 2: Modifier Range lists out the
get two 6-sided dice - referred to as 2D6. various modifiers and the bonus they give
to a roll and are applicable to Skill,
Attribute and Conditional Modifiers
“Making a check” (SMods, AMods and CMods).
The core mechanic of the RAPID
gaming system revolves around rolling Table 2: Modifier Range
two 6-sided dice and getting a score of 1 Lame (-2)
8 or higher. This is known as “making a
check” and it is how all actions and
2 Weak (-1)
attacks are resolved. 3 Average (0)
4 Good (+1)
Each roll may have modifiers for Skills,
Attributes or Conditions that are 5 Strong (+2)
known as SMods, AMods and CMods. 6 Excellent (+3)
7 Human Peak (+4)
A Skill or RAPID check is denoted as:
8 Super Human (+5)

How did any Modifiers affect their rolls?
Were they successful yet?

Did they get a Wild or even an Unqualified


Lastly, you should tell the players that

because of the quiet, bright day, they are
all getting a +1 to their final role as a
Conditional Modifier, or CMod.

What was the final tally of their 2D6 +

AMod + CMod? concert.

CMods are applied at the Narrator’s

Modifiers discretion and can be positive or
negative, depending on the situation
Modifiers are bonuses that get added but exist to provide him with flexibility
to a check and are a reflection of a and ensure that the story and outcome
character’s skill or proficiency, their are always paramount.
natural abilities, or circumstances that
can provide either a positive boost or a If they got less than 8 on their check then
negative drawback that will affect the they have failed. Tell them that they really
outcome of a what a player is trying to
do. These three different Modifiers are can’t see anything from where they are
Skill Modifiers (SMods), Ability and will have to move in closer to be sure.
Modifiers (AMods)and Conditional
Modifiers (CMods). If they got an 8 or higher, tell them that
everything looks quiet and they see
Skill Modifiers nothing that raises their suspicion. Sure,
the car doesn’t look abandoned but it also
These are the first bonuses applied to doesn’t look like it’s been used any time
any check and represent a characters today.
training or proficiency in a particular
field such as Driving or Firearms.
If they got between 13-14, tell them that
Ability Modifiers they have had a Wild Success and that,
even from where they are, they can see
A character’s natural gifts also play that the large glass doors have been
into and are applied after Skill carefully jimmied open and are now just
Modifiers. This is to reflect someone’s open wide enough to let in a breeze. The
skills being offset by physical players know this is inconclusive but the
characteristics, particularly when easiest way in and out of a door like this is
someone has a low RAPID score and with force, whoever opened this wanted to
gets a negative Modifier. make sure that the door could still be
closed off.
Conditional Modifiers
The real wild card in any situation,
If they got 15+, tell them that after a few
Conditional Modifiers reflect specific minutes of observation, they not only see
circumstances that might impact the the open door but also realize that the tire
outcome of a check, such as icy tracks of the car are fresh enough that the
conditions when trying to scale a wall elements haven’t yet obscured them,
or attempting to pick the pocket of a making the players think the car has been
mark who is engrossed in watching a used in the last few days.

Remind them that they stopped their car a relevent AMod and then check their final
ways back - as soon as they realized there score against Table 1: Outcomes.
was a car at the gas station - and
approached very cautiously. They are Was the check higher or lower than 8?
currently lying in the grass about 30 foot Were they successful or unsuccessful?
from the station.
If anyone got less than 8, tell them that
Ask the players how they plan on they are watching the gas station with
approaching the station - are they hooping such intensity that they don’t notice a
and hollering with excitement or are they bottle in their path that they accidentally
proceeding with caution? kick. They watch in horror as it clatters
across the street. Tell the player that they
If they are making a lot of noise or being hold their breath and look around but
careless, make an Acumen roll for Roy nothing and no one seems to be reacting
Nuzzi, who is asleep inside the station. As to the noise.
his Acumen is 3 he gets no modification to
the dice roll but does get a +1 CMod his Make another Acumen roll for Roy Nuzzi
roll, to reflect the noise they are making. to see if their noise woke him up. Add a +1
CMod for the noise of the bottle. If they
If they state that they are approaching wake him, he will be confused and startled
cautiously, have each player check their and grab his weapon to defend himself.
character sheet and tell the group their
Physicality score and any Modifier.
Remind the players that this is their Ability
Modifier or AMod, and is added to their
dice rolls.

Have them check the skills section of their

character sheet. Does anyone have
Stealth or Survival? If so, at what Level?
0, 1 or 2?

The skill Level is also the Skill Modifier, or

SMod, and each Level adds +1 to a check.

See the Level 0 vs. Level 1 Skills sidebar

on page 16 for more details.
Roy Nuzzi, Retail Assistant
R:3 A:3 P:3 I:4 D:2
WP: 8 RP: 6 DM-R:+1 DM-M: -0
Scavenging 1; Firearms 0;
.38 S&W (Light Pistol), DM: 4(2) R:S A: 5

Have each player with Stealth or Survival

roll 2D6 and add both their SMod and any Tell any players who made a successful
check that they were able to approach the

gas station without making any noise.

As they make it to the station, tell them

that it’s immediately obvious that whoever 1
left this place expected to be coming back
- the players have seen enough buildings
to know that this one was neither
abandoned nor has it been ransacked.

Ask the players if they know what they

want to do. Some suggestions you could
offer include:

▪ Enter through the front door and 2

see what remains inside.

▪ If they are nervous or suspicious,

a successful Acumen check finds
them another way in via window
around the back of the building. A
successful Dexterity will allow
3 4
them to climb inside where they
will enter right next to the
Manager’s office where Roy is
hiding. defensible - not to mention out of the way
- Roy decide to set up camp here. He has
▪ They can call out to see if anyone been using the manager’s back-office as
is inside. Roy will not respond but a bedroom, where he is currently taking
will wait for his chance to jump out an afternoon nap.
at the players and tell them to
leave. He was not expecting company and has
become somewhat lackadaisical in his
Once inside building, read or describe the attitude towards security but, no matter
following to the group. how they approach, Roy will be surprised.
The inside of the building is dark but as Show the players Map 1: The Gas
your point your flashlight around, you Station, so that they under that layout.
realize that although it looks largely
untouched, there seem to be piles of They are entering either from the front
garbage strewn across the the floor door or the window at the back.
and there is a stale, musky smell of
something rotten. Roy will wake up upon hearing the players
move around and will grab his gun, a .38
Roy Nuzzi was a retail associate from S&W (Light Pistol) and observe from the
Pennsylvania who tried waiting the virus doorway of the Manager’s office (marked
out in his cabin. Despite having food and as #3 on the map.
water stockpiled, he eventually ran out
and had to leave. That was more than a Ask the players what they intend to do. If
year ago and he has kept moving ever they need a suggestion, remind them that
since. He stumbled on the gas station a their primary goal is to loot the store for
week or so ago and seeing that it still had canned food, bottled water and anything
a fair supply of food, water and was easily else that might either still be edible or be

otherwise useful, such as batteries,
sewing kits or first aid supplies.

Roy is terrified and has no interest in

fighting but as he watches the players
continue to ransack what he has come to
think of as his home, he realizes he has to
do something.

Have each player check their character

sheet for their Scavenger skill level and
have them make a Scavenger check by
rolling 2D6 and adding any SMod for their
Skill Levels.

Ask the players what they want to do.

Some suggestions would be:
An unsuccessful roll means that players
find nothing of any use. ▪ Try and talk to Roy and calm him
down by way of a Charm,
A successful roll of 8 or more means that Negotiation or Inspiration check.
they find enough supplies to last the
group a couple of days. ▪ Pull their own weapons and
attempt to take out the threat Roy
A Wild Success means that they also find represents using lethal force.
some additional supplies that make their
lives easier, including 3 First Aid kits, ▪ Try and distract Roy long enough
several bottles of lighter fluid and dozens to overpower him without killing
of lighters. him.
An Unconditional Success means that as ▪ Agree to leave Roy alone.
they search, they realize that the store is
currently in use. This will give them a +1 If the players choose to try and talk Roy
CMod to the upcoming Initiative roll. down, have them check their character
sheet for any Influence-based skill they
Read or describe the following to them. wish to use, such as Charm, Inspiration or
You find some useful supplies and as
you stick them in your bag you look To use any of these skills, not only must
over at your companions to see if they they make a successful check but they
are done and see something moving
out of the corner of your eye. must also tell the rest of the group
specifically how they are trying to talk Bob
Before you can react, an old man who down.
is obviously terrified steps out of a
back room holding a gun that he waves Once they have their story straight, have
wildly at each member of your group. them make a check using the relevant skill
having them roll 2D6 and add any SMods
“Stop!” he screams. “This is my stuff, for the skill they are using. Also remind
not yours! Get out! Leave me alone!” them to add any Modifiers for the

underlying RAPID attribute - in this case, As the Narrator, you should also make an
Influence. Lastly, give them a +1 to +3 Initiative roll for Roy, who has actually has
CMod based on how convincing their a -1 AMod due to his low Dexterity and
attempt to win him over is. also suffers a -2 CMod due to his terrified
state of mind.
If they are unsuccessful, Roy will scream
at them to shut up and they will move to Using a piece of scrap paper, write down
combat. the names of the combatants and their
Initiative scores, with the order of actions
If players get above an 8 then they are going from the character with the highest
successful and will be able to convince to the lowest score, including Roy.
Roy to lower his gun and listen to them.
For example, Franklin and Macy are
Having got his attention, tell them to scavenging in the store when Roy
repeat their skill check with a +2 CMod to appears, waving his gun around and
any attempt to talk Roy down. All he really shouting at them to get out.
wants is to feel safe and if they can The Narrator instructs the players to
convince him they are no threat then he roll for Initiative.
will offer to share his scant belongings
with them, so long as they promise to take Franklin rolls a 7 and gets +2 for his
him with them. He admits that he is scared Acumen of 5, +3 for his Dexterity of 6
and tired of living alone and wants to be and +1 CMod for a total of 13.
part of their community.
Macy rolls an 4 and has a +1 AMod for
The group should discuss their ideas of her Acumen of 4, nothing for a
what to do with Roy. Just talking him with Dexterity of 3, and the +1 CMod for a
total of 6.
him makes them realize that he poses no
threat and may actively help build their The Narrator rolls 10 for Roy and due
community. You should also remind the to his Dexterity of 2, has a 1 Amod to
players that Roy could potentially be a apply and a -2 CMod for a total of 8.
carrier, even if he doesn’t seem sick - but
if he is sick, they have all been close Initiative goes Franklin first with his
enough to him to get contaminated. score of 13, Roy next with 8, and Macy
goes last due to only getting a 6.
If the group is unable to subdue Roy or
actively decide to fight things out with him, Tell each player that they can either take
tell them that they should roll for Initiative a movement and an action, or two actions,
to determine the order they are all going to and ask the player who scored highest on
act in, as they are about to enter combat Initiative what they plan to do.
for the first time!
The available Actions are Aim, Attack,
Each player rolls 2D6 for Initiative, adding Cover Fire, Defend, Draw Weapon, Duck,
any Dexterity and Acumen AMods to Find Shelter, Reload, Reposition,
reflect their ability to assess and react to Suppressive Fire, Targeted Shots and
the situation at hand. Unjam Weapon.

Tell them that they also each get a +1 For now, don’t worry about knowing what
CMod as there are more of them than him, each action does. Most are fairly self-
and because Roy seems to be having explanatory but for full details, see the
trouble focusing on any one target and is Actions section on page X.
instead waving his gun around wildly.

If they want to shoot Roy, tell them that him long enough for the players to get him
they are a comfortable range and don’t back to their base, should they choose to
need to move. No movement means that do so.
they will have two actions but unless they
previously stated they had their guns A Unqualified Success kills Roy outright,
drawn , they will have to spend one of their no matter how much damage is actually
actions to Draw Weapon. done.

If they want to spend their second action If Roy survives long enough to get off a
to Attack, tell them to look at their skill shot, roll 2D6, subtract 1 for his low
sheet to see if they have any Levels in Dexterity of 2, and an additional -3 CMod
Firearms or Marksman. for his frantic state of mind, particularly
having just been shot at. Have whichever
They should roll 2D6 and add any SMods player he is shooting at check their
for any Levels in Firearms or Marksman, character sheet for a Ranged Damage
any AMods for their Dexterity, and tell Mitigator, and subtract that number form
them that you are giving them a +1 CMod Roy’s check.
as Roy is stationary and a reasonably
easy target. If Roy is successful, have the player mark
down the 4 damage from his .38 S&W (a
Lastly, as Roy has a Dexterity of 2, due to Light Pistol). Have them also mark down
being old and slow, he actually has a the 1 Resilience Point damage.
Ranged Damage Modifier of +1, meaning
the players get an additional +1 to the final If every participant survives the first round
total. of combat, Roy will drop his gun and fall to
his knees weeping and begging for mercy.
If they score less than 8, they missed. Roy
will panic and on his turn will shoot He will plead with the players to spare his
whichever character fired at him last. life and will willingly give up everything he
has if they just let him live. If he senses
If the player scored an 8 or higher, they any mercy in their attitude, he will beg
have hit Roy and he takes whatever them to take him with them.
Damage is listed next to the player’s
Weapon on the character sheet. In If any of the players are wounded, tell
addition, Roy takes whatever Resilience them that they can tend their wounds back
damage is listed in parentheses next to at their base camp.
the Damage.
It’s starting to get dark and there’s still
a bit of a drive back to the motel
you’ve been staying at. You should get
all the supplies you have just found into
the car and get back on the road. It’s
not safe to be out after dark. You look
Assuming he survives, Bob will drop his at Roy again. It’s also not safe to take
weapon and slump to the floor and plead in strangers.
for his life.
No matter what the players decide to do
If they get a Wild Success, they have hit with Roy, tell them that they have
Roy in an artery and he immediately starts completed the first encounter and have
spurting blood. If they do nothing, he will earned 10 Experience Points (XP). They
bleed out within minutes. A successful should mark down on their character
First Aid or Surgery check will stabilize sheets to spend later.

Map One: The Gas Station

3 4

1. Main Entrance 3. Manager’s Office

2. Walk in coolers 4. Toilet (window)

Franklin Johnson



Franklin Johnson

3 5 3 3 6
Reason Acumen Physicality Influence Dexterity
0 +2 0 0 +3
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Comp. Operation Animal Handling Athletics Blackmail Artisan

Engineering Camouflage Body Language Bluff Demolition
First Aid Counterfeiting Brawling Bribe Driving 2
Gen. Knowledge Deceit Entertainment Charm Firearms 1
Hacking Detect Lie Env. Adaptation Diplomacy Marksman
Investigation Gambling Impersonation Etiquette Melee
Mechanics 2 Hunting Intimidation Inspiration Pilot
Navigation 1 Merchant Heavy Weapons Interrogation Quick-Draw
Scholar Rigging 0 Soldiering Negotiation Sleight of Hand
Security Systems Streetwise Stealth Seduction Sniper
Surgery Survival Unarmed Combat Scavanging 0

Wound Resilience Ranged Melee Exp. Outcome Age/DOB: 38

Points Points DM DM Points Points
Gender: Male
12 6 3 0 0 3
Birthplace: Georgia

Primary Archetype:
Driver Secondary Archetype Mechanic
Specialty: Specialty:

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Name Range Damage Ammo Equipment Equipment
Heavy Pistol S 6(3) 17
Mechanics Toolkit (+1 Mechanic Checks)

Macy Coleman



Macy Coleman

6 4 3 4 3
Reason Acumen Physicality Influence Dexterity
+3 +1 0 +1 0
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Comp. Operation Animal Handling Athletics 1 Blackmail Artisan

Engineering Camouflage Body Language Bluff Demolition
First Aid 1 Counterfeiting Brawling Bribe Driving
Gen. Knowledge 0 Deceit 1 Entertainment Charm 1 Firearms
Hacking Detect Lie Env. Adaptation Diplomacy Marksman
Investigation Gambling Impersonation Etiquette Melee
Mechanics Hunting Intimidation Inspiration Pilot
Navigation Merchant Heavy Weapons Interrogation Quick-Draw
Scholar 1 Rigging Soldiering Negotiation Sleight of Hand
Security Systems Streetwise Stealth Seduction Sniper
Surgery 1 Survival 2 Unarmed Combat Scavanging 1 Scavanging

Wound Resilience Ranged Melee Exp. Outcome Age/DOB: 31

Points Points DM DM Points Points
Gender: Female
12 6 3 0 0 3
Birthplace: New York

Primary Archetype: Nurse Secondary Archetype Scholar

Specialty: Specialty:

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Name Range Damage Ammo Equipment Equipment

Light Pistol S 4(2) 17

First Aid Kit (+2 Healing)

Ross Bennett



Ross Bennett

5 3 3 6 3
Reason Acumen Physicality Influence Dexterity
+3 0 0 +3 0
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Comp. Operation Animal Handling Athletics Blackmail Artisan

Engineering Camouflage Body Language 1 Bluff Demolition
First Aid Counterfeiting Brawling Bribe Driving
Gen. Knowledge Deceit 1 Entertainment Charm Firearms 1
Hacking Detect Lie Env. Adaptation Diplomacy Marksman
Investigation Gambling Impersonation Etiquette Melee
Mechanics Hunting Intimidation Inspiration Pilot
Navigation Merchant 1 Heavy Weapons Interrogation Quick-Draw
Scholar Rigging Soldiering Negotiation 2 Sleight of Hand
Security Systems Streetwise Stealth Seduction Sniper
Surgery Survival Unarmed Combat Scavanging 0 Scavanging

Wound Resilience Ranged Melee Exp. Outcome Age/DOB: 46

Points Points DM DM Points Points
Gender: Male
9 6 0 0 0 3
Birthplace: Seattle

Primary Archetype:
Local Politician Secondary Archetype Business Man
Specialty: Specialty:

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Name Range Damage Ammo Equipment Equipment

Light Pistol S 4(2) 17


Mateo Garcia



Mateo Garcia

3 4 4 4 5
Reason Acumen Physicality Influence Dexterity
0 +1 +1 +1 +2
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Comp. Operation Animal Handling Athletics Blackmail Artisan

Engineering Camouflage Body Language Bluff Demolition
First Aid Counterfeiting Brawling Bribe Driving
Gen. Knowledge Deceit Entertainment Charm Firearms 1
Hacking Detect Lie Env. Adaptation Diplomacy Marksman
Investigation Gambling Impersonation Etiquette Melee
Mechanics 0 Hunting Intimidation 1 Inspiration Pilot
Navigation Merchant Heavy Weapons Interrogation Quick-Draw
Scholar Rigging 0 Soldiering Negotiation Sleight of Hand
Security Systems Streetwise Stealth Seduction Sniper
Surgery Survival Unarmed Combat 1 Scavanging 2

Wound Resilience Ranged Melee Exp. Outcome Age/DOB: 32

Points Points DM DM Points Points
Gender: Male
12 7 2 1 0 3
Birthplace: Chicago

Primary Archetype:
Cop Secondary Archetype Mechanic
Specialty: Specialty:

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Name Range Damage Ammo Equipment Equipment

Light Pistol S 4(2) 17

Shotgun S 10(5) 5 Mechanics Toolkit (+1 Mechanic Checks)

Micha Stone



Micha Stone

3 3 6 3 5
Reason Acumen Physicality Influence Dexterity
0 0 +3 0 +2
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Comp. Operation Animal Handling Athletics 1 Blackmail Artisan

Engineering Camouflage Body Language Bluff Demolition
First Aid 2 Counterfeiting Brawling Bribe Driving 0
Gen. Knowledge Deceit Entertainment Charm 0 Firearms 1
Hacking Detect Lie 0 Env. Adaptation Diplomacy Marksman 1 1
Investigation Gambling Impersonation Etiquette Melee
Mechanics Hunting Intimidation Inspiration Pilot
Navigation Merchant Heavy Weapons Interrogation Quick-Draw 2
Scholar Rigging Soldiering Negotiation Sleight of Hand
Security Systems Streetwise Stealth Seduction Sniper
Surgery Survival Unarmed Combat Scavanging 1

Wound Resilience Ranged Melee Exp. Outcome Age/DOB: 29

Points Points DM DM Points Points
Gender: Male
14 9 2 2 0 3
Birthplace: Detroit

Primary Archetype: Military Secondary Archetype Medic

Specialty: Specialty:

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Name Range Damage Ammo Equipment Equipment

Heavy Pistol S 6(3) 17

First Aid Kit (+2 Healing)
Hunting Knife E 3(3) U

Morgan Lieu



Morgan Lieu

6 4 3 4 3
Reason Acumen Physicality Influence Dexterity
+3 +1 0 +1 0
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier

Comp. Operation 1 Animal Handling Athletics Blackmail Artisan

Engineering Camouflage Body Language 0 Bluff Demolition
First Aid Counterfeiting Brawling Bribe Driving
Gen. Knowledge 1 Deceit Entertainment Charm Firearms 1
Hacking Detect Lie Env. Adaptation Diplomacy Marksman
Investigation Gambling Impersonation Etiquette Melee
Mechanics Hunting Intimidation Inspiration 0 Pilot
Navigation Merchant Heavy Weapons Interrogation Quick-Draw
Scholar 1 Rigging Soldiering Negotiation 0 Sleight of Hand
Security Systems Streetwise Stealth Seduction Sniper
Surgery Survival Unarmed Combat Scavanging 1

Wound Resilience Ranged Melee Exp. Outcome Age/DOB: 38

Points Points DM DM Points Points
Gender: Female
9 6 0 0 0 3
Birthplace: Phoenix

Primary Archetype: Scholar Secondary Archetype Local Politician

Specialty: Specialty:

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Name Range Damage Ammo Equipment Equipment

Light Pistol S 4(2) 17



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