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Alexander So 

Period 3 600-1400   
How did trade networks in the post-Classical Era compare to the Classical Era? Post classical era 
trade routes were mostly maritime, state administered with mercantilist policies and tariffs. 
What new technologies, governmental policies, and merchant activities accompanied these 
developments? Increased transport technology and commercial practice increased volume of 
trade and expanded the range of existing trade routes 
What role did pastoral and nomadic groups play in these trade networks? Helped to sustain the 
How did trans-Eurasian trade as a whole develop during the post-Classical era? The mongols 
helped facilitate the revival of the silk road and provided safe passage from bandits 
What were the effect of migration in the post-classical era? The movement of peoples caused the 
spread of their language and culture 
What were the environmental effects of migration in the post-classical era? Spread of the black 
Why and where did Muslim trade networks change in the post-classical era? Trade routes 
developed in the Arabian peninsula due to the spread of the Islamic caliphate and activities of 
merchants from the saharan trade route 
What institutions did merchants create to foster both trade and cultural diffusion in the 
post-classical era? Diaspora communities that helped foster religion and cultural of their 
respective nations 
Period 600-1400 
How did post-classical trade affect the diffusion of scientific and technological traditions? The 
crusades brought back greek literature to Europe and caused the Renaissance. 
What were the biological effects of post-classical trade? Diffusion of Crops and disease 
How did state formations develop in the post-classical era? ​Demonstrated continuity, innovation 
and diversity in various regions. In Afro-Eurasia states attempted with differing degrees of 
success to preserve or revive imperial structures, while smaller, less-centralized states continued 
to develop. Islam introduced the caliphate to Afro-Eurasian statecraft. Pastoral peoples in Eurasia 
built powerful and agrarian worlds 
How did post-classical states avoid the mistakes of classical empires in the regions where 
classical empires collapsed? They had large militaries to protect the empire, bureaucracy. 
Instituted tributary states and taxation and adapted a state religion 
What were the overall worldwide economic trends in the post-classical era? Emergence of gender 
structure, trade was in a larger volume and new labor practices 
What roles did cities play in their societies during the post-classical era? The migration of people 
to cities caused the emergence of guilds and apprenticeship leading to a semi fluid social system 
where people could move up in society 
How did social and labor systems develop during the post-classical era? Serfdom and vassals 
became prominent with farming on manors and the three crop system arising.  
What pre-existing labor systems continued through the post-classical era? Serfdom continued in 
post classical era. Guilds and artisans remain prominent in the towns labor force 
Who did some gender roles and family structures change in the post-classical era? Patriarchal 
households remain prominent with the women raising the children and the men working 
Period 4 1450-1750  
Describe the degree of global ‘interconnection’ after 1500 CE compared to before 1500. 
What were the overall effects of this change in global interconnectedness? The globe was mainly 
connected in Europe, Asia, and Africa but the new world was soon added to the global web after 
1500. The result of this interconnectedness was the columbian exchange and the conquest of the 
mesoamerican people by the Spaniards. 
How did the global trade network after 1500 CE affect the pre-existing regional trade 
networks? (Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, trans-Saharan, Silk Routes) The global trade shifted 
away from existing trade networks and towards the atlantic trade routes between africa, the 
americas, and europe 
What originally motivated Europeans to travel across the northern Atlantic? Gold, god, glory 
How did the new global connections affect the peoples of Oceania and Polynesia? The 
polynesians and Oceanians were exposed to old world diseases and their populations were 
decimated as a result. The islands lacked an economic opportunity by the europeans so they 
weren’t pursued. 
What new financial and monetary means made new scale(s) of trade possible? The joint stock 
company allowed investors to increase the budget of a voyage while minimizing the risk of the 
journey and lessening the losses if the expedition were to fail 
What were the economic and social effects of the Atlantic trading system? The native population 
of south america became enslaved and abused by the Spaniards, Dutch, and French. Slaves were 
imported to the caribbean for mercantilist reasons sugar became a main export. The rigid class 
system based on skin color also arose  
What were the unintentional biological effects of the Columbian Exchange? Europeans 
intermixed with natives and slaves, producing mestizos and mulattoes. Foods and disease were 
transferred from each continent to the other, providing more biodiversity in each region 
How did the Columbian Exchange affect the spread of religions? Puritans and other persecuted 
groups of people fled to the New world, leading to enclaves of religion and culture to be 
Where did the “universal” religions of Buddhism, Christianity & Islam spread? Christianity 
spread to all colonized regions by europe and in parts of africa and Europe. Islam remained 
centralized in the middle east, but was also prominent in the gunpowder empires and parts of 
africa and southeast asia. Buddhism remained prominent in East asia and some parts of India. 
How did public literacy as well as literary and artistic forms of expression develop during this 
period? Literacy increased with the establishment of universities in Europe and the Arab world. 
Art became more realistic, showing depth and extreme detail as well as utilizing techniques such 
as the vanishing point 
Period 1450-1750 
How did agriculture’s role change between 1450-1750? Agriculture moved from a way of self 
sustaining to a way of exploiting underdeveloped countries for mercantilist reasons and 
producing income for the mother country 
How did labor systems develop between 1450-1750? Slavery became the primary method in the 
New world with the white plantation owners bringing in slaves to farm. At the same time, Mine 
owners enslaved the native population to harvest silver 
How did slavery within Africa compare to the pre-1450 era? Slavery in Africa before 1450 was 
located only inside of Africa with the slave being born into the social class. After 1450, the gold 
coast began trading slaves, sometimes free people, to Europeans in return for luxury goods. 
How did pre-existing political and economic elites react to these changes? Power shifted from 
well suited leaders to small wealthy and well connected families. 
How were gender and family structures affected to these changes? Women were more prevalent 
in government, such as Catherine in England. Since aristocracy became largely favored by 
society, the families became more important. However, women were still unequal to men 
How did empires attempt to administer the new widespread nature of their territories? Many 
empires attempted to establish state sponsored governors who would carry out the orders of the 
King or Queen. 
How did the people of various empires react to their government’s methods? Some colonies 
accepted the rule, but others attempted to rebel and oust the governor from power 
How did political rulers legitimize and consolidate their rule? The rulers legitimized their rule 
through divine right or through authority of the Kin 
How were ethnic and religious minorities treated in various empires? Religious and ethnic 
minorities were persecuted and were often in lower class than the majority. Sometimes the 
persecution was so severe that the minority left their home country to seek freedom, such as the 
puritans did from england 
How did rulers make sure that their governments were well run? Rulers appointed governors 
from their own family. They would also brutally put down any rebellion or riot in order to 
maintain power and exercise their authority 
How did rulers finance their territorial expansion? Joint stock companies and government funds 
What obstacles to empire-building did empires confront, and how did they respond to these 
challenges? Empires often encountered native populations or parties from rival countries in their 
race to colonize. In addition to this, cost and diseases also stood in the way. Most of the time they 
would decimate the natives or fight a war. 
Period 5 1700-1900  
How did Industrialization affect seemingly unrelated fields like social structures, culture, the 
economy? Industrialization caused the oppression of the working class and the thriving of the 
middle class as well as the elevation of the rich. As a result, workers fought for rights and labor 
unions giving them rights and a say in government. Transportation became more developed, 
facilitating trade around the globe. Thousands went to America seeking a new life of opportunity 
bringing with them their culture and language. 
What combination of factors were necessary to begin the Industrial Revolution? growth of cities, 
investors, coal, timber, labor from immigrants, supply and demand mentality 
What “fueled” (both literally and metaphorically) the Industrial Revolution? Immigration, labor, 
raw materials 
What was the “2nd Industrial Revolution?” Electricity, steel, advances in science and metallurgy 
How did the Industrial Revolution affect the role of science in larger society The industrial 
revolution helped develop technology that helped facilitate the development of more advanced 
science. Factory owners adopted better means of producing goods and science and religion 
How did the Industrial Revolution influence world trade overall? World trade was high and the 
world became globalized leading to more efficient trade routes and greater volume of goods 
What “new” markets did industrialized states look for/create for their exports? Underdeveloped 
countries where they could exploit the native population. 
What financial institutions facilitated industrial production? Government funding and private 
What were the important developments in transportation during the Ind. Rev? Steam power and 
How did governments respond to the tremendous economic changes of the Industrial 
Revolution? In the US, the government stayed out of the economy and abolished slavery. In 
Japan, the government became more involved in maintaining the economy. Every nation 
developed larger armies and raced to become the most developed 
How did the Industrial Revolution affect social and demographic characteristics? The industrial 
revolution caused a large spike in population growth. However, hygiene and child mortality rates 
were high, and populations were focused at cities 
How did imperialism affect Europe’s influence around the world? It established Europe as the 
dominant power in the world 
What methods and tactics did industrialized states use to establish and expand their empires? 
Imperialism and Colonialism facilitated by advanced weaponry and better 
How did anti-imperialism affect the Ottoman Empire’s territories? resistance of territories 
formed new states 
What were the effects of nationalism on various peoples and regions? Nationalism increased the 
likelihood of revolution and desire to be self governing and racism against foreigners. 
How did imperialists justify imperialism? Social Darwinism, saying that spreading christianity 
was the will of god  
How did both the Enlightenment and colonized peoples’ actions affect political developments 
after 1750? The enlightenment caused numerous revolutions and gave everyone an idea of their 
basic rights as well as basic principles to form their government on. 
How did political rebellions affect the political structures and ideologies around the world? 
Caused revolution and reorganization of government. Democracy followed and the formation of 
new ideologies such as communism followed along with anti-imperialist movements 
What new political ideas re: the individual, natural rights, and the social contract did the 
Enlightenment develop? Declaration of Rights of Man, women's rights 
What social & political norms did Enlightenment thinkers challenge? What were the effects of 
their questioning? Social contract with government, unalienable rights for all. This caused many 
How did governments use these new ideas on their populations? Used to promote nationalism 
and unite ethnically/religiously different groups under a common ideology 
How did subject peoples relate to their ruling governments? Subjects challenged and resented 
imperialist governments, craving freedom 
How did rebellions and revolutions in the Americas and Europe reflect Enlightenment ideals? 
Demonstrated and used the enlightenment thinkers ideas as basis for revolution 
What was the relationship between nationalism and anti-colonialism? Nationalism unites the 
people to be against colonialism and lead them to question authority 
What new political ideologies developed from ca. 1750-1900? Liberalism, socialism, capitalism, 
How did migrations in this period compare to earlier periods? Migrations from this period are 
characterized by the movement of people for better economic opportunity and to the americas 
What were the main social, economic, and political causes and effects of this new age of 
migration? Better economic opportunity, oppressed peoples often migrated to new lands or to 
escape war or natural disasters. This in turn caused the intermixing of cultures in america 
specifically and the formation of ethnic enclaves 
What types of migration were voluntary vs. involuntary? Voluntary migration was mostly for 
economic reasons or seeking a better life. Involuntary migration was for slavery or indentured 
How permanent were migrations? Some migrated permanently while others moved frequently 
What were the social consequences and reactions to 19th century migrations? Society became 
diverse with different race, ideology. Hard to maintain order and peace between the groups 
How were gender roles affected by migration? Men worked while women stayed at home raising 
How did migrants preserve and transplant their culture in their new homes? Many people of the 
same group settled together to form ethnic enclaves 
How did receiving societies react to the new presence of foreign migrants? Some attempted to 
regulate the flow of immigrants by placing quotas and naturalization exams. Others were not 
tolerant at all and let in no immigrants. 

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