Jeffs Gameblog The FLAILSNAILS Conventions

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Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

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The FLAILSNAILS Conventions View Random Post

We the GMs of the DIY RPGing, in Order to form a more perfect

Ruckus, establish Justice, insure intercampaign Tranquility, provide
for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and Play some
Games, do Ordain and Establish this set
of Free Location And Inclusion LawsSupporting New And Interesting
Leisure Situations (FLAILSNAILS).

Article 1

Any PC that began play at 0 xp (or less) and level 1 (or less) on or after
July 26, 2011 may move freely from their native campaign (or any they
have participated in subsequently) into games of a like genre run by
any GM subscribing to these FLAILSNAILS conventions whether via
electronic media or in real life provided the player can get a spot in the
game. That's the point of them. Page 1 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

(Like, if you made a PC for Arcadayn's Swords and Wizadry game, you
can move it to my D&D game since I subscribe to the FLAILSNAILS
conventions. If he does, too, you can bring it back to his game the next
day, and then take the PC over to your Uncle Chippy's game if he is
down, and then bring it back to my game and get the point.)

Article 2

As stated, PCs may be imported/converted from any game of roughly

the same genre and system as the new GM's game, however the new
GM is free to determine precisely what "roughly the same" means. GM
and Player shall negotiate any complex translation issues regarding
system-specific mechanics or powers.

In the case of D&D and similar games, any TSR D&D system or
retroclone (Labyrinth Lord, Castles and Crusades, Swords and
Wizardry, etc.) is considered acceptable in FLAILSNAILS games, plus,
at the individual GM's discretion, refugees from Pathfinder, 3.5, 4e,
Rolemaster, Tekumel, Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, LOTFP, Harn,
GURPS, Pendragon, etc. providing the PC's stats can be translated into
terms sensible in the new system. (And vice versa.) Ask GM if your PC
is ok.

Same thing goes for other games--like if you want to run your levelled-
up Shadowrun PC in my Gigacrawler game, I'm down because fucking

The details are up to the GM's discretion, but the purpose of the
FLAILSNAILS conventions is to encourage sharing of ideas, rules, and
funny stories across groups of gamers, so whatever can be done to
encourage and facilitate PC immigration (writing Palladium-to-D&D
conversion rules for instance) is encouraged.

Article 3 PCs will level up at a number of experience points

appropriate to the system of the last adventure they played in before
such time as they were eligible to level up in that system.

Jeez that's hard to understand. What we're saying is: if you gain 200 xp
so as to total 1100 xp by the end of an adventure and that adventure
was run in a system where you level up at 1000 xp, then you level up,
regardless of what system your PC was "born" under or where it's going Best game store in Urbana, IL. Page 2 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

next.A level is a level. While in a world you abide by the conventions

the GM there uses for characters of your class; but likewise, when your
PC gains a level he or she has earned it, even if he or she subsequently
enters a world where a like number of experience points would not
have earned you that same level.

For purposes of clarity, think of and talk about your PC's xp as

follows: "I am 300 xp into 2nd level". Since, for example, a PC
"You should all review Jeff
levelling up in vanilla 3.5 needs 1000 xp to get to level two, a 3.5 PC Rients threefold model to
who has 1200 xp is "200 xp into 2nd level" in ANY system. S/he does even begin understanding my
not "have" 1200 xp in any system but 3.5, s/he's just "200 xp into 2nd superiour insight."
level" in Labyrinth Lord.
--Settembrini, the coolest gamer in
If this creates a situation where a PC would automatically level up Prussia
merely by starting an adventure in a new system (i.e. you're 3000 xp
into 4th level and suddenly start an adventure in a system where you "Jeff war schon immer ein
only need 2000 more xp to get to level 5) the GM may ask you to Idiot."
recalculate your progress as a percent of progress toward the next
level in the old system. --some other German dude

If you want to make shit real easy for everybody, GMs can just look at
the levels of the PCs involved and reward xp in terms of "percent
towards the next level" for those PCs. Like say "congratulations, you Jasoomian Dreams
all earned 30% of the xp you need toward level two or 20% of the exp
you need toward level 3, go do math."

At some point we may come up with a unified xp table, but, like, Jeff
or somebody can do that. 27 minutes ago

Article 4 FLAILSNAILS GMs may run adventures designed for Quickly, Quietly,
specific levels of PCs, just like anybody else. Since waiting around for Carefully
every other FLAILSNAILS-eligible PC to level up as high as your
barbarian did during that week you spent off school when you broke miniatures
your ankle is boring, we have established optional rules for importing
"overlevelled" PCs into lower-level games...
3 hours ago

Each FLAILSNAILS GM is free to establish his or her own Tower of Zenopus

"handicapping" rules for such situations, however these are Super Saturdays:
Comic Book Stuff
theDefault FLAILSNAILS High-Level PC Handicapping Rules
for May
For D&Dish Games...

Roll d100 per level above the accepted maximum your PC is to

3 hours ago
see what disasters befell him or her during the long journey to
the foreign domain wherein their next adventure takes . . lapsus calumni . .
place.These handicaps are temporary--results only Page 3 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

apply during the adventure in question (if you

survive your season of "slumming", you get better): [micromap] VI -
The Big Chamber
(penalties cannot take PC below minimum score for the system
in question or below 4 hp)

1-3 Blinded 3 hours ago

4-6 Deafened
Dave Ex Machina
7-9 Gone mute
This Delicious Week
10-12 Lost an arm
4 hours ago
13-15 Lost a leg
16-18 Gone mad: 25% chance of doing the exact opposite of Star Wars - '77 - '80
intended action (after action is Collector's Blog
declared) each round during times of stress The Marvel
19 Cursed: Slowed Comics
20 Cursed: Laughs continuously and uncontrollably--must Illustrated
make a wisdom check to speak an Version of Star
intelligible sentence Wars
21-23 All equipment lost. 4 hours ago
24 One of your items is now cursed--new DM secretly decides
item and specific curse The Nine and Thirty
25-Sex change. Armor doesn't fit now. Re-roll charisma. Kingdoms
26-28 Disease: halve your hit points NPCs with Talents
29-31 Disfiguring disease--charisma is effectively the 5 hours ago
minimum, no henchmen
What a horrible night to
32-34 Brain damage: lose d6 from charisma, intelligence and
have a curse...
Classes in
35-36 Major brain damage: lose d8 from charisma, intelligence
and wisdom
37-39 Too much light reading during your trip: lose d10
40-42 Culture shock--lose d10 wisdom
43-45 Disease: lose d6 from strength, constitution and dex 5 hours ago
46-48 Major disease: lose d8 from strength, constitution, and Barbaric Frontier
dex Dwarf in 1/72
49-Curse: kleptomania scale wip
50-51 Pregnant or melded to useless siamese twin -2d6 dex
52-PC smells terrible, scent is obvious to any foe at 100 yards
53-55 PC is on a bender and won't sober up until adventure
6 hours ago
56-58 PC has become grotesquely obese: -10 dex, always last
initiative no matter what system is used A character for every
59 Curse: PC can't see weapons, claws, teeth or fire. 50% game
chance s/he doesn't know it Delve of the Month Club?
60 Curse: 17 and 18 are cursed numbers for PC--rolling either 6 hours ago
# is a fumble
61 Mutation: roll on baleful mutation chart of DM's choice Show All

62 Artificially aged: -d10 constitution -d10 dex, -d6 str, -d20 hp

63-65 Fugitive: extremely thorough authorities are following
you everywhere BLOG-O-RAMA 2: ELECTRIC
66 Shrunk to 1' tall BUGALOO
67-69 Hungover: -3 to all rolls
70-72 Type 2 hangover: hearing and vision are only 25% The City of Iron Page 4 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

relaible Vivimancer -- Scent Spells

73-75 Having an Elric phase: can only go 4 rounds without 12 hours ago
needing to smoke/inject/inhale some exotic substance.
You will run out of it after d4 days. Raven Crowking's Nest
Wisdom From
76 Curse: in any round, all attacks will be against our PC until
at least 2 have been successful Doctor Who
77 Curse: if any of your companions fall victim to a spell, you
will, too
78-79 Haven't been eating properly on your trip--lose d12 hp,
d8 con and d6 str 1 day ago
80 Depressed and pining for home. -5 to all saves.
Hors du chaudron de
81 Infected wound. -d6 constitution and -3 to attack rolls
Koscista Noga
82 Roll twice ignoring redundant results
The power of
83-85 Limping. -5 dex, movement is 1/3 normal, blows doing
more than 2 hp will knock you over unless you're
braced against a wall
86 Paralyzed from the waist down, you have a wheelchair,
87-88 Just tired from all that walking: -d4 to all rolls 2 days ago
89-90 Frostbite on the way-lost 3d4 fingers. Necropraxis
91 Partially possessed by minor demon. Wisdom/will roll in Another Stunt System
times of stress to avoid aiding forces of evil. 2 days ago
92 Just loves it here! PC spends all free time writing a travel
journal or sketching the landscape--cannot rest properly at all. Cross Planes
93-95 Can't speak what they call "common" around here. Pondering D&D Next's Future
96 Can speak it but finds the local dialect intensely grating- 2 days ago
especially the way the locals pronounce the words "go" "if" "to"
don kenn gallery
and "get". Use of those words will cause the PC to attack the
speaker for 1d4 rounds.
97 None of these hicks can understand you through your accent
98-100 Your blood is too thick for this climate. You shiver or
sweat all day--minus 2 to everything.

Article 5 3 days ago

Wampus Country
Overlevel magic spells, spells not native to the new setting, unusual The Marvel
powers (such as psionics) and imported magic items may generally be
used in the new game, however, the new GM is free to determine the
exact details of how such things work. Spiritual conditions and mortal-
deity compacts differ from domain to domain. 3 days ago

Dispatches From
i.e. Use that crazy wand Jeff gave you in my game and it might no Kickassistan
longer work the way you think it does, at least until you get home. Faith In Ur-Hadad
3 days ago

If such powers, abilities, or items are forbidden altogether by the GM The Wisdom Frog Croaks
s/he will make an honest effort to warn the player first. Neither GM nor High Speed Car
player shall be a dick about this.

Article 6 Page 5 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

3 days ago
The ontological status, authenticity, and rationale behind allegedly The Aspiring Lich
'unique' items imported to settings where identical items already exist Turning Undead: 2d6 vs. 1d12
shall be determined by whoever's GMing during the time wherein the 3 days ago

paradox appears. Show All

i.e. If you go on an adventure to find the Wand of Orcus with Calithena

GMing and show up at the pub holding the Wand of Orcus (because ORDER OF THE D30

you got it in an adventure with Ian) then it's up to Calithena to explain

this shit and he can make up any crazy thing he wants.

Article 7

When you post a new Costantcon game, say whether you are down with
imported PCs or not.

Article 8

There are no in-game "hoops" to jump through in order to move a PC

from one game to another--i.e. you don't have to have your PC sail in-
game over the North Sea to get from my Vornheim campaign to Jeff's
Wessex campaign. ABOUT ME

However it is acceptable (and maybe fun) for GMs to create mini-
I own weird dice.
"crossovers" in order to do fun, gimmicky things between campaigns.
Like Jeff could say "first 3 PCs to kill the a sea dragon in Vornheim get V I EW M Y C OM PL ETE

to be in my Wessex game on Thursday". PROFI L E

Article 9

Players have the right to construct their own PCs "timeline" to justify 20 quick questions for your
how s/he ended up in place A on monday and place B on thursday. campaign
However: a campaign concept inspired by a
-Once a FLAILSNAILS PC dies, you can't use that PC again in real- Another Tale from the Dorkside
time, no matter when in the "timeline" the PC died and... David Deitrick Mini-Shrine
don't mourn the death, celebrate
-If you gain items or level up over the ceiling for a given adventure in the life
the middle of that adventure by doing a "side quest" somewhere else,
Five Overlooked RPGs
it's the GM's discretion as to whether you now have the items or are
How to Awesome Up your Players
considered "levelled up" during subsequent parts of that adventure.
I got your threefold model right
here,buddy! Page 6 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

Like: if I am level 5 and do part one of Evillossia Dungeon (adventure Let me tell you about my favorite
for levels 3-5) with DM Biff and we leave off with me alive in a pit, then band
the next day I go play with the same PC in DM Jed's campaign and kill Let's talk about Encounter Critical
an owlbear mastermind and level up to 6--(so high I'm no longer in the Listen Up You Primitive
suggested "range" for Evillossia Dungeon), and then I pick up the next Screwheads! (a rant)
day in the pit in Evillossia, it's up to DM Biff whether I immediately More Apocryphal Gaming
level up to 6 for purposes of this adventure in Evilossia or whether I My Tale from the Dorkside
have to wait until that adventure ends.
On System
The Incomplete Pictorial History of
Article 10
the Bulette
The Wraeththu Report
All this stuff, plus a calendar of FLAILSNAILS games on Google + and
pages for individual FLAILSNAILS-friendly campaigns and PCs will all
be on a webpage at some point. Or so we claim. Hey, Calithena's
working on it. He's a busy guy.
► 2013 (9)

Players will get xp rewards for pitching in with administrative bullshit ► 2012 (209)
on that site if and when we get it going. ▼ 2011 (378)
► December (29)
Article 11
► November (22)

To speed things up, individual GMs might wanna post a blog specifying ► October (29)
exactly what their conversion and/or overlevel handicapping policies ► September (40)
are that they can put up whenever they're running a FLAILSNAILS G+ ▼ August (47)
random non-magical scrolls
Mr. T tames a ferocious beast

We, therefore, the representatives of the Old School Ruckus, in General my favorite Elmore
Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Referee of the world cheesecake
for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the a pic and a link
authority of the good people of these campaigns, solemnly publish and answering my own dang
declare, that these united domains are free and independent states, questions, part 2
they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances,
Caves of Myrrdin visual aid
establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which
independent gameworlds may of right do. And for the support of this canonical BX to-do list:
declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine
Providence, we mutually pledge to FLAILSNAILS our dungeons, our an Encounter Critical treasure
spare time, and our sacred honor. chart (d20)
"Why on earth are you
Signed: starting at 4:30 in the
morn... Page 7 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

Representing Vornheim: Zak S answering my own dang

Representing Wessex: Jeff Rients questions, part 1
Representing Ilthar: Calithena Caves of Myrddin chargen
Other signatories here. Into the Caves of Myrddin

Sign yourself up there or here. please watch your language,

Mr. T
an old joke in the mighty
POSTED BY JEFF RI EN TS AT 5 : 4 2 AM Marvel manner
cumulative XP (Article 3)
fear itself
the mysterious mercenaries of
27 comments Sark
a Moldvay oddity
draft Wessex
Add a comment as Mak H henchmen/hireling rules
Erol Otus Shrine move
treasure: what's the deal?
I'm sure it's the same guy...
Top comments
reaching the end of the world

Harald Wagener via Google+ 1 year ago (edited) - Limited (locked) Gygax arms sighting
FLAILSNAILS game (imported characters welcome) today at 10pm GMT+1 runningBX to-do list:
James Raggi's Hammers of the Gods
this amused me (NSFW?)

“Treasure map!” “Dwarf related.” Dungeons & Dames

old figure art from Dark
The young priest Ratpo Soni found this old map, obviously of Dwarven Manufacture,
Horse Miniatures
pointing to that unremarkable mountain range where no known Dwarven settlement
has ever been. He offers every member of the exploration trek a full share75% casualties
of the
secular treasures found. two items from Paul and Paul
easy peasy demihuman clan
more fun with Mr. T coloring
View all 4 replies
book pages

Harald Wagener 1 year ago canonical BX to-do lists:

dinner bell​ Thieves Page 8 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

the GenCon haul

Harald Wagener 1 year ago
because I am an idiot
Looks like this needs to be done another day.​
since the ENnies suck donkey
Joe England via Google+ 1 year ago - Public how to run a crappy old game
at your local store
Very cool gaming idea going to try to incorporate in my Dungeon World game
canonical B/X cleric to-do list
· Reply
a mental journey
Joe England 1 year ago
canonical to-do lists for
The biggest issue will be handling experience in the Dungeon WorldBasic/Expert
system​ magic-users...
a sale that may be of interest

Saint Yossarian 9 months ago - Public Sorry, kid. It's a T-mergency.

that one
So I wanna do this, but I'm totally new to this whole community. :/ I'm running staircase goes DEEP
a Sigil-
ish 3.5-ish game for G+. :D
using google to assess the
So... how do I advertise this thing?
Theodoric and the Serpent
Halfling Stew report

Christian Kolbe 10 months ago - Public ► July (39)

► June (40)
For the Republic of Saedom, I am now signatory to the FLAILSNAILS Conventions.
► May (20)
► April (38)
Matt 1 year ago - Public ► March (32)
Representing the Land of Nod: John M. Stater. ► February (32)
► January (10)
I do play-by-post, so I'm not sure how well it will work, but what the heck - should be
fun. ► 2010 (354)

[I signed in both places, because I can, dammit] ► 2009 (331)

► 2008 (358)
► 2007 (473)

PlanetNiles 1 year ago - Public ► 2006 (416)

Damnit wrong blog >.< ► 2005 (372)
► 2004 (191)

PlanetNiles 1 year ago - Public

I'm a bit late coming to this, as always.
Citizens of the Imperium
I, PlanetNiles, aka Niles Calder, of whatever campaign I end up running, if any, sign Page 9 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

I, PlanetNiles, aka Niles Calder, of whatever campaign I end up running, if any, sign
the FLAILSNAILS conventions.
Encounter Critical
Goblinoid Games
Goodman Games
Louis Clark 1 year ago - Public Lamentations of the Flame
Cool, I think all of my campaigns are already covered by the FlailSnailsPrincess
despite my never having heard of them before.
Original D&D Discussion

pseckler13 1 year ago - Public

When conventions start casting around looking for people to run games, you guys who
just happen to be going anyway, (and possibky running games) could Abulafia
organizedly (as in this post) mention in your advert-blurb that your game will be
following FLAILSNAILS conventions. By the time GenCon rolls around you might even
get a whole bunch of DMs running Flailsnails games (just because a lot of people go to
Age of Fable
GenCon). Pretty soon after that it might become sort of a thing.
Armored Gopher Games
Chess Variants
sycarion 1 year ago - Public Coat of Arms design studio
I also cannot let this pass by. As sycarion, I hereby sign FLAILSNALS.
Cumberland Games
Dave's Mapper
System: Something like Core 2E with benefits. Genres tend to fuzzy, but magic
generally works. Delvers Dungeon
Dizzy Dragon dungeons
Otherwise, ready to play in anyone's game if the time slot is right. Evil DM Productions

Fight On! magazine

Flat Con

Eric 1 year ago - Public GaryCon

Eric Campbell Representing: The Chronicles of Ganth; LL setting Goodman Games
Inkwell Ideas Dungeons
Cameron Wood 1 year ago - Public
John H. Kim's RPG Encyclopedia
I figure I represent the non-GM, non-DM, non-player contingent of the OSR, and I'm
Lost Minis Wiki
delighted to represent, yo. Or, "word." Or, whatever works best for the lawyers.
Old School Renaissance
OSR Links to Wisdom
Pen and Paper
Zak S 1 year ago - Public S. John's Blue Room
@1d30 Starship Combat News
The Stuff of Legends
as for cutting down xp amounts universally or adopting a universal level standard--that
might be nice, but getting every DM to all agree to do the same thing is impossible. Page 10 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

might be nice, but getting every DM to all agree to do the same thingTome
is impossible.
of Treasures
people just aren't that communicative or connected yet.
Web Grognards
Winter War
Plus a nice thing about FLAILSNAILS is you can play in non-FLAILSNAILS games if
Your Games Now
the GM is ok with your imported PC and then return to FLAILSNAILS GMs whenever
you want.

Saying: "Ok, I got this 3rd level paladin so I can play your con game"Man,
but canisyou
theregiveanything Jeff
me my xp in this new system me and my friends on-line made up please"CAN'T is do
a little
when it comes to
gaming? This guy is like a
critical 20 every roll. Jeff can
bite the heads offa five game
geeks, including their sorry-
Zak S 1 year ago - Public
ass DM, and spit 'em into a
@1d30 I say if you level you level. If you go back somewhere and the DM doesn't
large duffel bag wantONE AT A
PCs on that level playing in the game s/he can have his or her own handicapping rules
TIME!...that's just the kind of
or use the ones we provided. For me, having different levels (or different xp amounts)
messed up bastard he is! You
for one character is just confusing. Especilly since there are many players who have no
think yer a gamer, punk?
"home" campaign, they play in 4 places on 4 days and... ya? Jeff will depants
Expand this comment »
your weasel-ass right in front
of your grandma."

--Rondo the Mesmerator

Antion 1 year ago - Public
I'm also a fan of an "XP is XP but level is subjective" approach.
But I'm an even bigger fan of "this idea works well enough and is fullE of
N Aawesome
B L E D B Y so
let's get some gaming on gogogo," so signed.

1d30 1 year ago - Public

Also, I suggest amending to include a legislative intent, if this is what you intended, that
The point is to let a player have fun playing his character, in a new and strange gaming
group and campaign, such that ruin and devastation does not rain down Comments
upon the host.

Dunno if that was what you were going for.

"Hey guys, because you're such good new friends, Vorpal Gunblades for everyone!
Aquarius Records
Don't worry, I have enough to go around."
Something Awful
Homestar Runner
1d30 1 year ago - Public Ballbreaker's Micro-Heros
What about us folks who did things like "XP numbers, award and required amount, are
hereby cut by 1/10th just to keep the numbers smaller"? Page 11 of 13
Jeffs Gameblog: The FLAILSNAILS Conventions 2013-05-11 12:33 PM

hereby cut by 1/10th just to keep the numbers smaller"?

You could simplify the XP article like so:
American Barbarian
If you get enough XP to gain a level in the host game, you gain that Bayeux Rhythms
level, even if you
return to the home game and find that you wouldn't have enough XP. But to level up
Blue Milk Special
again you need to attain that next higher XP total.
Bob the Angry Flower
Boldly Gone
Dinosaur Comics
I have 500 XP, first-level Fighter, 1E D&D. I go to a 3E game, play aDresdan
bit, get 500 XP,
and level up because you need only 1,000 in 3E. Now I'm a F2. I goDumbing
back to the 1E
of Age
D&D game, and am still F2, but to hit F3 I will need to amass a total of 4,000 XP.
Hark! A Vagrant!
This means a character might level up too early, but he won't get any (NSWF)
lasting benefit
from that. Penny Arcade
Questionable Content
Scenes from a Multiverse
SQRT -Garfield
Settembrini 1 year ago - Public
G+, tabletop, whatever.
xkcd campaigns
Then I hereby declare my Megaversal games all be open to FLAILSNAIL
and adventurers.

"Anytime I encounter
difficulty in my life I roll 1d6
Jeff Rients 1 year ago - Public and on 1-2 I blame Jeff
But what about those without the desire for G+? Rients" --1d30

You can still participate. G+, tabletop, whatever. This just happened to grow out of G+

Gateway Quadrant wiki

gdbackus 1 year ago - Public My Old Homepage

Rowdy! Erol Otus Shrine

Goddamm I gotta get my A/V rig back! My Old Gameblog

Interesting stuff - I was thinking about this stuff last night while trying to compose a
short-list of the house rules I like to play with.

I like this - looking forward to the cross-pollination!

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