Annotated Bibliography Graphic Organizer

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Alcantar 1

Ashley Alcantar

Mrs. Killingsworth

Honors Mentorship Program - 7th Period

17 November 2019

Annotated Bibliography Graphic Organizer

Name: ​Ashley Alcantar

Source #____
Bibliography Beggs, C., et al. “Environmental Contamination and Hospital-Acquired
(MLA or APA) Infection: Factors That Are Easily Overlooked.” ​Indoor Air​, vol. 25,
no. 5, Oct. 2015, pp. 462–474. ​EBSCOhost,​ doi:10.1111/ina.12170.

This article seeks to prove that there needs to be a more holistic

Annotation: approach to the investigation of the factors that contribute to
(Describe ALL info. that healthcare-associated infections (HAI). According to the authors of the text,
might be important for the role of environmental contamination in HAI transmission is poorly
your paper. Explain to the understood and researched in favor of focus on hand-transmission of
reader and/or summarize pathogens. Clinicians like to believe that hand hygiene compliance is the
what might be found in primary method for successful infection control, while engineers and
this source) manufacturers tend to believe that gadgets might offer a better solution. The
authors’ first argument about the complexity of the systems involved in HAIs
includes an example of how multiple measures to control HAIs implemented
in European hospitals diminished the presence of patient contamination by
HAIs. The authors point out that aerial dissemination of these infectious
diseases has been largely overlooked, and go on to provide evidence of the
folly of this oversight. They compare the efficiency of American and English
ventilation systems, as well as provide mathematical data to corroborate the
idea that cleaning air ducts is more complex than previously thought.
Additionally, the writers suggest that ward cleanliness needs to have more
guidelines to accommodate for airborne pathogens instead of simply those
associated with hand contact. They conclude that more research is needed to
make an indisputable claim about anything, but maintain that the data will
favor a more holistic approach to environmental factors in HAIs.

● “While this has made the cleaning and disinfection of hospital wards a
Potential Quotes: higher priority, the role that environmental contamination plays in the
transmission of HAI is poorly understood. Indeed, there is little firm
Alcantar 2

(Are there any significant epidemiological evidence to support the widely held and intuitive
quotes you can use or belief that cleaner hospitals result in fewer infections (Dancer, 2008;
paraphrase from this Dancer et al., 2009; Rhame, 1998)” (Beggs et al. 462).
source?) ● “It is therefore difficult to address with confidence, even basic
questions regarding the cleanliness of hospitals. For example, it is not
known which ward surfaces should be cleaned or disinfected, and how
often such cleaning is required in order to minimize HAI rates. Indeed,
it is not known if heavily contaminated surfaces such as hospital
ventilation ducts, (which can accumulate particulate debris to a depth
of several millimeters) pose any threat to the safety of patients.
Consequently, healthcare authorities have great difficulty specifying
meaningful performance criteria for general hospital cleanliness”
(Beggs et al. 463).
● “While there is some evidence that the Cleanyourhands campaign,
initiated in 2004, was responsible for stopping the steady rise of HAIs
(Stone et al., 2012), it was not until a raft of additional infection
control measures were introduced around 2007 that HAI rates began to
fall” (Beggs et al. 464).
● “ Furthermore, because the evidence base is sparse, cleaners’
specifications often focus on the cleaning of the most visible and
widely accepted locations like floors and toilets, rather than cleaning
near-patient hand-touch sites, such as bed rails, bedside lockers, and
infusion pumps, which are more likely to be of clinical importance
(Dancer, 2008). As a result, cleaning of these near-patient surfaces
may all too easily be overlooked” (Beggs et al. 466).

Assessment: This source comes from Galileo, a site otherwise known as Georgia’s Virtual
(Analyze and explain Library. The article itself is a full text, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The
why this source is authors include a list of references with links to each and every single one of
credible) them. Published in 2015, this article is written by authors with affiliations to
universities in England and Australia. Together, these elements more than
contribute to the claim that this article is a credible source.

I will potentially use this article to provide quotes for my project about the
Reflection: importance of environmental factors in disease control within hospitals. This
(How will you potentially relates to the career that I have chosen to focus on for this project, which is
use it?) hospital Environmental Services (EVS). Thanks to my experiences observing
staff perform the responsibilities involved with EVS, I believe it is a good idea
to take the statistics mentioned in this article to corroborate my claim that
Alcantar 3

EVS, and not just the hand hygiene compliance I have been tasked with
observing these past few weeks, are undoubtedly important, as well as areas in
which this career, or something similar, could expand.
Alcantar 4
Part 2 - Summary​ (to be done next week)
● How does the book or article fit into your potential research? What does it add to your paper or ideas?
● Was the source helpful to you? Does the source relate to your potential topic?
● How and where can you use this source in your potential research project?
● Make as many notes as you can so that you can come back to the source much later in the process
without having to reread the document in its entirety.

Answer all the bullet points in a well written paragraph or two below:

I plan to do a research project that addresses the factors that affect the sanitary conditions of hospitals
and the prevalence of infectious disease in these. This article will help me prove that more than hand hygiene
plays a part in the prevention of these illnesses. More being the work of Environmental Services. It gives me an
idea about the numbers associated with the spread of diseases over the course of the past decade. The source
was helpful to me because it does indeed relate to my potential topic. I can use it to provide citations about the
state of infectious diseases in hospitals before holistic approaches were used by hospital staff and after the fact.
This comparison will either prove or disprove my claim that more than just hand hygiene is necessary to keep a
healthy environment in the place where people go to get better. The data is mostly based off of European
hospitals and history, which may limit my generalizations a bit, but I also will not just use this source. Plus, it
will be useful for another point of comparison, perhaps between it and American hospitals. In sum, I am
interested in learning about the environmental factors that contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, and
what preventive measures should be taken to control it. This article will contribute to my idea, which is that
more should be done than just focus on hand hygiene. Things like the employment of EVS, among others.

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