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First solve the barrons quant exercises and remember all the formulaes.

2. THen go for other other books like kaplan, manhattan and princeton.

4. Then do Nova maths bible. The book is awesome and take my words they have very
good questions for quant.

5. After that follow GMAT 440, It is good with analytical level sums.
6. Then solve the whole ETS GRE guide 2 whole.

Last but not the least, give as much tests as possible, as nothing can replace the
live atmosphere of pressure during exams.

Also dont forget to solve 1 AWA argument and issue each day. As AWA is also a major
important factor buddy.

Hope I am clear...All the best..!

Follow this for verbal part if possible,For verbal start with,

1.Norman Lewis words.(total 826 words at the end of the book is compulsory to be on
mouth, if you can do the whole book perfectly then that is much better.)

2.Once Norman Lewis gets finished then go for Princeton hit parade words list and
simultaneously solve Princeton Drills (mind well their are reports that same
questions from Princeton has been reported in actual ETS exam, even i got one :P)

3. After Princeton hit parade and drills, go for kaplan Words and tata mcgraw hill
300 HF words. Also simultaneously solve kaplan material for verbal.

4. Doing till this i think you will come across 1100-1200 words which i think is
satisfactory for GRE but if you still want more then you can go for Barrons at
last. With the words list you should do manhattan exercises.

5. Every day do 1 hour words, 1 drill of RC, TC and SC regularly.

6. Keep the words revising, it is the key to success in verbal section. Another
thing, not mugg up the words understand and apply them.

here it is about GRE

Follow this for verbal part if possible,For verbal start with,

1.Norman Lewis words.(total 826 words at the end of the book is compulsory to
be on mouth, if you can do the whole book perfectly then that is much better.)

2.Once Norman Lewis gets finished then go for Princeton hit parade words list
and simultaneously solve Princeton Drills (mind well their are reports that same
questions from Princeton has been reported in actual ETS exam, even i got one :P)

3. After Princeton hit parade and drills, go for kaplan Words and tata mcgraw
hill 300 HF words. Also simultaneously solve kaplan material for verbal.

4. Doing till this i think you will come across 1100-1200 words which i think
is satisfactory for GRE but if you still want more then you can go for Barrons at
last. With the words list you should do manhattan exercises.
5. Every day do 1 hour words, 1 drill of RC, TC and SC regularly.

6. Keep the words revising, it is the key to success in verbal section. Another
thing, not mugg up the words understand and apply them.

For quant section:

1. First solve the barrons quant exercises and remember all the formulaes.

2. THen go for other other books like kaplan, manhattan and princeton.

4. Then do Nova maths bible. The book is awesome and take my words they have
very good questions for quant.

5. After that follow GMAT 440, It is good with analytical level sums.

6. Then solve the whole ETS GRE guide 2 whole.

Last but not the least, give as much tests as possible, as nothing can replace
the live atmosphere of pressure during exams.

Also dont forget to solve 1 AWA argument and issue each day. As AWA is also a
major important factor buddy.

Hope I am clear...All the best..!

So finally Score 308

(V 152, Q 156, expected AWA 3.5+) i know it s low, expectations were high though..!

SO here goes my GRE experience....!

started my epic journey on 15th June, gave my first attempt, low score dreams were
shattered..i thought i was an end though, but somewhere in me said
"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps
of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet,
the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for
the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach.
Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it
exists, it is real, it is possible, it�s yours."
Took my dates again and started the journey again , believe me i placed only 30%
effort of that i placed in my previous attempt.
Though the efforts were calculated.I knew I was weak somewhere in Quant, so worked
hard among the basics right. Words not necessarily,
though. I loved verbal more then quant (yeah rite..:P) so i did not face too much
problem in words except words from P to S alphabets screwed me up..
Quant:Nova maths Bible, Barrons, R.S Agarwal few chapters, OG 2.

Vocab: Big book, Princeton Drills, Princeton Verbal Workout, Barron's verbal
Workout, Manhattan prep, OG 2.

Words: Rigi Miracle Mnemonics books (I loved this book), Kaplan words, Tata
Mcgrawhill HF, Princeton Hit parade.

On my G-Day:
I had VQVQV sections AWA was good.

GRE exam is all about mind game be prepared to stay calm and composed till the end.
I know i made some mistakes in mu qyant 1st section which resulted in low score.
Expect Quant level higher then ETS 2 powerprep. CBT exam.

Vocab depends on how well you can understand RC and crack the sentences.Process of
elimination may help you to a certain extent,
specifically when you do not know the words.I know i have let myself down, was
expecting much more. But if everything goes as planned then life is not on right

Quant may be little tricky , but stay calm and composed , you will be able to solve
it.. rest assured, so best of luck to all will rock your exams..!

TIP: BE calm that's where the half battle s won, everything is in the Mind people.
NEver expect your score during exams.
Even if during exams think to score maximum correct answers, dont think about how
much out of 170, keep that for ETS..
(Dont know if i will be giving again or not..)
So BEst of luck to all aspirants...!

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