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Gerius Edouard, Shawn Polite-Bledsoe, Audrey Lambert, Anthony Daigle and Linda Harris

GBA 398 - Integrated Perspectives on Business

Dr. Oris Guillaume

Saint Leo University

April 9, 2017

Quantitative Easing Mini Case Analysis


Due to the growing trend of environmentally conscious educated consumer behavioral

patterns as indicated in 2010, I propose that the most financially secure path for the team of

Claire Beaton Brand Manager for CleanSpritz, and for the environment regarding the future

direction of the CleanSpritz launch product would have to be to add the 4:1 refill concentrate in

the dissolvable packet (Dyer59). CleanSpritz should also work in close collaboration with an MJ

Brenner brand team dedicated to working on the logistics of this new promotion of our new

product that will include a return to consumer promotions.


CleanSpritz's financial shortcomings of the past seem to have a high correlation with

failing to meet the standards of the customers. A contributing factor was the economic recession.

This recession resulted in users trying to get more out of each bottle used and lead to the concern

for some chemical ingredients in the product. This ultimately lead customers towards greener

alternatives (Dyer64). CleanSpritz needs to adapt to and fit the mindset of the consumers to

overcome the past losses and stay relevant into long-term. The average customer is evolving or

estimated to want to grow in an environmentally friendly manner, with the looming threat of

global warming and climate change especially in regards to the large degree of personal

accountability within that equation. If the proposed product matches the consumer's ideas, the

users will begin to invest more into our product rather than seek out other product replacements

that are either more environmentally friendly or cheaper.


Returning to a focus on consumer promotions and rewards programs will aid in the

further advertising to and locking in of loyal customers. We allocated the smallest percent of our

budget on consumer promotions, and that may have potentially harmed our relationship with our

clients (Dyer58). The sweepstakes, coupons and rewards systems that came with our consumer

promotions was a great incentive for retaining loyal customers as well as gaining new ones. If we

were to increase the budget on consumer promotions, rather than have it as our smallest budget,

we might very likely strengthen our relationship with our customers as well.

Focusing on a greener product line, like the 4:1 concentrate to refill a thirty-two-oz. spray bottle

with the one hundred percent dissolvable packet, along with the stronger consumer promotion

budget will help make our loyal and potential customers happy with our products and more

likely to keep on coming back for more (Dyer66). The need to be green will only rise in demand,

so getting ahead of it now will not only benefit us from getting ahead of our past losses but be

able to secure a safe spot in the eyes of environmentally conscious consumers.


For five consecutive years (from 2006-2011), CleanSpritz has been declining in sales at a

rate of 7.5% because of long-time loyal customers began choosing environmentally friendlier

brands, while others decided on cheaper ones (Dyer58). Due to this fact, CleanSpritz absolutely

cannot afford to either remain the same or promote a more concentrated form of the same brand.

CleanSpritz must either go the route of becoming cheaper, or go greener if we are to keep up

with the evolving customer demands. Because we are working together with MJ Brenner

associates, it would be best to utilize their skills to benefit our product's success. By using MJ

Brenner's 7% of sales to invest in research and development, we can exceed customer


expectations and competitive offerings. We can promote our green initiative while MJ Brenner

manages the costs of the procedures: utilizing a brand team as well to use the 25% of the annual

revenue on marketing and awareness, to attract new customers (Dyer59). By using MJ Brenner's

team for commercialization, we can then focus on rebuilding the promotion budget to an

appropriate and higher standard, to lock in customers.

With the findings from our CleanSpritz focus groups conducted in 2010, it appears that seventy

percent of consumers, once educated on the topic, were open to trying concentrates to cut down

on packaging for environmental reasons (Dyer64-65). Although consumer interests to date had

not translated into high sales levels on the concentrate, I believe that having the brand team from

MJ Brenner focus on promoting awareness and educating customers in the green initiative as

well as our return to a client rewards program, we will be able to translate those interests into

sales. It should be noted, that regarding the actual green initiative.

Below is a SWOT analysis for CleanSpritz, an all-purpose clean spray.

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Growing environmental 1. No control of the economy.
2. Awareness of global warming. 2. Low consumer promotion budget.
3. Awareness of climate change. 3. Potential false advertisement of
100% dissolvable packet.
4. Dissolvable product. 4. Potential for mishandling during
5. Concentrated product will allow 5. No personal connection with
customers to get more out of each bottle. consumers.

For the above cases (weaknesses), CleanSpritz has control of the issues.

Opportunities Threats
1. Educating consumers on the 1. More environmentally friendly
product. alternatives on the market.

2. Consumer Promotions. 2. Cheaper products on the market.

3. Sweepstakes. 3. Companies with bigger consumer
promotion budgets.
4. Loyalty rewards. 4. Potential financial loss from
mishandling during shipping.
5. Coupons. 5. Not being in control of product
quality and on-time delivery.

Though CleanSpritz does not have control over the above issues (threats), it can control

how it responds to them. Some major brand names such as Febreeze has come under the

spotlight for its false advertising promises and chemical hazards that CleanSpritz would be

unable to survive if it followed in the same footsteps. Febreeze not only fails to remove odor

molecules and clean the item that it encounters, but it also contaminates the area it is sprayed on.

According to Proctor & Gamble (sustainablebabysteps), the Environmental Working Group

found that of the 87% total chemicals that it contains, their creator disclosed only three

compounds. Chemicals found in Febreeze such as 1,3 Dichloro-2-propanol has been linked to

cancer, while Ethyl acetate is related to neurotoxicity (This would quite probably make the email

regarding the reliability in the advertisement of the dissolvable packet not being 100%

biodegradable the biggest potential threat in the grand scheme of things.


I believe that although these new changes may drain some of our immediate budget reserves

(especially after losing sales for five straight years), this strategy will be effective in the long-

term. By focusing both parties of CleanSpritz and MJ Brenner on what they excel at the best, we

can efficiently execute a solid launch of our new product to great success. Changing to

consumer desires will only help us gain customers, so we must be willing to do so.


Gold, A. (2017). Integrated Perspectives in Business. New York City, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Dyer, Linda. Critical Thinking for Business Students. Concord, ON: Captus, 2006. Print.

The. "10 Ways Febreze Threatens Your Health and How to Freshen Your Home Naturally." The

Alternative Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.

"The Dangers of Febreze." Sustainable Baby Steps. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.

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