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Mon, Feb 3 Health (1:05-1:40) (3:05-3:24) Jeylyn Sarmiento 

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Learning Outcome(s)         RELATIONSHIP CHOICES

Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that
demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.

Specific Learning Outcome(s) R-3.1 recognize the effects of sharing positive feelings on self and others; e.g.,
express appreciation to self and others

Learning Objective(s) Students will identify positive words to describe themselves.

Students will participate in positive self-talk through text

Essential Question(s):
 How does sharing positive feelings on self and others affect us?

Students will know… Students will be able to…

 Sharing appreciation positively  Show appreciation for themselves
affects all individuals
 Positive self-talk is important to
show appreciation for ourselves

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Summative Positive self- Formative  Discussion

Assessment talk tree Assessment  Lists

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Tech to Do  Google Slides Resources to Bring Slideshow


Time Content/Description Notes

1:05- 1:15 Agendas
10 minutes - Students will complete their agendas with reminders for the week and
sentences about their day.

1:15-1:20 Why you should appreciate yourself discussion

5 minutes  - Open discussion with why you think it is important to show appreciation to
yourself and others?
- Self- esteem: self- respect, how you feel about yourself
- High self- esteem= feel proud of what you can do, see the good things
about themselves, believe in themselves, accept themselves even when If
they make mistakes dictionari
- Low self- esteem= makes you not feel very good about yourself, don’t es are
think you are as good as others, think more about the times you fail than available,
when you do well, don’t notice the good in things about themselves, are encourage
hard on themselves and give up easily students
- Build self- esteem through self- appreciation. to find
- Have students think to themselves something that they are good at and words
share with a partner beside them if comfortable. If they are having from the
difficulty, have their partner share one about them. dictionary
- Positive and kind words brainstorm examples, have students add them to to add to
the slide and leave projected during individual brainstorm their lists
1:20- 1:35 Assignment Explanation and List Creation
15 minutes  - Explain that we will be creating our own positive self-talk trees (display
picture for reference)
- Today: Contest for who can make the longest list of positive words about
themselves (gets a treat tomorrow)
- To be done individually, but students can work in the hallways or other
- Should be a self-reflective process and independently come up with words
(Starbucks mode)
Lists will be created into trees next week (
1:35- 1:40
5 minutes  Closure
- Students will hand in their lists which will be created into trees next week
- Discuss how this activity made us feel and the benefits from self-
appreciation/ positive self-talk

3:05-3:18 List Creation

13 minutes  - Students will continue to add more words about themselves as they can to
their lists
- Hand out sticky notes to students
- Students will pair up with a partner, read their partners list and on a sticky
note write down additional words that they think should be added to their
partners list/ trees
- Students will hand in their lists and put away their materials

3:18- 3:24 Stack and Pack

7 minutes - Students pack up the classroom (blind up, floors swept, lights off, tables
wiped) and get ready for dismissal
Reflections and Follow Up  

Tues, Feb 4 Health (1:05-1:40) (3:05-3:24) Jeylyn Sarmiento 

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Learning Outcome(s)         RELATIONSHIP CHOICES

Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that
demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.

Specific Learning Outcome(s) R-3.1 recognize the effects of sharing positive feelings on self and others; e.g.,
express appreciation to self and others

Learning Objective(s) Students will identify positive words to describe themselves.

Students will participate in positive self-talk through text

Essential Question(s):
 How does sharing positive feelings on self and others affect us?

Students will know… Students will be able to…

 Sharing appreciation positively  Show appreciation for themselves
affects all individuals
 Positive self-talk is important to
show appreciation for ourselves

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Summative Positive self- Formative  Discussion

Assessment talk tree Assessment  Lists

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Tech to Do  Google Slides Resources to Bring Lists


Time Content/Description Notes

1:05- 1:15 Agendas
10 minutes - Students will complete their agendas with reminders for the week and
sentences about their day.

1:15-1:20 Hand back lists

5 minutes  - Announce winner- the students with the longest list of positive words
about themselves gets a treat/ prize!
- Have students each obtain a Chromebook, log in and go to While students are logging on to chrome books, hand
back their lists from yesterday’s class If
1:20- 1:35 Tree Creation es are
15 minutes  - Once students are logged on, go step by step how to use the website. available,
- Display screen on the smart board and have students follow along. encourage
- Demonstrate: students
- How to add / remove words and change their color and font to find
- How to select the shape of the word cloud (select tree)- do this step all words
together from the
- Once students have finished inserting all their words into the program, dictionary
click visualize to form the tree. to add to
- Sharing- Share Email to (write on board) their lists

- If time, have students print to library from chromebooks
1:35- 1:40 - Look at different trees through email
5 minutes  - What were some words you included in your tree?
- Exit slip- how did this lesson make you feel?

Finish Trees
3:05-3:18 - Print trees to library Finished
13 minutes  - Hand them out and have students cut them out, leaving a bit of white trees will
around words/ image be
- Once cut out, have students glue it on a piece of construction paper and displayed
trim to create a border on
Stack and Pack
3:18- 3:24 - Students pack up the classroom (blind up, floors swept, lights off, tables
7 minutes wiped) and get ready for dismissal

Reflections and Follow Up  

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