Model For Predicting Electromagnetic Wave Distribution in Coupled Enclosures

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Efficient Statistical Model for Predicting Electromagnetic Wave Distribution in

Coupled Enclosures

Shukai Ma,1, ∗ Sendy Phang,2, 3 Zachary Drikas,4 Bisrat Addissie,4 Ronald Hong,4 Valon Blakaj,2 Gabriele
Gradoni,2, 3 Gregor Tanner,2 Thomas M. Antonsen,5, 6 Edward Ott,5, 6 and Steven M. Anlage1, 6
Quantum Materials Center, Department of Physics,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK, NG7 2RD
George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research, University of Nottingham, UK, NG7 2RD
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA
Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA
arXiv:2003.07942v1 [physics.class-ph] 16 Mar 2020

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742-3285, USA
The Random Coupling Model (RCM) has been successfully applied to predicting the statistics of
currents and voltages at ports in complex electromagnetic (EM) enclosures operating in the short
wavelength limit [1–4]. Recent studies have extended the RCM to systems of multi-mode aperture-
coupled enclosures. However, as the size (as measured in wavelengths) of a coupling aperture
grows, the coupling matrix used in the RCM increases as well, and the computation becomes more
complex and time consuming. A simple Power Balance Model (PWB) can provide fast predictions
for the averaged power density of waves inside electrically-large systems for a wide range of cavity
and coupling scenarios. However, the important interference induced fluctuations of the wave field
retained in the RCM are absent in PWB. Here we aim to combine the best aspects of each model
to create a hybrid treatment and study the EM fields in coupled enclosure systems. The proposed
hybrid approach provides both mean and fluctuation information of the EM fields without the
full computational complexity of coupled-cavity RCM. We compare the hybrid model predictions
with experiments on linear cascades of over-moded cavities. We find good agreement over a set of
different loss parameters and for different coupling strengths between cavities. The range of validity
and applicability of the hybrid method are tested and discussed.

I. INTRODUCTION quantities inside chaotic systems with specified geome-

tries [27]. The resolution required for deterministic meth-
The ability to characterize and predict the nature ods, such as the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD)
of short-wavelength Electromagnetic (EM) waves inside or the Finite Element Method (FEM), scale with the in-
inter-connected enclosures is of interest to various sci- verse of the wavelength and thus consume a large amount
entific fields. Applications include EM compatibility of computational resources in the short-wavelength limit
studies for electronic components under high-power mi- (i.e., when typical wavelengths are small compared to the
crowave exposure [5], coupled quantum mechanical sys- linear scale of the enclosure). In addition, minute changes
tems modeled with superconducting microwave billiards of the interior structure of a given system will drastically
[6], cascades of quantum dots [7–10] by way of analogy, alter the solution of the EM field [4, 22]. Statistical meth-
and Smart Homes sensors in furnished indoor environ- ods may thus be more appropriate when studying such
ments. The enclosures in these applications are generally systems. Many such approaches have been proposed, ex-
electrically large with an operating wavelength λ  V 1/3 , amples include the Baum-Liu-Tesche technique [5, 28]
where V is the volume of the system. The interior geom- which analyzes a complex system by studying the travel-
etry of these enclosures is often complex including wall ing waves between its sub-volumes, and the Power Bal-
features and internal objects acting as scatterers and ge- ance Model (PWB) [29–31] which predicts the averaged
ometrical details may not be precisely specified. These power flow in systems. A version of the PWB method
systems are then well-described as ray-chaotic enclosures, estimating also the variance of the fluctuations has been
where the trajectories of rays with slightly different initial presented in [32]. The PWB method is based on the as-
conditions diverge exponentially with increasing number sumption of a uniform field distribution in each cavity
of bounces off the irregular walls and interior objects [11– which is often fulfilled in the weak inter-cavity coupling
13]. This ray-chaotic property has inspired research in and low damping limit. Extensions of the PWB method
diverse contexts such as acoustic [14–16] and microwave that drop the uniform field assumption are ray tracing
cavities [17–23], the spectral properties of atoms [24] and (RT) methods [33, 34] or the Dynamical Energy Analysis
nuclei [25], quantum dot systems [26]. (DEA) method [35–37] which calculate local ray or en-
Benefiting from the continuing advance in computa- ergy densities. DEA and RT reproduce non-uniformity
tional capabilities, deterministic approaches utilizing nu- in the field distribution. Like PWB, they do not treat
merical techniques are widely applied in simulating EM fluctuations in energy density due to wave interference.

The Random Coupling Model (RCM) [1–4, 20, 38] al- ture. A coupled RCM model still needs to be applied
lows for the calculation of the statistical properties of EM where the number of connecting channels between enclo-
fields described in terms of scattering and impedance ma- sures is small. Such small apertures act as “bottlenecks”
trices that relate wave amplitudes, or voltages and cur- for the wave dynamics and a full RCM treatment is nec-
rents at ports. The RCM is based on Random Matrix essary to characterize the fluctuations correctly, see also
Theory (RMT) originally introduced to describe complex Section V and Appendix C and D. From nested reverber-
nuclei [25]. In contrast to the above mentioned methods, ation chamber modelling, it is known that weak coupling
the RCM is able to describe the full probability distribu- (bottlenecks) introduces statistical independence of the
tion functions (PDFs) for voltages and currents at ports. two cavity environments [48] in the sense that the cou-
The model requires minimal information about the sys- pled problem can be described in terms of a random mul-
tem considered: the volume of the enclosure, the proper- tiplicative process leading to products of random fields.
ties of the ports (including inter-cavity apertures), and a This leads to strong deviations from a Gaussian random
single-cavity loss parameter α (to be defined) [2, 3, 39– field hypothesis as discussed in more detail in Section
44]. V and Appendix C. One may further reduce the com-
The RCM has been successfully applied to systems of putational cost of the hybrid model using a simplified
coupled cavities with varying losses, cavity dimensions, treatment as proposed in Appendix E. This simplified
and in the presence of nonlinear elements [45, 46]. The version of the hybrid model does not require additional
computational complexity of the RCM grows, however, knowledge of the frequency-dependent aperture admit-
with the addition of large apertures connecting together tance, which is usually obtained through full-wave simu-
multiple enclosures. In the RCM an aperture is treated lations.
as a set of M correlated ports, the number of which We test the hybrid model using cavity-cascade systems,
scales with the area of the aperture as measured in wave- that is, linear arrays of coupled complex systems. RCM
lengths squared. A cavity with M ports is described by based studies for a linear multi-cavity array with a sin-
an (M × M ) matrix [1, 3, 44, 47]. When large aper- gle coupling channel and multiple channels were treated
tures are present, connecting multiple cavities, the RCM in [5, 20, 47]. In the following, we introduce the exper-
model can become cumbersome. First there is the need imental set-up of the cavity cascade system in Section
to calculate the matrix elements for each aperture that II. The formulation of the PWB-RCM hybrid model is
describe the passage of waves through an aperture ra- presented in Section III. In Section IV, we compare our
diating into free space. Second these matrices mush be model simulations with experimental results. The limits
combined with random matrices that give the statistical of the hybrid model are studied in Section V with conclu-
fluctuations. Third, the RCM is a Monte-Carlo method sions presented in Section VI. We refer technical details
in which the matrices simulating the cavities are con- to the Appendices A-E. These contain an in-depth anal-
structed for each realization, and many realizations may ysis of the limitations of the hybrid model depending on
be required to get accurate statistical results. Finally, the number of coupling channels in Appendix C, and ex-
the matrices must be connected together which involves tension of the hybrid model including ”bottelnecks” in
inverting the sub-matrices representing the sub-volumes Appendix D and a simplified version of the original hy-
inside a complex system for each realization [44]. There is brid model in Appendix E.
thus a need to develop a simple statistical method that
applies in cases where the apertures are larger than a
wavelength, but small enough so that the two enclosures II. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP
connected by the aperture can be considered as two sep-
arate volumes. We study the transmission and reflection of EM waves
Here, we introduce a hybrid approach that combines in chaotic multi-cavity systems. A series of individual
the PWB and RCM to generate statistical predictions of cavities is connected into a linear cascade chain through
the EM field for multi-cavity systems without the com- circular shaped apertures as shown schematically in Fig.
putational complexity of a full RCM treatment. The hy- 1. Each cavity is of the same size and shape, but contains
brid approach is valid in cases, where the coupling be- a mode-stirrer that makes the wave scattering properties
tween adjacent cavities is carried by many channels due of each cavity uniquely different [49]. The total num-
to, for example, large apertures as described above. Us- ber of connected cavities is varied from 1 to 3. Short-
ing the hybrid method, we apply the PWB method for wavelength EM waves from 3.95 to 5.85 GHz are injected
computing the average EM field intensities in each cav- into cavities of dimension 0.762×0.762×1.778m3 through
ity and use RCM to predict the fluctuations in the cavity WR187 single-mode waveguides, shown as T(R)X in Fig.
of interest only. The modeling of multiple channels be- 1. The loss factor of the system is tuned by placing
tween adjacent cavities is thus reduced to computing a RF absorber cones inside each cavity. The cavities are
scalar coupling coefficient in the PWB model, often given large compared with typical wavelengths of the EM field
through simple expressions involving the area of the aper- (with λ = 7.49cm - 5.12cm and there are ∼ 104 modes

determined by the following conditions: (i) the loss rate

and mode density should be relatively uniform over the
range of frequencies considered and (ii) the number of
overlapping modes should be much less than the num-
ber of modes used in the RMT construction of the RCM
normalized impedance matrix (see Section III).
The magnitude of the induced voltage at a load at-
tached to the last cavity in the chain, |UL |, can be cal-
culated from the measured impedance matrix Z of the
cavity cascade system [4]. In the experiment, the load
is the RX receiver in the VNA (ZL = 1/YL = 50Ω).
Our objective is to use the hybrid PWB-RCM model to
describe the statistics of the load voltage |UL | using a
minimum amount of information about the cavities and
minimal computational resources.
FIG. 1. A schematic view of the experimental set-up. We
measure the 2 × 2 S-matrix of a cavity cascade system with
a VNA between single-mode ports labeled TX and RX. The III. THE HYBRID MODEL
cavities are connected through multi-mode circular apertures
from 1 → 2 → 3. Rotatable mode stirrers are employed in
each cavity to generate different system configurations. The III.A Model Formulation
1- and 2-cavity system measurement are conducted by block-
ing the apertures and moving the location of the RX port to The PWB method [29–31] can be used to determine
cavity 1 and 2, respectively. mean values of EM power flow and energy in systems
of coupled cavities. For a multi-enclosure problem, the
PWB method solves for the mean power density Si in
in the frequency range in operation) simulating realis- each enclosure (i is the cavity index) by balancing the
tic examples of wave chaotic enclosures. The diameter powers entering and leaving each cavity. These power
of the aperture is 0.26m which requires on the order of transfer rates are characterized in terms of area cross-
∼ 100 modes to represent the fields in the aperture at sections (σ), such that the power transferred is σSi . Var-
the operating frequency. The thickness of the aperture ious loss channels, such as aperture/port leakage, cavity
is about 0.04 times the operating wavelength. We mea- wall absorption and lossy objects inside the enclosure
sure the 2 × 2 scattering(S)-matrices of the entire cavity are characterised through the corresponding cross sec-
cascade system between ports TX and RX with a Vec- tions σo , σw and σobj , respectively [31]. Constant power
tor Network Analyzer (VNA) from which we deduce the is injected into the coupled systems through sources in
2 × 2 impedance(Z)-matrix. The S and Z matrices are some or all of the enclosures. The method solves for a
connected through the bilinear transformation, steady state solution when the inputs and losses are made
equal for each individual cavity in the system reaching a
S = Z 01/2 (Z + Z 0 )−1 (Z − Z 0 )Z −1/2
, power balanced state. The PWB method does not con-
tain phase information of the EM fields and thus does not
where Z 0 is a diagonal matrix whose elements correspond describe fluctuations due to interference. This can lead
to the characteristic impedances of the waveguide chan- to an incomplete prediction of enclosure power flow in
nels leading to the ports. Independent mode stirrers are the case of small apertures as discussed in Section III.B,
employed inside each cavity to create a large ensemble Section V.B and Appendix C.
of statistically distinct realizations of the system [50–53]. The RCM is an alternative approach that produces an
All mode stirrers are rotated simultaneously to ensure a ensemble of impedance matrices for each cavity in the
low correlation between each measurement. A total num- system. These matrices relate the voltages and currents
ber of 200 distinct realizations of the cavity cascade are at the ports of a cavity. When cavities are connected the
created. voltages at the connecting ports are made equal and the
In the RCM, the “lossyness” of a single cavity is char- connecting currents sum to zero. The input port on the
acterized by the loss parameter α defined as the ratio of first cavity is excited with the known signal. This leads
the 3-dB bandwidth of a mode resonance to the mean to a linear system of equations that can be solved for all
frequency spacing between the modes [22, 42]. The loss the voltages and currents [44]. This system is resolved for
parameter α has values larger than zero (with α = 0 each realization of the cavity impedance matrices. One
corresponds to no loss), where α corresponds roughly to starts by constructing the average impedance matrix for
the number of overlapping modes at a given frequency. each cavity, Zavg [40]. Here, the average impedance ma-
For the RCM to be valid, there is an upper limit on α trix can be thought of in two ways. First it can be consid-

where the sum over n represents a sum over the modes in-
side the cavity. The vector wn , whose number of elements
equals the number of ports, consists of independent, zero
mean, unit variance random Gaussian variables which
represent the coupling between each port and the nth
cavity mode. This random choice of mode-port coupling
originates from the so-called Berry hypothesis, where the
cavity modes can be modeled as a superposition of ran-
domly distributed plane waves [54]. The quantities k0
FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of the hybrid model applied and kn are wavenumbers corresponding to the operat-
to a 3-cavity cascade. In the hybrid model, we use the PWB ing frequency ω0 = k0 c and the resonant frequencies of
method to characterize the power flow from the first cavity the cavity modes, ωn = kn c. Rather than use the true
to the next to last cavity. The fluctuations in the final cavity resonant frequency of the cavity, a representative set of
are described using the RCM method using the mean power frequencies is generated from a set of eigenvalues of a ran-
flow values obtained from PWB as an input. dom matrix selected from the relevant Random Matrix
Theory ensemble [1, 18, 55, 56]. These RMT eigenvalues
are appropriately normalized to give the correct spec-
ered as a window average of the exact fluctuating cavity tral density via the parameter ∆kn2 . The loss parameter
matrix over a frequency range, ω2 , centered at frequency α = k 2 /(Q ∆kn2 ) where k is the wave vector of interest
ω1 . In the case in which the windowing function is Loren- and Q is the quality factor [42]. We note that for complex
zian this average is equivalent to evaluating the exact cav- systems with aperture coupling between cavities, RCM
ity matrix at complex frequency ω1 + i ω2 . This in turn treats apertures as multiple channel ports attached to
is the response matrix for exponentially growing signals each cavity [44, 47]. Each aperture mode is represented
with real frequency ω1 and growth rate ω2 . This leads to as a channel in the port representation of the aperture.
the second way of understanding the average impedance In systems with M connecting channels, the dimension
matrix. It is the early time (ω2 · t < 1) response of the of the above defined cavity impedance matrix becomes
ports of the cavity. Thus, the average impedance matrix M ×M . The matrix multiplications and inversions in the
can be calculated by assuming the walls of the cavity have calculation of RCM multi-cavity formulations [44] thus
been moved far from each port, and each port responds have complexity which grows as O(M 2.4 ) using common
as if there were only outgoing waves from the port. In the algorithms [57]. Thus for large M , the computational
case of aperture as ports, the transverse electric and mag- cost of the RCM scales roughly as N × M 2.4 , where N
netic fields in the aperture opening are expanded in a set represents the number of cavities in the system.
of basis modes with amplitudes that are treated as port Here we propose a hybrid method for multi-cavity
voltages in the case of electric field, and port currents in problems that combines both PWB and RCM as shown
the case of magnetic field. The linear relation between schematically in Fig. 2. In an N −cavity cascade sys-
these amplitudes is calculated for the case of radiation tem with multiple channel connections between adjacent
into free space, and this becomes the average aperture cavities, we utilize the PWB to characterize the mean
admittance/impedance matrix. Each mode in the aper- flow of EM waves from the input port of the first cav-
ture field representation is treated as a separate port in ity to the input aperture of the last (N th ) cavity. The
the cavity matrix. Thus, the dimensions of the matrix RCM method is now applied to the last cavity and the
grows rapidly with the addition of a large aperture [47]. connected load at the single-mode output port of that
cavity. The hybrid method combines the strengths of
Once the average cavity impedance matrix is con-
both methods: the fluctuations of the EM field will be
structed, model realizations of the fluctuating cav-
captured with RCM, the computational cost is greatly
ity impedance matrix are introduced via a normalized
reduced using the PWB method. In the following, we dis-
impedance matrix ξ derived from a random matrix
RCM cuss the hybrid model formulation in detail based on the
ensemble [1–3, 52]. In terms of the normalized impedance 3-cavity system example shown in Fig. 2. We will first
matrix, the fluctuating cavity impedance matrix is writ- introduce the PWB treatment to the first two cavities
ten as in the chain, followed by the modeling of the last cavity
using RCM in subsection III.B, we will then discuss how
Z cav = iIm[Z avg ] + Re[Z avg ]1/2 · ξ · Re[Z avg ]1/2 .
RCM to connect the PWB and RCM models at the aperture
plane between the last two cavities in subsection III.C.
Here, ξ is defined as
RCM With the model formulation introduced, we will look into
the validity of the hybrid model in subsection III.D. A
i X wn wTn step-by-step protocol to apply the PWB-RCM fusion to
ξ =− ,
RCM π n (k02 − kn2 )/∆kn2 + iα generic cavity systems is detailed in Appendix D.

III.B Detailed Cavity Treatments cavity admittance Y cav . With known α, an ensemble of
the normalized admittance ξ can be generated through
PWB characterizes the flow of high-frequency EM random matrix Monte Carlo approaches [4]. Combin-
waves inside a complex inter-connected system based on ing the fluctuating ξ and Y rad , an ensemble of “dressed”
the physical dimensions of the cavities, the cavity quality single cavity admittance matrices for the final cavity can
factors Q, and the coupling cross sections σo as well as be generated. It is later shown in Appendix E that a
the incident power Pin driving the system [29, 31]. PWB substantial reduction of the hybrid model computational
then calculates the power densities of each individual cav- cost is made possible using an aperture-admittance-free
ity in steady state. For the 3-cavity cascade system in treatment, at the price of reduced accuracy for longer
Fig. 2, the PWB equations are cascade chains.
    
σw1 + σo1 + σo2 −σo2 0 S1 Pin
 −σo2 σw2 + σo2 + σo3 −σo3  S2  =  0 
III.C The Hybrid Model
0 −σo3 σw3 + σo3 + σo4 S3 0
where the σwi ’s refer to the wall loss cross section and We next connect the PWB and RCM treatments at
Si is the power density of the ith cavity, σo1 and σo4 are the interface between the second and the third cavity.
the cross section of the input and output ports, while σo2 As discussed in the previous section, the power flow into
and σo3 represent the aperture cross sections, see Fig. 2. the third cavity, P2→3 , is calculated from the 3-cavity
The cross sections can be expressed explicitly from known PWB calculation. Identical system set-ups are utilized
physical dimensions and cavity wall properties [31]. Pin in the PWB and RCM treatments, including the operat-
is the (assumed steady) incident power flow into the first ing frequency range, the dimensions of the cavities, ports
cavity. In this example, we assume that only the first and apertures, and the loss of the cavity (achieved by a
cavity receives EM power from external sources. The simple analytical relationship between the RCM α pa-
balance between the input and loss is achieved by solv- rameter and σw , see Appendix A for more details). To
ing Eq. (1) for the steady state power densities Si . For transfer the scalar power values P2→3 generated by PWB
example, the power balance condition of the first enclo- into an aperture voltage vector required for RCM, we as-
sure is expressed as (σw1 + σo1 + σo2 ) · S1 = Pin + σo2 · S2 . sign random voltages U o3 drawn from a zero mean, unit
The LHS of this equation represent the loss channels of variance Gaussian distribution for the M -mode aperture
the cavity, including the cavity wall loss and the leak- and calculate the random aperture power using
age through the input port and the aperture. The RHS
describes the power fed into the cavity, consisting of the Po3 = Re(U ∗o3 · Y rad · U o3 ).
external incident power and the power flow from the sec- 2
ond cavity. The net power that flows into the last cavity These randomly assigned aperture voltages U o3 are then
in the cascade is expressed as P2→3 = σo3 (S2 − S3 ). normalized by the ratio P2→3 /Po3 to match with the
The last cavity is characterized by the RCM method. value calculated from PWB. Combined with the RCM
With the knowledge of the cavity loss parameter α and generated cavity admittance matrix Y cav , an ensemble
the port coupling details, the full cavity admittance ma- of induced voltage values UL at the load on the last cav-
trix of the last cavity can be expressed as [47] ity is computed utilizing Eq. (A.9) in Ref. [44]. The
   0.5  0.5 power delivered to the load is obtained using
Y cav = i · Im Y rad + Re Y rad · ξ · Re Y rad . 1
PL = Re(UL ∗ · YL · UL ),
The quantity Y rad is a frequency-dependent block-
diagonal matrix whose components are the radiation ad- where YL is the load admittance, taken to be 1/(50Ω)
mittance matrices of all the ports and apertures of that here.
cavity. We assume no direct couplings between apertures
because the direct line-of-sight effect is small in the ex-
perimental set-up. Consider a cavity with two M −mode III.D Limits of the Hybrid Model
aperture connections, the dimension of the corresponding
matrix Y rad is 2M × 2M . The matrix elements are com- The hybrid model is based on the assumption that the
plex functions of frequency in general and can be calcu- fluctuations in a given cavity are independent of the fluc-
lated using numerical simulation tools. We use here the tuations in adjacent cavities and thus of the fluctuations
software package CST Studio to calculate the aperture in the power flowing between cavities (as a function of
radiation admittance (see Ref. [58] and the Appendix frequency, for example). We assess the validity of these
B.2 in Ref. [44]). The RCM normalized impedance ξ assumptions by analysing a multi-channel cascaded cav-
is a detail-independent fluctuating “kernel” of the total ity system in Appendix C. We study in particular the

effect of the total number of effective cavity-cavity cou-

pling channels Mn between the nth and (n + 1)st cavity
on the fluctuation levels of the load-induced power PL
connected to the final cavity. Since PL ∝ |UL |2 , the con-
clusions drawn from the power flow studies can also be
applied to voltage-related results as presented below in
Section IV. Defining the load
power fluctuation levels as

the ratio κ = hPL i / PL2 , where h· · · i represents aver-

aging over an ensemble, we treat κ as a measure char-
acterising the level of fluctuations of the power. Here,
κ ∼ 1 and κ  1 refer to low and high fluctuations of the
power values, respectively. In Appendix C, it is shown
κ∝ (1 + Mn−1 ), (2)

where the product is over all the cavities in the cascade.

If cavities n = 1 to n = N − 1 have strong multi-channel
connections due to, for example, large apertures with FIG. 3. The PDFs of load induced voltage |UL | of 2- and
Mn  1 propagating modes at the operating frequency, 3-cavity experiments (solid) and hybrid model calculations
(dashed). The single cavity loss parameter is varied from 9.7,
then Mn−1 → 0 and the contributions to (2) not including
QN −1 7.5, 5.7 and 1.7 from (a-d), respectively. The inset in (b)
the coupling to the load, that is, n=1 (1 + Mn−1 ) → 1; shows the 2- and 3-cavity experiment averaged induced volt-
this holds for the experiments described in Section IV age values h|UL |i with respect to different loss parameters α.
with Mn ≈ 100 at the frequencies considered. The quan- Multi-mode (∼ 100 modes) circular apertures are employed
tity Mn is small when a single-mode waveguide connects between the cavities.
the last cavity (N ) to the load (the experiment in Section
IV). At the last cavity (N ) there is a single mode output
port, Mn = 1 and the 1 + Mn−1 = 2 which induces higher 3. An ensemble of induced load voltages for the multi-
fluctuations at the load compared to the case where all cavity system is created by moving the mode stirrers in
apertures are large. Similar small Mn situations appear all cavities between each measurement. The losses in the
when a “bottleneck” is introduces between cavities (the single cavities is altered by inserting equal amounts of RF
experiments in Section V.B). It is therefore sensible to absorbers in each cavity. In addition, the hybrid PWB-
adopt RCM for just the last cavity to capture the power RCM method is used to calculate |UL | and the resulting
fluctuations at the load, while it is sufficient to include distributions are shown as dotted lines in Fig. 3. Good
the influence of the intervening cavities with PWB only agreement between the measured and model generated
giving the required information about the mean power results are observed over a range of different total cav-
flow. This case is discussed in Section IV. In Section V, ity numbers and single cavity loss values. Under varying
we will also consider the effect of having small aperture cavity loss conditions, the probability density function
connections – referred to as “bottlenecks” – at interme- (PDF) of the induced load voltage |UL | of the 3-cavity
diate locations in the cavity cascade where we see devia- system has a lower mean value and smaller fluctuations
tions of the hybrid model from a full multi-cavity RCM compared to the 2-cavity system results. Going from
treatment. two to three cavities will decrease the energy density in
the last cavity and thus the power delivered to the load.
This difference between the 2- and 3-cavity |UL | becomes
IV. COMPARISON OF HYBRID MODEL WITH smaller when the single cavity loss decrease as can be
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION seen following Fig. 3 (a) to Fig. 3 (d), see also the inset
in Fig. 3 (b).
We now conduct the PWB-RCM hybrid analysis for The induced load voltage PDFs of the multi-cavity
the multi-cavity experiment and compare with measure- system can be generated solely with the RCM formu-
ments. We consider 2- and 3-cavity cascades with large lation [44]. A comparison between the |UL | PDFs gener-
(on the scale of the wavelength) apertures between the ated with full RCM method, the hybrid method, and the
cavities and single-mode connections to the load in the experiments are shown in Fig. 4. Both theoretical ap-
last cavity. The induced voltages at the load |UL | are proaches are able to generate statistical ensembles which
calculated based on the methods shown in Refs. [4, 59], agree well with the experimental results. We find that the
the experimental results are shown as solid lines in Fig. RCM results (dashed lines) slightly outperform the hy-

FIG. 5. (a) The load induced voltage |UL | statistics P (|UL |)

of the 2-cavity experiment and models in the high loss limit
(α ∼ 25). The cavities are connected with a circular shaped
aperture which supports ∼ 100 modes at 110GHz. The inset
shows the experimental set-up schematically. (b) 3-cavity ex-
perimental and model generated load induced voltage statis-
tics. The cavities (α ∼ 9.1) are connected by rectangular
shaped apertures with just 5 propagating modes. The inset
is the schematic of the experimental set-up.
FIG. 4. Comparison of induced load voltage statistics for the
hybrid model (dotted), RCM predictions (dashed) and exper-
imental results (solid) for the case of 2 and 3 cavity cascades
with single-cavity loss parameter α = 9.7, and circular multi- V.A High and Inhomogeneous Cavity Losses
mode apertures between the cavities. The frequency range is
from 3.95 to 5.85 GHz.
The proposed hybrid method is not expected to gener-
ate accurate predictions for extreme high and inhomoge-
neous lossy systems [59]. Both PWB and RCM models
brid method (dotted lines) for the two-cavity case. How- require uniform power distribution inside the studied sys-
ever, the computation time and storage cost of the full tem. Such a presumption no longer holds when the loss of
RCM method is N times larger than the hybrid method, the cavity wall becomes so high such that the energy dis-
where N refers to the total number of connected cavities tribution near the system boundaries and from the input
in the cascade. to the output aperture drop considerably. In this case,
PWB needs to be replaced with other methods such as
ray tracing [34] or the DEA analysis [37] or, in the case of
multiple scatterers in each cavity, using an approximate
flow solver based on a 3D diffusion model [60]; all these
methods have a larger computational overhead compared
to PWB. Strong damping also violates the random plane
wave hypothesis crucial to the RCM [54, 59, 61]. We
experimentally examine the applicability of the hybrid
As already discussed in Section III B, we expect that model in the extremely high loss limit. A 2-cavity cas-
the hybrid model will break down in the limit where ei- cade system is designed where electrically-large (many
ther the RCM and/or PWB methods are no longer valid. wavelength in size) ARC RF absorber panels are placed
We consider two generic types of limitations, namely sys- on a wall inside each cavity. The detailed experimental
tems with high loss and systems having “bottlenecks” in set-up of the extreme high-loss cases can be found in Ap-
the middle of the cavity cascade. These two conditions pendix B. The inclusion of absorber walls creates effec-
are experimentally studied using a ×20 scaled down ver- tively “open-wall” high loss cavities (α ∼ 25 for a single
sion of the cavity system [22, 44]. The dimension of the cavity) [59]. The measured and the model-generated load
single miniature cavity is 0.038 × 0.038 × 0.089m3 . EM induced voltage statistics are shown in Fig. 5 (a) for this
waves from 75-110GHz are fed into the cavity (∼ 104 case. Neither the hybrid model nor the full RCM model
modes at and below the operating frequency range) is expected to work in this high and inhomogenous loss
through single-mode WR10 waveguides from Virginia limit. As seen in Fig. 5 (a), both models show strong
Diodes VNA Extenders and the S-parameters are mea- disagreement with the measured data. These inhomo-
sured by a VNA. We have previously demonstrated that geneities in each cavity are well captured using either
identical statistical electromagnetic properties are found ray-tracing or DEA methods as demonstrated in [62].
in this and the full-scale configuration described in Sec- The hybrid model can be applied to the lower loss sys-
tion II [44]. tems (α ∼ 1) as demonstrated in Section IV. We point

out, however, that the stronger impedance fluctuations of to generate statistical mean and fluctuations of the EM
low-loss systems poses greater challenges for the acquisi- fields for systems with moderate cavity losses and large
tion of good statistical ensemble data for both numerical inter-cavity couplings strengths. Expanding the hybrid
and experimental methods [63, 64]. model to systems with more complex topology and ex-
ploring new types of hybrid models by combining RCM
with other statistical or deterministic methods has been
V.B Weak Inter-Cavity Coupling considered in [65].

Another assumption of the hybrid model is that inter-

mediate cavities have multiple connecting channels, see VI. CONCLUSION
Section III B. We expect that the hybrid model as in-
troduced in Section III A fails when some or all of the
In this manuscript, we propose a PWB-RCM hybrid
apertures are small, effectively acting as “bottlenecks”.
model for the statistical analysis of EM-fields in complex,
The transmission rates then become strongly frequency
coupled cavity systems based on minimal information of
dependent thus adding to the overall fluctuations in the
the system. The method is tested and found to be in good
system and deviating strongly from the aperture cross
agreement with cavity cascade experiments under various
sections assumed for the PWB in Section III.B. In the
conditions, such as varying single cavity loss and the to-
experiments, we create a “bottleneck” carrying only 5
tal number of connected cavities. The limitations of the
channels between the intermediate cavities of the chain
hybrid model are also discussed and demonstrated exper-
and study how this brings out the limitations of the hy-
imentally. The hybrid model is computationally low-cost
brid model. As discussed in Section III.D and Appendix
and able to describe the statistical fluctuations of the EM
C, the fluctuations of the wave flow are then correlated as
fields under appropriate conditions. We believe that the
the energy propagates through the cavity cascade chain;
hybrid method may find broad applications in the analy-
these increased fluctuations of the input power at the last
sis of coupled electrically large systems with sophisticated
cavity are not captured in a PWB treatment. It is impor-
connection scenarios.
tant to point out that the fluctuations of input current
We thank B. Xiao who designed the scaled cavity sys-
at a cavity beyond a bottleneck can no longer be consid-
tems and M. Zhou for the help in conducting numeri-
ered Gaussian. The latter aspect is known from cavity
cal computer simulations. We are thankful for R. Gun-
systems studied in electromagnetic compatibility, see for
narsson’s warmhearted help with computer simulation
example the deviation of the received power in a weakly
techniques. This work was supported by the Office of
coupled nested reverberation chamber [48]. In Appendix
Naval Research under ONR Grant No. N000141512134,
C, arguments are developed to quantify these deviations
ONR Grant No. N000141912481, ONR DURIP Grant
for cavity cascade systems.
N000141410772 and ONR Grant No. N62909-16-1-2115
We construct a 3-cavity experiment to test this ef-
as well as by the the Air Force Office of Scientific Re-
fect; for more details about the experiment, see Appendix
search AFOSR COE Grant FA9550-15-1-0171.
B. The cavities are connected through small rectangular
shaped apertures which allow only 5 propagating modes
as opposed to 100 modes utilized in experiments dis-
cussed earlier; we have α = 9.1 for all cavities. In this Appendix A: Relating Cavity Internal Loss
few-coupling-channel system, the cavities in the cascade Parameters in RCM and PWB
have a substantial contribution to the overall fluctuations
of neighbouring cavities and thus the induced load volt- The parameters used to model the cavity loss in the
age/power values. As shown in Fig. 5 (b), the hybrid RCM (α) and PWB (σw ) are different. We propose a sim-
model fails to correctly reproduce the statistics of the ple analytical relationship between these internal loss pa-
measured |UL |, while the full RCM cavity cascade for- rameters, namely α = γ ·σw . In the RCM, the single cav-
mulation retains the ability to correctly characterize the ity loss parameter α can be written as α = k 3 V /(2π 2 Q)
statistics of the system. for three-dimensional enclosures, where V , Q and k are
To summarize the section, we study the applicability the cavity volume, closed cavity quality factor and the
of the PWB-RCM hybrid model to cases where it is ex- operating wavenumber [22, 42]. In the PWB, the wall
pected to fail. It is found that enclosures with large and loss cross-section σw is defined as σw = Pw /S where Pw
inhomogeneous losses violate the conditions for the hy- is the steady state power loss caused by wall absorption,
brid method. The case of intermediate “bottlenecks” and S represents the unidirectional power density at any
can be handled with RCM, but not the hybrid model point inside the cavity. To arrive at an analytical expres-
as formulated. A generalization of the PWB-RCM hy- sion for S, we first write the Poynting vector Sp which
brid that can handle arbitrary “bottlenecks” is outlined flows uniformly in all directions as Sp = cW/(4π · V ),
in Appendix D. The proposed hybrid model is expected where W is the stored energy inside the cavity volume

up. The aperture radiated power Paper is calculated with

both treatments at 5GHz under various cavity loss val-
ues. The aperture is set to be a circular shaped aperture
which allows ∼ 75 propagating modes at 5GHz. The
results for RCM are shown as red circles in Fig. A.1.
The PWB results are obtained for a series of σw val-
ues and shown as a blue line in Fig. A.1. The factor
γ = 1/(2λ2 ) = 139m−2 is applied for the PWB calcu-
lation to scale the σw value to α on the horizontal axis.
A good agreement of aperture radiated power is found
between the two models. We note that a finite discrep-
ancy is observed in the range α ∈ [0.1, 100]. This slight
difference may be caused by the presence of an aperture
whose dimension is comparable to the operating wave-
length (the resonance regime). In this limit, the PWB
formulas developed for electrically small/large apertures
may require modification.

FIG. A.1. The single-cavity radiated power through the

aperture opening Paper vs the cavity loss calculated with
PWB (γ · σw ) and RCM methods (α). Input power is set
as 1 Watt. Inset: schematic diagram of the single cavity ra- Appendix B: The Experimental Set-up of Hybrid
diation set-up. Model Limitation Studies

As discussed in section III and IV, both the PWB and

V . Thus S can be calculated through the integral RCM methods assume that the wave energy inside the
sub-volumes are homogeneously distributed. We would
Z 2π Z 2 cW not expect the hybrid model to be effective when this as-
S= dφ cosθ Sp sinθ dθ = .
0 0 4V sumption is violated. We experimentally test this limit
of the hybrid method by creating a system with non-
Combined with Q = ωW/Pw (which assumes that wall uniform energy distributions (Fig. A.2 (a)). In the 2-
loss dominates the closed-cavity Q), we have cavity cascade set-up, we first cover one of the cavity
walls with RF absorbing materials to create an effective
Pw ωW 4V 4kV
σw = = · = ‘open-window’ cavity. The results for the load induced
S Q cW Q
voltage statistics in this cavity can be found in Fig. 5 (a).
and finally arrive at α = γ · σw where γ = 1/(2λ2 ). The single cavity loss parameter is α = 25, estimated
by calculating the Q-factor of the S-parameter measure-
We next conduct a sanity check of the α to σw re-
ments [22]. It is shown that neither the hybrid method
lationship by creating a practical scenario. Consider a
nor the RCM method can correctly reproduce the exper-
single lossy cavity with a single input port and a radiat-
imental results for the load induced voltage statistics.
ing aperture. We choose this particular scenario because
it reflects the range of situations where we believe the We also test the case where the apertures are changed
RCM/PWB hybrid model will be relevant and valid. We from a large circular shaped aperture with approximately
calculate the radiated power from the cavity as a function 100 propagating modes into a small rectangular shaped
of the internal loss parameter in each model, for fixed in- aperture with only 5 propagating modes (Fig. A.2 (b)).
put power. In the PWB treatment, a single-mode port As shown in Fig. 5 (b), the hybrid model prediction de-
and an aperture are opened on the cavity with their PWB viates from the experimental results, while the full RCM
cross sections σo1 and σo2 , respectively. Waves are inci- prediction retains the ability to accurately predict the
dent into the cavity through the port and exit the cavity induced-voltage PDF.
through either the aperture or the port into vacuum. In
the RCM treatment of the same system, the port and the
aperture are modelled with their corresponding radiation
impedance (for the port), and radiation admittance (for Appendix C: Multi-channel analysis for the cavity
the aperture). cascade system
For the study shown in Fig. A.1, the dimension of the
single cavity is set to 0.762 × 0.762 × 1.778m3 , which is Within the RCM description, the nth cavity in the cav-
the exact cavity dimension used in the experimental set- ity cascade chain can be modeled by the following equa-


(Z ii
+ Z oo
)−1 Z oi
n n
I i = I in+1 .

We then rewrite this equation as:

ψ n+1 = τ n→n+1 ξ ψ n with

τ n→n+1 = (Rn+1 ) (Z ii
i 1/2
+ Z oo
)−1 (Ron )1/2 ,
FIG. A.2. (a) The open-wall view of the single cavity under
extreme high-loss conditions. A piece of the RF absorber a transition matrix which describes the coupling from the
material (black rectangular shaped) is attached at one cavity
nth cavity to the (n + 1)st with Ri,o as in (A.4), and the
wall. (b) The schematic picture of how the rectangular shaped n
i 1/2 i
aperture is created. Copper tape with a small rectangular ψ n = (Rn ) I n is a current-like vector that describes
opening (shown in blue) is placed over the original circular the input signal of the cavity n. The power entering the
aperture. The inset shows a picture of the rectangular shaped nth cavity is given by,
1 h † i 1
Pn = Re I in Z ii
I i
n = ψ †n ψ n (A.7)
2 2
We first assume the transition matrix τ to be diagonal.
 i  " ii The input power at the (n + 1)st cavity is written as:
Vn Z n Z io
n I in
o = . (A.3)
Vn oi
Zn Znoo
I on 1 †
Pn+1 = ψ ψ
2 n+1 n+1
The superscripts i and o refer to the input and output 1 †  
side of the nth cavity where we adopt the convention that = τ n→n+1 ξ ψ n τ n→n+1 ξ ψ n (A.8)
2 n n
“input” is on the side closest to the input TX port of the 1 X ∗ ∗ 
cavity chain and “output” is on the side with the RX port = ψn,i ξji |τj | ξjk ψn,k
(see Fig. 1). The voltage vectors V and current vectors i,j,k
I at the input and output sides of a cavity are connected
through the cavity impedance matrix as shown in Eq. The more general cases, where the constraint of τ be-
((A.3)). The Z-matrix of the nth cavity is written as a ing diagonal is lifted, will D be E discussed later in this sec-
1 †
2 × 2 block matrix. Assuming the nth cavity has m1 and tion. With hPn i = 2 ψ n ψ n being the average input

m2 coupling channels at its input and output sides, the power at the nth cavity, and the fact that ξji ξ j 0 i0 =
input vectors (V in , I in ) are m1 ×1, and the output vectors

ξji ξji δii0 δjj 0 , we can further simplify Eq. (A.8) as:
(V on , I on ) are m2 × 1. Correspondingly, the dimension of
the Z-matrix elements are m1 × m1 , m2 × m2 , m1 × m2
2 2 2
hPn+1 i = hPn i · |ξ| · |τj | = hPn i |ξ| Tj
and m2 × m1 for Z ii n
, Z oo
, Z io
and Z oi
, respectively.
j j
For simplicity, we assume the RCM description of the (A.9)
off-diagonal impedance matrices as 2
where Tj = |τj | and the sum on j runs from all
Z oi = (Ron )1/2 ξ (Rin )1/2 , (A.4) transmitting channels. Based on the relationship in
n n Eq. (A.9), we next analyze the fluctuation level of the
delivered to the load (PL ) by studying the ratio
and the matrices Z oo,ii are diagonal. The Ri,o are the 2
n n κ = PL2 / hPL i . To simplify the following expression,
input and output radiation resistance matrices, and ξ ∗ ∗
n Xj = ψn,j ψn,j and Yj = ψn+1,j ψn+1,j are employed in
is the RCM normalized impedance matrix. Since the the following calculations. Equation (A.8) is now rewrit-
output side of the nth cavity is connected to the input P
ten as Yj = Tj i,i0 ψn,i ∗
ψn,i0 ξji∗
ξji0 , and further we have
side of the (n + 1)st cavity, the continuity relationships D EP D E D E2
2 4 2
of voltages and currents between the two cavities are: hYj i = Tj |ξ| i hX i i. Utilizing |ξ| = 2 |ξ|

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
ξji hξji0 ξji0 i = 0 when i 6= i0 ,

and ξji ξji0 ξji ξji0 = ξji
V on = V in+1 , I on = −I in+1 . (A.5) we have:
In the high-loss limit, the output current at the (n + 1)st
 
D E2 X
cavity I on+1 is much smaller than the input current at
X 2
hYj Yj 0 i = |ξ| hXi Xi00 i  Tj Tj 0 + Tj2 
the nth cavity I in . By solving Eqs. (A.3) and (A.5) and jj 0 i,i00 jj 0 j
neglecting terms Z io Io
n+1 n+1
(small compared to the Z ii (A.10)
terms), the relationship between the input currents at the We then introduce a mean power transmission coefficient
nth and (n + 1)st cavity in the high-loss limit is written for the nth cavity T̄n and an effective total number of

channels Mn , defined as:

 2
T̄n = |ξ| Tj , Mn−1 = Tj2 /  Tj  ,
j j j
respectively. Thus we have the power transmitted into FIG. A.3. Schematic of a cavity cascade array with many-
channel connecting apertures between all cavities except that
the (n + 1)st cavity (Eq. (A.9)) written as: between cavity i and cavity i + 1. Note the definition of input
and output powers at each cavity aperture.
hPn+1 i = T̄n hPn i , (A.12)

D E P the average of Yj is hYj i =
And correspondingly
P ∗ 2
Pn+1 = T̄n2 1 + Mn−1 Pn2 .

|ξ| i hXi i.

(A.13) 0 τjj 0 τjj 0 With the updated T̄n =
D j EP
2 ∗
The fluctuation level of the power after N cavities is: |ξ| jj 0 τjj 0 τjj , we sum on j and have

X 2


PL P12 Y Y hYj i = |ξ| τjj 0 τjj 00 hXi i = T̄n hXi i ,

Mn−1 Mn−1
κ= 2 = 2 1+ = 1+ .
hPL i hP1 i j jj 0 i i
n=1 n=1
and the average of the product of Y ’s is
Here we utilized the fact that the power injected into
the first cavity (P1 ) is a fixed scalar in the case of a

hYk Yk0 i = τkj τkj 0 τk∗0 j 00 τk0 j 000 ·
steady input. Since the last cavity is connected to the j,j 0 ,j 00 ,j 000
load with a single-mode port in experiments, we have X
∗ ∗

ξji ξj 0 i0 ξj∗00 i00 ξj 000 i000 .

1 + MN −1
= 2 at the last cavity. The overall fluctuating ψn,i ψn,i0 ψn,i 00 ψn,i000

level of load power is i,i0 ,i00 ,i000

With careful calculation, the double summation of Eq.

2 "N −1 #

κ= 2 =2× 1 + Mn . (A.15) (A.18) over k and k 0 gives:
hPL i n=1
 2
For a system with a large number of connecting channels X D E2 X X
2 ∗
hYk Yk0 i / |ξ| = hXi Xi0 i  τkj τkj  +
(Mn  1) between the neighbouring cavities, such as the
k,k0 ii0 jk
circular aperture connection which allows ∼ 100 propa- #2
gating modes, the factor (1+Mn−1 ) → 1. In this limit, the

mean field methods are sufficient to describe the power hXi Xi0 i τkj τkj 0 .
flow for cavities with strong coupling. On the contrary, ii0 jj 0 k

the hybrid model is not expected to work for system with (A.19)
few coupling channels inside a cavity cascade. The study With the updated T̄n , we reach a similar expression of the
explains the experimental observations that hybrid mod- power flow as in Eq. (A.13) with the new Mn−1 written
els are successfully applied to systems with multi-mode as
apertures connections (Fig. 3), while fail to generate pre- " #2  2
dictions for systems with “bottlenecks” (Fig. 5 (b)). X X X
Mn−1 = τkj∗
τkj 0 /  ∗
τjj 0 τjj 0
 . (A.20)
We also note that the proposed hybrid model assumes jj 0 k jj 0
each input current throughout the chain is Gaussian dis-
tributed while the RCM predicts non-Gaussian statistics Thus the conclusions of the multi-channel analysis can
[20]. In the presence of a “bottleneck” connection, a de- be applied to the more general cases with the refined τ ,
viation from Gaussian statistics of the input current dis- T̄n and Mn−1 .
tribution will be present caused by the fluctuating nature
of the narrow aperture coupling.
We next expand the analysis to the more general cases Appendix D: Applying the Hybrid Model to Generic
where the transition matrix τ is no longer a diagonal Cavity Systems
matrix. With Eqs. (A.8) and (A.10), the expression for
Yj becomes: Here we propose a scheme of applying the hybrid model
X X to more general cases, where there exists several limited-
∗ ∗ ∗ channel connections between the intermediate cavities.
Yj = τjj 0 τjj 00 ψn,i 0 ψn,i00 ξj 0 i0 ξj 00 i00 . (A.16)
j 0 j 00 i0 ,i00 Due to the large power flow fluctuations induced by

these “bottlenecks”, we apply RCM to better character-

ize these connections. A general case is shown in Fig.
A.3. We study the treatment of limited channel connec-
tions between the ith and (i + 1)st cavities in a N-cavity
cascade chain. The treatment involves four steps:
1. Use the PWB N-cavity model to calculate the
input, output power of the ith cavity Pin i
|P W B ,
Pout |P W B , and the input power at the last (N th )
cavity Pin |P W B .
2. For the case of a bottleneck between cavity i and
cavity i + 1 (Fig. A.3), use the calculated Pin |P W B
and RCM treatment to calculate an ensemble of the
output power of the ith cavity Pouti
|RCM .
3. Update the input power at the last cavity by
N i Pin
Pin |RCM = Pout |RCM · i
|P W B .

Note that we therefore obtain an ensemble of the FIG. A.4. The PDFs of load induced voltage |UL | of 2-
input power to the last cavity Pin |RCM . and 3-cavity experiments (solid), hybrid model (dashed), and
the simplified hybrid model (dash-dotted). The single cavity
4. Use RCM to calculate an ensemble of the output loss parameter is varied from 9.7, 7.5, 5.7 and 1.7 from (a-d),
power of the N th cavity Pout
|RCM with the ensem- respectively.
ble of Pin |RCM obtained from (3).
For cases where there exist multiple “bottlenecks” in-
the N th and (N + 1)st cavity (the load). As introduced
side the chain (beyond cavity i), one may repeat the pro-
in the main text, the radiation impedance of the port,
cedure (2)-(4) by actively changing the cavity index N
which is used to calculate τN →N +1 , is obtained from the
to the next cavity connected through a bottleneck.
scattering matrix measurements of the waveguide ports.
Equation (A.21) is further generalized as:
Appendix E: Hybrid Model Simplification
1 1 2
Pload = ψN +1 † ψN +1 = |τN →N +1 | ψ †n ξ †N ξ N ψ n .
2 2
Here we present a simplified treatment of the PWB- (A.22)
RCM hybrid model where the full-wave simulated aper- The ensemble average of Pload is
ture radiation admittance matrix is no longer required.
1 2
We assume that all inter-cavity apertures are large on the hPload i = |τN →N +1 | ψ †n ξ †N ξ N ψ n
scale of a wavelength, ie. the original PWB-RCM treat- 2 (A.23)
1 2
ment is applicable. We also will assume that all cavities = |τN →N +1 | ψ †n ψ n ξ †N ξ N .
are in the high-loss (α > 1) limit. This Yaper -free treat- 2
ment will further decrease the computational cost of the In the above equation, the quantity ψ n is moved out of
hybrid model. We utilize Eqs. (A.6-A.8) from Appendix the ensemble averaging because only ξ N is varying under
C to introduce the new treatment. ensemble average while ψ n and τN →N +1 are not. As
Consider an N-cavity cascade chain, one may treat the 1/2
load connected to the output port of the N th cavity as defined in Appendix C, we write ψ n = Rii N
· I in under
the (N +1)st effective cavity. The induced power is equal the high-loss assumption. Here RiiN
is set as the radiation
to the input power of the (N + 1)st cavity: impedance of the aperture which does not change value
under ensemble averaging. The input current vector I in
1 is also considered to be not changing since the cavity off-
Pload = PN +1 = ψN +1 † ψN +1
2 diagonal impedance element Z io n
(Eq. (A.3)) is small at
1 †  
= τN →N +1 ξ N ψ n τN →N +1 ξ N ψ n high-loss limit, and the input power of the N th cavity is
2 fixed from the prior PWB calculation. Since the input
i 1/2 ii oo −1 o 1/2 power of the N th cavity PN = 12 ψ †N ψ N is given by the
where τN →N +1 = (RN +1 ) (Z N +1 + Z N ) (R N) is
PWB calculation, we may further simplify Eq. (A.23) as
a scalar transition factor due to the fact that a single- 2
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