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The Two Minute Rule

• Take 2-Minutes to explore the job site by walking and

looking around the work area and adjacent
surroundings prior to the start of work to ensure
workers are knowledgeable of conditions.
• Use a 360 degree approach. Look above, below, behind, inside and under
to ensure all at risk scenarios are evaluated.
• Utilize a healthy questioning attitude!
• If conditions aren’t as expected, or something doesn’t seem right, STOP!
• Verify you, and everyone in your crew has the proper PPE for the task.
• Talk amongst your crew about the conditions and any extra precautions.
Everyone in the crew needs to participate!
• Once all hazards have been eliminated, and any additional defenses have
been installed, you can continue with starting your task!
The Two Minute Rule
There is nothing we do or deliver that is so urgent that we would cut corners on safety to achieve
it. Use the Two Minutes Rule!

Think Safety Take 2 minutes before you start a task to

The two minutes rule requires you to simply take a stop and think:
short amount of time before starting a job or task to
look around your immediate work area to become What are the hazards? For example:
aware of any potential hazards or detect at risk
behaviors to prevent accidents and injuries.

Can you do the job/task safely?

• Is there an updated risk assessment/Job Safety Analysis
• PPE is proper for the task, is in good condition and you
know how to use it
• Right tools are in place and you are trained to use them

If NOT, take action!

• Alert other people involved, raise a concern, talk to your
supervisor or your Site EHS representative.
• STOP Work if there is no risk assessment, if the task has
changed and the risk assessment is no longer accurate, or
if you are uncomfortable with any part of the task.

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