Resume Writing & Interview Skills

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Resume Writing

Interview Skills

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Résumé Writing
What is a résumé?

A résumé is a document that contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. Résumé is
typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically
used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment.

- Wikipedia

Résumé is a self – promotional document that a job – seeking candidate sends to the employer, seeking
a job interview

It is a description of one’s

Personality Skills & Experience

Achievements Education

Résumé format for fresher


Address Contact no.


Career objective

Educational qualification

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Technical / other qualification / Certifications


Hobbies / Interests

Personal details


Career objective ( One – three sentences)

Concise & specific to the job. Do not make it



Career objective: To seek position in an organization which will challenge my abilities & help me


Write down you career objective in one to three sentences

To seek position in a professionally managed group which will help me to utilize my

talent and education to the fullest


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Educational qualification Year of passing - School / University – City / state
- Score


Year of passing Course/ Class School / Score


2006 B.A. (Eng. Hons.) Delhi University 78%

List most recent
2003 XII Model School (CBSE) 70% degree first

2001 X Model school (CBSE) 69%


Write about your educational qualification as you should mention in your résumé (starting from the
most recent)

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Technical / other qualification / Certifications Mention any technical qualification, certificate or
diploma that you’ve earned


 Operating system: Windows 2000, 2005

 Certificate in customer handling from AGF institute

 Diploma in Business management from KHB university


Write about your technical or any other qualification that you would like to mention in your résumé


Achievements E.g. Played basketball at state and district level

Topped in business management in college


Mention the achievement (s) which you would like to write in your résumé

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Hobbies / Interests What do you enjoy doing in spare time


Write about your hobbies & interests


Personal details Father’s name, Date of birth, Nationality, Gender,

Marital status, Languages known


Write about your personal details

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Address Contact no.


Career objective ( One – three sentences)

Work experience Date – Company – Job title – Description of duties

& accomplishments

Educational qualification

Technical / other qualification / Certifications


Personal details Father’s name, Date of birth, Nationality, Gender,

Marital status, Languages known


Current job – write in present tense

Previous job – write in past tense

Begin phrases with action words

Work experience E.g. Supervised, Implemented,


Emphasis your experience which

matches job needs

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Write about your work experience (if any). If you haven’t earned any work experience, you
may write of anybody else’s experience


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Sample résumé
Sunil Gupta
BG-8 / 29 D
Paschim Vihar
New Delhi – 110063

Contact – 9989958965
E-mail –
Career objective – To seek position in a professionally managed group which will help me to utilize my
talent and qualification to the fullest.

Educational Qualification –

University / School Year of passing Score

B.A Delhi University 2006 78%

XII Model School (CBSE) 2003 70%

X Model School (CBSE) 2001 76%

Other qualification –
Certificate course in Customer handling from BMN Institute
Computer application – Java, SQL

Achievements –
Played basketball at district & state level

Interests –
Reading books
Playing guitar
Personal details –

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Father’s name – Pawan Gupta
Date of birth – Feb. 8, 1985
Nationality – Indian

Gender – Male

Marital Status – Unmarried

Languages known – Hindi and English.


I hereby declare that the information given above is correct to my knowledge.

Date: ______________
Signature: ______________

Place: ______________


Look at the résumé of Siddhartha Mehta and mention the mistakes in it. Make a new résumé with

Siddhartha Mehta

10/7, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi



Work Experience

TRH softwares Pvt. Ltd.

Feb. 08 – Aug.08

Sales executivee

HGB Pvt. Ltd.

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Sep. 08 – Sep.09

Sales executive


B.A., Daulat Ram college, Delhi University,

X passed in 1998, Model School (CBSE) 78%

XII passed in 2000,Model School (CBSE) 70%

Other qualification

Computer course from Millenium Institute

Personal Details

Hobbies – Listening music, reading books

Languages known – Hindi & Englis

Résumé tips

If you have work experience, then it should reflect in your résumé before
academic qualifications.

Résumé should be neatly presented with single font, font size and line space

Target your résumé for the given position

Check your résumé several times for right spellings & correct use of grammar

Identify accomplishments. If you headed a project, improved productivity,

reduced costs, increased membership, or achieved some other goal, say so.

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Résumé do’s and don’ts

Do’s Don’ts

Mention date of birth, gender, nationality, Personal information shouldn’t include weight
father’s name (unless given in the job specification), caste, race
or belief

Make your résumé of maximum two pages Do not fill many pages with details. Keep the
length down to two pages at the most

Use bulleted – style to make your résumé reader – Leave the text without formatting

Use action – words like organized, implemented, Write sentences using personal noun
initiated etc.


Interview Skills
Make your own résumé and share it with the trainer


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Interview Skills
What are interview skills?

An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the
interviewer (s) from interviewee to obtain information.

- Wikipedia

What do you expect to learn in interview skills training?


What could be the possible reasons for someone not being selected in job interview?


Interview is a two - way street

Employer (s) Decides if the

attempt to Employer Employee environment is
determine if the
right for him /
candidate is an
appropriate fit for her
the job.

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An interview is a two – way street where the employer’s aim is to assess if the candidate one is
interviewing is right for the job and the employee gives interview to decide if the organization and
working environment is appropriate for him/her.

1. What is the purpose of an interview?

It helps in evaluating a candidate’s

 Skills
 Capabilities
 Personality traits
 Confidence level
 Communication style
 Ability to handle pressure situations

It gives employers a chance to communicate the company's

 Policies
 Beliefs
 Work culture
 Expectations from the prospective employee

What does the interviewer look for in a candidate?

 Confidence
 Credibility
 Competence

Let’s look at the questions which are mostly asked in job interviews and also their sample answers.

The given answers are only samples and not the only answers you could give. These are just to
give you an idea of the appropriate answers for the questions
1. Tell about yourself

This question is the mostly asked in job interviews. It is usually the very first question being asked by
the interviewer(s) in a job interview. Mentioned below are Do’s and Don’ts of answering this question.

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Do’s Don’ts

Give a short description of who you are Talk about your family members

Provide details about your personal / job skills Talk about your personal life

Talk about your achievements Talk about any failures

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The question about one’s strengths and weaknesses should always be prepared as it’s a tough question
to answer. By preparing for this question you will be able to reflect on who you really are and make
you give the answer which is true about yourself and not just a story.

What are your strengths?

 Discuss qualities that will qualify you for the job you are giving interview for.
 Describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for.

What are your weaknesses?

 Don’t mention something negative which will tell the employer that your weakness will hamper
the work at workplace

For e.g. I am not punctual, I talk a lot with colleagues etc.

 Try to turn negative into positive

After mentioning
mentioning your
your weakness,
weakness, mention
mention about
about what
what you
you are
are doing
doing to
to improve
improve it

3. What are your goals for the future?

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When answering about your goals for the future, make sure to mention the aims with regards to your
career and not personal goals (like, I want to get married within two years!!). The goals which you
mention should also refer to the position or the job you are giving interview for.

Mock Interview

Observation sheet
Correct Incorrect

Pre –interview preparation

1. Know your résumé in and out

What are the details which should be and shouldn’t be mentioned in a résumé?
Write in the given space

Should be mentioned Shouldn’t be mentioned

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There are many times when the interviewers find interviewees ignorant about what is
mentioned in their own résumé. Not knowing of what’s written in one’s résumé gives
the interviewer an impression that the interviewee hasn’t prepared his/her résumé
him/herself and doubts the information given in it.

 Starting from the ‘objective’ to ‘personal details’ every information mentioned

should be known to you
 Read and check every detail that you mention

2. Research about the company

Researching about the company one is applying for a position in; is a crucial part of
pre-interview preparation. Not knowing about the organization where one is going for
an interview certainly creates a negative impression about the candidate in
interviewer’s eyes.

So let’s look at some ways of how one can research and know more about a company

 Check the company’s website (About Us section) – This will give you all the
information of company’s establishment and the company’s mission
 Search for articles and new stories of the company
 You might even want to call the company and ask about some information from
 Know of company’s mission, vision and goals
 Read about any recent press release

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 Have information about company’s achievements


Do research about a company (preferably of related industry). You may use internet,
newspaper and books as the source of getting information. You can also consider the
option of asking people who might know about that company

3. Know about the job

It is important to know about the details of the job profile for which one is applying.
Make sure you know of the role and responsibilities. Knowing clearly about the job
details will help one in thinking of the strengths referring to the job and will also help
one in preparing the questions which one would like to ask related to the job profile.

4. Have your résumé and other documents ready

Have you ever forgotten to carry an important document? It’s very easy for us to
forget so something when in hurry. Reaching the interview venue and telling the
interviewer that you forgot to carry your résumé or any other document which they
had asked you to carry is never a good idea. To make sure that no documents are
forgotten, put all the documents in a folder/file a day before.

Don’t forget to keep enough photocopies of your résumé and other needed


Discuss in pairs and make a list of all the important documents which one needs to carry for an

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List of important documents to be carried for an interview

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

5. Prepare for the questions

Preparing for the expected questions makes one prepared for the interview which further makes
one less nervous when answering interview questions. Mentioned below are some important
points to prepare for a job interview.
 Know your strengths and weaknesses
 Know about why you want the job and your goals
Practicing the
 Think of some examples you can cite of your of goals,
answers doesn’t
o accomplishments, success etc mean learning

6. Decide what you would like to wear and prepare it beforehand

Avoid deciding what to want to wear few hours before going for the interview as it most of the time
makes one become late in reaching the place of interview. It’s always a good idea to decide of it a day
earlier. Also, make sure that the clothes you want to prepare are ready (cleaned and ironed)

7. Be sure about the place where you have to go

Reaching late to the interview location is never good. One shouldn’t give the impression of being
someone not punctual. One of the most common reasons of not being able to reach a place in time is
due to finding the way to reach an unknown (never visited) location. Let’s look at some ways by which
one can be saved from reaching the interview location late.

 Visit the office location before interview day ( if possible)

 In case you are not able to go yourself, ask someone who could know about the place
 Leave the home well before time so that you don’t get late in finding the place

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8. Prepare questions to ask

In addition to preparing the answers of interview question which are mostly asked, also prepare
relevant questions about the company/job profile you can ask at the time of interview.

Some example questions:

 Can you tell me more about the structure of the organization?

 What are the growth prospects of job profile for which I’m being interviewed?

Discuss in pairs and write of some relevant questions which could be asked from the




On the day of interview

1. Arrive early

No one likes people who don’t respect time and an interviewer will never accept an interviewee not
reaching in the given time. So, it’s important for a candidate to make sure that he/she reaches in time
to the interview location. The advantage of reaching job location in time is that it gives the person a
chance to be in a relaxed state of mind after reaching.

2. Check that the cell phone ringer is off

One sure way of irritating an interview is to keep one’s cell phone ringer phone when going for an
interview. Most of the people don’t like the idea of switching off their cell phones. However, if you
don’t want to switch off your cell phone, do make sure that it’s on silent mode.

3. Greeting and introduction

It’s certainly important to create that first impression in front of the employer. So what are the ways
by which one could do it?

 Appropriate eye contact – maintain a proper eye contact with the interviewer but be sure of
not staring at the other person

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 Firm handshake – The way you shake hands with the interviewer can provide more information
to him/ her than you think. Remember that a firm handshake certainly helps make one create
that good first impression.

4. Be confident

Confidence is a trait which interviewers like to see in an interviewee.

 Smile
 Correct standing and sitting posture
 Dress appropriately

5. Answering questions properly

Remember that the interviewers are not looking for long stories as answer to their questions. They
would appreciate concise answers. Other than giving answers which are to the point, also make sure
that you don’t dodge a question.

6. Avoid complaining / blaming

However bad your previous boss or company would be, do make sure that you don’t bad mouth about
them. Don’t blame or criticize any colleague / boss.

7. Leave gracefully

You can make sure that you’ve created that last good impression on the interviewer by thanking them
for their time and opportunity. Try not to forget any of your belongings in the room.

Post – interview

In addition, to knowing what to do prior to interview and on the interview day; it’s also important to
know of what should be done after the interview.

1. Thank you email

If possible, it’s always nice to send a thank you email to the company where you went for the
interview. Appreciate them for calling you for the interview.

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 If email address of the person who took your interview is known, then send the email to
that person

 You might also want to send a thank you email to the person who gave you the first call and
fixed your interview in the company


Assume that you went to NXZ company for an interview, where now

after your interview is done, you would like to send a thank you

email to the person who fixed your interview with the sales manager. Write in the space below.


2. Follow – up calls

If you don’t receive a call from the company where you gave the interview informing about your
interview status, you can give a call in the company and ask them about your status.

Don’t be in a hurry to

call. Do give the company 2-3 days to

get back to you.

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Some interview success factors

Clear, concise Ability to work well Interpersonal skills

answers in teams

Leadership skills Asking relevant Analytical/logical

questions thinking/problem-
solving skills

Good Verbal & Interest in company /

Written industry
communication skills

Interview checklist

Mentioned here is an interview checklist which you could use every time you go for an interview. By
using the checklist you can be sure of being ready and prepared for the interview.

Researched about Résumé read

the company thoroughly

Ready with answers

and questions
Job details are

Interview wardrobe

Known about the

Copies of documents
Office location
and résumé kept in
the folder

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Think of a task that you were given to-do which you did

unwillingly and forcibly. Write how you felt at the time of doing it.

Discuss with each other the feelings which arose while doing this task. Are the feelings common
among all?

What is ‘Motivation’?

Motivation is a desire or need which directs and energizes behavior that is oriented towards a goal

- Wikipedia

In other words, motivation is the main factor which makes us give our 100 percent to a task. It makes
us take up something willingly & continue doing it with zeal to achieve the final result. It can be
classified in two main types.

Types of
of motivation

Intrinsic Extrinsic

ItIt comes
comes from
from within
within One
One needs
needs to
to be
be motivated
motivated by
external factors
Task is
is done
done as
as it’s
it’s enjoyable
E.g. rewards,
rewards, perks,
perks, allowance
allowance etc.
Sense of
of fulfillment

E.g. Pursuing
Pursuing hobbies
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Write some examples of Intrinsic & Extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic Extrinsic

______________________________ ______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

“Keeping yourself motivated is central, it is not a mysterious force that comes

from somewhere else, it is a direct result of how one manages oneself”

-Dr. Beverly Potter

See the movie clip and discuss what happens when one is de-motivated.

What happens when one is de-motivated?


Can you think of any task which you had to do or you did unwillingly? You might have even done that
task but at some point in the process of finishing it, you might have been frustrated or unhappy
thinking that you have to do it. Motivation is the desire which makes one do a task & absence of it
leads to frustration. In absence of motivation one needs to force oneself to work which leads to
discontent and makes every work seem like hard work.


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Being and staying motivated is a key step to success in all walks of life. Not being motivated to do
absence of motivation, one
some work makes one either not do it all or do it half-heartedly. In
doesn’t have the sense of urgency to do the work, which leads to procrastination and
further leads to failure.

Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.

Jim Rohn


Have you ever found yourself being lethargic or lazy when you had to do a task you didn’t like?
Motivation provides one with the enthusiasm and interest required to successfully complete a task.

Think of a task which you were not motivated to do and now the reasons which made you
de-motivated to do it? Write the reasons below.


What are some possible reasons of de-motivation?

1. Disinterest in work

Disinterest in the work one is doing is one of the most common reasons of being de-motivated
to do that task. It’s common to find oneself not giving one’s best when in this situation. To
complete something to the best of one’s ability it’s important to like doing that work so that it
doesn’t seem to be a burden on one’s shoulders.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

- Jim Rohn

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2. Fatigue/stress

Tiredness, as we all know drops our energy levels and makes us sluggish. We don’t feel like
working when stressed or tired. It’s crucial to be healthy and alert to perform the work

3. Not being prepared for unforeseen hurdles

People sometimes find themselves in a situation where they are de-motivated to continue
doing a task they had started with enthusiasm. Have you ever felt the same? Taking up a task
and encountering unexpected obstacles in completing the same de-motivates one to continue
doing the same.

4. Fear of failure due to past experiences

Many a times, we find ourselves not taking up a task only because we failed in past doing the
same work. This ‘fear of failure’ stops us from doing a work because we are scared to see the
face of failure all over again.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that count.

– Winston Churchill

5. Lack of faith in one’s abilities

Belief in oneself and in one’s abilities is important to successfully complete some work. On the
other hand, not believing in one’s capabilities make the person unwilling and moreover, de-
motivated to do something. Being given the responsibility of a task which we believe we don’t
have the ability to do make us not perform and most importantly stop us from TRYING to do it.

How to be & stay motivated?

Finding Motivation
Motivation is
is something
something that
that challenges
challenges even
even the
the most
most focused
focused of
of us
us at
at times

It’s even
even tougher
tougher when
when you
you don’t
don’t feel
feel like
like it,
it, yet
yet you
you know
know you
you need
need to
to perform.

So how
how does
does one
one stay
stay motivated?

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Think of the ways of how one can be motivated?


1. Know what you really want

Is it possible to achieve when we don’t know what we want to achieve? No, it’s not. People fail
to be motivated in life and achieve something because many a times they don’t have clear goal
setting which means they don’t know what they really want. So before anything keep your
goals very clear.

When you know what you want and you want it badly
enough, you'll find a way to get it.
Put your
your sheet
sheet of
of goals
-Jim Rohn at
at aa place
place where
where you
you can
see it every morning
see it every morning

2. Write down your goals & Plan

When you know what you want to achieve, write it down somewhere. Doing this will bring in
more clarity and you can always refer to this sheet when you find yourself de-motivated and
tell your yourself that this is what you want to achieve.

3. Like what you do

What is it that you like doing in your free time? Sing, read books, play cricket? Now, do you
require anyone to come up and ask you to find out time to do what you like doing? No! You do
it yourself as and when you get time because you enjoy doing those tasks. The most important
factor which makes us do something willingly and with interest is our liking towards it. If you

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work in the sales profile, then enjoy it. Think of the positives and do it for all the good

To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?

- Katherine Graham

4. Read self-help/improvement books

Reading books on self – improvement helps one to enhance his/her personality. It makes one
learn a lot about various ways to bring positive changes in one’s attitude, personality and views
etc. Pick up a good self- help book and adopt the positives to bring a change in your life.

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall
come easily by what others have laboured hard for.

– Socrates

5. Think of the final result

When you find yourself de-motivated to resume some work; go back to your goals sheet. See
why you want to achieve what you are trying for and moreover, think of successfully
completing that task. How will you feel once you’ve achieved that? You’ll be able to add one
more success in your list!

To think of the success one will get at completion of work is motivating

Peter Davis


My learning from the video


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Staying Positive

 Compile a list of individual successes

 Develop a routine of referring to them
 Think of the successes when you feel like giving up
 Update your ‘Success list’
 Talk to people who make you feel positive
 Have a “I CAN” attitude

What have you learnt from the story about tiny frogs?


6. Shut yourself from negativity

Falling prey to negativity is one of the very common factors of being de-motivated. It’s
important to be far from it. Shut yourself from negativity coming from anywhere, be it from
friends, relatives or colleagues. Don’t let it affect you and take away that enthusiasm from
you. Make it a point to ignore negative remarks / comments and try to be more and more with
people who talk positive.

7. Remind yourself everyday

Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It
needs continual and regular top up's.

Jim Rohn

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It is very common for us to forget what we read after some point of time. We sometimes read a book
and decide to follow something from it; however after some time, we forget what we read and also to
follow it.

For e.g. someone reads a book on motivation and becomes motivated and positive after reading that
book. However, the level of motivation starts falling after sometime and the person finds himself back
to square one. This happens because to keep oneself motivated it is important to remind oneself
everyday of the goals, of the benefits etc.

For us to remember something and adopt it takes time and more than anything it requires us to remind
ourselves of it every day or regularly so that we don’t forget it. Keeping oneself motivated is also
same. Once motivated to do something doesn’t mean you’ll always stay motivated to do the task.
However, doing this will require every day reminding and motivation.

What are the ways by which you can keep yourself motivated and away from negativity?


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Action Plan

My action plan

2 things that I will start doing



2 things that I will continue doing



2 things that I will stop doing



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