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Arthritis of the Thumb

Interphalangeal and Finger

Distal Interphalangeal Joint
John C. Wu, MD*, James H. Calandruccio, MD,
William Jacob Weller, MD, Peter R. Henning, MD,
Colin W. Swigler, MD

 Distal interphalangeal joint  Arthritis  Arthrodesis  Arthroplasty  Mucous cyst

 The interphalangeal joints are subjected to the highest joint forces in the hand.
 At least 60% of individuals older than age 60 years have distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint
arthritis, but not all experience symptoms.
 Physiologically younger and healthier patients put higher loads on the joint for a longer time
than do older, less healthy patients. These increased loads increase the risk of implant failure,
making arthrodesis an attractive option, especially in young, active patients.
 Interphalangeal arthrodesis has high fusion rates, with few complications, regardless of the
method of fixation.

Osteoarthritis (OA) commonly affects the finger stability, grip and pinch strength, and sensibility.
distal interphalangeal (DIP) or the thumb inter- Adjacent joints also should be examined
phalangeal (IP) joints, which are subjected to because chronic DIP OA resulting in a flexion
high joint reactive forces and undergo more deformity can cause a secondary hyperextension
wear and tear than other joints in the hand. It deformity of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP)
is estimated that at least 60% of individuals older joint that may be more disabling than the DIP
than age 60 years have DIP joint arthritis, but not deformity. The thumb IP joint degeneration simi-
all experience symptoms.1–3 In the early stages, larly may manifest early with pain and mucous
the joints may be painful and swollen despite cysts and later with angular and rotary defects.
normal radiographs. As the arthritis progresses, Radiographs typically show joint space narrow-
osteophytes and mucous cysts may develop; ing, osteophytes, bone cysts, and sclerosis of
bony prominences (Heberden nodes) and the subchondral bone.
angular deformities in both the coronal and
sagittal planes may also develop. In the final MUCOUS CYSTS
stages, DIP joint motion may be severely
restricted, making common household tasks Mucous cysts are ganglion cysts that arise from
such as opening containers, writing, and manip- an osteoarthritic DIP joint. They typically are
ulating small objects, difficult or impossible. painless and often present on one side of the
Physical examination should include the appear- extensor tendon, between the extensor tendon
ance of joints and overlying skin, active and pas- and the adjacent collateral ligament. Occasion-
sive range of motion of the affected joints, ally, the mucous cyst can compress the nail’s

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee-Campbell Clinic, 1211
Union Avenue, Suite 510, Memphis, TN 38104, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Orthop Clin N Am 50 (2019) 489–496
0030-5898/19/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
490 Wu et al

germinal matrix, causing ridging, a longitudinal presence of suspected infection. Some patients
groove in the nail (Fig. 1). If the cyst continues may opt to forego aspiration and injection given
to enlarge, more severe nail deformities can the higher possibility of recurrence compared
occur with further compression.4 Concave nail with surgical excision.8
plate deformities secondary to ganglion (mu-
cous) cyst compression of the germinal matrix Surgical Considerations
are frequent. Given the subcutaneous location The surgical approach is similar to that used for
of the cyst, the overlying skin can become atten- IP or DIP fusion (Fig. 2), with the exception that
uated and the cyst can spontaneously drain. the extensor tendon should be left intact and
There is a possibility that a mucous cyst can protected throughout the procedure. The over-
result in a draining sinus, and infection of the lying skin can be excised through an elliptical
finger can present in varying degrees of severi- incision or carefully elevated off the cyst
ty:cellulitis, soft-tissue abscess, or a septic DIP (Fig. 3). The cyst is excised, along with a small
joint.5 Patients should be counseled to avoid portion of the joint capsule and any soft tissue
the temptation to puncture the cyst using non- between the extensor tendon and the adjacent
sterile and/or ablation or cautery techniques collateral ligament. The other side of the
because they usually are ineffective and increase extensor tendon can be exposed in a similar
the risk of infection. manner to expose the entire DIP joint to ensure
adequate osteophyte excision, because a cyst
Treatment of Mucous Cysts emerging from one side of a digit may be from
In general, mucous cysts may not require treat- a lesion on the opposite side. Care should be
ment if there is no significant pain or signs of taken not to disrupt the germinal matrix to avoid
infection. Some cysts spontaneously resolve iatrogenic postoperative nail deformities.
and others may be associated with well- With the DIP joint held in hyperextension, the
tolerated nailplate deformities. Aspiration fol- terminal extensor tendon is carefully elevated off
lowed by steroid injection and compression the phalanx proximally for protection, while pre-
wrap is a reasonable treatment option for cysts serving its distal insertion (Fig. 4). Removal of all
that fail to spontaneously resolve, and this can surrounding osteophytes is imperative to mini-
be done in the office setting.6,7 Multiple passes mize recurrence; however, excision of the cyst
are made through the cyst to facilitate decom- sac itself may not be necessary, especially if it
pression, and some advocate passing the needle risks violation of the germinal matrix.9,10 Some
through the joint capsule in an attempt to osteophytes may have a higher chondral compo-
disrupt the source.8 Open surgical treatment is sition and are not always appreciated on plain
indicated for most cysts, especially those that
recur after aspiration and injection or in the

Fig. 1. Mucous cyst in finger of patient with

osteoarthritis. Fig. 2. Surgical approach for cyst excision.
Thumb and Distal Finger Interphalangeal Joints 491

Fig. 3. Overlying skin elevated off the cyst.

radiographs, but are easily seen during surgery.

A rotation flap or skin graft can be used if the
wound cannot be primarily closed, although
this is rarely required.8 Fig. 4. Excision of cyst.

Outcomes and Complications and colleagues12 reported a 60% resolution

Recurrence rates have been reported to range rate of nail ridging, Kasdan and colleagues13
from 50% to 100% after aspiration and injec- had a 90% resolution, and Rizzo and Becken-
tion.6–8 Surgical procedures that include cyst baugh8 reported an 80% resolution rate after
removal, partial capsulectomy, and osteophyte surgical removal. None of these studies identi-
excision are highly successful and have much fied factors that could increase the likelihood
lower recurrence rates. Eaton and colleagues9 of persistent deformity.
reported 1 recurrence in a series of 44 digits, Complications such as stiffness of the
Kleinert and colleagues11 had no recurrences in DIP joint, infection, persistent nail deformity,
36 cases, Fritz and colleagues12 reported a 3% swelling, and pain appear to occur at equal
recurrence rate (JHS 1997;22B), and Rizzo and rates, regardless of whether surgery or aspira-
Beckenbaugh8 reported no recurrences in 83 tion and injection is performed.8,12 Infection
digits (including 29 cysts that failed to respond rates generally are low and infection usually are
to aspiration and injection) with a minimum superficial, such that they can be treated with
follow-up of 2 years. oral antibiotics.8 Infection rates are reported
Nail ridging usually resolves after joint to be as low as 2% with needle procedures,6,8
debridement and cyst decompression. Fritz and between 2% and 3% for surgical
492 Wu et al

procedures.12,13 Stiffness, pain, and swelling distal phalanx dorsal rim; this exposes an often
rates ranged from 9% to 14%.8,12,13 With the elongated rim for resection and also protects
exception of infection, these complications the germinal matrix. The collateral ligaments
appear to be relatively well tolerated and do are released from the neck of the middle pha-
not compromise clinical results.8 Iatrogenic nail lanx of the fingers or the thumb proximal pha-
deformity is a complication that is more lanx, allowing the joint to hyperflex to expose
commonly associated with surgery and has the entire mating surfaces of the degenerative
been reported as a 7% risk in 1 study12 and 0% joint.
in another.8
Bone preparation
DISTAL INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT Articular cartilage and subchondral bone are
ARTHRODESIS removed until healthy cancellous bone is
exposed. A prominent and elongated dorsal
Although the appearance of the hand may be a articular rim, as well as any protruding osteo-
primary patient concern, operative treatment phytes (especially on the finger middle phalanx
generally should not be undertaken for strictly or thumb proximal phalanx dorsal head), should
cosmetic reasons, but for DIP and IP deformities be removed. A small rongeur is ideal for this pur-
that interfere with hand function or severely limit pose. Exposure of cancellous bone is required
motion. The functional impact of the terminal on the mating surfaces to be fused, and some-
joint arthritis should be clearly defined, because times the wear pattern on significantly angled
sometimes quite marked visual deformities and DIP joints requires contouring to angles other
underlying radiographic changes are associated than 90 for maximal cancellous contact
with little functional impairment. In addition to with collinear middle-distal phalanx alignment.
risks and benefits of the procedure, patient ex- A cup-and-cone configuration is the most
pectations, handedness, occupation, and avoca- commonly used, although some surgeons use
tional activities should be discussed before flat, angled surface cuts at the fusion site.
surgery. Physiologically younger and healthier Regardless of the method chosen for fusion, it
patients put higher loads on the joint for a is imperative to resect any soft tissue that may
longer time than do older, less healthy patients. be interposed in the fusion site. Thus, redundant
These increased loads increase the risk of capsular tissue and collateral ligaments often are
implant failure, making joint debridements and excised for both exposure and bone apposition.
arthrodeses attractive options, especially in Renfree14 compared the results of percuta-
young, active patients. Preoperative splinting in neous in situ arthrodesis with open arthrodesis
the desired fusion position can confirm the pa- of the DIP joint, and found that solid fusion
tient’s satisfaction with the position before the occurred in 10 of 17 with percutaneous in situ
procedure is performed. DIP and IP joint arthro- arthrodesis compared with 11 of 12 with open
plasties are associated with substantially higher arthrodesis. He concluded that open arthrodesis
failure rates than is fusion because of the small is better because it allows osteophyte removal
bone dimensions and high forces across the and better correction of angular deformity in
joint; it rarely is performed. Terminal joint fu- the coronal plane.
sions are well tolerated and are extremely
durable. Method of fixation
DIP joint fusion rates are high with most fixation
Surgical Considerations devices (Table 1). The technically simplest fixa-
Exposure tion is achieved with crossed Kirschner wires,
Surgical approaches to the DIP and IP joints which are left in to maintain the desired angular
include a curved dorsal incision in line with the and rotational position until fusion is achieved.
skin creases, a dorsal H-type incision with the The wires usually are left buried, although a
transverse portion parallel to the skin crease, percutaneous method can be used. Headless
and a transverse skin incision centered over the screws are a popular fixation method and are
terminal joint with contralateral proximal and associated with high fusion rates and less
distal longitudinal extensions. When fusions are frequent device irritation (Fig. 5). Dickson and
to be done, the terminal slip of the extensor colleagues15 compared Kirschner wires, cerclage
tendon is transected just proximal to the joint, wires, and headless screws and found no differ-
and the distally based terminal slip is left ence in infection rates, but higher fusion rates
attached to the dorsal lip of the distal phalanx. with headless screws. More recently, shape-
The terminal slip is dissected sharply over the memory (nitinol) staples have been reported to
Thumb and Distal Finger Interphalangeal Joints 493

Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of fixation methods for DIP arthrodesis
Fixation Method Advantages Disadvantages
Kirschner wires High fusion rate (92%–100%) Risk of pin track infection
Interosseous High fusion rate (88%–100%) Implant prominence, may require
wires second procedure for removal
Headless High fusion rate (85%–100%) Difficulty in obtaining fusion in flexion,
compression Stability across fusion site, no implant size mismatch between bone and
screws prominence screw, increased cost, possible nail
deformity, screw cutout, screw
breakage, retained implant
Headed screws High fusion rate (95%–100%) Prominent screw heads

Nitinol implant High fusion rate (89%–95%), allow 35 of Cost
(X-fuse) flexion

obtain high fusion rates with few complications, Position of fusion

with an advantage over screws of allowing Ideally, the natural cascade of the hand should
35 of flexion when desired; these devices, how- be preserved to present the most aesthetically
ever, are more expensive than other fixation pleasing outcome. The natural cascade can be
methods and are not intramedullary and risk calculated on the basis of the position of the
causing nail matrix damage. Auzias and col- resting index finger. The index MP joint is gener-
leagues16 described the use of a titanium intra- ally positioned in 25 of flexion, and the index
medullary implant (Lync, Novastep) that is, PIP joint is generally positioned in 40 of flexion.
available in straight or bent configurations, Flexion of the MP and PIP joints progresses in a
does not require removal, and can be inserted radial-to-ulnar direction by approximately 5 per
without fingertip incisions. Twenty (91%) of 22 digit. Flexion of the DIP joints remains relatively
joints were fused at latest follow-up (15 months), constant at approximately 5 . Comparing the
18 (82%) within 3 months, and pain and function flexion of the joints with that of the opposite
were improved. The authors cited less bulk and hand or with the ipsilateral hand (if the other
no need for removal as advantages of this joints are well preserved) can help guide the
device. fusion position. Although appearance is

Fig. 5. (A, B) Osteoarthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint. (C, D) After fusion with a headless screw.
494 Wu et al

important, the primary concern should be func- distal phalanx.19 Careful manipulation and trac-
tion. Patients who desire a higher degree of dex- tion should be performed to avoid intraopera-
terity, such as musicians, some athletes, and tive extensor tendon rupture. The middle and
workers with various tools, may prefer a slightly distal phalanx bony surfaces are prepared using
more flexed position. The increasing use of dig- an oscillating saw or rongeur. The intramedullary
ital devices has added another layer to the con- canal can be prepared with a small power burr or
troversy over fusion position. Melamed and hand-held reamers. Trial implants are used to
colleagues17 evaluated dexterity and grip determine the appropriate size required to opti-
strength in 46 subjects after simulated DIP joint mize motion and stability. After the definitive
fusion. Index finger dexterity scores were prosthesis is implanted, the extensor tendon is
improved when the DIP joint was splinted in repaired using nonabsorbable suture if divided
20 compared with full extension. Positioning during exposure. Kirschner wire fixation has
the middle finger DIP joint in either extension been described to stabilize the DIP joint in
or 20 of flexion did not significantly affect grip extension at the conclusion of the procedure.
strength and dexterity; however, positioning The technique, as described in multiple articles,
the DIP joint in 20 of flexion may improve grip requires a Kirschner wire to be inserted in a
strength and dexterity over positioning it in retrograde fashion through the distal phalanx
neutral. into the volar portion of the flexor tendon
sheath, just proximal to the DIP joint, while
Outcomes and complications avoiding the implant.20–22 Understandably, this
Regardless of the fixation method used, fusion technique is not always adopted, and extension
rates ranging from 85% to 100% have been re- postoperative splinting can also be done.19,23
ported with DIP arthrodesis (see Table 1). In
their systematic review, Dickson and col- Outcomes of Implant Arthroplasty
leagues15 reported a 96% fusion rate in 492 ar- Snow and colleagues24 reported good results
throdeses with screw fixation and a 92% fusion with pain relief and maintenance of 40 to 45
rate in 389 arthrodeses with K-wire fixation. of active motion in 7 digits. Brown23 reported
Complications are infrequent (approximately high patient satisfaction, with all 21 patients
2% in most studies) and include primarily infec- reporting complete pain relief at an average
tion, skin necrosis, and implant problems (prom- follow-up of 26 months. There was an average
inent screw, screw cutout, broken screw). active range of motion of 30 , which was 9
less than preoperative values. Extensor lag was
IMPLANT ARTHROPLASTY not considered a complication in this series
DIP joint implant arthroplasty is less commonly and the average postoperative extensor lag
used to treat painful DIP joint arthritis, but is was 12 . In this study, the extensor tendon was
a viable option when maintaining motion is divided and postoperative splinting without
desired, such as in musicians.18 The technique K-wire fixation was used.
uses small silicone implants that can be Zimmerman and colleagues21 reported 38
implanted into any digit, but it is important to digits with an average follow-up of 6 years. All
protect the collateral ligaments when the pro- patients reported decreased pain and the
cedure is done on the index digit to avoid post- average active postoperative range of motion
operative instability from the large ulnar was 33 with an average extension lag of 13 .
deviating forces from the thumb during pinch.19 This series also divided the extensor tendon
but also used postoperative K-wire fixation.20–22
Technique: Implant Arthroplasty The most recent review reported 131 replace-
A variety of dorsal incisions can be used to ments in 85 patients with an average follow-up
expose the DIP joint. Variations in technique of 3 years.19 This study had 2 groups represent-
include preserving or dividing the extensor ing the different approaches, extensor tendon
tendon just proximal to the DIP joint to allow division and preservation, and found no statisti-
extended exposure. Hyperflexion of the distal cal difference between groups regarding
phalanx also can aid in visualization when the extensor lag, range of motion, or improvement
extensor tendon is divided. Extensor tendon of pain. Their other results also supported
preservation requires elevation of the collateral previous literature regarding reliable improve-
ligaments from the distal phalanx and removal ment in pain and maintaining active range of
of all soft tissue lateral to the extensor tendon. motion (mean of 39 ). The mean postoperative
The DIP joint can then be accessed through extensor lag was 11 . Interestingly, postopera-
these lateral windows with lateral flexion of the tive extensor lag was observed in most digits,
Thumb and Distal Finger Interphalangeal Joints 495

regardless of preservation or division of the DIP fusion has high success rates, is well toler-
extensor tendon. This could be due to the ated, and is extremely durable, making it an
chronic attenuation of the terminal tendon sec- attractive option for younger, active patients.
ondary to dorsal osteophytes, with their removal Less active and older patients are also well
causing postoperative laxity and extensor lag, or served by DIP fusion, which yields stability and
from shortening of the distal digit where the increases strength required for normal daily
length of bone resected is more than the length living activities.
provided by the implant.
Complications of Silicone Implant
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