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Dynamic responsive website development for IMF

Environment : Wordpress, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL (Database), CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, Jouery,

Font Awesomeness on Linux (recommended)

Server : Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP recommended (Domain and Hosting managed by NIAS)

Scope of services to design and development

1. Outlook of IMF webpage needs to be transformed from event specific to initiative description.

2. Home page will have selected set of pictures from past event (s) should open to begin with to attract
the attention of the visitor and responsively appear with a slider design. Design should be modular
and intuitive to facilitate easy navigation. Its content includes embedded graphics, photos, video,
audio, maps and program code (e.g., for application) that displays and interacts with the user.

3. Below that a brief description on the aim of this forum would be there to capture the audience;

4. Subsequently IMF vision, mission, values, objectives, proposed actions and planned strategies
would be stated to set pace and focus for henceforth.

5. A side bar should be there to flash highlights of trending events, opportunities for participation,
news, etc.,

6. Top level Menu “about us”,

 (Sub-menu) about us > Organizers

A list of organising institutions with brief description for each towards IMF initiative would be
explained and a hyperlink to their respective home pages.

 (Sub-menu) > About us > Steering Committee

List of Organizing core committee (individuals) would be shown along with hyperlink to their
institutional / professional homepages for explicit introduction. Besides their own description
on their interest / commitment for IMF initiative would be written.

 (Sub-menu) > About us > Patrons

Call for sponsorship opportunities and stroller display of sponsors; (hyperlinked to respective

7. Top level Menu “events”,

 (Sub-menu) > Events > IMF’17

a. Organising IMF’17 details and report systematically and making them easily accessible.

b. Clearing hasty characters from existing content extracted from IMF’17 webpage should
be cleared and edited, as in organiser’s write-up.
c. Converting IMF’17 schedule PDF document to a HTML webpage.

d. As and when the cursor of the visitor slides over each speaker’s name a small window
should appear to briefly introduce his profile (as in

e. As and when the cursor of the visitor slides over each speaker’s topic, the concerned
photo should appear, relevant documents should become available and related video
should play (on a click) in a drop down (sliding pop-down) window.

 (Sub-menu) > Events > IMF’18

a. IMF’18 invitation leaflet, brochure and schedule among other details should be published
with relevant content on a web page needs to be updated towards the event.

b. Hyperlink to IMF’17 schedule PDF document should be provided till the event and should
be converted into a HTML webpage (after the event).

c. As and when the cursor of the visitor slides over each speaker’s name a small window
should appear to briefly introduce his profile (after the event).

d. As and when the cursor of the visitor slides over each speaker’s topic, the concerned
photo should appear, relevant documents should become available and related video
should play (on a click) in a drop down (sliding pop-down) window (after the event).

8. Top level Menu “participation”

 Registration: Integrated registration with intelligent user login management should prevent
redundant multiple registration by the same user

 Authorisation: To avoid active user management, login should by intelligently linked to APIs
to social platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn or google accounts and each user’s would be
authenticated using credible acronym like Scopus number or other index in compliance to
OAuth Standards.

 Registration should be user expressive on the likes to

So, the user would have liberal participation opportunity as visitor, observer, poster /
exhibitor, speaker, sponsors, etc., Based the level of interests, desires, expressions, past
accomplishments, knowledge each participation would be reviewed and entertained on case
-to-case basis.

 There would be redundancy to avoid multiple registration by the same name and email id not

 Users should be able to link their social network logins and also validate it.

 But then again based on the feedback, suggestions and comments, it would be accustomed
and made more purposeful.

9. Top level Menu “contact”,

 An event specific email-id should be configured / created IMForum-2018@inclusive- that should redirect emails to few members in the core committee.
 Another along with drop a message must be created for redressal of issues, clarifications,

 Contact form with option of drop-down to redressal of issues, clarifications, feedback, and
reporting abuse must be created to send email to
along with Re-Captcha to be provided to the form for security and avoiding spam.

10. Security:

 Suitable security features must be intelligently incorporated to make this website robust,
prevent hacking. SSL certificate – https:// for www. needs to be
configured to encrypt all the data / communication.

 IMF website should have inbuilt preventive features to detect, alert and prohibit suspicious
behavior, unreliable access like botting or crawler usage or multiple retrieval from single

 Activities like failed login attempts and will immediately report to the admin by mail in
such an event.

 Re-captcha to be provided for login to avoid automated login attempts

 Automated regular website / database backups must be configured.

Key Design Features

1. The website would be in English language.

2. Design should be based on proven secure WCMS (web content management system) enabling quick, simple
and easy application content framework for updates, revisions, secure access, granular user access control,
database encryption. It should support collaborative environment for multiple users to manage formats, history
editing, version control, indexing, search and retrieval. Any image or text on the site must be easily updatable.

3. Design should be compatible for cross platform and multiple device in accordance with W3C standards.

4. SEO search engine optimization and Social Media integration must be configured, along with follow us
buttons and social sharing integration with analytics on popular social channels, including WhatsApp sharing.

5. IMF website must be creative, scalable, secure and device agnostic as a platform for seamless
communication among visitors. Beside it must be aesthetically appealing with appropriate imagery, rich
graphics and vibrant colour scheme and intuitive navigational flow.

6. The website design must have responsive UI framework and a

7. User guide for back office administration module that has integrated content management system (CMS) to
manage the content of the pages should be provided.


1. Asses and compatibility features required to host the new website would be provided. Access to domain
control panel, FTP, Admin login, domain and web hosting, email server maintenance will be provided by

2. Good quality images from past event will be supplied by NIAS.

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