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Table of Contents

COMPANY PROFILE..................................................................................................... 2

Product Profile............................................................................................................ 5

SWOT ANALYSIS......................................................................................................... 6

Internal Factors Evaluation......................................................................................... 7

External Factors Evaluation........................................................................................ 9

Internal-External Matrix (IE)..................................................................................... 12

TOWS STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES MATRIX...............................................................14

BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP (BCG MATRIX)..........................................................19

Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix.....................................................................21


EPIMELEOMAI (Greek word meaning “I Care”) Multi-Purpose Cooperative is a

church-based cooperative of the La Trinidad Assembly of God (LTAG) now the

Highland Metropolitan Assembly of God (THMAGC) Church located at MB Puguis, La

Trinidad, Benguet. It was organized in 1997 with seventeen (17) members. Before

the cooperative was conceived, group of young professionals organized themselves

to Christ Ambassador’s Reaching Out and Encouraging (CARE) of which the main

purpose is to be involved in missions. In order to sustain and manage its affairs and

activities, the group agreed to have a monthly pledge in a form of cash. The first

Mission trip was then conducted at Alab, Bontoc on December 1997. The activities

include medical-dental mission, evangelism, concert and distribution of assorted

goods (clothing’s and groceries).

After the mission, funds were depleted. The group then thought to engage in

an income-generating activity to finance mission activities in the future. Majority of

the members agreed to organize a cooperative in order to raise funds for mission


An initial share capital of P 27 833.00 was collected as starting capital. The

amount was then loaned out to members with minimum interest. ADHOC

Committees were created to manage the operation of the cooperative. An intensive

campaign to church member was done to increase membership. After two (2) years

of operation, the cooperative was registered to CDA on June 14, 1999 with 42

members. On 2005, the cooperative submitted its first amendment particularly on

capitalization and membership classification of which the CDA approved.

To have a better understanding on the operation of the cooperative, Pre-

Membership Education Seminar (PMES) was conducted for membership awareness.

Various trainings were also attended by the officers and management staff to equip

them in their operation of the cooperative.

At present, the cooperative has already a complete set of officers and part-

time management staff that manages its operation. The service offered to its

members is credit and are classified as regular, agricultural and emergency loans.

In July 2008, the new Cooperative Code of the Philippines or RA 9520 with its

implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) was approved. With this, all cooperatives

were required to amend its Articles of Corporation and By-Laws (ACBL) in

compliance to RA 9520. In October 15, 2009, the EPIMELEOMAI Cooperative

received its amended ACBL with registration No. 9520-15000641.

The cooperative also applied for a Certificate of Tax Exemption with the

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in compliance to RA 9520


EPIMELEOMAI Multi-purpose Cooperative is a money lending cooperative,

specifically for its members, which offers variety of lending services such as regular,

agricultural and emergency loans. It is primarily organized to provide goods and

services, to encourage thrift and savings mobilization to promote the cooperative as

a way of life for improving the social and economic well-being of its members. The

activities include medical-dental mission, evangelism, concert and distribution of

assorted goods (clothing’s and groceries).

As provided, the net surplus of the cooperative shall be distributed as follows;

at least 10% shall be allocated for General Reserve Fund which will be used as a

cushion to sustain the cooperative’s stability and continuous existence; At most

10% shall be allocated for Education and Training Fund which will be used for the

education and training of officers, staffs and members; and at most 10% shall be

allocated for Optional Fund which will be used by the cooperative as building fund,

community and development fund and social fund.


A strong responsive and service oriented cooperative with dynamic discipline

and well-equipped members who are effectively managing their affairs with quality

service for an improved economic, socio cultural and spiritual aspect of life.


To provide quality service to members through continuous education,

financial assistance and strong linkages with other organizations towards

sustainable development and better quality of life.


The Cooperative is offering different types of loan which caters the needs of its

member commonly on the additional capital for business and home improvement

 Regular Loan

- Credit limit of members in this type of loan is ₱500,000 and payable

within 1-3 years.

- Most Availed service of the entity

- Loan window where proceeds may be released within the same business

day if the amount applied for does not exceed fifty thousand pesos

(₱50,000.00), otherwise, the proceeds will be released after interview and

approval by the Credit Committee.

 Emergency Loan

- Credit Limit of members in this type of loan is ₱10,000 payable for 3


- Members avail this kind of loans right away to cover unexpected


- Commonly availed for family needs and hospitalization of nonmembers

 Agricultural Loan

- Credit Limit of members in this type of loan is ₱50,000 payable for 3


- Can be used to have Working capital for any Agriculture-related

productive activity such as crop production, poultry and livestock

production, fisheries development and others related to agriculture


This strategy tool is used to identify and analyze the internal and external

factors that have an impact on the viability of a project, product, place or person

o Accessible location o No established online presence
o Excellent social relationship o Strict requirement for member
o Various professional /connections qualification
o Increasing capital/ Financially o Research and development is limited
sound o No current advertisements(Physical)
o Uniqueness o Open every Sundays only(1/2 day)
o Strong management o Existing Bad debts
o Tenure in business o Lack of competitive power in salary
o Conducts CSR scale
o Regular Monthly meetings o Shortage of qualified/competitive staff
o Compliance with the needed o Loose Credit Policies
requirements o Only membership is limited to members
of “Assembly of God”

o New Markets o Chance in demand
o New partnership and alliances o Negative reviews
o Expansion of services o Recession
o High unemployment rate o Fortuitous events
o Technological Progress o Fast technologies changes
o Innovation of existing services o Potential Competition
o Expansion of branch o Uncertain Economic Events
o Regulatory agencies favoring o Changes in government regulations
cooperatives. o Bankruptcy
o Expansion of the office o Customer’s insolvency/ death
o Free seminars and trainings
provided by the government or
private firms


This strategy tool is used to evaluate the company’s internal environment

and to identify both the strength and weaknesses which is the key internal factors

Strength Factor Weight Rating Weighted

Accessible location 0.045 3 0.135
Excellent social relationship 0.045 3 0.135
Various 0.05 3 0.15
Increasing capital/ Financially 0.075 4 0.30
Uniqueness 0.085 4 0.34
Strong management 0.06 4 0.24
Tenure in business 0.06 4 0.24
Conducts CSR 0.07 4 0.28
Regular monthly meetings 0.0075 3 0.00375
Compliance with the needed 0.0025 3 0.0075
Weakness Factor Weight Rating Weighted
No established online 0.025 2 0.05
Strict requirement for 0.075 1 0.075
member qualification
Research and development is 0.005 2 0.01
No current advertisement 0.02 2 0.04
Open every Sunday only (1/2 0.1 1 0.10
Existing bad debts 0.045 2 0.09
Lack of competitive power in 0.06 1 0.06
salary scale
Shortage of qualified/ 0.055 1 0.055
competitive staff
Loose credit policies 0.045 2 0.09
Only membership is limited 0.07 1 0.07

to members of “Assembly of
Total 1.00 2.47

The total weighted score for the internal factor evaluation is 2.47 which

means the cooperative has a near average total weighted score and it responds in

an standard way to existing strengths and weaknesses.

As to the strengths of the entity the two internal factors with the highest

weighted score is “Uniqueness (0.34)” and “Increasing Capital/Financially sound

(0.30)” wherein, Uniqueness in a way that the cooperative prioritizes the local

church pastors of the cooperative due to the fact that they doesn’t have income

while Increasing Capital/Financially sound by which it helps in assuring that there

will be enough fund for upcoming projects that the entity will utilize. On the other

hand, the two with the lowest weighted score is Compliance with needed

requirements at which point it makes the cooperative de jure on its operation and

the other one is they are conducting regular monthly meetings and they’re

constituting quorum in most of their meetings.

As to the weaknesses of the entity the two internal factors with the highest

weighted score is “Open every Sundays only (Half day)” and “Strict requirement for

member qualification” wherein, Being open every Sunday afternoon is quite crucial

for the cooperative as it can be the reason for the members to choose other

cooperatives service that opens every day and the other one which mandates

members of the cooperative to be a member of the congregation Assembly of God.

On the other hand, the two with the lowest weighted score is “Research and

Development is limited” and “No current Advertisement (Physical)” whereby,

Research and Development is limited due to the fact that they’re offering a single

service and the No current advertisement (Physical) is not that important because

the target customers is limited.


This strategy tool is used to investigate the company’s external environment

and to identify the available opportunities and threats which is the key external


Opportunity Factor Weight Rating Weighted

New markets 0.07 3 0.21
New partnership and alliances 0.07 3 0.21
Expansion of services 0.125 4 0.5
High unemployment rate 0.045 4 0.18
Technological progress 0.045 4 0.18
Innovation of existing services 0.125 4 0.5
Expansion of branch 0.0325 4 0.13
Regulatory agencies favoring 0.045 3 0.135
Expansion of the office 0.0325 4 0.13
Free seminars and trainings 0.025 3 0.075
provided by the government
or private firms
Threats Factor Weight Rating Weighted
Chance in demand 0.1 1 0.1
Negative reviews 0.03 2 0.06
Recession 0.015 2 0.03
Fortuitous events 0.05 1 0.05
Fast technological changes 0.02 2 0.04
Potential competition 0.04 2 0.08
Uncertain economic events 0.03 2 0.06
Changes in government 0.045 2 0.09
Bankruptcy 0.035 2 0.07
Customer’s insolvency/ death 0.02 2 0.04
Total 1.00 2.87

The total weighted score for the external factor evaluation is 2.87 which

mean that the cooperative has an above average total weighted score and it

responds in a standard way to existing opportunities and threats.

For the opportunities, the Innovation of Existing Services and Expansion of

Services have the highest weighted average of 0.5. These two have the highest

weighted average since the probability of occurrence in grabbing these

opportunities are higher because it requires lower cost. Due to the possibilities

brought by technology, it is more likely that we can innovate or improve our

services through providing online platforms that can capture vast audience in the

market. As for the Expansion of Services, EMPC can adopt new services since the

management is open to expansions and there will be no complications since the

cooperative is initially registered as a multi-purpose cooperative under the CDA. On

the other hand, the two least weighted average was the Expansion of Branch (0.13)

and Free Seminars and Trainings provided by the government or private

institutions, (0.075). Expansion of branch is least likely to happen since it requires

larger outlay in cash and the cooperative may not yet be capable to manage

another branch because of the shortage in employees. The free seminars and

trainings provided by external parties also have the least weighted average since

the EMPC can afford to fund seminars with or without the intervention of private


As to the threats of the entity, the two external factors with the Highest

Weighted Score are (1) Change in Demand with a weighted average of 0.1, because

there is a huge possibility that the cooperative clients and customers will shift to

other cooperative since the cooperative only have limited services offered, and (2)

Fortuitous Events (0.05), although these events happen infrequently, but might take

a huge toll in the cooperative for the losses it may cause. While the two external

threats with the lowest weighted overage are (1) Recession with a weighted range

of 0.03, and (2) Fast Technology Changes with 0.04 weighted range. Recession is

viewed as one that is less threatening compared to the rest listed for a reason that

the cooperative sounds financially stable which makes the possibility of it

undergoing recession is least likely to happen. Fast technology advancement is not

viewed as a major threat since some or most of the cooperative’s and council’s

members are computer literate, and undergoes seminars that is why they can easily

keep up with the fast pace of any technology advancement.



This Strategic tool is used to analyze, generate, and select business

strategies to attain the overall goals and objectives of the company

1. New markets 1. Change in demand
2. High unemployment rate 2. Negative reviews
3. Innovation of existing 3. Potential Competition
services 4. Uncertain economic events
4. Regulatory agencies 5. Bankruptcy
favoring cooperatives 6. Recession
5. Expansion of the office 7. Fortuitous events
6. New partnership and 8. Fast technologies changes
alliances 9. Changes in government
7. Expansion of services regulations
8. Technological Progress 10. Member’s insolvency/
9. Expansion of branch death
10. Free seminars and
trainings provided by the
government or private firms
STRENGTH 1. The entity is established 1. The Cooperative is located
1. Accessible location with religious intervention in the city which tells that it
2. Uniqueness which created the uniqueness has an accessible location
3. Strong of it. New markets are more that serves as an advantage
of the cooperative that
management likely to be induced in a contributes in reducing the
4. Conducts CSR cooperative that is biblically threat of having a potential
5. Compliance with oriented. (S2 – O1) competition. (S1- T3)
the needed
requirements 2. Through a consistent 2. Another factor that will help
6. Excellent social effective and efficient the entity in eliminating the
relationship administration it would threat regarding competitors
7. Various encourage people to join and is its unique characteristic.
professional engage in the cooperative as (S2- T3)
/connections members, partners or 3. Compliance of needed
8. Increasing capital/ alliances. Also, with the requirements also helps in
Financially sound modernization and rampant maintaining good and positive
9. Tenure in business progress of technology, it reviews. (S5- T2)
10. Regular Monthly would open a possibility for
meetings innovations to fasten services, 4. By means of increasing the
together with it is the capital of the cooperative, the
expansion of its office.(S3 – entity will be able to acquire
technologies that will benefit
O1, O3, O5, O6)
them and it will lower down
the risk with respect to
technological advancement.
(S8- T8)

5. Having a strong
3. The cooperative conducts management can lessen the
CSR which means it operates possibilities of having
in an ethical and sustainable negative reviews because it
denotes that the
ways. The regulating agencies, management runs smoothly.
primarily the government and (S3- T5)
the church, which imposes the
law to bridle injustices and
unrighteousness, would find
approbation on the entity who
consistently abides with the
implemented guidelines. (S4-

4. The increase on capital of

the coop would lessen the risk
of dissolution. A bountiful
working capital would lead to
the expansion of the offered
services as well as the growth
of their offices. (S8-
O5,O7,O8, O3)

5. EMPC is ascertained to
harness towards achieving the
cooperative’s objectives in the
long run. The continuity
assumption of this would
stimulate new markets,
alliances and partners giving
them the assurance of non-
dispersal, so long as the
financial is stable. (S9-O1,O6)

1. New markets 1. Change in demand
2. High unemployment rate 2. Negative reviews
3. Innovation of existing 3. Potential Competition
services 4. Uncertain economic events
4. Regulatory agencies favoring 5. Bankruptcy
cooperatives 6. Recession
5. Expansion of the office 7. Fortuitous events
6. New partnership and 8. Fast technologies changes
alliances 9. Changes in government
7. Expansion of services regulations
8. Technological Progress 10. Member’s insolvency/ death
9. Expansion of branch
10. Free seminars and trainings
provided by the government or
private firms
WEAKNESS 1. Strict requirement for 1. Responding rationally and
1. Strict members can be overcome with enhancing customers service
requirement for certain opportunities through skills may compensate the
member new markets by increasing negative reviews brought by
benefits received by the
2. Research and members and, innovation of shortage of staff. (W4-T2)
development is existing services to compensate
limited for the strictness of 2. Seeking for investors to
3. Lack of membership. (W1- O1, O3) invest in the cooperative may
competitive power suffice expenses for R&D in
in salary scale 2. No established online order to keep in pace with its
presence will end as the
4. Shortage of business can use free trainings competitors and change in
qualified/ and seminar, innovation of demand (W2-T3-T1)
competitive staff existing services and
5. Loose credit technological advancement in 3. To eliminate the possibility of
policies the market to be known online bankruptcy, the cooperative
6. No established and promote the business. (W6- should tighten the credit
online presence O8, O10, O3) policies. Loose credit policies
7. No current 3. The lack of competitive may make it difficult to assess
advertisements(Ph power in salary scale, entity and collect owing of its debtors.
ysical) may use new markets to cater (W5-T5)
8. Open every other customers that will
Sundays only(1/2 increase their fund. (W3- O1) 4. With strict requirement,
day) 4. In the shortage of qualified offering package deals and
9. Existing Bad staff, it can use free seminars increasing benefits may
debts and trainings provided by the persuade customers to be a
10. Only government or private firms to member, causing the increase
membership is turn this into a competitive of funds and lessen bankruptcy.
limited to edge of the firm. (W4- O10) (W1 – T5)
members of
“Assembly of God” 5. Having limited R&D, the 5. Creating social media
entity can grab free seminars accounts for the cooperative
and trainings, use technological may help to penetrate and keep
advancement and expand office on pace with the competition
to make the transaction easier. without spending too much cost

(W2- O5, O8, O10) on advertisements. (W7 – T3)


This Strategy tool is used to evaluate the strategic position of the business

brand portfolio and its potential

 Regular Loan  Emergency Loan

 Agricultural Loan

Emergency loans do not generate too much cash flow because it is intended

for unforeseen or unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances and was rarely to

occur while agricultural loan is also considered as dog since numbers of farmers in

the entity are declining and shifting to other profession or livelihood as a result of

high input costs and agricultural land are being converted into highways, housing

and factories. The suggested strategy for these types of loans is to revamp these

services by increasing the interest rate and adding more features to it like having

additional benefits in availing this kind of loan.

On the other hand, Regular loan is categorized as Cash Cow because large

portion in the cooperative’s income comes from the money generated from the

interest of this specific loan and the number of members availing this service is

greater than those of the other services. Furthermore, Harvest strategy is

suggested as it would improve the product and it can generate as much money as



The strategic tool to objectively select the best strategy using input from
other management techniques

Increase the Add savings deposit

Interest rate for the and time deposit on
regular loan services offered
Key Factor Weight AS TAS AS TAS
New markets 0.07 2 0.14 3 0.21
New partnership and 0.07 3 0.21 3 0.21
Expansion of services 0.125 1 0.125 4 0.5
High unemployment rate 0.045 - - - -
Technological progress 0.045 3 0.135 3 0.135
Innovation of existing 0.125 4 0.5 2 0.25
Expansion of branch 0.0325 1 0.0325 2 0.065
Regulatory agencies 0.045 2 0.09 2 0.09
favoring cooperatives
Expansion of the office 0.0325 - - - -
Free seminars and 0.025 - - - -
trainings provided by the
government or private
Chance in demand 0.1 4 0.4 4 0.4
Negative reviews 0.03 4 0.12 3 0.09
Recession 0.015 - - - -
Fortuitous events 0.05 - - - -
Fast technological changes 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06
Potential competition 0.04 1 0.04 1 0.04
Uncertain economic events 0.03 - - - -
Changes in government 0.045 1 0.045 1 0.045
Bankruptcy 0.035 - - - -
Customer’s insolvency/ 0.02 - - - -
Total 1.00
Accessible location 0.045 2 0.09 2 0.09
Excellent social 0.045 2 0.09 2 0.09

Various 0.05 2 0.1 2 0.1
Increasing capital/ 0.075 2 0.15 2 0.15
Financially sound
Uniqueness 0.085 2 0.17 1 0.085
Strong management 0.06 4 0.24 3 0.18
Tenure in business 0.06 3 0.12 3 0.12
Conducts CSR 0.07 - - - -
Regular monthly meetings 0.0075 - - - -
Compliance with the 0.0025 - - - -
needed requirements
No established online 0.025 - - - -
Strict requirement for 0.075 - - - -
member qualification
Research and development 0.005 4 0.02 4 0.02
is limited
No current advertisement 0.02 - - - -
Open every Sunday only 0.1 - - - -
(1/2 day)
Existing bad debts 0.045 - - - -
Lack of competitive power 0.06 - - - -
in salary scale
Shortage of qualified/ 0.055 - - - -
competitive staff
Loose credit policies 0.045 - - - -
Only membership is limited 0.07 - - - -
to members of “Assembly
of God”
Total 1.00 2.9375 2.99

The alternative strategies generated from the analysis of SWOT analysis,

while taking into account the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the

Epimeleomai Multi-Purpose Cooperative are as follows: Add savings deposit and

time deposit on services offered, Increase the Interest rate of regular loan. These

are the suggested strategies as the cooperative already have the capacity to

implement such changes.

The two with the highest weighted range is Innovation of existing services

and Expansion of services

The business analyzed herein should “Add savings deposit and time deposit

on services offered” rather than “Increase the Interest rate of regular loan” as it is

more attractive strategy

Enhance the product regular loan by increasing the interest rate


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