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International Journal of Scientific Research in ___________________________ Research Paper .

Multidisciplinary Studies E-ISSN: 2454-9312

Vol.6, Issue.2, pp.73-79, February (2020) P-ISSN: 2454-6143

Assessment of Irrigation Water Quality Index for Upper Cauvery

Karnataka India
Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez1*, M. Inayathulla2
Department of Civil Engineering, UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author:

Available online at:

Received: 21/Jan/2020, Accepted: 13/Feb/2020, Online: 28/Feb/2020

Abstract- An attempt has been made to develop water quality index (WQI), using Five water quality parameters pH,
Nitrates, Chloride, electrical conductivity and fluoride measured at 137 different locations in the study area rating scale is
developed based on FAO standards. It was found that 133 samples have the water quality index less than 150 and 4
samples have water quality index between 150-300. By spatial variation of WQI it can be found that 97.08 percent of the
water in the area is excellently suitable for irrigation.

Keywords: Chloride, Electrical Conductivity, Fluoride, Irrigation, pH, WQI.

I. INTRODUCTION The study area geographically lies between 750 29’ 19” E
and 760 37’ 40” E longitude and 110 55’ 54” N and
The Cauvery river enters Tamil Nadu at Hognekal of 130 23’ 12.8” N latitude, as shown in Fig 1, and it covers
Dharmapuri district from the west and takes a southern an area of 10874.65 Sq km. The maximum length and
course from Mettur and again takes south-eastern course at width of the study area is approximately equal to 143.73
Erode and then flows to Bay of Bengal flowing through km and 96.75 km respectively. The maximum and
Trichirapalli, Thanjavur and Cuddalore districts. The minimum elevation of the basin is 1867 m and 714 m
study area forms part of Cauvery basin, which lies on left above MSL, respectively. The study area covers five
banks of Cauvery river. Lakshmantirtha river is a major district of Karnataka state i.e., Chikmangalur, Hassan,
tributary to river Cauvery and has its originates in Kodagu, Mandya and Mysore as shown in Fig 2. There
Brahmagiri Devasi Hills of Western Ghats in southern are 137 sample location named as S1, S2 upto S137 as
Kodagu district and flows through a distance of about 130 shown in Table 3 the water parameters such as pH , EC,
km. It enters the Mysore district near Chikkahejjur, south Cl, NO3 and F are considered for estimation of irrigation
west of Konana Hosahalli in Hunsur taluk and flows water quality index.
through Hangodu, Hunsur and Kattemalavadi before its
confluence with Cauvery on the right side at Sagarkatte in
Krishnarajanagar taluk.

Water Quality Index allows for a general analysis of water

quality on many levels that affect a stream’s ability to host
life and whether the overall quality of water bodies poses a
potential threat to various uses of water. Relevant studies
on water quality index (WQI) and its modeling were
reviewed. WQI is valuable and unique rating to depict the
overall water quality status in a single term that is helpful
for the selection of appropriate treatment technique to
meet the concerned issues. .Water quality indices are tools
to determine conditions of water quality. Creating the WQI
involves three main steps (1) obtain measurements on
individual water quality indicators (2) transform
measurements into ‘‘subindex’’ values to represent them
on a common scale (3) aggregate the individual subindex
values into an overall WQI value.


2.1 Study Area

Fig 1 Location Map of Study Area

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Table 3 Hydro-chemical values of observatory well samples

latitude longitude
Sample (N) (E) pH EC Cl NO3 F
S1 12.960 75.780 7.51 1010 96 5 0.04
S2 13.190 75.770 7.21 1600 207 47 0.53
S3 12.970 75.980 8.27 1270 185 74 1.20
S4 12.990 76.030 8.48 1410 196 51 0.42
S5 12.930 75.770 8.00 990 88 40 0.06
S6 13.030 75.850 7.89 1200 166 84 0.12
S7 12.770 76.050 8.25 1060 95 53 0.60
S8 13.020 76.370 8.38 1920 293 5 0.54
S9 13.050 75.980 8.60 1450 188 5 0.79
S10 12.770 76.030 8.25 840 63 20 0.08
S11 12.610 76.120 8.38 1100 141 11 0.15
S12 13.170 75.880 8.47 1180 194 7 0.45
S13 13.080 75.850 7.87 1520 269 12 0.12
S14 12.770 76.040 8.44 990 74 35 0.70
S15 13.040 75.900 8.00 1090 138 11 0.32
S16 12.600 76.180 8.79 1770 247 69 1.70
S17 12.910 76.380 8.21 1620 283 3 0.45
S18 12.910 76.030 8.07 700 57 6 0.19
Fig 2 Districts in study area S19 12.820 76.200 8.50 1860 311 27 0.28
S20 13.180 75.750 8.40 1140 168 20 1.10
S21 12.810 75.850 8.06 960 81 12 0.09
Table 1: Distribution of district area
S22 12.940 76.380 8.46 1440 211 6 0.47
Sl No District Name Area (sq_km) Percentage area
S23 13.120 75.900 8.19 1170 177 1 0.44
1 Chikmangalur S24 12.850 76.170 8.65 1490 218 12 0.64
761.12 7.00 S25 12.970 76.170 8.89 2500 461 49 0.77
2 Hassan S26 12.840 75.850 8.08 310 22 44 0.07
4476.15 41.16
3 Kodagu S27 12.830 75.830 7.89 350 24 8 0.10
2559.4 23.54 S28 12.770 76.150 8.29 1480 184 66 0.34
4 Mandya S29 12.780 76.180 8.37 2700 411 49 0.21
1006.56 9.26
5 Mysore S30 12.790 76.250 8.22 900 107 33 0.17
2071.42 19.05 S31 13.120 76.170 8.21 930 56 6 0.20
Total Area 10874.65 100% S32 12.700 76.030 8.72 1460 196 39 0.70
S33 12.920 75.980 8.25 1690 218 32 0.66
S34 12.750 76.220 8.92 4100 838 4 0.89
2.2 Methodology S35 13.030 76.340 8.47 1890 356 13 1.00
WQI was determined following three steps. In the first S36 12.880 76.430 8.51 1600 241 16 0.47
S37 13.020 75.930 8.40 1870 226 47 0.29
step, weight was assigned to each parameter (w) according S38 12.700 76.050 8.17 1070 131 3 0.11
to its relative importance in the overall quality of water for S39 12.890 76.080 8.42 910 96 2 0.60
irrigation purposes from the FAO standards. Weights of 5, S40 12.970 75.820 8.05 1040 98 5 0.04
4, 3, 2 and 1 are assigned to the quality parameters when S41 12.860 75.850 7.63 850 69 6 0.34
S42 12.580 76.170 8.62 1390 227 15 0.25
0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80 and 81-100 % of samples are S43 12.620 76.080 8.31 940 81 3 0.32
within the permissible limit respectively (Raychaudhuri et S44 12.880 75.770 7.95 1040 84 7 0.02
al 2014). The maximum weight of 5 has been assigned to S45 13.050 76.350 8.40 1420 238 2 0.26
the parameters with 80 % or more than 80 % of the S46 12.660 76.180 7.49 1040 128 6 0.12
S47 13.030 75.880 8.26 950 77 5 0.27
samples are beyond the permissible limit. The pH, chloride S48 12.890 76.500 8.56 170 20 61 1.30
is given the minimum weight of 1 as >= 80 % of the S49 12.810 76.200 8.81 1840 256 36 0.50
samples are within the permissible limit and of no harm S50 12.610 76.100 8.05 1140 173 3 0.62
for irrigation use. % of the samples for the remaining S51 13.000 76.470 8.59 2100 419 6 0.36
S52 12.860 76.160 8.58 2200 437 29 0.55
parameters are EC, F and NO3 are 36.4, 85.8, and 72 % S53 12.610 76.090 8.52 1150 138 6 0.31
respectively hence these are assigned weight of 4,1 and 2 S54 13.030 76.170 8.34 1250 157 27 0.18
respectively. The second step was followed and relative S55 12.950 75.780 7.80 320 26 16 0.05
weight was assigned accordingly .The relatives weights of S56 12.940 76.060 8.35 1950 336 41 0.16
S57 12.990 76.220 8.32 1510 209 60 0.46
the each parameters are given in the Table 2 .The third S58 12.870 76.030 8.38 2200 457 27 1.20
step, a quality rating scale (qi) for each parameter is S59 12.760 75.970 8.00 860 103 3 0.13
assigned and then WQI is developed for each water S60 13.190 75.780 7.85 860 65 12 0.20
samples S61 12.610 76.100 8.24 870 69 6 0.29
S62 12.850 76.350 8.08 1750 261 7 0.50
S63 12.860 75.800 7.98 810 67 8 0.04
Table 2: Weightage assigned to individual parameters for S64 12.810 76.060 8.63 1430 220 43 0.15
irrigation use S65 12.770 76.000 8.37 950 81 31 0.14
Parameters Units FAO % Weight Relative S66 13.240 75.650 7.97 870 85 28 0.27
standards compliance weight S67 13.140 75.530 7.92 860 39 18 0.15
S68 13.120 75.600 7.68 1010 36 13 0.04
pH - 6.5-8.5 100 1 0.111 S69 13.140 75.550 8.32 920 39 6 0.12
EC µS/cm 1000 36.4 4 0.444 S70 13.320 75.720 8.20 1310 138 38 0.34
Cl mg/l 1065 100 1 0.111 S71 13.090 75.650 7.71 1020 53 31 0.07
F mg/l 1 85.8 1 0.222 S72 13.290 75.800 8.00 1310 256 55 0.57
NO3 mg/l 45 72.2 2 0.111 S73 13.260 75.680 8.07 1310 217 113 0.25

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S74 13.260 75.830 7.90 1110 142 38 0.92 Table 4 Classification of groundwater quality for irrigation use based on
S75 13.120 75.620 8.01 840 82 2 0.70 WQI
S76 13.120 75.620 7.73 950 99 35 0.15 WQI Class Restriction % of water samples
S77 13.290 75.730 8.06 1240 131 53 0.23 < 150 I None 97.08
S78 13.250 75.700 8.21 1060 50 1 0.07 150-300 II Slight 2.92
S79 12.520 76.550 8.25 886 75 26 0.39 300-450 III Moderate 0
S80 12.670 76.480 8.59 591 60 7 0.36 >450 IV Severe 0
S81 12.680 76.530 8.22 528 36 14 0.72
S82 12.700 76.550 8.17 921 117 7 0.68
S83 12.830 76.400 8.26 832 60 32 0.56
Samp WQI
S84 12.570 76.530 8.52 517 53 12 1.09
le pH EC Cl NO3 F WQI Class
S85 12.310 76.450 10.02 870 43 9 0.80 S1 11.115 44.884 1.001 2.467 0.444 59.910 1
S86 12.490 76.140 8.26 1080 36 25 1.30 113.00
S87 12.510 76.380 9.12 2500 263 112 6.60 S2 10.671 71.104 2.157 23.187 5.883 2 1
S88 12.500 76.270 8.75 1600 199 52 0.69 13.32 120.43
S89 12.310 76.270 8.75 1470 64 10 0.71 S3 12.240 56.439 1.928 36.507 0 3 1
S90 12.330 76.280 8.04 1250 71 34 0.66 107.07
S91 12.330 76.280 9.71 1440 78 40 0.54 S4 12.550 62.660 2.043 25.160 4.662 6 1
S92 12.450 76.040 8.55 1810 213 127 0.32 S5 11.840 43.996 0.917 19.733 0.666 77.152 1
S93 12.500 76.230 8.30 2100 320 54 0.40 109.50
S94 12.340 76.160 8.75 1190 64 46 1.00 S6 11.677 53.328 1.730 41.440 1.332 7 1
S95 12.390 76.030 8.30 1160 64 83 0.34 S7 12.210 47.106 0.990 26.147 6.660 93.113 1
S96 12.430 76.000 8.71 1440 114 39 0.41 109.24
S97 12.330 75.850 8.12 1050 57 49 0.18 S8 12.402 85.325 3.054 2.467 5.994 2 1
S98 12.240 75.870 7.98 1320 64 87 0.14 S9 12.728 64.438 1.959 2.467 8.769 90.361 1
S99 12.350 75.570 7.90 880 14 4 0.04 S10 12.210 37.330 0.657 9.867 0.888 60.951 1
S100 12.380 75.530 7.89 760 21 2 0.08 S11 12.402 48.884 1.470 5.427 1.665 69.848 1
S101 12.250 75.850 8.15 1150 92 40 0.36 S12 12.536 52.439 2.022 3.453 4.995 75.445 1
S102 12.790 75.920 7.85 920 36 19 0.13 S13 11.648 67.549 2.804 5.920 1.332 89.252 1
S103 12.120 75.930 8.21 1030 21 0 0.16 S14 12.491 43.996 0.771 17.267 7.770 82.295 1
S104 12.370 75.830 8.08 900 50 1 0.16 S15 11.840 48.440 1.438 5.427 3.552 70.697 1
S105 12.380 75.570 7.41 700 21 1 0.05 18.87 147.15
S106 12.440 75.920 8.27 880 36 45 0.05 S16 13.009 78.659 2.574 34.040 0 2 1
S107 12.230 75.680 7.81 780 43 45 0.07 S17 12.151 71.993 2.950 1.480 4.995 93.568 1
S108 12.180 75.920 8.10 1440 107 55 0.18 S18 11.944 31.108 0.594 2.960 2.109 48.715 1
S109 12.710 75.880 8.19 1210 50 45 0.16 114.90
S110 12.380 75.700 7.85 750 21 14 0.07 S19 12.580 82.658 3.241 13.320 3.108 8 1
S111 12.220 75.930 7.87 930 21 3 0.07 12.21
S112 12.380 75.900 7.93 860 57 25 0.23 S20 12.432 50.662 1.751 9.867 0 86.921 1
S113 12.220 75.870 9.73 850 36 17 0.05 S21 11.929 42.662 0.844 5.920 0.999 62.354 1
S114 12.510 75.850 7.46 860 36 47 0.08 S22 12.521 63.994 2.199 2.960 5.217 86.891 1
S115 12.540 75.830 8.34 1250 64 12 0.31 S23 12.121 51.995 1.845 0.493 4.884 71.338 1
S116 12.270 75.850 8.03 1190 57 38 0.15 S24 12.802 66.216 2.272 5.920 7.104 94.314 1
S117 12.220 75.730 7.72 650 43 47 0.08 111.10 161.78
S118 12.210 75.750 7.75 870 92 42 0.18 S25 13.157 0 4.805 24.173 8.547 2 2
S119 12.250 75.630 7.68 720 14 12 0.03 S26 11.958 13.776 0.229 21.707 0.777 48.448 1
S120 12.260 75.750 7.77 770 36 4 0.12 S27 11.677 15.554 0.250 3.947 1.110 32.538 1
S121 12.440 75.800 7.79 860 71 50 0.10 116.29
S122 12.370 75.750 7.77 940 36 14 0.05 S28 12.269 65.771 1.918 32.560 3.774 2 1
S123 12.800 75.880 7.72 950 50 52 0.11 119.98 163.16
S124 12.460 75.950 7.77 790 43 2 0.10 S29 12.388 8 4.284 24.173 2.331 4 2
S125 12.500 75.930 8.01 970 36 39 0.23 S30 12.166 39.996 1.115 16.280 1.887 71.444 1
S126 12.510 75.750 7.83 1140 28 3 0.08 S31 12.151 41.329 0.584 2.960 2.220 59.244 1
S127 12.300 75.680 7.29 820 21 40 0.04 106.84
S128 12.300 75.630 7.83 810 28 0 0.16 S32 12.906 64.882 2.043 19.240 7.770 1 1
S129 12.780 75.930 8.05 920 71 41 0.18 112.69
S130 12.260 75.820 8.06 940 28 9 0.15 S33 12.210 75.104 2.272 15.787 7.326 8 1
S131 12.170 75.920 8.25 850 36 30 0.11 182.20 215.99
S132 12.730 75.880 8.19 950 71 50 0.14 S34 13.202 4 8.734 1.973 9.879 2 2
S133 12.760 75.900 7.71 850 50 22 0.34 11.10 117.75
S35 12.536 83.992 3.710 6.413 0 1 1
S134 12.450 75.820 8.11 1110 36 11 0.14
S36 12.595 71.104 2.512 7.893 5.217 99.321 1
S135 12.030 75.970 7.51 670 28 1 0.09
S136 12.340 75.870 8.00 1380 114 55 0.37
S37 12.432 83.103 2.355 23.187 3.219 6 1
S137 12.200 75.800 7.63 780 21 0 0.07
S38 12.092 47.551 1.365 1.480 1.221 63.709 1
S39 12.462 40.440 1.001 0.987 6.660 61.549 1
III. RESULTS S40 11.914 46.218 1.021 2.467 0.444 62.064 1
S41 11.292 37.774 0.719 2.960 3.774 56.520 1
S42 12.758 61.772 2.366 7.400 2.775 87.070 1
For irrigation use the computed WQI values are classified S43 12.299 41.774 0.844 1.480 3.552 59.949 1
into four categories based on the restrictions viz., none, S44 11.766 46.218 0.875 3.453 0.255 62.568 1
slight, moderate and severe as presented in Table 4 S45 12.432 63.105 2.481 0.987 2.886 81.890 1
(Raychaudhuri et al. 2014) S46 11.085 46.218 1.334 2.960 1.332 62.929 1
S47 12.225 42.218 0.803 2.467 2.997 60.709 1
S48 12.669 7.555 0.208 30.093 0 64.955 1

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120.78 S104 11.961 39.996 0.521 0.493 1.776 54.748 1

S49 13.039 81.770 2.668 17.760 5.550 7 1 S105 10.971 31.108 0.219 0.493 0.533 43.324 1
S50 11.914 50.662 1.803 1.480 6.882 72.741 1 S106 12.237 39.107 0.375 22.200 0.588 74.507 1
117.36 S107 11.560 34.663 0.448 22.200 0.755 69.626 1
S51 12.713 93.324 4.367 2.960 3.996 0 1 106.22
135.43 S108 11.988 63.994 1.115 27.133 1.998 8 1
S52 12.698 97.768 4.555 14.307 6.105 3 1 S109 12.115 53.772 0.521 22.200 1.776 90.385 1
S53 12.610 51.106 1.438 2.960 3.441 71.555 1 S110 11.615 33.330 0.219 6.907 0.788 52.859 1
S54 12.343 55.550 1.636 13.320 1.998 84.848 1 S111 11.654 41.329 0.219 1.480 0.733 55.414 1
S55 11.544 14.221 0.271 7.893 0.555 34.484 1 S112 11.736 38.218 0.594 12.333 2.553 65.435 1
124.52 S113 14.393 37.774 0.375 8.387 0.555 61.484 1
S56 12.358 86.658 3.502 20.227 1.776 1 1 S114 11.033 38.218 0.375 23.187 0.910 73.724 1
116.30 S115 12.340 55.550 0.667 5.920 3.441 77.918 1
S57 12.314 67.104 2.178 29.600 5.106 2 1 S116 11.886 52.884 0.594 18.747 1.665 85.775 1
13.32 141.57 S117 11.430 28.886 0.448 23.187 0.844 64.794 1
S58 12.402 97.768 4.763 13.320 0 3 1 S118 11.463 38.663 0.959 20.720 1.998 73.802 1
S59 11.840 38.218 1.074 1.480 1.443 54.055 1 S119 11.359 31.997 0.146 5.920 0.377 49.799 1
S60 11.618 38.218 0.677 5.920 2.220 58.654 1 S120 11.501 34.219 0.375 1.973 1.332 49.400 1
S61 12.195 38.663 0.719 2.960 3.219 57.756 1 S121 11.528 38.218 0.740 24.667 1.110 76.263 1
101.45 S122 11.500 41.774 0.375 6.907 0.533 61.088 1
S62 11.958 77.770 2.720 3.453 5.550 2 1 S123 11.424 42.218 0.521 25.653 1.221 81.038 1
S63 11.810 35.996 0.698 3.947 0.444 52.896 1 S124 11.497 35.108 0.448 0.987 1.088 49.127 1
101.49 S125 11.855 43.107 0.375 19.240 2.553 77.130 1
S64 12.772 63.549 2.293 21.213 1.665 3 1 S126 11.585 50.662 0.292 1.480 0.932 64.951 1
S65 12.388 42.218 0.844 15.293 1.554 72.297 1 S127 10.791 36.441 0.219 19.733 0.455 67.639 1
S66 11.796 38.663 0.886 13.813 2.997 68.155 1 S128 11.590 35.996 0.292 0.000 1.776 49.654 1
S67 11.722 38.218 0.406 8.880 1.665 60.891 1 S129 11.911 40.885 0.740 20.227 1.998 75.761 1
S68 11.366 44.884 0.375 6.413 0.444 63.483 1 S130 11.933 41.774 0.292 4.440 1.665 60.104 1
S69 12.314 40.885 0.406 2.960 1.332 57.897 1 S131 12.209 37.774 0.375 14.800 1.221 66.379 1
S70 12.136 58.216 1.438 18.747 3.774 94.311 1 S132 12.118 42.218 0.740 24.667 1.554 81.297 1
S71 11.411 45.329 0.552 15.293 0.777 73.362 1 S133 11.414 37.774 0.521 10.853 3.774 64.336 1
106.18 S134 12.009 49.328 0.375 5.427 1.554 68.693 1
S72 11.840 58.216 2.668 27.133 6.327 5 1
S135 11.107 29.775 0.292 0.493 0.955 42.622 1
S73 11.944 58.216 2.262 55.747 2.775 3 1
S136 11.843 61.327 1.188 27.133 4.107 9 1
S137 11.297 34.663 0.219 0.000 0.744 46.923 1
S74 11.692 49.328 1.480 18.747 2 91.459 1
S75 11.855 37.330 0.855 0.987 7.770 58.796 1
S76 11.440 42.218 1.032 17.267 1.665 73.622 1
S77 11.929 55.106 1.365 26.147 2.553 97.099 1
S78 12.151 47.106 0.521 0.493 0.777 61.049 1
S79 12.210 39.374 0.782 12.827 4.329 69.521 1
S80 12.713 26.264 0.625 3.453 3.996 47.052 1
S81 12.166 23.464 0.375 6.907 7.992 50.904 1
S82 12.092 40.929 1.219 3.453 7.548 65.242 1
S83 12.225 36.974 0.625 15.787 6.216 71.827 1
S84 12.610 22.975 0.552 5.920 9 54.156 1
S85 14.825 38.663 0.448 4.440 8.880 67.256 1
S86 12.231 47.995 0.375 12.333 0 87.364 1
111.10 73.26 255.84
S87 13.495 0 2.741 55.253 0 9 2
S88 12.954 71.104 2.074 25.653 7.659 5 1
S89 12.944 65.327 0.667 4.933 7.881 91.752 1
S90 11.892 55.550 0.740 16.773 7.326 92.281 1

S91 14.365 63.994 0.813 19.733 5.994

1 pH
S92 12.648 80.436 2.220 62.653 3.552 0 2
140.02 12.00
S93 12.285 93.324 3.335 26.640 4.440 5 1 10.00
11.10 100.30 8.00
S94 12.956 52.884 0.667 22.693 0 0 1
109.22 6.00
S95 12.285 51.550 0.667 40.947 3.774 4 1 4.00
101.85 2.00
S96 12.886 63.994 1.188 19.240 4.551 9 1
S97 12.021 46.662 0.594 24.173 1.998 85.448 1

S98 11.809 58.661 0.667 42.920 1.554 1 1
S99 11.688 39.107 0.146 1.973 0.488 53.402 1
S100 11.671 33.774 0.219 0.987 0.844 47.495 1 Observed values Standard value
S101 12.065 51.106 0.959 19.733 3.996 87.859 1
S102 11.615 40.885 0.375 9.373 1.443 63.691 1 Fig 3 pH variation
S103 12.146 45.773 0.219 0.000 1.776 59.914 1

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Observed values Standard value

Fig 4 Electrical conductivity variation

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Fig 6 Chlorides variation

Fig 5 Analysis of water parameters in Laboratory

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Nitrate In the present study the water quality parameters considered
150 shows that almost 95 percent are with in the FAO standards
for irrigation. 133 samples of 137 shows class I index
100 Excellent suitable for irrigation 4 samples shows class II
index . By spatial variation of WQI it can be found that
50 almost all the portion of the water is suitable for irrigation
0 with 97 percent of the area is excellently suitable.

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International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In
Education Volume 5 Issue 2 Page 3234-3242 ,2019.
Fluoride [6] Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez, and M Inayathulla. " Derivation Of
Intensity Duration Frequency Curves Using Short Duration Rainfall
7.00 For Yermarus Raingauge Station Raichur District Karnataka"
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology Volume
6.00 6 Issue 2, Page 1-7 ,July 2019.
4.00 Authors Profile
3.00 Mohammed Badiuddin Parvez Is a life
2.00 member of Indian Water Resources Society,
1.00 ASCE Born in Gangavathi, Obtained his BE
0.00 in Civil Engineering in the year 2009-2013

from UVCE, Banagalore and M.E with

specialization in Water Resources
Engineering during 2013-2015 from UVCE, Bangalore
Observed values Standard value University and Pursuing Ph.D from Bangalore University.
And has 3 years of teaching experience. Till date, has
Fig 8 Flouride variation presented and published several technical papers in many
National and International seminars, Journals and

M Inayathulla Is a life member of

Environmental and Water Resources
Engineering (EWRI), ASCE, WWI,
ASTEE, ASFPM. Born in Karnataka,
Obtained his BE in Civil Engineering in the
year 1987-1991 from UBDT, Davanagere
and M.E with specialization on Water Resources Engineering
during 1992-1994 from UVCE, Bangalore University and got
Doctorate from Bangalore University. Presently working as
Professor at UVCE, Bangalore University, India. And has
more than 25 years of teaching experience. Till date, has
presented and published several technical papers in many
Fig 9: Spatial variation of water quality index National and International seminars and conferences

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