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Submitted by: Divya Nur Foundation

Skill Training of Rural youth on Agriculture in Odisha


Agriculture production system in Odisha has a vast scope of employment of skilled manpower in
diversified functions with diversified roles. Odisha is an Agrarian Economy and more than 60% of the
population are engaged in farming. Odisha provides a diversified ecosystem in terms of production of
varieties of crops and allied products. Extension services have been strengthened in the rural areas since
last decade. A number of schemes and programmes have been launched by Government of Odisha in
order to focus of farm productivity.

The major challenge before the Agriculture sector is supply and availability of skilled manpower. A lot of
agencies and entrepreneurs are in look out for quality manpower for variety of functions at the farm level.
Both Government and private sectors are having huge requirement of skilled Agriculture workers. Input
industries like seeds, fertilizers and Agrochemicals are in look out for skilled manpower in order to
promote and demonstrate their products in the rural areas. Many companies promoting sales of
Agricultural machineries and implements are having huge demand for skilled agricultural workers. Large
size production units and business farms need trained manpower.

Hence the entire Agribusiness supply chain can be strengthened through Skilling of rural unemployed
youth and providing them opportunities of employment with Government and Private agencies. Skilling
of rural unemployed youth would also bring about enhancement of production and productivity leading to
economic growth. Agri Entrepreneurship is a major area of growth in Odisha context. A lot of rural
unemployed youth engaged as Agricultural laborer can be trained and skilled in order to enable them to
start their own ventures.


Several gaps in the production ecosystem can be addressed through engaging the vast pool of rural
unemployed youth in the core primary sector which would also restrict migration from the remote rural
pockets. With involvement of a number of private and Government players in the sector, the scope has
been increased. The recent advancements in the agriculture technologies needs to reach the grassroots
through developing skills and engaging the vast pool of rural unemployed youth in the farm sector
innovations. Skilling of rural unemployed youth and engaging them with the core primary sector would
not only enhance employment but catalyze the Government mandate of providing Agriculture the status
of industries. In this context Divya Nur Foundation proposes to conduct training of rural unemployed
youth in the core primary sector and providing them employment with the vast majority of Private
agencies engaged in the Agribusiness sector in the state.

The Major areas of Skill Development:

Qualification Pack-Occupational standards for Agriculture as per Agriculture Skill Council of

India (ASCI)

SlNo Domain/Code as per Minimum Job Role Applicable National

ASCI Qualification Occupational standards
1 Gardener (AGR/Q 5th Standard Gardener is responsible for 1.Cumpulsory NOS :
0202) taking care of the beautification AGR/N0014-Nursery
of lawns and and gardens for Management and propagation
private houses, parks and hotels of plant material
in order to attract customers. A
gardener who is responsible for 2.AGR/N0015- Design of
tending lawns, trees, shrubs, garden components
ground covers. He needs to be
aware of the soil and nutrition 3.AGR/N0016- Plantation,
requirements of the plants, pests Maintenance and care of
and diseases and their control garden.
and drainage. Gardeners also
need to acquire skills in
gardening, pruning, weeding
and harvesting of flowers, fruits
and vegetables. Needs to know
use of basic tools and hand
powered machinery such as
pruners, bush cutters, lawn
2 Dairy 5th Standard A Dairy farmer/entrepreneur is Compulsory NOS:
farmer/Entrepreneur with (1-year a person who is responsible for
(AGR/Q4101) experience in various activities involved in 1.AGR/N4101- Prepare and
Dairy farm dairy farm management. The maintain livestock
management) Dairy farmer takes various accommodation
decisions for the viability and
sustainability of the dairy farm. 2.AGR/N4102-Establish
He/she ensures proper care of livestock within
the dairy animals, their health accommodation
and productivity, milking and 3.AGR/N4103-Provide feed
marketing of the produced milk. and water for livestock
The job is to be performed in an 4.AGR/N4104-Maintain
efficient manner to allow the Healthy performance of
production of high quality milk Livestock
and promote animal well being 5.AGR/N4105-Perfrrming
and comfort. hand and machine milking
health and safety at the work
3. Agri Input Dealer Class-12 An Agri input dealer is Compulsory NOS:
(AGR/Q 7804) responsible for supplying right 1.AGR/N7817: Assess
agri and allied inputs to the current agro ecological
farmers, at the right price and at situation of the area
the right time. An Agri input 2.AGR/N7818: Plan for
dealer is responsible for making establishment of Agri input
agri and allied inputs available outlet
to the farmers in the right 3.AGR/N7819: Disseminate
season and provide advice to information to farmers
farmers on good farming 4.AGR/N 7820: Carry out
practices such as integrated stock management of
farming,cattle feeding and Agriculture inputs
rearing,and other related 5.AGR/N7821:Complete
techniques. Besides an Agri documentation and record
input dealer must be thorough keeping related to
on 1. Basic accounting,2. Agricultural inputs
Computer basics, 3.Knowledge 6.AGR/N9903:Maintain
of various farm practices. Health and safety at the
with team members and work
4. Agriculture Extension 12th Standard The service provider is Cumpolsory NOS;
Service Provider responsible for speedy transfer 1.AGR/N7601-Plan for the
(AGR/Q7601) of information and technology extension services.
to farmers.He reduces the time 2.AGR/N7602-Identify
lag between generation of location specificity of
technology and its transfer to Agricultural Technology
the farmers for increasing 3.AGR/N 7603-Make
production,productivity and frontline Demomstrations
income from agricukture and 4. AGR/N7604-Provide
allied sectors on a sustainable training to farmers
basis.An Agriculture Extension 5.AGR/N 7605-Assist with
service provider gives,talks backward and forward
guidance and actual linkages
demonstration on latest
technologies related to
Agriculture.He also works with
other experts in Agriculture to
learn more or even develop new
methods that could advance
5. Bare Foot Technician 10th Pass Barefoot technician also known Cumplosory NOS-
(BFT) -AGR/Q7801 as barefoot Engineer is a need at 1.AGR/N7801-Identify the
village level in the rural inda to scope and nature of proposed
provide technical support to the works under Govt. Rural
infrastructure activities and Schemes.
works taken up under 2.AGR/N7802-Undertake
MGNREGS,to improve the technical survey under Govt.
quality and durability of the Rural Schemes
assets to be created.The work 3.AGR/N7803-Plan and
involves working as a junior estimate works under Govt.
technical assistant and perform Rural Schemes
tasks under the instruction and 4.AGR/N7804-Prepare for
guidance of the Technical work under Govt. Rural
Assistant /Junior Engineer Schemes
/Assistant Engineer.The 5.AGR/N7805-
individual is expected to carry Supervise/Oversee work
out the functions of Technical under Govt. Rural Schemes
Assistant /Overseer /Work 6.AGR/N7806-Maintain
inspector in providing technical technical records and registers
services at village level such as under Govt. Schemes
idemtification,setting and &
layout ,supervise for ensuring
the quality and and
specifications of works taken up
under MGNREGS.The
individual should ensure activity
specific compliance to
environment ,health and safety
aspects while executing the
work.The individual should
guide the Mates/Masons in
executing the works under
various Government

Agri Input Sales and Marketing:

Minimum Qualification: HSC
Age-15 to 35 Years

Participants with an overview of principal concepts and tools of contemporary management of

agricultural production units. Starting from inputs, Technology and market. Knowledge on crop
cultivation including detection of diseases and deficiency syndromes including a thorough knowledge on
various types of plant protection chemicals and formulations, systems of applications etc. Improved
production technologies of Agricultural and horticultural crops including fruits, vegetables and
floriculture. Common package of practices of important field crops including cereals, pulses and millets
in the local agro climatic situations. The participants would be thoroughly oriented on the sales and
marketing of important Agricultural inputs with an overall objective of enhancing sales and marketing of
important Agricultural Inputs like: Seeds, Fertiliers and Biochemicals, Pesticides and Hormones,
Biofertiliers, Organic manures and their formulations etc.

The major employers for the trained manpower can be few of the established Agri input industries those
are having established marketing network in Odisha. Besides interested candidates would be given a
scope to Venture into Agri Entrepreneurship through establishment of their forward and backward
inkages. Necessary escort services would be provided for one year after completion of training.

Divya Nur Foundation is in the process of executing agreements with these companies for placement of
trained manpower in various districts of Odisha.

I. Farm Technician:
Minimum Qualification: HSC
Age-15-35 Years

Management of firms as business units, this programme aims at providing a scope to the trainees a
holistic knowledge on various dimensions of management of lands and nutrient management. Knowledge
on soil testing and soil nutrient management and application of fertilizers, pesticides and other
biochemical including hormones. Use of biopesticides and biofertilisers and organic manure including
preparation of various organic formulations. Use of various improved tools and implements including
tractors, Power tillers, and weeders and combined harvesters. Knowledge on repair and maintenance of
important agro implements. Knowledge of post production storage and post harvest technologies
including storage and transportation of important agricultural commodities. Dealing with bulk storage and
refrigeration of perishable agricultural commodities. Exploring the concepts and tools of marketing
management, participants learn to formulate and implement successful marketing strategies in their
business markets.

II. Rural Agricultural Extension workers:

Minimum Qualification: HSC
Age-15-35 Years

 Package of practices of important Agri-Horti and Animal husbandry products

 Management of inputs including soil, irrigation, agrochemicals and biofertilisers and
biopesticides including various kinds of hormones
 Detection of common diseases and deficiency syndromes
 Common pesticide formulations
 Nutrient management in common crops in OdishaŸ
 Understanding the Market Environment
 Rural Communication and Promotion
 Consumer Behavior
 Product Management
 Formulation of a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
 Pricing Management
 Strategy Implementation

III. Dairy Technician:

Minimum qualification: 5th

Age-15-35 Years

The major areas of skilling would be:

Feed and fodder management

Cattle shed cleaning and sanitation

Feeding of dairy animals

Vaccination and disease control

Breeding of dairy animals

Preservation and processing of dairy products

The successful trainees would be given a scope of employment with large size Dairy units and dairy
companies like Milk Mantra, Kamadhenu and OMFED etc.Besides the trained candidates would also be
provided facilitation support for starting small dairy units.
IV. Plantation Assistants

Minimum Qualification-5th

Age-15-35 Years

The participants would be provided knowledge on care and management of large plantations and
horticulture units including

Nursery Raising

Pre Plantation care

Post plantation care

Nutrient Management

Scheduling of irrigation

Disease and pest management

The common plantations targeted would be various Government and Private Plantation units.

Besides trained candidates would be provided necessary follow up support for establishment of own
plantation units.


The duration of the course would be 4 months out of which class room teaching-3 months and 1 month


Mobilisation of Trainees:

The sessions will be a blend of concepts and applications. Farmer’s field orientation would also be
organized in order to give practical orientation to students. They will be mainly based on discussion of a
variety of cases and teaching materials on agricultural input marketing. Participants will also undertake
individual/group project exercises. They will be involved in making presentations on their project work.
A two months extensive internship would be organized in order to give more practical in hand experience
to students.

Senior Graduates and Postgraduates from state Agricultural Universities, executives having experience in
agricultural input industries, Professionals having experience with large size agricultural production units
including Agribusiness units. Besides Experts in the fields of communication and soft skills would be
taken as faculties.
Practical Training:

A bigger size production unit would be provided to the trainees in order to demonstrate various crop and
animal husbandry practices. In hand demonstration of Agro implements includes their use and application
of common fertilizers, pesticides and agro chemicals including biofertilisers and preparation of various
organic formulations.

Technologies of harvest and post-harvest technologies of important Agri Horti and Animal based
commodities and their storage and bulk handling of Agricultural commodities.

Exposure to agricultural markets would be organized in order to provide the trainees an exposure to the
traditional marketing systems.

Exposure visits would be organized to commercial production units and State agricultural research
stations in order to update trainees on the recent developments in Agriculture production.

Agri input manufacturers and dealers would be invited as guest faculties in order to impart knowledge on
the use of advanced agricultural inputs including seeds, fertilizers and biopesticides and other


The programme would emphasize on placement of the successfully trained candidates in Agricultural
production units, Agri input manufacturing companies, Companies dealing with post-harvest storage and
bulk handling of agricultural commodities. A database of companies having interest in hiring trained
candidates would be prepared and tie ups would be established with the various Agricultural business
units operational in the locality or having an established chain in the operational area.

Promotion of Agri Entrepreneurship:

Divya Nur Foundation proposes to promote Agri Entrepreneurship in addition to skilling and placement
of candidates. Potential candidates in the operational area would be selected through a scientifically
designed aptitude test which would scale out persons having potential for going for Own ventures. The
skilling programmes would be conducted with the above objective. In addition to that facilitation support
would be provided for duration of one year. These facilitation supports would also include establishment
of forward and backward linkages including finance.

The major areas of Skilling and Promotion of Agri entrepreneurship are:

Facilitation of input Dealership

Opening of retail outlets
Staring of small Dairy and Poultry units
Establishment of small and medium plantation units
Establishment of Agro Service centres
Opening of Agro Processing units (Fruits and Vegetables)
Cultivation and marketing of floriculture
Processing of dairy products

The list can increase based on the selection of areas and availability of resources for starting of Agri

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