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Of Karnataka
“One State. Many worlds”
1 introduction 5 rosswod inlay

2 ulsoor wooden
6 bhoota figures

3 wood and lac turnery of

7 gulbarga wood carving

4 sandalwood carving
Wood carving and wooden handicrafts have long history in India. History of Wood carving and wooden handicrafts in India can be traced to an- Over time, various centres of wood carving and wooden handicraftsappeared in different parts of the country, each with its different style.The cul-
cient times. Traces of woodcrafts were found during excavations at Indus valley civilization locations at Harappa and other places. Ancient temples tural, lingual and religious diversity is reflected in the different handicrafts that emerge from different regions.India’s cultural diversity results in
and historical palaces are a living examples of this long tradition of wood carving and wooden handicrafts in India.Wooden handicrafts of India are a large variety of wood carving traditions and wooden handicrafts.
renowned for beauty, durability and utility.
For example, Assam is known for the unusually carved thrones in the shape of peacocks which are called ‘namghar’ or ‘kirtanghar’ and the fig-
Wood is being used as a medium to carve daily usable items like utensils, handles for iron tools, decorative items, furniture, and also toys for chil- ures of the one-horned rhinoceros. Uttar Pradesh is known for elegantly chiseled screens or ‘jaalis’ patterned with floral and vine-like details. Large,
dren. Engraved doors and windows that we come across at temples and palaces of yore show the expertise of Indian crafts men and women in wood chests called ‘pataras’ carved out of rosewood, teak or sandalwood in Gujarat are part of wedding trousseau for brides to this day. The southern part
craving. of India is known for exquisite wood carving culture and the artisans here carve various religious and cultural figures on the wood. Rainforests in the
region provide abundant supply of wood to be carved upon.
Each location in India is know for availability of different types of wood. Depending on nature and quality of these wood types they are being used to
carve different types of items, that include daily use items as well as decorative pieces. In this paper wood carving and wooden handicrafts traditions native to the state of Karnataka are explored.

Mother nature has bestowed India with a variety of soft and hard woods - each being used to produce a different family of wooden crafts.India being
a tropical country mainly has deciduous or evergreen trees. Besides these, in India one can also find alpine forests and trees belonging to arid regions
as well. In India different types of wood is available.
These types include white wood, Cedar, Shisham, Rose wood, Ebony wood, sandal wood, teak, walnut etc.,The range of utilitarian products and deco-
rative pieces that can be made from these wood types is immense.

These kinds of wood are used for carving statues, sculptures of animals like elephant, furniture, wooden toys, attractive decorative itemslike photo
frames, house hold daily useful items, gift items, etc., Indian wood crafts is well known for its items like carved doors, windows, figurines, furni-
ture, accessories, boxes, decorative pieces, utensils, panels, beads etc.
ulsoor wooden carving

Clusters: ulsoor , kengeri satellite town

Products :
1. Wall panels depicting mythological sences
2. Carved doors and pillars
3. Bracket figures
4. Sculpted idols

Tools : flat chisels , files , sandpaper

The craftmen in ulsoor belong to a family of traditional wood carves who had migrated from Andhra Pradesh 30
years ago
The craftmen have an electric style as they are skilled in incorporation most regional styles
Process :
The process of wood carving consists of the seasoned wood being cut to required size and the figures then being drawn
on the woodblock

Rough cutting is done with flat chisels and fine carving with carving tools

Filing and sandpapering is done to smoothen the surface

Material used : wood such as teak and neem are used.

wood and lac turnery of

Clusters : channapatna

Products : toys , rattles , top , puzzles , games, stand and bangles .

Tools : chisels , saw , lath , screw pine leaves .

Material used : hale wood ( wrightia tinctoria ) closely grained .

Channapatna wood and lac turnery craft is said to be nearly two centuries old

Channapatna craftsmen are referred to as “achary “

The craft flourished due to royal patonge . gradually from the ancient craft of Turing wood by hand , the artisans
progressed to work on simple hand lathe .For coloring the wooden object with lac , a piece of solid lac is held against
the surface of the finished objects while the lathe is turned at high speed

Screw pine leaf is used as the material for buffing

It turns beautifully on the lathe and needs very little surface sanding
Dolls and toys are in demand during festivals like Deepavali and Dasara and the other products are exported

Sandalwood carving is an ancient tradition and has been a part of Indian culture

The fragrant wood is used by Hindus and Buddhist in certain rituals as incense .It is one of the scents besides rise
oil used during rituals in Islam
The hard yellow wood is used for carving into combs , beads and religious artefacts.
Sandalwood ( santalum album) is a small evergreen tree native to regions in Karnataka , Tamilnadu and Kerala .

The wood is used to carve idols , and the roots are rich in oil which is used for medicinal purposes
The most valuable part of the tree is the scented heartwood . sandalwood carving is distinct woods as it is a softer
aromatic wood that allows intricate carving required for making idols
It is practiced by a community of craftsmen called the gudigars who specialized in the art of carving sandalwood ,
ivory and stone .

The types of carving done on sandalwood are relief , chipping incising and piercing .The chiesela used are different
from those generally used for other woods .
The products carved consists of idols of gods and goddesses and boxes with interlacing foliage and scroll -
like patterns interspersed with animal or birds figurines that are characteristic of Karnataka

The idols are carved in the round on a pedestal or against background

They are used in shrines at home and worshipped

Indian rosewood - ( dalbergia latifolia )

The heartwood is dark and hard and is used in wood work such as inlay and carving
In the 18th century the craft ha received patronage from tipu sultan and the wodeyar rules who had shifted their to
mysore .

Shapecut in ivory , bone or plastic are inset into resecced froms in rosewood and embedded with glue .
Due to the ban on ivory , wood of different colors , and bone or plastic are being used in inlay today
Portraits and landscapes are the forte of experienced craftsmen .
jewellery boxes decorated with inlay are used as wedding gifts . animal figues carved in the round are also inlaid
with design using bone or plastic

Cluster: dakshina kannada district - mangalore

Udipi district - udipi , mekkekattu , kundanapura

Products : bhoota sculptures in wood

Tools: hammer , chisels saw , files .

material used : the halsa or the untreated jack wood .

The bhoota cults are confined to the dakshina kannada region and certain areas of uttra kanna districts .
The bhoots are considered as nature spirits much like the yakshas which are belivedto demand propitiation from lo-
cal people in return for protection of cattle and warding off disease
Workship is often not conducted with an icon but through staged rituals
The cult belongs to an ancient form of worship.
The sculptures are found in temples dedicated to hindu gods
The carving of bhoota figures is hereditary profession . famous amongst the bhoota figures are the once that are
found in nandikeshvara near udipi
wood carving

Cluster : Gulbarga

Products : doors , brackets animal figuries idols

Tool : chisels , drill hammer , gouges

material used : Teak and neem wood are used for carving .

The carvings derive inspiration from hoysala chalukya and rastrakuta style .
The craftsmen in Gulbarga are traditional wood carves and have migrated from surpur where their ancestors were
based .
References and Credits

Handmade in India
You Tube

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