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1)2- Water freezes at 0°C

3- Brr! I’m freezing! Can´t we turn up the central heating a bit?
4- I go to work by car as a rule but I am going by train this week because my car’s at the
5- Why are you always leaving the top off the toothpaste? It makes me so angry!
6- What time is your plane take off tomorrow?
7- Do you speak Spanish?
No, but I am learning. My girlfriend teaches me. She’s from Madrid.
Is teaching
8- Anna is working in New York for three months. She’s coming back to Bristol on July 12 th.
9- Don’t forget to phone me as soon as you arrive in Berlin.
10- Are you coming to the concert tonight? Yes. Well, don’t be late, it starts at 7.30 sharp!
11- He’s terrible. He is always asking me for cash and he never pays me back!
12- What are you doing? Can’t you see? I am making a bookcase for the living room.
13- Oh, that’s a good photo! Who’s that woman who stands behind your mother and what
on earth is she wearing on her head? Is standing
14- They are constantly arguing in front of other people. It´s really embarrassing.
15- John! Someone’s knocking at the door. Can you get it? Sorry, I’m having a bath.
1.2) 1 – G

2.1) 2- There’s a good shop in Church Street that sells electrical goods.

3- Isn’t Marie Curie the woman who discovered radium?

4- Look out! There’s that woman whose car you crashed into last week.

5- Was it Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

6- She adores people who pay her compliments.

7- That’s the new sports car whose designer used to work with my brother.
8- Those are the two boys who broke the window.
9- Actually, it’s the mosquito which causes Malaria.
10- Aren’t you the chap whose wife u se to be a professional wrestler?

2.2) 2- Liza Minnelli, whose mother is Judy Garland, became famous for her part in the film

3- An old van, which was bought ten years ago by Andy, has never broken down.

The old van that Andy bought ten years ago has never broken down.

4- None of the people that Hideyuki and Kanako met in Australia spoke a word of
5- Pelé, whose real name is Edison Arantes do Nascimento, was the greatest footballer in
the world.

6- Elvis Presley, who died in 1977, was known as the King of rock’n roll.

7- Not all of the people who take this exam pass it!

8- A strange orange-coloured soup, which had been made by their grandmother, was given
to us.

They gave us, had been made by their gm

9- Mickey Mouse, whose original name was Mortimer, first appeared in a cartoon in 1928.

10- Japanese, which uses three different types of script, is rather difficult for foreigners to
learn to write.


2- v 7- v

3- x that cambia a which 8- x that cambia a which

4- v 9- v

5- v 10- x sin coma

6- v

2.4) 2- Greta found her engagement ring, which had belonged to her husband’s great-
grandmother, under the sofa.

3- The Taj Mahal, which was built as a monument to a man’s dead wife, is one of India’s
most famous sight.

4- The author, who wrote all those murder stories, has been found dead.

5- The exhibition, which takes play every year, is always very successful.

6- Ambra phoned me to tell me that the cake (that) I had made for her party had made
everybody feel sick.

7- We went to the Sydney Opera House, which is the city’s most famous landmark.

8- The ambulance arrived outside the building where the accident had happened.

9- That’s the man (who) we saw trying to break into the shop.

10- Alcatraz, where America’s most dangerous criminals used to be kept, is now a major
tourist attraction.

3) 2- I’ve never understood how such a big family can live up with just one small salary. -> Live

3- live on -> caught on

4- live up with -> live up to

5- caught on
6- live up with -> Live on

7- caught on -> Caught up with

8- lived through

9- live up with -> Catch up with

10- catch up with -> caught on

4) 2 – d – because of -> about

3 – e – on -> with

4 – a – with

5 – b – in

6 – g – while -> with

7 – c – of -> with

8 – f – about -> by/at

5.1) 2- h

3- i

4- c

5- tablets

6- lock

7- screwdiver

8- labels

9- thermometer

10- rucksack

5.2) 2- fishing rod/net

3- jug

4- binoculars/telescope

5- notepad

6- whistle

7- first aid kit

8- scissors

9- scarf

10- iron

6) 2- What do you do then, Harry?

3- I’m temporarily working in a shoe shop until I go to university.

4- Jeans caught up with young people in the 1950s.


5- Joe was angry with his sister for breaking his cassette player.

6- Venice, which is in the north-east of Italy, is slowly sinking into the sea.

7- The concert didn´t live up to our expectations.

8- Brad is playing squash with Gerry tomorrow evening.

9- The schoolchildren were very excited about the party.

10- You are always complaining about the food!

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