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Family Health Nursing

1. There are many definitions of the family. A common idea in many of these definitions is that it
is a social unit, that is, two or more persons who
A. share a common culture.
B. live together under one roof.
C. are related to one another by blood.
D. are joined together by bonds or ties.
Answer: D

2. A man lives with his wife and her children from a previous marriage. In terms of its
composition, this family is
A. blended.
B. extended.
C. compound.
D. cohabiting.
Answer: A

3. Generally, children learn behavior acceptable to the other members of the community from
their parents. Which function of the family does this illustrate?
A. Status placement
B. Welfare and protection
C. Socialization of family members
D. Physical maintenance of its members
Answer: C

4. The family facilitates case finding for health problems that may present risks for the entire
family. Which of the following is an example of this statement?
A. The school nurse visits the family of a young pupil with signs of chicken pox.
B. The mother provides home care to her two children diagnosed to have chicken pox.
C. During a home visit, the nurse observes for the presence of accident hazards in the home.
D. The mother tells the nurse that her 3-year old who had measles the past month still has
mouth sores
Answer: A

5. The house has to be meticulously inspected for accident/poisoning hazards in which of these
A. Family parenting young children
B. Family with an adolescent
C. Middle-aged family
D. Aging family
Answer: A
6. A 4-year old child has been having on-and-off fever for three days. His mother brings him to
the health center for consultation. This indicates the mother’s ability to carry out which of the
following family health tasks?
A. Recognizing interruptions of health or development
B. Seeking health care
C. Providing nursing care to the sick, disabled or dependent member of the family
D. Providing an environment conducive to health maintenance
Answer: B

7. It is important for the community health nurse to be able to provide care to families in the
catchment population. In what fields of community practice can family health care be provided?
1. Public health nursing A. 1, 2, and 3
2. School health nursing B. 1, 2, and 4
3. Faith community nursing C. 2, 3, and 4
4. Occupational health nursing D. All of these
Answer: D

8. The nurse may use different tools in family assessment. Which tool best depicts the family’s
relationship with other institutions?
A. Ecomap
B. Genogram
C. Family health tree
D. Family Assessment Form
Answer: A

9. Family interviewing is useful not only for family assessment but also as a means for family
interventions. The nurse tells the mother that she has done well in complying with the schedule
of immunization for her infant. What element of family interviewing is the nurse utilizing in
this situation?
A. Manners
B. Therapeutic question
C. Therapeutic conversation
D. Commending a family strength
Answer: D

10. To facilitate data analysis, the nurse organizes family data utilizing a particular system. What is
the category of interpersonal relationships among family members?
A. Family environment
B. Socioeconomic characteristics
C. Family structure and characteristics
D. Family health and health behavior
Answer: C

11. During a home visit to follow up a patient on treatment for tuberculosis, the patient’s wife tells
the nurse that her husband is really busy with his job to go to the health center to get his supply
of medications. What is the area of assessment in the family coping index that the nurse must
consider to help this family?
A. Physical independence
B. Therapeutic competence
C. Knowledge of health condition
D. Application of principles of personal and general hygiene
Answer: B

12. Priority setting is done to determine which among the identified family problems should be
given attention first. Among the following criteria, which should be given the greatest weight?
A. Practicality
B. Family safety
C. Projected effects
D. Family perception
Answer: B

13. When formulating objectives for the family health plan, the nurse and the family have to
consider resources available to them. This is related to which of the following characteristics of
well stated objectives?
A. Specific
B. Relevant
C. Attainable
D. Measurable
Answer: C

14. The nurse utilizes different types of family interventions. Which type of intervention does the
nurse employ in teaching the mother proven techniques for successful breastfeeding?
A. Facilitative
B. Supplemental
C. Developmental
Answer: C

15. The family health plan should fit family characteristics, resources and lifestyle. This is relevant
to which principle of planning?
A. Mutuality
B. Personalization
C. Coordination
D. Defining self
Answer: B

16. Evaluation of the plan of care guides the nurse and the family in deciding the next course of
action. Which criterion of evaluation in considered when the nurse, together with the family,
determines the degree of attainment of goals and objectives?
A. Adequacy
B. Efficiency
C. Effectiveness
D. Appropriateness
Answer: C

17. The nurse comes in contact with families in different settings and in a variety of ways. The
nurse’s objective is to provide the families with an opportunity to share experiences and explore
possible alternatives to solve a community problem. Which of the following is the most
appropriate type of family-nurse contact?
A. Home visit
B. Clinic visit
C. Group conference
D. Written communication
Answer: C

18. Each type of family-nurse contact has advantages and disadvantages. What is the major
advantage of home visit over the other types?
A. It saves much nursing time and effort.
B. It allows firsthand appraisal of the home situation.
C. It promotes the development of family initiative in health care.
D. It provides an opportunity for sharing ideas among people faced with similar conditions.
Answer: B

19. You decided to visit the de la Cruz family to determine if they have any nursing needs. This is
an illustration of which principle of planning?
A. A home visit should have a purpose.
B. A home visit plan should be practical and adaptable.
C. A home visit plan focuses on identified needs of the family.
D. When planning a home visit, use all available information about the family.
Answer: A

20. The nursing bag serves as a container for the articles that may be used by the nurse in providing
care to families. Which of the following general principles in the use of the bag is most
A. It helps the nurse in infection control.
B. It may be performed in different ways.
C. It allows the nurse to give care efficiently.
D. Applying the bag technique must not remove the nurse’s focus on the family.
Answer: A

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