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1. Which of the following denotes the effect of compressibility in fluid flow?
a. Reynolds Number c. Mach Number
b. Weber Number d. Peclet Number
 In a compressible fluid flow, the fluid density varies with its pressure. Compressible flows are
usually high speed flows with Mach numbers greater than about 0.3.
2. Which of the following meters will have the highest permanent pressure loss?
a. Pitot tube b. orifice c. venture d. rotameter
 Orifice plates cause a high permanent pressure drop wherein the outlet pressure will be 60% to
80% of inlet pressure, and also subject to erosion which will later cause inaccuracies in the
measured differential pressure.
3. The Fanning friction factor for fluid flow in pipe does not depend upon the
a. pipe length c. fluid density & viscosity
b. pipe roughness d. fluid’s mass flowrate
 Fanning friction factor is a dimensionless number used as a local parameter in continuum
mechanics calculations. It is defined as the ratio between the local shear stress and the local flow
kinetic energy density given by the local flow velocity and the density of the fluid.

4. The differential height between two points where a fluid has to be transferred is the _____head.

a. dynamic b. velocity c. pressure d. potential

 Potential head is given by the difference in elevation between two points in a fluid.

5. A measure of the resistance of a fluid to shear or angular deformation

a. viscosity b. fanning friction c. roughness d. surface tension

 Viscosity defines the internal resistance to flow and shear of a fluid.

6. Pressure level measured with respect at atmospheric pressure are termed as

a. absolute pressure b. vacuum c. gage pressure d. differential pressure

 Gage pressure is the pressure relative to the atmospheric pressure. In other words, how much
above or below is the pressure with respect to the atmospheric pressure.

7. Blood is an example of a_______fluid

a. Pseudoplastic b. Bingham Plastic c. Newtonian d. Dilatant

 Blood is a fluid whose apparent viscosity or consistency decreases instantaneously with an increase
in shear rate. Therefore it is a pseudoplastic fluid.

8. Which of the following fittings exhibits the highest pressure drop for the same flow conditions?

a. 90 0 long radius elbow

b. 45 0 standard elbow

C. 90 0 standard elbow

d. square corner elbow

 The equivalent length is directly proportional to the pressure drop. Among the choices, the square-
corner elbow has the highest equivalent length therefore exhibiting the highest pressure drop.

9. For the transfer os solution of corrosive or thick slurry, the pump used is a_______pump.
a. reciprocating b. centrifugal c. diaphragm d. gear

 Diaphragm pumps are self-priming and are ideal for viscous liquids.

10. The head loss in turbulent flow is a pipe varies

a. as velocity c. as 1/( diameter )
b. as ( velocity ) d. inversely as the velocity

 The head loss in a turbulent flow varies approximately as the square of the velocity.

11. When the ID of the pipe through which a fluid flows is doubled, the pressure loss due to friction per
unit length of pipe and for the same volumetric flowrate is changed by approximately factor of

a. 1/8 b. 1/16 c. 1/32 d. 1/64

 In doubling the diameter of a pipe, the head loss is decreased by a factor of 32 thus the energy
consumed in moving a given volumetric flow of the fluid is cut down dramatically for a modest
increase in capital cost.

12. This event occurs when vapor pockets form in a liquid flow is doubled, the pressure loss due to friction
per unit length of pipe and for the same volumetric flowrate is changed by approximately factor of

a. water hammer c. boiling point elevation

c. cavitation d. flow separation

 Cavitation happens when the pressure in a liquid suddenly drops. The drop in pressure is caused by
pushing a liquid quicker than it can react, leaving behind an area of low pressure often as a bubble
of gas.

13. The general purpose of which is to measure the difference pressures

a. manometer b. venture c. barometer d. orifice

 Manometers are devices used to measure the difference in pressure between two points.

14. According to the affinity laws for dynamic types pumps, this varies with the square of the impeller
diameter and speed

a. power b. head c. capacity d. flowrate

 The Affinity Laws of centrifugal pumps or fans indicates the influence on volume capacity, head
and/or power consumption of a pump or fan due to the change in speed of wheel - revolutions per
minute and due to geometric similarity - change in impeller diameter.

15. Lower BWG means

a. lower thickness pump c. lower cross-section of tube

b. outer diameter of a tube d. inner diameter of tube

 Birmingham Wire Gauge is a notation for the diameters of metal rods. A cross reference between
BWG, imperial sizes and metric equivalents, in terms of tube wall thickness. Therefore the lower
BWG is the lower cross section.

16. Horsepower requirement for a given pump capacity depends upon the

a. specific gravity of the liquid c. discharge head

b. suction lift d. all of the above

 All these parameters are related by the formula BHP =
3960 ε
17. At the plane’s nozzle, the air temperature is 400 K and the plane’s velocity is 450 m/s. The plane’s
speed is at

a. subsonic b. sonic c. supersonic d. hypersonic

Given: T air = 400K , plane’s velocity = 450 m/s

Req’d: speed of the plane

speed of object
speed of sound @ 400 K
450 m/s
401.028 m/s
M =1.1221
Answer: M>1 therefore, supersonic

18. It offers physical explanations why atmospheric pressure changes with altitude, why wood and oil float
on water and why the surface of water is always flat and horizontal whatever the shape of its

a. Newton’s Law c. Bernoulli’s Equation

b. Fluid Mechanics d. Hydrostatic Principle

 The principle of hydrostatic equilibrium is that the pressure at any point in a fluid at rest (whence,
“hydrostatic”) is just due to the weight of the overlying fluid.

19. Fittings that join two pieces of pipe

a. elbows b. flanges reducers d. couplings

 In plumbing, a coupling is a pipe fitting that connects two pipes.

20. Consider two pipes of same length and diameter through which water is passed at the same velocity.
The friction factor for rough pipe is f 1 and that for smooth pipe is f 2. Pick out the correct statement.

a. f 1=f 2 b. f 1< f 2 c. f 1> f 2 d. f 1=2 f 2

 Since the two pipes have the same length, the same diameter, and the water is passing in the
same velocity, pipe roughness will be the deciding factor for friction.

21. Hydraulic radius of a 3 ft equilateral triangle channel below is

a. 0.65 ft b. 0.51 ft c. 0.49 ft d. 0.38 ft


2 ft 2 ft
3 ft

Req’d: hydraulic radius


area of triangle (0.5)(3)(sin 60)(3)

rH = = =0.4871 ft ≈ 0.49 ft
wetted perimeter 1+ 3+4
22. Oil with a viscosity of 30 cP and a density of 60 lb /ft 3 flows through a ½ in inside diameter pipe.
Determine the velocity in ft/s below which flow will be laminar.

a. 87.20 b. 0.63 c. 13.10 d. 16.90

Given: Oil

µ = 30 cP = 0.0201168 lb/ft-s

ρ = 60 lb/ ft3

d = ½ in = 1/24 ft

Req’d: velocity in ft/s below which flow will be laminar (Re = 2100)

(2100 ) 0.0201168
ft −s )
( 241 ft )(60 ftlb )

v=16.898112 ft/s≈ 16.90 ft /s

23. A Bingham fluid of viscosity μ=10 Pa . s∧ yield stress , τ 0=10 kPa, is shared between flat plate parallel
plates separated by a distance of 10−3 m. The top plate is moving with a velocity of 1 m/s. The shear
stress on the plate

a. 10 kPa b. 20 kPa c. 30 kPa d. 40 kPa

Given: viscosity, µ = 10 Pa · s yield stress, s = 10KPa

distance, x = 10-3m velocity, v = 1m/s

Req’d: shear stress on the plate

du τ =10 kPa+ 10 Pa 1 kPa
τ =τ 0 + μ
dy (10−3 m )( 1000 Pa )
=20 kPa

24. A piece of glass weighs 258.6 g in air, 152.6 g in water at 4 0 C and 92 g in sulphuric acid. Calculate the
specific gravity of the sulphuric acid.

a. 0.85 b. 1.57 c. 2.44 d. 3.12


mass of glass in air = 258.6 g

mass of glass in water = 152.6 g

mass of glass in sulphuric acid = 92 g

Required: SG of H2SO4


Weight of glass(in air – in H2SO4) = 258.6g – 92g = 166.6g of displaced H2SO4

Weight of plummett (in air - in water) = 258.6 g – 152.6 g = 106 g of displaced water

SG of H2SO4 = 166.6 g/ 106 g = 1.5717

25. One of the King Hero’s crowns was found to have weight 13N in air. What is its specific gravity if
Archimedes found it weighing 11.5N in water?

a. 10.83 b. 11.23 c. 12.43 d. 14.72


W in air = 13N

W in H2O = 11.5N




Fb = 13N – 11.5N = 1.5N = 1000(9.81)(Vb)

13 N
ρcrown = 9.81 N
ρcrown = 8666.66667 kg/m3
SG =
SG = 8.6667

26. An ore sample weighs 15N in air. When the sample is suspended by light chord and totally immersed in
water, the tension in the cord is 10.80N. Find the total volume of the sample.
a. 4 ×10−4 m3 b. 5.67 ×10−4 m 3 c. 3.2 ×10−4 m3 d. 4.28 × 10−4 m 3

27. A wooden cube that is 15 centimeters on each side with a specific weight of 6300 N/ m 3 is floating in
fresh water ( γ=9810 N /m3 ) . What is the depth of the cube below the surface?

a. 8.75 cm b. 9.12 cm c. 9.63 cm d. 10.12 cm

S = 15 cm
6300 N 3
γ cube =
γ sea =9810 N /m3

Required: Depth of Cube

6300 N 9810 N
0.15 m
( m 3 ) (
m3 )
X = 0.0963m = 9.63 cm
28. A hollow plastic sphere is held below the surface of a fresh water lake by a cable anchored to the
bottom of the lake. The sphere has a volume of 0.300 m 3, and the tension on the cable is 900N.
Calculate the mass of the sphere.

a. 208.25 kg b. 302.45 kg c. 435.35 kg d. 307.65 kg

Given: volume of sphere = 0.300 m 3

F = 900N

Req’d: mass of the sphere

g N m kg m
Sol’n: F=
m900 N=9.81 mass=91.7431 kg ρ= 1000 3 = mass=300 kg
gc kg ( mass ) v m 0.3 m3
¿∗¿ mass=300 kg−91.7431 kg=208.2569 kg
29. In a natural gas pipeline at station 1 the pipe diameter is 2 ft and the flow conditions are 800 psia,
600 F and 50 ft/s velocity. At station 2, the pipe diameter is 3 ft and flow conditions are 500 psia, 600 F
. What is the mass flowrate in kg/s?

a. 184 b. 175 c. 198 d. 168


Condition 1: Condition 2:
Diameter: 2ft Diameter: 3ft
Pressure: 800 psia Pressure: 500 psia
Temperature= 60o F Temperature= 60o
Velocity:50 ft/s Velocity:?

Req’d: Mass flowrate, m


solution 1:
1 atm lb
800 psia x x 16
14.7 psia lbmol lb
ρ= 3 = 2.2932 3
ft atm ft
0.7302 x 520 R
lbmol K
m1= m2

m1= ρ 1 A1 V1
lb π ft 1 kg
m1= 2.2932 3 x
(2 ft 2 ) x 50 x = 163.4369 kg/s
ft 4 s 2.204 lb
solution 2:
1 atm lb
(800−14.7) psia x x 16
14.7 psia lbmol lb
ρ 1= 3 = 2.2511 3
ft atm ft
0.7302 x 520 R
lbmol K
1 atm lb
(500−14.7) psia x x 16
14.7 psia lbmol lb
ρ 2= 3 = 1.3911 3
ft atm ft
0.7302 x 520 R
lbmol K
Using Bernoulli equation:
lbf lbf ft 2
( 800−14.7 ) x 144 ( 500−14.7 ) x 144 (50 ) −V 22
ft 2 ft 2 s
− + =0
lb lb lbm ft
2.2511 3 1.3911 2 x 32.174 2
ft ft 3 s lbf
V2 = 49.1645
lb π ft 1 kg
m1= = 2.2511 3x (2 ft 2 ) x 50 x = 160.4365 kg/s
ft 4 s 2.204 lb
lb π ft 1 kg
m2= = 1.3911 3x
(3 ft 2) x 49.1645 x = 219.3465 kg/s
ft 4 s 2.204 lb
160.4365+ 219.3465
mave = kg/s = 189.8915 kg/s ≈ 184 kg/s
30. A hose shoots water straight up a distance of 2.5 m. The end opening on the hose has an area of
0.75 cm2. How much water comes out in minute?
a. 13.5 L b. 31.5 L c. 41.5 L d. 41.5 L


Z=2.5 m
Req’d: volume of water coming out of the hose

2 3
1m m −4 m 1000 L
q=0.75 cm
100 cm
( )√ ( s )
2 9.8 2 (2.5 m )q=5.25 ×10
1 m3
×60 s=31.5 L

31. Water is flowing in a pipe of varying cross-sectional area and at all points the water completely fills the
pipe. The cross-sectional area at point 1 is 0.80 m 2, and the velocity is 3.5 m/s. Compute the fluids
velocity at point 2 where the cross-sectional area is 0.60 m 2.

a. 5.22 m/s b.4.67 m/s c.3.25 m/s d.2.57 m/s


 @point 1: area= 0.8 m2, velocity = 3.5 m/s

 @point 2: area= 0.6 m2


 Velocity @ point 2



V1P1S1 = V2P2S2
V 1 S1
V2 =
V2 = = 6.67 m/s
32. A cylindrical pipe with water flowing downward at 0.02 m 3 /s having top diameter of 0.08 m, bottom
diameter of 0.04 m and height of 1.5 m. Find the pressure between the pipe.

a. 94 kPa b. 104 kPa c. 124 kPa d. 134 kPa

Given: top diameter of cylinder = 0.08m

Bottom diameter of cylinder = 0.04m

Height of cylinder = 1.5m

Velocity of flowing water = 0.02 m 3 /s

Req’d: pressure between pipe



Q= 0.02 m3/s

Dtop= 0.08 m
Dbottom= 0.04 m


pressure between the pipe, ∆P


P1 α V 21 P2 α V 22
+ Z 1+ +ηWp−H ex −H loss= + Z 2+
ρg 2g ρg 2g

P 1−P2 α V 22 α V 12
= − −Z 1
ρg 2g 2g

0.02 m3 / s
V1 = ❑
(0.08 m)2 = 3.9789 m/s

0.02m 3 /s
V1 = ❑
(0.04 m)2 = 15.9155 m/s

m 2 2
( ) ( )
( )
15.9155 − 3.9789
s s
N (9.81 kgN )(1000 mkg )−(1.5 m)( 9.81 kgN )(1000 mkg )
3 3

2 9.81
kg )
1 kPa
=104,020.7475 Pa x
1000 Pa
∆P= 104.0207 kPa

33. A 60-cm water pipes carries a flow of 0.1m 3 /s . At point A the elevation is 50 meters and the pressure is
200 kPa. At point B, 1200 meters downstream of A, the elevation is 40 meters and pressure is 230 kPa.
The head loss, in feet, between A and B is

a. 6.94 b. 15.0 c.22.77 d.100.2

Given: Diamter of pipe = 60 cm

Velocity of water = 0.1
At point A:

Za = 50 m P = 200kPa

At point B:

L = 1200 m downstream of A Zb = 40 m P = 230 kPa

Req’d: head loss between A and B

v a2 P A v B2 PB PA PB 200 kPa−230 kPa
Z a+ + =Z B + + +h f Z a+ =Z B + +h f h f = +50 m−40 m=6.94 m ≈ 22.77 ft
2g γ 2g γ γ γ 9.81 m/s

34. A rectangular duct 4m x 1.5 m in cross section carries conditioned air, its equivalent diameter is

a. 2.18 m b. 1.5 m c. 2.75 ft d. 2.18 ft

Given: Area = 4m x 1.5 m

Req’d: equivalent diameter

4 ( 1.5 )
Sol’n: D eq =4
[ 2 ( 4 ) +2 ( 1.5 ) ]
D eq =2.1818 m

35. Oil with a viscosity of 30 cP and a density of 60 lb/ ft 3 flows through a ½ inch inside diameter pipe.
Determine the velocity in ft/s below which flow will be laminar

a. 87.20 b. 0.63 c. 13.10 d. 16.90

Given: oil

µ = 30cP
ρ = 60lb/ft3
ID = 0.5in
Req’d: velocity in ft/s
Dv ρ
Re = ; Re = 2100 (laminar flow)

0.5 lb
( ft )(v )(60 )
12 ft 3
2100 = ; v = 16.9344ft/s
6.72E-4 lb
(30 • )
1 ft • s

36. Water flows through a horizontal coil heated by steam condensing on the outside. If the inlet pressure
and temperature are 2 atm and 1600 F and at the exit 1 atm and 2200 F , calculate the heat added
(Btu) to the coil per pound mass of water. The entering velocity is 5 ft/s and the leaving is 500 ft/s.
Data: H 1=127.9 ∧H 2=1154.4 Btu/lb
a. 1277 b. 1042 c. 1031 d. 1022

P1 = 2 atm P2 = 1 atm
T1 = 160°F T2 = 220°F
V1 = 5 ft/s V2 = 500 ft/s
H1 = 127.9 Btu/lb H2 = 1154.4 Btu/lb

Required: Q

∆H + ∆PE + ∆KE = Q + Ws
Q = ∆H + ∆KE

Q= m ( v 22−v 12 ) +m(H 2−H 1)

1 1 Btu
Q= ( 1 ) ( 500 2−52 ) ft −lbf ( )+(1)(1154.4 −127.9)BTU
2 778 ft −lbf

Q = 1031.6032 BTU
Q =1031 BTU

37. Hydraulic radius of a 4 ft equilateral triangle channel below is

a. 0.31 ft

b. 0.54 ft

c. 0.65 ft

d. 0.91 ft

Given: 4 ft equilateral triangle

Req’d: hydraulic radius


Area 0.5(4 sin 60)(4)

rH = = = 0.65 ft
wetted perimeter 4+ 2.667+2.667+1.333

38. A cast iron pipe of equilateral triangular cross section with side of 20.75 inch has water flowing through
it. The flowrate is 6000 gpm, and the friction factor is 0.017. what is the pressure drop in a 100 ft pipe

a. 1800 lb /ft 2 b. 310 lb/ft 2 c. 1661 lb/ft 2 d. 704 lb/ft 2

Given: sides of equilateral triangle = 20.75 inch

Flowrate = 6000 gpm

Friction factor = 0.017

Req’d: pressure drop

area 1 1 ft
Deq= 4( )= 4 (20.75)¿ ¿( )= .9983 ft
parameter 2 12∈¿ ¿
1 ft 2
A∆= 20.75 (17.97)(0.5)( )= 1.2947 ft2
144∈¿ ¿
1 min
Q= 6000 gal/min ¿)( )= 13.3673 ft3/s
60 sec
V= = 10.32 ft/s

2 ( 62.4 ) (.017)(100)(10.32)2 lbf lbf

∆ P= = 703.49 ≈ 704
32.174(.9983) ft 2 ft 2

39. Air flows past a 2-inch diameter sphere at 100 ft/sec. What is the drag force experienced by the sphere
given that it has a coefficient of drag of 0.5 and that the density of the air is 0.0753 lb/ft 3?

a. 0.064 b. 0.137 c. 0.244 d. 0.256

Given: Dsphere = 2 in.

V = 100 ft/sec

CD = 0.5

Density of air = 0.0753 lbm / ft3

Required: Drag force, FD

FD= ρ v2 C D A

π 2 π 2 2 1
A= D =
4 4 12 ( )
ft =
π ft 2

lbm . ft
1 lbm ft ( ) 1 lbm . ft sec 2
2 (
0.0753 3 100
ft )(
0.5 ) (
144 )
π ft 2 =4.106977896
sec 2
lbm . ft
=0.1276 lbf

lbf . sec 2

40. A venturi meter is to be installed in a 100 mm line to measure the flow of water at 15 ℃ . The
75 m3
maximum flowrate is . The manometer reading is 1.25m of Hg. What will be the power in Kw
required to operate the meter at full load?

a. 1.26 b. 1.07 c. 0.55 d. 0.32


Density of water at 15°C = 998.1231 kg/m3

Q = 75 m3/hr

P = 1.25 mHg

Required: Power, kW

Assume: permanent loss in pressure is 10% of the venturi differential

Power=1.25 mHg ( 10001mHg

) ( 101325
760 mmHg
75 )(
m3 1 hr
hr 3600 s
1 kW
)( 1000 W)
( 0.1 )

¿ 0.3472 kW

41. A solution of specific gravity 1.84 is being discharged from a tank through an orifice to the atmosphere.
Level of the liquid in the tank is 20 ft above the centerline of the exit pipe. Frictional and contraction
losses in the pipe amount to 12 ft head of solution. Under these conditions; the discharge velocity in
ft/s is

a. 22.7 b. 13.8 c. 25.5 d. 28.8

Given: orifice
Hliquid = is 20ft above the centerline of the exit pipe
Frictional + contraction losses = 12ft

Required: Discharge velocity, ft/s

6889 ft
v=√ 2 x 32.174 x(20−12)=22. ≈ 22.7 ft /s

42. Water at 60 ℉ is flowing through a 3-inch diameter smooth horizontal pipe. If the Reynolds number is
35,300, calculate the ratio of the maximum velocity to the average velocity

a. 0.81 b. 1.05 c. 1.22 d. 1.72

Temp = 60oF
µ = 1129.2652 x 10-6 Pa-s
ρ = 998.0622 kg/m3
Req’d: Vmax/Vave ratio

Get f by Blasius equation:
F = (100 Re)-1/4 = 0.0231
Vave= =0.4361
1+1.33 √ f
43. If a centrifuge is 3 ft diameter and rotate at 1000 rpm, the speed (rpm) of a laboratory centrifuge of 6
inch diameter be run if it is to duplicate the plant conditions.

a. 2449 b. 2500 c. 2469 d. 2000


r1 = 3 ft

N1 = 1000 rpm

r2 = 6 inches

Reqd: N2


2 πN 1 2 2 πN 2 2
r1( ) = r2( )
60 60
r1 N 12= r2 N 22

3(1000)2 = 0.5 N 22

N2 = 2449.4897 rpm

44. Engine oil with kinematic viscosity of 0.00024 m 2 /s is flowing inside an annulus at 0.5 m/sec. Annulus
is made up of 3 in. Sch. 40 and 1 in. Sch 40 concentric pipes 10 m long. Pressure drop expressed in
meters of oil is

a. 2.33 b. 4.57 c. 1.98 d. 0.65

Kinematic viscosity= 0.00024 m2/sec
Annulus: 3 in Sched 40 & 1 in Sched 40
L=10 m

Req’d: Pressure drop


3 in Sched 40 (OD 3.5 in, ID=3.068 in= 0.0779 m)

1 in Sched 40 (OD=1.315=0.0334 m ID=0.133)
π ( ID )2 π ( 0.0779 )2
Inner cross section are of the larger pipe = = =4.7661 x 10−3
4 4
π ( OD )2 π ( 0.0334 )2
Outer cross section are of the smaller pipe = = =8.7616 x 10−4
4 4
Cross sectional area of the annulus= Inner –Outer=3.8899 x 10 -3

Inner circumference of the larger pipe = π ( ID )=π ( 0.0779 )=0.2447 m

Outer circumference of the smaller pipe = π (OD )=π ( 0.0334 )=0.1049 m
Wetted perimeter = Cinner + Couter=0.2447 + 0.1049 = 0.3496 m
Area 3.8899 x 10−3
Dh= 4 x =4 x =0.0445m
Wetted perimeter 0.3496
Flow velocity=0.5 m/sec
Relative roughness= 0.0457 mm=4.57x10-5 m

Reynolds number= ( v ) ( Dhu )= 0.50.00024

x (0.0445)
16 16
Fanning friction factor f = ℜ = =0.1726
L V2 10 0.5 2
hf =2 f ( )( )
=2 ( 0.1726 )
9.81 )( )
=1.9769 m ≈ 1.98 m

45. A perfect venturi with throat diameter of 1.8 inches is placed horizontally in a pipe with a 5 in inside
diameter. Eighty pounds of water flow through the pipe each second. What is the difference between
the pipe and venture throat static pressure?

a. 29.9 psi b. 34.8 psi c. 5020 psi d. 72.3 psi

venturi throat diameter,D2= 1.8 inches
pipe inside diameter, D1=5 inches
mass flow rate,m= 80 lbs/s

difference between the pipe and venturi throat static pressure


4 Q ( 4 ) ( 1.2821 ) ft
m 80 lbs/s ft 3 v1 = = =9.4027
Q= = =1.2821 2
π D1 5 2
ρ 62.4 lbs/ft 3 s (π)
12 ( )
4 Q ( 4 ) ( 1.2821 ) ft
v 2= = =72.5520
π D2 1.8 2
(π) ( )

P 1−P2 v 22−v 21
ρ 2g

( P1−P2 ) ( 1728 ) ( 72.5520 )2−( 9.4027 )2 12

( 62.4 )
=( ( 2 )( 32.174 ) )( )

P1−P2=34.8521 psi 34.8 psi

46. A 4m3/h pump delivers water to a pressure tank. At the start, the gauge reads 138 kPa until it reads
276 kPa and then the pump was shut off. The volume of the tank is 150 L. At 276 kPa the water
occupied 2/3 of the tank volume. Determine the volume of water that can be taken out of until the
gauge reads 138 kPa.

a. 14.5L b. 29.5L c. 44.0L d. 58.0L

4 m3
Given: V̇ =
P1=138 kPa P2=276 kPa P3=138 kPa

V tank =150 L

@ P2=276 kPa : V = (150 L )=100 L
@ Pair =276 kPa : V = (150 L )=50 L
Req’d: volume of water removed

P2 V 2=P1 V 1

(138 + 101.325)(V2) = (276 +101.325)(50 L)

V2 = 78.8311 L

VH2O to be removed = 100 L – (150 - 78.8311) L = 28.8311 L ≈ 29.5 L

47. Water is pumped at a constant rate of 10 m 3 /h from a large reservoir resting on the floor to the open
top of an absorption tower. The point of discharges is 6m above the floor, and the frictional losses in
the 40 mm pipe from the reservoir to the tower amount to 4J/kg. At what height in the reservoir must
the water level be kept if the pump can develop only 0.12 kW?

a. 2.2 m b. 6.4m c. 1.9m d. 2.7 m

Given: pump rate = 10 m 3 /h point of discharge = 6m above the floor

D = 40mm frictional loss = 4 J/kg

Pump work = 0.12 kW

Req’d: height of water

α V 22
z 1=z 2+ −nWp+ H L
m3 1h
10 x
h 3600 s m
V= =2.2105
Π s
x 0.042 m2

0.04 x 1000 x 2.2105

ℜ= =88420 (Turbulent : α =1)

nWp= =4.4037 m
m3 1h kg N
10 x x 1000 3 x 9.81
h 3600 s m kg
kg 2.21052
z 1=6 m−4.4037 m+ +
N 2 x 9.81

z 1=2.2510 m

48. Cooling water at 22 ℃ flows thru a smooth pipe of unknown diameter resulting to a pressure drop of
2Kn/m2 for a length of 5 meters. It’s mass flow rate is 1590 kg/h. Determine the pipe diameters in

a. 200 b. 171 c. 330 d. 245

Given: T of cooling water = 22 ℃ ; Length of pipe = 5 m

∆ P=2 Kn/m 2; mass flowrate of water = 1590 kg/h

Req’d: pipe diameter


properties of water at 22 ℃

µ =9.6892 x 10-4 Pa.s

ρ =996.795 kg/m3

π D4 ∆ P
128 µ ∆ X
kg 1
1590 x
hr 3600 s
Q= = 4.4309 x 10-4 m3/s
996.795 3

π D 4 x 2000 Pa
4.4309 x 10-4 m3/s =
5 m x 128 x 9.6892 x 10−4
d = 0.025 m

49. A venturi meter having a throat diameter of 38.9 mm is installed in a line having an inside diameter of
102.3 mm. It meters water and the measured pressure drop across the venturi is 156.9 KPa. Calculate
the flow rate in gpm if the coefficient (Cv) is 0.98

a. 200 b. 171 c. 330 d. 245

Given: Throat diameter=38.9 mm

Pipe ID = 102.3 mm

ΔP = 156.9 KPa


Req;d: Q, gpm
Throat diameter 38.9 mm
β= = =0.3803
Pipe ID 102.3 mm

Cv 2 gc ΔP
√ 1−β 4
√ ρ

2 ( 1 ) ( 156.9 x 103 )
√ 1−0.3803 4
√ 1000

π 38.9 2 1000 L 1 gal 60 s

Q= (17.5446 ) ( ( ))
4 1000
1m 3
3.7854 L
1 minute
=331.2728 gpm

50. A cylindrical tank 1 ft in diameter discharges through a nozzle connected to the base. Find the time
needed for the water level in the tank to drop from 6 ft to 3 ft above the nozzle. The diameter of the
nozzle is 1 inch and its discharge maybe taken as unity.

a. 15s b. 42s c. 21s d. 30s


D of cylinder tank = 1 ft
D of nozzle = 1 in
6 ft

Req’d: time needed for the water level in the tank to drop from 6 ft to 3 ft

−d d dh − A T dh −A T dh − A T − AT −1
ρAV −0= ∫ ρdv ¿− [ ρ AT ( h+ x ) ] ρAv=−ρ AT ∆ v= dt= ¿ ¿ dh ( h ) 2
dt cv dt dt A √ 2 gh A √ 2 gh A √2 gh A √2 g
−2 A T ( h )
t= +c
√2 g A
When t=0, h=6ft
1 1

2 A T ( 6 ft )
−2 A T 2.4495−h 2 )
√2 g A √2 g A
When h=3 ft
t=2 ( π4 ) ¿ ¿ ¿
**** When t=0, h=4ft
1 1

2 A T ( 6 ft )2 −2 A T 2−h 2
√2 g A √2 g A
When h=2 ft

t=2 ( π4 ) ¿ ¿ ¿

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