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Wellness Condition Health Threats Health Deficits Foreseeable Crisis

1. Potential for Enhanced Capability for 1. Presence of risk factors of 1. Illness states (wellness diagnosed or 4. Marriage
2. Readiness for Enhanced Capability for: specific diseases 5. Pregnancy
2. Failure to thrive/develop according to
a. Healthy Lifestyle 2. Threat of cross infection from a normal rate 6. Parenthood
communicable disease
b. Health Maintenance 7. Additional family member
3. Disability
3. Family size beyond what resources can
c. Parenting adequately provide 8. Abortion

d. Breastfeeding 9. Entrance to school

4. Accident hazards
e. Spiritual Well-being 5. Faulty/unhealthy nutritional/eating 10. Adolescence
habits for feeding techniques/practices 11. Divorce
6. Stress provoking factors 12. Menopause
7. Poor environmental condition 13. Loss of Job
8. Unsanitary food handling and 14. Hospitalization
15. Death of a member
9. Unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits
16. Resettlement in a new community
10. Inherent personal characteristics

11. Inappropriate role assumption

12. Lack of immunization

13. Family disunity

◦ Presence of Wellness Condition

◦ A clinical judgement about a client in transition from a specific level of wellness or capability to a higher level.

◦ Based on client’s performance, current performance, current competencies, or clinical data but no explicit expression of client desire.

◦ May either be potential or readiness

◦ Presence of Health Threats

◦ Conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential

◦ Presence of Health Deficits

◦ Instances of failure in health maintenance

◦ Presence of Foreseeable Crisis

◦ Anticipated periods of unusual demand on the individual or family in terms of adjustment/family resources

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