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Verbena officinalis

We describe different neuropharmacological effects of Verbena officinalis crude extract (Vo.Cr).

Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures, elevated plus maze, light-dark box (LDB), open field and
thiopental-induced sleeping test models were employed to evaluate Vo.Cr actions in mice. Vo.Cr
dose-dependently (100-500 mg/Kg) delayed onset time of myoclonic jerks and tonic-clonic seizures,
while decreased duration of tonic-clonic seizures (P < 0.05, P < 0.001 vs. saline group). Vo.Cr at 100
and 300-500 mg/Kg doses reduced animals' mortality in PTZ-induced seizures test to 75 and 0%,
respectively. Vo.Cr (50-300 mg/Kg) significantly increased time spent and number of entries into
open arms, while decreased time spent and number of entries into closed arms (P < 0.05, P <
0.01, P < 0.001 vs. saline group), measured in elevated plus maze. Vo.Cr (50-300 mg/Kg) increased
time spent in light compartment, while decreased time spent in dark compartment (P < 0.01, P <
0.001 vs. saline group) in LDB, like caused by diazepam. In open field test, Vo.Cr decreased number
of ambulations and rearings frequencies, while increased the number of central squares crossings.
In thiopental-induced sleeping test, Vo.Cr (50-300 mg/Kg) decreased onset time of sleep, while
increased the duration of sleep (P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.001 vs. saline group). These results
indicate that Verbena officinalis possess anticonvulsant, anxiolytic and sedative activities, which
provides scientific background for its medicinal application in various neurological ailments, such as
epilepsy, anxiety, and insomnia. (PUBMED).

!! Luteolin 7-diglucuronide, the major flavonoid

compound from Verbena officinalis.
Five compounds have been isolated from Verbena offcinals L. On the basis of spectral analysis and
physicochemical properties, the compounds were identified as luteolin (1), kaempferol (2), quercetin
(3), apigenin (4) and 4'-hydroxywogonin (5). 1, 2 and 3 were obtained from the genus for the first

Anticonvulsant Effects of Aerial Parts of Verbena

officinalis Extract in Mice: Involvement of Benzodiazepine
and Opioid Receptors..
To evaluate the anticonvulsant activity of the aerial parts of Verbena officinalis used traditionally by
local Iranians for the treatment of convulsion. The anticonvulsant activity of the extract was assessed
in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and maximal electroshock (MES) induced seizures in mice. Diazepam
was used as reference drug. In addition, for investigating the mechanism of V officinalis in PTZ
model, flumazenil and naloxone were injected before V officinalis. The extract showed no toxicity
and significantly increased the period taken before the onset and decreased the duration of the
seizures induced by PTZ. In the MES test, V officinalis displayed significant reduction in hind limb
tonic extension duration in a dose-dependent manner. The results propose that V officinalis
ethanolic extract has anticonvulsant activity against seizure. It seems that these effects may be
related to potentiating of GABAergic system. Moreover, this study supports the use of this plant by
local Iranians in order to treat convulsion.
Bar-graph showing effects of Verbena officinalis crude extract (Vo.Cr) and diazepam
on (A) onset time of sleep and (B) duration of sleep in thiopental-induced sleeping test in
mice. Data expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 4. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, ∗∗∗P < 0.001 vs. saline group,
one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey test

Aloysia citrodora Paláu (Lippia citriodora Kunth), commonly known as "lemon
verbena" is a medicinal plant native to South America, North Africa, and South of
Europe which is used by native people for several indications such as diarrhea,
flatulence, insomnia, and rheumatism.
Despite the wide biological activities of lemon verbena, there is no current review
summarizing medicinal properties of the plant; thus, this paper aims to discuss
current state of the art regarding the phytochemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutic
applications of A. citrodora considering in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies.
Electronic databases including PubMed, Scifinder, Cochrane library, Scopus, and
Science direct were searched with the scientific name of the plant and its synonyms,
as well as the common name. All studies on the ethnobotany, phytochemistry,
pharmacology, and clinical application of the plant until October 2017 were included
in this review.
Despite the few number of studies on the ethnopharmacology of the plant, A.
citrodora is widely assessed regarding its phytochemistry and biological activities.
Neral and geranial are the main ingredients of the essential oil;
whereas verbascoside is the most significant component of the extract. Biological
activities such as antioxidant, anxiolytic, neuroprotective, anticancer, anesthetic,
antimicrobial, and sedative effects are proved in cell cultures, as well as animal
Several pharmacological activities have been reported for A. citrodora; however, the
plant is not fully assessed regarding its safety and efficacy in human. Future well-
designed human studies are essential to confirm the therapeutic benefits of this
plant in clinical settings.

Precautii si contraindicatii

Verbina este contraindicata femeilor insarcinate, deoarece provoaca adesea contractii

uterine (in trecut era administrata pentru a accelera nasterile).
Administrata in doze mari, verbina provoaca voma.
Verbina, mai ales cea cu flori a caror nuanta bate spre albastru, va fi administrata cu
prudenta cardiacilor cu antecedente grave.


Se obtine prin macinare cat mai fina cu rasnita electrica de cafea. Depozitarea pulberii
de verbina se face in borcane de sticla inchise ermetic, in locuri intunecoase si reci, pe o
perioada de maximum 2 saptamani (deoarece uleiurile sale volatile se evapora foarte
rapid). De regula, se administreaza de 3-4 ori pe zi cate o lingurita rasa de pulbere de
verbina, pe stomacul gol.

Asa cum vom vedea, jumatate din bolile pe care aceasta planta le trateaza tin de sistemul nervos si de
psihic, domeniu in care verbina are proprietati de-a dreptul miraculoase. Ea nu doar calmeaza si alina
durerea, reduce tensiunea psihica si diferitele tulburari de tip depresiv, ci joaca si un adevarat rol de
protectie, preintampinand tulburarile la acest nivel. Dar sa cunoastem in continuare amanuntit utilizarile
medicinale ale acestei plante, pe buna dreptate considerata magica:

Depresie, tulburari depresiv-anxioase 

Migrene care apar pe fond de stres, de suprasolicitare nervoasa 

Alzheimer, tulburari neurologice specifice varstei a treia

Astenie psihica si fizica


Anxietate (stari de teama fara motiv aparent), atacuri de panica

Tulburari care preced sau insotesc menstrele 

Lactatie insuficienta 

Tulburari de somn

Unde gasim si cum recoltam verbina

Cel mai adesea, o gasim in preajma satelor si a locuintelor, acolo unde pamantul este
ingrasat cu gunoaie si unde ea vegeteaza excelent. De la verbina se culege partea aeriana,
adica tulpina cu tot cu frunze si flori, care se recolteaza prin taiere, fara a smulge radacina,
din care vor iesi ulterior alte tulpini. Dupa recoltare, se intind tulpinile de verbina la uscat, in
strat subtire, intr-un loc bine aerisit si lipsit de umiditate. Atunci cand s-au uscat, tulpinile
se rup cu un pocnet sec (cand sunt indoite), semn ca poate fi pusa la pastrat in pungi de
hartie sau in saculeti de panza

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