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Oroquieta Chamber Singers

The Quezon Province singing ambassadors and ambassadress of goodwill and excellence

Constitution and By Laws

We, the members of Oroquieta Chamber Singers, under the Almighty’s guidance in this
testimony, do hereby ordain/proclaim this Constitution and By-Laws to form a singing chorale
that shall contribute to the expanse of art and music’s influence in an individual’s holistic
development, to practice the ethics of good conduct, and to disseminate the group’s mission to
the student body and the whole choral music community in order to inspire.

An individual’s involvement in music will help achieve one’s holistic development.
We, the Oroquieta Chamber Singers, shall continue to stand as singing ambassadors of goodwill
and excellence.
This institution shall continue to be a family and protect its name against any unjust information
opposed to it. The members shall be willing to accept the attestation written in this document in
heart and in act.
This shall preserve the allegiance of Oroquieta Chamber Singers.

Article I
Name, Scope and Domicile
Section I The official choir group shall be identified as Oroquieta Chamber Singers (OCS).
Section II The Oroquieta Chamber Singers shall contribute to the community and the
province through rendering services during various events, perform in different
occasions when invited and compete in competitions.
Section III The Oroquieta Chamber Singers shall bring the group’s name whenever and
wherever they will perform, compete and execute their interpretation of musical

Article II
Section I The Oroquieta Chamber Singers shall maintain the following objectives:
Develop the members in all aspects of choral singing;
Always carry out the group’s name;
Provide entertainment, influence and high quality music and performance to the
Uplift cultural awareness to the community and throughout the province;
Revive the importance of choral singing and acknowledge the art form as a
national pride;
Bring pride to the province and throughout the nation;
Promote holistic development of an individual.
Article III
Official Logo

Section I This shall serve as the official logo of the Oroquieta Chamber Singers.
Section II This logo shall be used on official purposes only (i.e., organization shirt, official
letters, and etc.)
Section III This shall only be used by and for the Oroquieta Chamber Singers.

Article IV
Selection of Officers
Section I The president shall be appointed by the adviser and choir master.
Section II The following positions shall be appointed by the adviser, choir master and the
Internal Vice President
External Vice President
Public Information Officer
Section Leaders

Article V
Duties of the Officers
Section I As a whole, the officers of Oroquieta Chamber Singers shall:
Serve as an example to other members in terms of discipline and proper behavior;
Assist the advisers and the President in the implementation of planned activities
and in the dissemination of information;
Formulate, design and implement an integrated plan for membership growth and
Facilitate evaluations and exams for the members after every learned musical
piece, and
Perform other duties that may be assigned by the Adviser, the Choirmaster, and
the President.
Section II The following are the specified duties of an officer according to their position:
A. President
To preside over meetings;
To prepare agenda for the meetings of the officers and the group;
To consult the adviser/ choir master on cases or problems that requires immediate
To inform the adviser and choir master of the group’s activities, invitations and
singing engagements;
To represent the group in contracts, instruments, or letter agreements except those
involving complex decisions that should be decided by the proper authority;
Maintain discipline of the group in terms of ethics in singing and attitude towards
the group, its members and others;
Attend to problems concerning the members of the group, and
To perform other duties that may be assigned by the adviser.
B. Vice President for Internal Affairs
To assume the position of the President when he/she is not available but only
functions on internal affairs or activities within the community;
Maintain discipline of the group in terms of ethics in singing and attitude towards
the group, its members and others;
To consult the President on decision making;
To check the treasurer’s collection and the auditor’s records and files and to
report to the president if the said officer does not comply to his/her duty;
To perform other duties that may be assigned by the Adviser, the Choir Master
and the President.

C. Vice President for External Affairs

To assume the position of the President when he/she is not available but only
functions on external affairs or activities outside the campus;
Maintain discipline of the group in terms of ethics in singing and attitude towards
the group, its members and others;
To consult the President on decision making;
To collect information, updates and details on the group’s outside competitions or
activities and inform the Adviser, Choir Master, Officers and members;
To take charge and cooperate with the Alumni Association and its activities;
To perform other duties that may be assigned by the Adviser, the Choir Master
and the President.

D. Secretary
To keep full and complete record/s of all proceedings of the meetings of the
officers and the group;
To have custody of all records and documents of the group and its activities,
including the attendance, list of official members and trainees, their profiles and
contact information and all kinds of updates regarding the group’s doings;
To regularly check and evaluate the members’ attendance records;
To prepare narrative reports and documentations of the group’s singing
engagements and all sorts of events;
To keep OCS’s portfolio updated and well taken care of;
To prepare all evaluation reports as may be assigned by the Adviser, Choir Master
and President;
To issue notice of all the meetings and the schedules of the Organization’s
To select a person that will assist him/her on the said duties, and
To perform other duties that may be assigned by the Adviser, Choir Master and
the President.

E. Assistant Secretary
To assist the Secretary in keeping a complete record of all proceedings of the
meetings and activities of the organization;
To assume the position of the Secretary when he/she is gone;
To record the attendance of the members on regular practice schedules and every
activity or special rehearsals and meetings;
To help the Secretary in the attendance evaluation;
To perform other duties that may be assigned by the Adviser, Choir Master and

F. Treasurer
To receive and collect all funds of the Organization;
To disburse the funds of the Organization in accordance with the budget under the
direction of the Adviser, Choir Master and the President;
To keep a complete record of all financial transactions, including, but not limited
to voucher and official receipts;
To prepare financial reports whenever the group has collected funds or incentives
and after every fund disbursement;
To regularly collect the amount of fund every week and/or to collect any amount
that is agreed upon by the members;
To manage the Income Generating Projects (IGPs) of the Organization;
To perform other duties that maybe assigned by the Adviser, Choir Master and the

G. Auditor
To audit the records and funds of the Organization;
To present the financial reports to the officers and advisers and to the rest of the
To prepare monthly liquidations of the group’s funds;
To provide liquidation/s, including official receipts, every time there is a
disbursement of funds;
To keep track of the records made by the treasurer;
To assist the treasurer on financial manners;
To report to the internal vice president any negligence of duty made by the
treasurer and,
To perform other duties that may be assigned by the Adviser, Choir Master and
the President.

H. Public Information Officer

To disseminate, in consultation with the Adviser, Choir Master and President,
information about the details of the Organization’s activities through different
forms of communication and make sure that the distributed information is
accurate and reliable to the members of the group;
To coordinate with the secretary in issuing notices and announcements of
meetings, activities and rehearsals of the Organization;
To attest and check the information released by the Organization and certify that
it is accurate and is the truth;
To perform other duties that may be assigned by Adviser, Choir Master and the

I. Custodian/s
To take proper care and access to the group’s instruments, props and costumes,
legal musical scores and all kinds of musical scores of the Organization;
To keep the musical scores organized and provide it whenever needed;
To encode the musical scores, convert it into “midi” if needed and provide it to
the members as it will serve as the singers’ guide for learning the songs;
To initiate vocalizations and practices whenever the Choir Master is still not
available and,
To perform other duties that may be assigned by Adviser, Choir Master and the

J. Section Leaders
To take lead during practices and rehearsals according to their designation
-Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass;
To initiate practices and examination-evaluation of performance among the
members of each particular voice classification;
To assist custodian/s regarding costumes and props of the members of each
particular voice classification and,
To perform other duties that may be assigned by Adviser, Choir Master and the
Article VI
Section I Members of the Oroquieta Chamber Singers must be a resident of Quezon
Section II The group will be divided into two groups. Members will be called Concert
Singers or Resident Singers. Further details will be discussed in Article VII and
Article VIII.
Section IV The duties of a regular member are:
To serve as an example when it comes to discipline and proper behavior;
To attend every rehearsals schedule, vocalizations and other special
practices that requires extra time;
To pay their dues that costs Php 50.00 for students, Php 75.00 for
unemployed, and Php 100.00 for employed every month;
To clear their records of balances and unreturned costumes or instruments;
To serve as older siblings to the trainees by guiding them to proper
discipline, good moral attitude and also introducing them to the group’s
ways and traditions;
To have respect and assure proper attitudes on the interpretation of every
musical arrangements and compositions. Thus, changing the piece by
mocking and insulting it will be a major offense that may lead to
To perform duties as may be assigned by the officers and do it with
willingness and respect;
To respect the group, its members, adviser and choir master at all times, to
attest to any unjust claims against them and stay loyal to the Organization;
To have initiative as a member and provide necessary help for the group;
To wear the group’s organization shirt only during performances and
activities or any special occasion that requires a uniform group attire;
To provide a long black clearbook for musical scores and documents that
may be distributed by the Organization, and
To serve the Quezon province with pride and honor in terms of arts and
singing capabilities.

Section V Members shall be delisted from the group on the account of:
Official declaration of his/her willingness to quit that requires a letter of
resignation, an acceptance of resignation from the officers, Choir Master
and Adviser, return of the group’s musical scores, documents and contract
signing that he/she is willing to lend or sell his/her costume to the group’s
new or upcoming members;
Inefficiency in attendance. The following factors should be considered:
 Late comers during practice will be given consideration
 Three late attendance will be considered as one absent
 A member should provide an excuse letter for every absence.
 To inform the secretary and president a week or a day before
the choir’s activity whenever he/she will be absent in any
rehearsal or activity of the organization and,
 Absences without providing an excuse letter/permission to
the secretary will lead to consequences:
 One (1) absence in a month – Counseling of President
 Two (2) absences in a month – Apology letter
 Three (3) absences in a month – Expulsion
Section VI In case of any deliberate neglect of duty and disobedience of any order of the
organization, admonition should be given by the Adviser and the Choir master
upon such erring member. But if there is acknowledgement of fault and promise
to reform, the member may retain his/her standing depending upon the discretion
of Adviser and Choir master.

Article VII
Concert Singers
Section I A member will be called a Concert Singer if he/she received an “A+”. He/She
will be graded depending on their examination and performance during
Section II The Concert Singers of the Organization have the privilege to perform in events
and competitions.

Article VIII
Resident Singers
Section I The new members of the group will serve as trainees and will be called Resident
Section II Resident Singers are required to attend practices but not perform in events except
when invited.

Section III Resident Singers need to receive an “A+” to become Concert Singers. He/She will
be graded depending on their examination and performance during rehearsals.

Article IX
Revision of By Laws
Section I Only the Adviser and Choir Master can set the changes within the group and its
constitution and bylaws.

Prepared by:


QSMV Choir Master

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