Is AI A Branch of Computer Science or An Alternative To Computer Science

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1. is AI a branch of computer science or an alternative to computer science?

2. Why is AI worthwhile subject to study?

1. The Skill of the Century
It is often heard that AI is all set to replace a lot of jobs that humans do. True! But it is also
creating more 130 million roles in all major sectors. So, in order to be a part of the group, you
need to be a part of this transformation. Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging
technologies making its mark in every industry ranging from fashion to finance. In fact, AI jobs
account for an average of 18% of jobs in most companies.
Even SMEs have their customized websites with unusual user experience cause it is the need of
the hour. With the fleet usage of mobiles and the internet has opened gateways for the
customers to get information without visiting the store. It is possible via chatbots(customer
support). An automated computer program that engages/interacts with the website visitors’ like
a human and costs one little to nothing. The major reason the organization turning towards
chatbots is that they are active and live 24*7 across the globe. Any chatbot responses would be
based on the information fed to it and the content available on the website.
Smart home devices are now changing our home environment based on our preferences. These
machine learning and artificial intelligence build devices can change the temperature, dim or
brighten lights, maximize home security, etcetera.
The Automobile Industry, Music Recommendations, Smart Home Devices, Online Customer
Support, Security Surveillance, Retail, and Healthcare are just a few industries to name. We
told ya, it is everywhere.
3. Data, Data, More Data
We, humans, generate more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of every single freaking day. Can you
believe that? We collect from what we consume when we see, how we communicate. We feed
the collected data to machine learning algorithms to retrieve a behavioral pattern a.k.a some
sort of information about consumers. Information that could transform as insights. Therefore,
companies are literally running towards to A.I in a hope to make more sales and win the race
4. Big Bright Career
Pursuing a career in Artificial Intelligence not only grants you a fat paycheck but a great pool of
opportunities too. The average pay scale of an AI professional varies from $100,000 to
$150,000 in States and 15 lakhs in India. If you learn Artificial Intelligence, you could be a
Machine Learning Engineer, Software Engineer, Hardware Engineer, Research Engineer,
Business Intelligence Developer, and Data Scientist. Some of the big heads that hire AI
candidates are Google, Amazon, Nokia, and Microsoft.
5. AI is versatile
As cliche as it sounds, artificial intelligence has got everything in the bag to stand out from the
crowd. The mere mention of artificial intelligence draws our minds to either computer or space-
related industries. But AI also has a major role in industries like banking, healthcare, security,
mobile, fraud detection, clothing, and much more. For instance, Virtual Health Assistants(VSA)
can help patients ensure they are on their prescribed medication, recommend preventive
screenings, suggest the basic health treatments, and even provide appropriate diet recipes
according to one’s illness history and medications. Could this be any more exciting?
We can go on with the reasons to learn Artificial Intelligence but the list is endless as so are the
pool of opportunities it brings in. So don’t wait! Artificial Intelligence is still growing and it
only gets better as it offers many competitive benefits in all sectors of business.
3. Difference between strong and weak methods in AI. Explain how this
dichotomy differs from difference between strong and weal AI
Weak artificial intelligence
The popular iPhone’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa could be termed as AI, but generally, they are
weak AI programs. This categorization is rooted in the difference between the supervised and
unsupervised programming as voice-activated assistance usually has a programmed response.
This is a human-like feature, but that’s basically where the similarities end as weak AIs are
simply simulations. If you ask Siri to turn on the air conditioner, it understands keywords such
as “on” and “air conditioner,” so it will respond by turning on the air conditioner.
However, it is only responding to what it is programmed to do. It does not understand or derive
meaning from what you said.
Strong artificial intelligence
Featured in a lot of movies, strong AI functions more like the human brain. They don’t classify,
and they use clustering and association to process data. This means there isn’t a programmed
answer to your keywords or requests, as can be seen in weak AIs, and the results of their
programming and functions are largely unpredictable.
For example, when you are talking to a human, you can only assume what someone’s response
will be.
A popular example of strong AI is the one found in games. It is more independent than weak AI
and can learn and adapt to different situations.
4. Why PROLOG and LISP so well suited to AI research? Do you think
languages such as C++ and Java can ve used for such research?

Python (official website) is among developers favorites programming languages in AI
development because of its syntax simplicity and versatility. Python is very encouraging for
machine learning for developers as it is less complex as compared to C++ and Java. It also a
very portable language as it is used on platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and
UNIX. It is also likable from its features such as Interactive, interpreted, modular, dynamic,
portable and high level which make it more unique than Java.
Also, Python is a Multi-paradigm programming supporting object-oriented, procedural and
functional styles of programming. Python supports neural networks and development of NLP
solutions thanks to its simple function library and more so ideal structure.
 Python has a rich and extensive variety of library and tools.
 Supports algorithm testing without having to implement them.
 Python supporting object-oriented design increases a programmer’s productivity.
 Compared to Java and C++, Python is faster in development.
 Developers accustomed to using Python face difficulty in adjusting to completely
different syntax when they try using other languages for AI programming.
 Unlike C++ and Java, python works with the help of an interpreter which makes
compilation and execution slower in AI development.
 Not suitable for mobile computing. For AI meant for mobile applications, Python
unsuitable due to its weak language for mobile computing.
C++ is the fastest computer language, its speed is appreciated for AI programming projects that
are time sensitive. It provides faster execution and has less response time which is applied in
search engines and development of computer games. In addition, C++ allows extensive use of
algorithms and is efficient in using statistical AI techniques. Another important factor is that C+
+ supports re-use of programs in development due to inheritance and data-hiding thus efficient
in time and cost saving.
C++ is appropriate for machine learning and neural network.
 Good for finding solutions for complex AI problems.
 Rich in library functions and programming tools collection.
 C++ is a multi-paradigm programming that supports object-oriented principles thus
useful in achieving organized data.
 Poor in multitasking; C++ is suitable only for implementing core or the base of specific
systems or algorithms.
 It follows the bottom-up approach thus, highly complex making it hard for newbies
developers at using it for writing AI programs.
Java (official website) is another programming language to answer ‘which computer language
is used for artificial intelligence?’ Java is also a multi-paradigm language that follows object-
oriented principles and the principle of Once Written Read/Run Anywhere (WORA). It is an AI
programming language that can run on any platform that supports it without the need for
Java is one of the most commonly used and not just in AI development. It derives a major part
of its syntax from C and C++ in addition to its lesser tools that them. Java is not only
appropriate for NLP and search algorithms but also for neural networks.
 Very portable; it is easy to implement on different platforms because of Virtual Machine
 Unlike C++, Java is simple to use and even debug.
 Has an automatic memory manager which eases the work of the developer.
 Java is, however, slower than C++, it has less speed in execution and more response
 Though highly portable, on older platforms, java would require dramatic changes on
software and hardware to facilitate.
 Java is also a generally immature programming AI language as there are still some
developments ongoing such as JDK 1.1 in beta.
LISP is another language used for artificial intelligence development. It is a family of computer
programming language and is the second oldest programming language after Fortran. LISP has
developed over time to become strong and dynamic language in coding.
Some consider LISP as the best AI programming language due to the favour of liberty it offers
developers. LISP is used in AI because of its flexibility for fast in prototyping and
experimentation which in turn facilitate LISP to grow to a standard AI language. For instance,
LISP has a unique macro system which facilitates exploration and implementation of different
levels of Intellectual Intelligence.
LISP, unlike most AI programming languages, is more efficient in solving specific as it adapts
to the needs of the solutions a developer is writing. It is highly suitable in inductive logic
projects and machine learning.
 Fast and efficient in coding as it is supported by compilers instead of interpreters.
 Automatic memory manager was invented for LISP, therefore, it has a garbage
 LISP offers specific control over systems resulting to their maximum use.
 Few developers are well acquainted with Lisp programming.
 Being a vintage programming language artificial intelligence, LISP requires
configuration of new software and hardware to accommodate it use.
Prolog is also one of the oldest programming languages thus also suitable for the development
of programming AI. Like Lisp, it is also a primary computer language for artificial intelligence.
It has mechanisms that facilitate flexible frameworks developers enjoy working with. It is a
rule-based and declarative language as it contains facts and rules that dictate its artificial
intelligence coding language.
Prolog supports basic mechanisms such as pattern matching, tree-based data structuring, and
automatic backtracking essential for AI programming. Other than its extensive use in AI
projects, Prolog is also used for creation of medical systems.
 Prolog has a built-in list handling essential in representing tree-based data structures.
 Efficient for fast prototyping for AI programs to be released modules frequently.
 Allows database creation simultaneous with running of the program.
 Despite prolog old age, it has not been fully standardized in that some features differ in
implementation making the work of the developer cumbersome.

5. What do you think led mankind to embark upon the study of AI? Which
fields of study particularly fed into it?

6. When AI first begin to be studied?

Getting Serious About AI Research
In 1951, an machine known as Ferranti Mark 1 successfully used an algorithm to master
checkers. Subsequently, Newell and Simon developed General Problem Solver algorithm to
solve mathematical problems. Also in the 50s John McCarthy, often known as the father of AI,
developed the LISP programming language which became important in machine learning.
In the 1960s, researchers emphasized developing algorithms to solve mathematical problems
and geometrical theorems. In the late 1960s, computer scientists worked on Machine Vision
Learning and developing machine learning in robots. WABOT-1, the first ‘intelligent’
humanoid robot, was built in Japan in 1972.
AI Winters
However, despite this well-funded global effort over several decades, computer scientists found
it incredibly difficult to create intelligence in machines. To be successful, AI applications (such
as vision learning) required the processing of enormous amount of data. Computers were not
well-developed enough to process such a large magnitude of data. Governments and
corporations were losing faith in AI.
New Millennium, New Opportunities
In the late 1990s, American corporations once again became interested in AI. The Japanese
government unveiled plans to develop a fifth generation computer to advance of machine
learning. AI enthusiasts believed that soon computers would be able to carry on conversations,
translate languages, interpret pictures, and reason like people.In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue
defeated became the first computer to beat a reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.
Some AI funding dried up when the dotcom bubble burst in the early 2000s. Yet machine
learning continued its march, largely thanks to improvements in computer hardware.
Corporations and governments successfully used machine learning methods in narrow domains.
Exponential gains in computer processing power and storage ability allowed companies to store
vast, and crunch, vast quantities of data for the first time. In the past 15 years, Amazon, Google,
Baidu, and others leveraged machine learning to their huge commercial advantage. Other than
processing user data to understand consumer behavior, these companies have continued to work
on computer vision, natural language processing, and a whole host of other AI applications.
Machine learning is now embedded in many of the online services we use. As a result, today,
the technology sector drives the American stock market.

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