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The main purpose of this report is to provide information about the project which involves
young offenders in raising money for charity. In order to prepare for this report I interviewed
several young offenders who have been asked to participate in this poject as a part of their
community service.

Aims of the project

This project is about involving young offenders to be more aware of how doing some positive
things can be helpful and encouraging for them. Also, the other aim is to, through that proccess
of community service of the offenders, collect money for charity, which is also a positive side of
this activity.

Methods of fundraising

The whole process of planning and thinking about the methods for collecting money was on
offenders to decide. They decided to organise a basketball game with a few professionals. The
local media took its part in introducing the idea to the basketball players of a local club, who
were thrilled about the suggestion. Young offenders put the posters and shared tickets for the
game all over the town.


The idea was introduced to people, who eventually helped more than it was expected at the
beginning. A great amount of money was collected for the people who really needed it. Along
with that, young offenders showed themselves they worth more than they think as they were
excellent in organising thw whole event.


To summarize, organising the project like this is a wonderful experience, which has shown how
doing good deeds is good for offenders to integrate into the society.

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