How to make a basic sentence in Korean -공유

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How to make a basic sentence

In Korean they normally don’t use

these in conversations, to
identify the subject. Example: I, You.
The following are basic sentence
structures in Korean.
How to make a basic sentence
1) Subject + Predicate

그는 똑똑해요

He Smart
(Subject ) (Adjective )

He is smart.
How to make a basic sentence
1) Subject + Predicate

사과가 맛있어요

An apple Delicious
(Subject ) (Adjective )

An apple is delicious .
How to make a basic sentence
1) Subject + Predicate

이건(이것은) 뭐예요?

This What is
(Subject ) (Noun+ Predicate postposition )

~이다 (base word / to be - postposition)

→ 이예요→ 예요(formal)
What is this?
→ 이야 → 야 (informal)
How to make a basic sentence
1) Subject + Predicate

이것은 사과입니다

This is an apple
(Subject ) (Noun+ Predicate postposition )

~이다 (base word / to be - postposition)

→ 입니다(formal)
This is an apple.
→ 야 (informal)
How to make a basic sentence

In Korean they put the verb in the last part of the

sentence. For example, in English we say: I eat
watermelon, but in Korean they say: I watermelon eat.
So the subject is the first part, then adverb is ordered
by when (So if you use a date or time, it will be arranged
by the biggest, so year would be first then month, days
and time last), how, where.
How to make a basic sentence
2) Subject + Adverb + Predicate

저는 오늘 아침에 학교에 갔어요

I Today In the morning At school Went

(Subject ) (Adverb) (Adverb) (Adverb) (verb)

Today I went to school this morning.

How to make a basic sentence
3) Determiner+ Subject + Predicate

하얀 눈이 내려요
White Snow Falls
(Determiner) (Subject ) (Verb)

하얗다 (base word / white- Adjective )

The white snow falls. → 하얀 ( ㄴ → Determiner)
How to make a basic sentence
4) Subject + Object + Predicate

저는 당신을 사랑해요

I You Love
(Subject) (Object ) (Verb)

I love you
How to make a basic sentence
5) Subject + Object + Adverb + Predicate

저는 당신을 정말 사랑해요

I You Really Love

(Subject) (Object ) (Adverb) (Verb)

I really love you.

How to make a basic sentence
6) Subject + Adverb + Object + Predicate

그는 그녀에게 책을 주었어요

He Her A book Gave

(Subject) (Adverb) (Object) (Verb)

He gave her a book.

How to make a basic sentence
7) Subject + Predicate + Subject + Predicate

봄이 왔지만 날씨가 추워요

Spring Here + But The weather Cold

(Subject) (Verb) (Subject) (Adjective )

오다 (base word / come, here )

Spring is here, but the weather is cold. → 왔다 (past) + 하지만 (but)

→ 왔지만
How to make a basic sentence
7) Subject + Predicate + Subject + Predicate

봄이 와서 날씨가 따뜻해요

Spring Here + because The weather Warm

(Subject) (Subject) (Adjective )

오다(base word/ come, here)

Spring is here and the weather is warm. → 와 (present) + 그래서 (because)

→ 와서
How to make a basic sentence
7) Subject + Predicate + Subject + Predicate

봄이 지나고 여름이 왔어요

Spring Over + and Summer here

(Subject) (Subject) (Verb )

지나다(Over) + 그리고 (and)

Spring is over and summer is here. → 지나고
How to make a basic sentence
8) Subject + Complement + Predicate

그녀는 선생님이 되었어요

She A teacher became

(Subject) (Complement) (Verb)

되다 (base word – become)

→ 되었다 (past)
She became a teacher
→ 되었어요 (formal)
How to make a basic sentence
8) Subject + Complement + Predicate

그것은 사실이 아니에요

That’s True Not

(Subject) (Complement) (Adjective)

아니다 (base word – not)

→ 아니에요 (formal)
That’s not true
→ 아니야 (informal)

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