Tutorial I5 - IsightAbaqus-DataMatching PDF

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Isight Tutorial Number 5.

calibration with Isight data
matching feature
Stefano Morlacchi

December 2014

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1. Introduction
In this tutorial, you will use the data matching capability of Isight to calibrate a
hyperelastic material model so that the rubber band stretching simulation behaves
accordingly to the experimental test data provided.

When you complete this tutorial, you will be able to:

- Combine Abaqus and Isight.
- Use the Data Matching feature of Isight.
- Perform basic post-processing with Isight and export data to an Excel


Open the Rubber_Isight.cae Abaqus file and look at the rubber band model
previously created. Note the following features:
- The model comprehends a rubber band modelled with shell elements and
cylindrical pins. Symmetry in the Y-direction is considered to reduce the DOFs.
- The hyperelastic material assigned to the rubber is defined using a second
order Reduced Polynomial strain energy density function. The material is
defined as quasi-incompressible (D1=D2=0).
- The two pins have been constrained as rigid bodies to fasten the simulation
and allow a better convergence of the model. A general contact has been
defined to model contact between pins and the rubber band.
- Four boundary conditions have been applied to both the pins and the rubber
band in order to simulate the stretching of the band.
- A new history output has been created to save the displacement and reaction
force calculated at the reference point of the moving pin.
- Run the previously defined job called BAND and look at the simulation results
(Fig. 1).

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Open the text file called EXPERIMENTAL_TEST.txt, look at the data structure
and import the data in any available software (Excel, Abaqus, Matlab etc) to
visualize the Force-Displacement plot measured (Fig. 2).

Figure 1. Results of the rubber band stretching simulation, deformed and

undeformed configurations.

Figure 2. Experimental data measured during the band stretching test.

2. Setting up the Isight workflow

1. Open a new standalone Isight Design Gateway.

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Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
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2. Drag an Abaqus component from the Application Components Tab onto the
lower black arrow. Repeat the same procedure to include a Data Matching
component as well reproducing the same setup as the picture shown below.
3. Change the Task1 process component to an Optimization component by right-
clicking the Task1 palette and selecting Change To → New in the menu and
Optimization in the ‘Select New component’ dialog box (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Definition of the Isight workflow.

3. Edit the Abaqus Component

1. Double-click the Abaqus Component and select the Input Tab. Browse to open
the Rubber_Isight.cae file and click on Read File. As Isight finishes reading the
CAE file, some Abaqus features are recognized as potential input parameters that
can be used to modify the CAE file and can be included in the Isight optimization
workflow. Among those, select the parameter array called
Model_1__RUBBER__hyperelastic_table [1,4]* which includes the four
coefficients that define the hyperelastic Strain Energy Density Function (Fig. 4).
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2. Enter the Execution Tab. Make sure that the execution command (abaqus.bat
input=BAND.inp job=BAND interactive) is correct according to the setup of your
system. In this case, add cpus=2 at the end of the command line to use two
processors in parallel.

3. Enter the Output Tab and browse to open the BAND.odb results file
previously created. Click on Read File and select the RF1 and U1 history output
at node 2059 (Step_1_History_RF1_2059 and Step_1_History_U1_2059) as
output parameters (Fig. 5). Click OK and exit the Abaqus component editor.

Figure 4. Selection of the Input parameters of the Abaqus component.

Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

Figure 5. Selection of the Output parameters of the Abaqus component.

4. Edit the Data Matching Component

In the data matching component, you have to define three things: the target
(experimental test), the simulation (results from the Abaqus component) and an
output parameter used to compare the target and the simulation results.

1. Defining the target. Values of the target are stored in the

EXPERIMENTAL_TEST.txt file. Double-click on the Data Matching component
and select Drive the values from a text file to select the X data of the target. Click
Next, browse to the text data called EXPERIMENTAL_TEST.txt, click Next and
select Table as Data type. Click Next. Once the Target Data Set Wizard opens,
select the second column of data as X data by filling the Table swipe cells as the
following picture (Fig. 6). Repeat the same steps for the Y data but selecting the
first column instead of the second. Click Finish. In the component editor dialog box,
the target plot is now shown (Fig. 7).

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Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

Figure 6. Parsing of the Experimental test file.

2. From the Component Editor dialog box shown (Fig. 7), click on the New
Simulation tab and select ‘Use an array parameter for the values’ and select
Target 1 in the Drop down menu on the right. Click Next.
In the X-parameter selection dialog box, choose the U1 displacement at node 2059
history output (Step_1_History_U1_2059), click Next, select Column as slice
orientation and click on the second column to select the displacement data. Click
Next. Repeat the same steps to define the Y parameter by using the array
containing the RF1 data at node 2059 (second column). Click Finish.

3. In the component editor dialog box, click on the Results tab and then Data
comparison tab. Select the output parameter called
Sum_YSqrDiff_Simulation1_Target1 which calculates the sum of the squared
difference between the target and simulation data (Fig. 8). Click Ok.

Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

Figure 7. Visualization of the target and simulation data.

Figure 8. Selection of the output parameter for comparison between target and
simulation results.
Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

5. Edit the Optimization Component
Double-click on the Optimization component.
1. In the general tab, select Hooke-Jeeves as optimization technique from the drop
down box. Enter 0.05 as relative step size. Click the Advance Options button,
enter the Parameter Termination tab and stop the optimization process when the
comparison parameter becomes lower than 0.1 (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Optimization termination options.

2. Enter the Variables tab and select the components 0 and 1 of the hyperelastic
material array as input for the optimization. Select the values shown below as lower
and upper bounds (Fig.10).

Figure 10. Optimization input variables.

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Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

3. Enter the Objectives tab and select the output variable parameter
Sum_YSqrDiff_Simulation1_Target1 as objective and choose to minimize it (Fig.
11). Click Ok.

Figure 11. Optimization objective.

6. Run the Model

1. Before running the optimization, check that the parameters are correctly mapped
by showing the dataflow of the analysis. Enter the Dataflow tab and then the
Overview tab. The dataflow plot should be like the following (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. Dataflow.

Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

2. Save the Isight workflow. From the main drop down menu, click on File→Save.

3. Run the model by clicking on the blue arrow in the main toolbar. Once the Isight
Run Gateway opens, go to the history tab and check the analysis results.

7. Post-Processing and results visualization

Several post-processing capabilities are available within Isight but results can also
be exported to be used in other software such as Excel or Matlab. In this section
you will perform two examples of post-processing analyses. While the analysis is
running, investigate all the other potential capabilities of Isight.

1. Once the Isight run is completed, enter the Graphs tab of the Isight Runtime
Gateway and make sure the Optimization component is selected in the left model
tree. Click on the ‘History Graph’ icon and select the history graph (Fig. 13) of the
two material model coefficients and the sum of the squared difference. Graphs will
show the change of such parameters during the analysis run by run and gives you
an idea of the convergence of the results (Fig. 14).

Figure 13. Creation of History Plot of parameters.

Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

Figure 14. Example of History Plot of parameters.

2. You can also export some of the variables to other software. For instance, you
can enter the History tab of the Isight Runtime Gateway, select the optimal run
and switch to the Parameters tab. In the outputs area, click the array icon under
the value column for both the reaction force and the displacement values and
simply copy and paste the cells into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a text file
(Fig. 15). You can use these values to compare the simulation results obtained
with the target values of the experimental test (Fig. 16).

Figure 15. Data export to Microsoft Excel.

Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166

Figure 16. Comparison between simulation results and target experimental data.

3. Try to change the Optimization technique and see if you can improve the material
calibration. For instance, try using genetic algorithms such as NSGA-II or NCGA.

Simuleon B.V.
Pettelaarpark 84 | 5216 PP‚ s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands | www.simuleon.com
Tel. Office +31(0)85-0498165 | Tel. Support +31(0)85-0498166


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