SOP For Imperial

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If I was given a nickel for every time I failed in Computer Science, I would probably have funded
my college education all by myself! Success did not come to me the smooth way; Failure has. I
don't complain because it has been the greatest motivation for me to pursue the subject.

What subject have I chosen?

While I have studied a number of subjects under Computer Science, namely- Basic Electronics,
Operating Systems, Digital Circuitry, Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms,
Automata Theory, Graph Theory, C and C++, Data Communications, Networking,
Microprocessor, Computer Graphics, and Database Management System- I found myself
attracted to Artificial Intelligence. Under Artificial Intelligence, I am particularly interested to
pursue Linguistics, Robotics, or both.

Why have I chosen the subject?

As a student of Computer Science and as a person with a flair for writing, I took to working as a
technical content writer right after passing out of school. In my experience, I have worked on a
number of topics that were related to Computer Science, including Artificial Intelligence. As I
researched more about the field, I grew more interested. I began asking for specific topics to
work on and these also largely included Data Science. Out of interest, I began reading books on
the subject that spoke about the nuances of the field. However, there were two topics that
especially interested me. These were Linguistics and Robotics.

I have always been inclined towards learning different languages. This stands true for both- the
languages of humans and the language of machines. In that light, I started taking courses of
French, Spanish, and Italian outside my curriculum. I also began learning Python outside my
academics to gain more insight about machine languages. Hence, when I came across this
branch of Artificial Intelligence, I knew I had to work on it.

Besides Linguistics, I was attracted towards Robotics. The origin of this affinity, however, is
more personal than technical. My brother, who is currently pursuing Engineering, always had a
liking for robots. Talking to him, getting to understand his passion, and staying witness to his
growth as a person pursuing what he loved, I was inspired. Although I did not think about
Robotics at first, I began understanding more about it through my brother's motivation. Soon, I
wanted to pursue this, too. Something else that moved me was the way Science rationalised the
notion of a miracle. For centuries and eons, humans had justified life as a miracle. Science, with
the invention and development of robots and Robotics, rationalised the way we used to look at
things. That, for me, was an invigorating realisation. I wish to be a part of this discovery. I wish
to break myths and contribute to the logical interpretation of all things. This is because I come
from a country which is bound by its superstitions. I wish to free my land from that. And I
strongly believe Artificial Intelligence has that amount of power to break all myths and show the
world a clearer view marked by logic and reason.

What has motivated me throughout the years?

Computer Science and I had been enemies for years before I actually started taking an interest
in it. Ironically, this interest too had its roots in one of my greatest failures till date. While still in
class nine, I appeared for an examination at school, where I scored horrible marks in the
subject- a two on hundred! Devastated, my parents thought it would be a good idea to send me
to a personal tutor. Thanks to them, I found a great teacher and my love for the subject.

Although I was my teacher's star student in class that comprised of at least thirty others like me,
I kept scoring low at school. However, this elevated my confidence instead of bringing it down. I
began trying with more vigour every time I scored less. Finally, when the results of the first
major exam of my life- ICSE- were declared, I found full marks- a hundred on hundred- perched
upon my marksheet! To everyone's shock, I went on to score a ninety-seven on hundred in the
next major exam of my life- ISC. This finally made me believe I can have a successful career in
Computer Science.

As a consequence of immense struggle through four years, I got accepted at the state's best
Institute for Computer Science- Bethune College. During my study, I managed to score a first
class honours in the subject.

How I have pursued my subject outside of my academic curriculum?

I have learnt and inculcated some areas of knowledge pertaining to Computer Science. This
includes Core Java, Machine Learning, and IoT. However, I was forced to leave them when
halfway through. While an otherwise excited learner, I stopped midway when I was diagnosed
with clinical Depression. This largely affected my academics and my energy to pursue what I

As a result of this disease, I found myself with an average mark in Computer Science and a
backlog in Maths, when I had actually excelled at both till the year previous to that. However, as
I started medication and my treatment became a draining source, I, once again, sought strength
in the subject. I pushed myself to read and write more about topics related to Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence. I started my courses from scratch and added a few more to that list.

Currently, I am successfully learning Machine Language, AIML, Core Java, IoT, Neural
Networks and Deep Learning, SQL, Natural Language Processing, and Advanced Python. I am
also learning French, Spanish, and Italian to be able to work better with Linguistics. I am also
researching and learning more about Robotics. In order to do that, I read and write for Science
blogs like 'Digit'.

Extra-curricular activities I have engaged in

I have always been known for being an active participant in extracurricular activities. In school, I
used to be a part of the school Editorial Board and was a student reporter for the Times Group. I
participated in a number of Debates and Extempores that helped me increase my
communication skills.
As I stepped into college, I volunteered to help with all college activities and as a result, I was
made the Literary Head during my second year of study. I was re-elected by my seniors to serve
for yet another term as the Literary Head of the college. In my third year of study, I was given
the responsibility to also head the Editorial Team. I was responsible for curating and designing
our college magazine- 'Adigonto'. This publication is a noted one since it is produced by the
oldest women's college in Asia. It is sent to all the stalwarts of the country and to all the major
colleges across the state.

I have also worked on several group projects pertaining to my department in college. Here I was
unanimously made the leader by my peers and handled a bulk of the work assigned to us. I also
work as a professional content writer. This I do part-time to pay for college and my own
necessities. I also teach Computer to students of classes 6 to 8. In spite of all my struggles and
work, I have always saved time to study. Moreover, I have always had the time to learn more
and more about my subject.

Where do I see myself in the future?

Ten years down the line, I see myself as a scientist who will contribute towards the greatness of
the field. I wish to discover and explore more about the applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Why this university?

Back when I was a child, I had the fantasy to study at Imperial College. As I grew up, that urge
only became stronger. This choice was driven more by my background than my course of study.
I come from culturally rich institutions. Both my school and college are deemed as heritage
institutes and are known for being the best in their areas of expertise. The Imperial College of
London is, therefore, exactly what I have been raised for. It is known for its culture and heritage
and that in itself is an experience I long to have.

Incidentally, my course of choice and Imperial College's course of expertise aligned beautifully. I
couldn't be happier when I realised that I have a chance to study at my dream college without
having to compromise with my dream subject!

Why this country?

I have grown up in India and my country holds close resemblance with the United Kingdom. I
have grown up amidst heritage and culture and the UK is all about these factors. It is known
worldwide for being culturally rich and that is the kind of environment I would prefer over all else.
Besides this, the UK is currently a leading site for Artificial Intelligence. It has all the resources
and infrastructures that I need to learn and explore the subject.

Artificial Intelligence has been a driving force in my life. It has given me the strength and
motivation to go on learning even on the worst of days. Hence, no matter how many times I fail
at it, I shall always aim to explore it with more enthusiasm and élan. With the guidance of your
institute and faculty, I can do this much better. I am surely going to stand up to all the
expectations that you have from your prospective students.

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