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o FQEVENTS - Events FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

o FPG1 - Transfer Posting Totals to G/L FI - Contract Accounts Receivable

and Payable
o FPCHR - Check Management FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o CCS - Cost Component Split Financials - Business Analytics
o EMIGALL - IS-U Migration IS - Migration
o FPY1 - Payment Run / Debit Memo Run FI - Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
o FPE1 - Post Document FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
o FPP1 - Create Contract Partner FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o CAA1 - Create Contract Account FI - Contract Accounts
o FPCJ - Cash Journal FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
o MKK - Mass Contract Invoicing FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU - Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BPApp.
Platform - SAP Business Partner
o CAA2 - Change Contract Account FI - Contract Accounts
o FPMA - Automatic Clearing FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o FP05 - Process Payment Lot FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o CAA3 - Display Contract Account FI - Contract Accounts
o FPB12 - Check Register Transfer FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o EL31 - Manual Monitoring IS - Meter Reading
o FPSEC1 - Create Security Deposit FI - Security Deposits
o FPE3 - Display Document FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o FQC0 - C FKK Acct Determination (General) FI - Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
o EG75 - Create Register Relationships IS - Device installation
o FQP1 - Define Payment Methods FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o FPT1 - Check Totals Tables FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o SISU - IS-U main menu IS - SAP Utilities
o FPO4P - OI List for Key Date (Parallel) FI - Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
o FPSELP - Selections for Evaluations FI - Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
o FPG2 - Reconcile with General Ledger FI - Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable
o FPSELP1 - Layout for Evaluations FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o FPG5 - FI-CA Docs to FI-GL Docs FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and
o FPT3 - Alternative Period Transfer FI - Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable
o FPT6 - Recreate Totals Records FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and

EMMA - Log Analysis and Case Creation

FPY1 - Payment Run / Debit Memo Run

FPE1 - Post Document

FPCOPARA - Correspondence Printing

FPP1 - Create Contract Partner

FPL9 - Display Account Balance

CAA1 - Create Contract Account

FPCJ - Cash Journal


MKK - Mass Contract Invoicing

CARP - BP Cust: Fld. Mof. Ext. Application

FPVA - Dunning Proposal

CASE - CA Control: Role Type Grouping

CAA2 - Change Contract Account

FPBW - BW Extraction of Open Items

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Full list of SAP FI-CA General tcodes

Basic Functions tcodes FI-CA-BF

EMMA - Log Analysis and Case Creation

CAA1 - Create Contract Account

CARP - BP Cust: Fld. Mof. Ext. Application

CASE - CA Control: Role Type Grouping

CAA2 - Change Contract Account

CACH - BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity

CASI - BP Control: Activities

CAA3 - Display Contract Account

CASA - BP Control: Match Codes

CAWM - Business Partner Configuration Menu

CASN - FI-CA Cust: Field Groups for Auth.

CAS3 - CA Control: Views

EMMACLS - Case List with Shortcut Keys

CASC - CA Control: Field Grouping Criteria

EMMACL - Clarification List

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Full list of SAP FI-CA Basic Functions tcodes FI-CA-BF

Invoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

tcodes FI-CA-INV
FKKINV_MA - Invoicing

FKKINV_BW_MON - Analysis of BW Extraction Orders

FKKINV_S - Individual Invoicing

FKKINV_BW_MA - BW Extraction of Invoicing Documents

FKKINVDOC_DISP - Display Invoicing Document

FKKINV_BW_SIM - Simulation of BW Extraction

Business transactions tcodes FI-CA-BT

FPSEC1 - Create Security Deposit

FBO1 - Mass act: Create Boleto from OI

BCT1 - Change Contact

FPSEC2 - Change Security Deposit

BCT0 - Create Contact

BCTNUM - Number Range Maintenance: BCONTACT

FPD2 - Overview of Security Deposits

FPRL - Release Cash Security Deposit

FPD1 - Security Deposit Statistics Report

FBOL3 - Display boleto

FPSEC3 - Display Security Deposit

RBPCT - List of Customer Contacts

FBO1C - Boleto: Mass cancellation

FBO1S - Boleto: Single Boleto from OI

FPN8 - Number Range Maintenance: FKK_TXINV

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