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Churchill – Often Overlooked Rules

Conference Segment Phase

1. When a Leader is used to advance an issue, only another active Leader can debate him (5.24). Exception: if Stalin
advances A-Bomb issue, he cannot be debated. Once leader is used to advance an issue, move him to INACTIVE.

2. When using Chief of Staff to advance an issue, you may roll to determine value before choosing issue to advance (5.25).

3. A player advancing/debating a conditional issue (Second Front or USSR Declares War on Japan) may, at their discretion,
stop the issue's movement in the center (of the table) space (5.22). Note: this does not apply to Strategic Materials.

4. Using a Leader to advance or debate an issue requires a card to be discarded from your hand (5.26). Note: discard does
not apply when using your Leader during a tiebreaker procedure (4.51/4.52).

5. Any tiebreaker not broken by a leader card is broken or decided by the U.S. One reason NOT to use leader card in a
debate is to save him to win a tiebreaker.

6. If an issue is advanced to a player's chair, it can still be debated before being captured (5.23). You must offset the full
value of the card used, not the number of spaces to the chair.

7. Results from the Pol-Mil table are not affected by the status of a Global track nor by the Arctic's conditions (5.12).

8. Pol-Mil issues won (each marker) require one Production to activate (6.8).

9. Once adjusted, a Global marker never reverts back to its Neutral position (6.11). Note: Pay attention to Global tracks,
even when the markers are Neutral.

War Segment Phase

10. Each player receives 1 additional Clandestine Marker at the beginning of the war phase (7.1).

11. A Political Alignment marker cannot be placed unless a CN for that player is already there. A CN can be removed leaving
only a PA.

12. Global issue status only impacts Political Alignment markers, not CN.

13. The USSR gains a production marker if the Arctic Theater box contains three or more naval units. (6.32)

14. A-Bomb Track: Regardless of who won A-Bomb issue, US moves up track with a 4-6 roll plus any modifiers. Anyone can
provide production markers as the modifier. If USSR wins A-Bomb issue, they move up without a die roll.

15. Maximum Axis Military Power: Germany – 8 (Germans – 6, Italy – 1, U-Boats -1); Japan – 6 (Japan -4; IJN Navy – 2)

16. A Directed Offensive marker must first satisfy the Naval support requirement in the theater box (if Amphibious attack is
pending this turn), then goes to Offensive support.

17. When a Front advances, remove an opponent's (either Soviet or US/UK) Clandestine Network (not PA) marker in the
country column that is now "behind enemy lines" (one column behind the new Front location) (7.13). Only one CN per
country is removed, chosen by the country losing the CN. This happens once per column, not each time a Front advances.

18. A theater box can NEVER have more than 5 Naval Support markers.

19. Breakthroughs are not allowed into amphibious locations, as the second space (7.74).

20. When a Front enters one of three Kamikaze spaces in Pacific theatre, one naval support marker is removed from the
theatre box (see Glossary).
21. 2 VP for the UK for each colony space w/o clandestine network or political alignment markers.

22. If Strategic Production ends in the center, everyone get it.

23. The side (US or UK) who has Theater Command receives ONE bonus Offensive/Naval Support marker (6.91). Note:
Theater Command is separate from the Theater Leadership issues (each of which grants two Support markers). If same
player wins both Theater Leadership issues, they get two bonus support markers (that can be used in either theater).

24. If one side wins both Theater Leadership issues, they get two additional Offensive/Naval Support to use anywhere in
addition to the additional two per Theater. So a player could theoretically receive 8 in a conference:
1 support for commanding European– place in Europe 1 support for commanding Pacific – place in Pacific
2 support for winning European issue – place in Europe 2 support for winning Pacific issue – place in Pacific
2 support for winning both Europe and Pacific issues – place as you wish.

Miscellaneous Play Notes

25. Negotiation is encouraged – must be done in the presence of all players, but agreements are not binding.

26. Shuffle all 21 staff cards (less deaths) during ODD number conferences. In EVEN numbered conferences just use what
remains in deck.

27. Four reasons to debate an issue: 1) Prevent outright capture; 2) Soviets gain a +1 strength in a debate; 3) Two players to
the left keep an issue closer to center; 4) Offers chance for double move without loss of card count.

28. Global Issues provide 5 points each or a 10 point VP swing if you can snag it from your opponent.

29. Strategic Materials is an issue that can be a lot of fun – it’s tempting for one player to snag it out of the center space
(perhaps to have an extra issue towards winning the conference, and/or being the only player to get the extra

30. Conditional Issues debate (Second Front and USSR Declares War on Japan) play note: UK gains VPs if Mediterranean
Front enters Central Italy before D-Day occurs so they may want to delay D-Day. USSR, on the other hand, has the most
German Army opposition so their incentive is to weigh in on the debate to support an early D-Day attack in order to
divert resources to the Western Front.

31. The Theater Leadership issues are efficient ways to acquire military support and are often debated hard in conference.

32. The Soviet Manhattan Project spy marker can move ahead of the actual A-Bomb marker as it represents stealing of
technology, not actual hardware. The A-Bomb marker represents actual engineering progress on constructing a bomb.

33. Clandestine Network markers VPs (1 VP per) are scored for Countries AND Colonies. There was confusion about this that
colonies don’t score a VP, but they do per clarification from Mark. (9.4F).

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